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Search Results for 'toolbar'

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  • #248103

    I made a small adjustment to the code in an attempt to solve the issue you reported on the plugin support forums.
    Can you confirm that it is working?

    Re “removing the toolbar and menu for all users except admin” – please do not double post.
    Please use your existing thread:


    i am using this BP Registration Options plugin which does the same work like your plugin i guess….although i m looking now for removing the toolbar and menu for all users except admin…..can you help me on that??


    OK – I found it:

    /* Buddypress rich text toolbar – hide fullscreen button*/
    .mce-i-fullscreen::before {


    Yes @henrywright, the settings are correct.

    Steps to repeoduce:

    1. Install vanilla WordPress 4.4
    2. Install vanilla BuddyPress 2.4.3
    3. Use default theme
    4. Post a status update
    5. Create a new user
    6. Log in as new user
    7. Comment on status

    Just to be clear, I’m talking about notifications in WordPress toolbar. Have not checked if email notifications work since I’m on localhost.

    sLa Team

    @jeremymh wrote

    Has this been resolved in the new version?

    Yes! !! This plugin not have any issue …

    You have posted this on forum: but you have not provided any further information on the configuration used, or other plugins installed, or the conditions in which you experience the alleged problem, for registered and unregistered users, for example, so it is impossible to give assistance. BuddyPress also has to do the settings for the management of Admin Bar or Toolbar.


    This plugin works at the administrative level, not at the user level.

    What you’re talking about operates at user level, then an administrator, or super admin, has no control of these functions.

    IMHO, given his role as moderator, should not make personal comments about plug-ins, and the work of its authors.



    In reply to: Problems with TopBar

    Paul Bursnall

    Can you post a screenshot of how you think the site should look, and a screenshot of what you see as a problem. I have access to the Kleo theme, and some experience of customizing the WordPress toolbar.



    i never used BuddyForms, so i can’t help you with this. Ask on their support if a specific audio field exist or can be added, and how.

    That said, WP comes with all of this, but later. Meaning by this that a user will be able to upload an audio file once it is already registered.

    It is commonly accepted that nothing can be added to a site as long as a new user is not validated or pending.

    On a standart install, i would use a simple text field on a new field group named Audio. And, eg., if you allow 5 files, use 5 fields.

    BP strips HTML on prfoile fields, so it’ not possible by default to get the automatted embed like in a post. Why is unclear to me, as embed is implemented since BP 1.6 for activities, groups, but not profiles… Anyway, a little bp-custom snippet magic (here it is ! ) will let you do this.

    function set_audio_field( $field_value ) {
    	$bp_this_field_name = bp_get_the_profile_field_name();
    	// field name (case sensitive)
    	if( $bp_this_field_name == 'N° 1' || $bp_this_field_name == 'N° 2' ) {
    		$field_value = strip_tags( $field_value );
    		$field_value = '[audio mp3 ="'.$field_value.'"]';
    	return $field_value;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value','set_audio_field');

    That’s it for site admin. Now for the user.

    The new user capability should be “author”, so he can upload files. This is default, but you can change that, if you search a bit on WP’s codex.

    First he have to upload his file. From Toolbar: Dashbord > Media > add new. Then he has to copy the file URL avaible on the media upload page, under “edit” and then in the right menu.

    User goes to his profile > edit > audio tab and paste the file URL into the audio field, save and voila ! Here the result:

    audio display on profile

    That’s only one possibility. the’re others, like custom post type…



    members are all in the users list avaible on Dashboard > Users. If you are site admin, you can also delete members on frontend. Go to the profile you want to delete and click on Edit which appears on WP’s Toolbar. There is an item “delete this profile”.
    Advantage goes to dashboard handling, as you can bulk delete from there. 😉


    I’m wondering what is a username for you.

    WP register only a user by username (aka pseudonym), email and password. BP add a Name field in which you can add anything: username, first or lastname. In the user table, there is also display_name, wich is the combination of first and last name from a WP user profile, before BuddyPress was installed or if you allow your users to enter the dashboard, and they start to play with their profile settings. IMHO, it’s better they haven’t that access when BP is activated. 👮

    When on the members directory, you (connected or not) can search a member by using his username.

    If you use WP’s site search from toolbar or the search widget (same thing), it doesn’t work, as members are not post types… 👣

    For now, i’m unsure what you want to fetch. Do you mean display_name ?

    All search forms available in BP are contextualized, as @henrywright expected.

    A BP class can be extended, a core function with a filter can be extended. You simply add your own to it.
    In other cases, like for bp_core_action_search_site function (in bp-core-classes.php)
    there is an action and a filter. Wow. 💪

    You can rewrite the whole function and use the action hook or only change a part of it by using the filter.

    remove_action( 'bp_init', 'bp_core_action_search_site', 7 );
    function my_custom_core_action_search_site() {
       bla bla bla....
    add_action( 'bp_init', 'my_custom_core_action_search_site', 7 );

    add_filter( 'filter_name', function_name');

    Theorie here:

    But before hacking to deep, read here:

    Members Loop

    Maybe you could find some interesting things about include or search_tems options. 👀

    If all this is too much for you, consider this plugin:

    , @henrywright
    🚧 i’m really not an expert in matter of BP search, but thank you for your consideration.


    Difficult to say without knowing the theme name and WP config (single or network install).
    In BP settings you can allow the toolbar to logged in user only.


    That’s WP Toolbar user menu with BP user menu as subnav.

    Googling for custom howdy menu will bring a lot of answers.


    many thanks for this!

    We now want to remove WP top toolbar (not the question here), we then want to ask how to move this whole part to a bit under, so information could join together

    is this possible?

    that area has “notifications”+ “member name”+ “search” + “drop out menu

    Paul Bursnall

    I’ve resolved this now with the use of this plugin –

    Paul Bursnall

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the reply, I see what you’re suggesting, but I’m looking for a function to directly add items to the profile menu on the toolbar in the same way BP does. I don’t want to assign profile items to a theme location, or create a new menu within my theme.




    Plugin author stopped support on repo since a few weeks.
    sLaNGjIs Team do not provide support on forum and reviews system!

    If you get an issue, you have to ask here now
    This is also the reason why nobody answered to your question on support….

    FYI, i found this in the plugin review ! You’ve nothing to loose to try that.

    In plugin’s ReadMe, it’s stated that:
    * Work on all WordPress version from 3.1+ to 4.2+
    * Compatible with bbPress and BuddyPress (for front-end hide).

    BuddyPress settings has an option to show/hide the Toolbar to users, which is working properly since a while. I’m not aware of any toolbar trouble who should be resolved in BP’s core in regard of a third party plugin.

    Conclusion: don’t use a plugin who has no decent support. Do it yourself or search another plugin. Sorry !


    Test admin bar (called Toolbar since WP 3.3) removal with one of Twenty’s theme.
    It shows always on admin when logged-in, and depending the theme you use, on front-end.

    WP reference:

    Which theme do you use ?



    Howdy [username] