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  • #148189

    Hi JJJ,

    After a bunch of troubleshooting on plugins, I found that it was the Events Calendar Pro plugin that had a WP 3.5 issue. So the mystery of no WP Toolbar, and the lack of ability for users to post to Activity, Groups etc is now solved once I disabled the plugin.

    Thank you so much for your patience on this. You are a great resource for WP, BP, and bbPress, and I appreciate what you do!


    Hi JJJ,

    This is my first BP site so please forgive the seemingly ignorant statements and questions 🙂

    I thought that BP created the Member role when it was first installed?
    It is possible that another plugin I use did, but I’m not sure…
    I definitely did not add_role for Member myself…
    So you are saying that BP never created a ‘Member’ role at any time (i.e. it is not a default role for BP)?

    I just tested on the site. In addition to to not being able to see the WP Toolbar, the users with Role = ‘No role for this site’ cannot post activity, etc in BP (as I guessed since they have no Capabilities.


    Hi JJJ,

    That sort of makes sense, but why is it that every upgrade of Buddypress 1.5.X and bbPress 2.X I’ve had until now left the Member role there?

    It’s only this last upgrade from BuddyPress 1.5.7 to 1.6.2 that the role disappeared…

    If what you say is true and I don’t need the Member role, I still have a problem now because every User that was Member role is now assigned to NO role at all.
    I believe that this is causing an issue with displaying the WP Toolbar, which does not show up for any of the ‘No Role’ users. Not having the WP Toolbar with the Buddypress menus is not desirable because the user cannot access the BP menus from the WP Toolbar, as they normally would.
    Also, I haven’t tested yet to see if the ‘No Role’ users can add to BP Activity, Groups, etc. I need to test that.

    So what would you recommend? Me creating a custom role for Member? If so, I would have to have the correct capabilities to make the BP stuff work?

    Thanks for your help on this.


    Mmmmm, maybe I didn’t explain myself the right way.

    My website has a menu on top right corner.

    TU CUENTA means “your account” and the idea is that it should go to

    The problem is I do not know how to get the variable USER for making that menu option go to the self-user profile.

    Obviously if user is not logged in, it must go to login page.

    It’s quite strange that there is not like a menu preset for this as I can add wordpress pages, personalized links, and even some plugins add another box with menu options you can add to your own menu, but there’s not any for buddypress?

    I do not want to use WordPress toolbar, I have removed it. Buddypress allows users to edit their profile within the website without entering dashboard. How can I add a dynamic link to their own profile?


    hope I explained myself better this time 😉


    update: reinstalled wp 3.5 and bp 1.6.2 and all is well with default bp template, accessing setup pages, registering via the top toolbar, accessing the forum, etc.

    But I am now back to square one with the wp meta widget ‘register’ link where it takes me to, not link, like it should. I verified the pages setup in bp, saved it again to be sure, still the same issue. And on the primary site the meta register link goes to the correct form. On all sites the top toolbar register and log in links work just fine.

    To others: If you are experiencing a similar situation like I started with, verify your php.ini and/or htaccess file setup in your root directory, to possibly save yourself a lot of time. Also, backup, backup and backup!! And don’t accidently delete a backup folder unless you know for sure you won’t need them anymore!


    In reply to: searchbar in toolbar?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Not out of the box.


    In reply to: searchbar in toolbar?


    if you can find the code where the search bar for members is located which I think maybe in int members.php maybe don’t count on it but if it’s there then cut and paste it from there into header.php file and that should do the trick.


    I like the admin bar options as it’s so much easier and faster than having to go to the dashboard and then search for them and then delete.
    The toolbar was much easier.

    Maruti Mohanty

    @mercime Thats exactly what I have done … i have only installed BP and some plugins related to BP like BP toolbar, BP template pack and such and I am working on a theme made compatible with ur help few days back. Still when i login and try post something on the sub sites i get the error whereas when i log in, in the main site as the admin n post something it works … I am not able to post anything on the subsites after activating this plugin … Any idea?


    I must have misunderstood you.


    cheers for the reply, but are you sure that’s necessary?

    If you’re extending BP_Component (which is since 1.5 but I don’t want to backpat further for, a year is long enough), it’s very easy to add new menus all you do is add the setup_admin_bar function to your class and it’s called automatically.

    At that point, it’s pretty safe to assume BP does that check for you.


    if ( version_compare( BP_VERSION, ‘1.5’, ‘>’ ) )

    You would have to test version and do backpat


    I just installed also and I’m having the same problem. I went through the installation wizard. Installed several different Buddypress themes and cannot customize or even access most of the components. Installed a buddypress toolbar. Same problem.

    Devilish Concept

    @naijaping i must admit im blown away with your customisations on that link, how have you done it i would love to see some tutorials as ive been failing with buddypress since i installed it

    heres what im trying to change so any help would be awesome

    – Buddypress links ie profile settings etc on my own toolbar
    – 100×100 user avatar on my header which when clicked goes to users profile page
    – Fix spacing problems on buddypress members menu
    – On profile & group pages i would like to add a widget space on the right hand side of the avatar and recent update message
    – I use custom post types i. reviews, videos and articles i would love to add these on the profile page menu so it shows what they have been the author of
    – i would also love to allow each group to have a about page with an option to add thier own facebook,twitter,google+1,YouTube and Email stuff to show up as default icons

    I now its kinda cheeky but any help would be truely amazing, also what plugins do you use with buddypress, im gonna go now an try and add this notifications code :)


    In reply to: Your Toolbar


    OK nevermind you can’t login directly from the toolbar. I am wrong. It does redirect you to your profile immediately without ever seeing the wordpress dashboard. If I can fix this I can finally get my site up and running. If you have any idea how to help please advise.


    In reply to: Your Toolbar


    It doesn’t do that for me. Kinda weird!


    In reply to: Your Toolbar


    But I like how on you can login straight from the toolbar and it redirects to your profile.How can I do that?


    In reply to: Your Toolbar


    Its really basic just login to your site dashboard/settings/buddypress click settings and uncheck “Show the toolbar for logged out users.”


    – What theme are you using? Open up the theme’s footer.php file and check that there’s “ right before the closing “
    – Change to bp-default theme and check if you see the toolbar


    == I am finding out about a BuddyPress admin bar. I don’t have one that shows up. ==

    Dashboard Setting > BuddyPress > Settings — Main Settings – Toolbar – check “Show the toolbar to logged out users” and save.



    I am also facing the same issue with my test site. I am using wordpress mu 3.4.2 and buddypress 1.6.1
    I have not installed anything else yet ( any other plugin)
    But the buddypress admin bar ( buddybar) not showing at the top. Its a fresh installation and in Network admin -> Buddypress -> Settings -> “Show the Toolbar for logged out users” is checked, but neither logged in user, super admin nor logged out user is able to see the buddybar.

    Please help some body to solve the issue



    1.) create a file in your plugins directory and name it bp-custom.php
    2.) Insert the below code and save the file:
    // disables the WP Toolbar and revert back to the BuddyBar
    add_filter( ‘bp_use_wp_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );
    3.) Refresh your browser using Ctrl + F5
    4.) DONE!


    Thanks for the reply I am using multi site and did what you said but it is the same options under main settings I have

    Toolbar Show the Toolbar for logged out users
    Account Deletion Allow registered members to delete their own accounts

    thats it and both are checked

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Are you using multisite? If so, go to the Network Admin.

    The option is in Settings > BuddyPress > “Settings” tab, and it’s under “Main Settings” at the top.
    p.s. there’s no built in way of switching back to the “old” toolbar.


    Thanks for the reply but nope no option for that I have a show tool bar for logged out users but no other toolbar options all the boxes are checked in my settings page aswell I would really like to “change my mind “ like it suggested haha

Viewing 25 results - 426 through 450 (of 607 total)
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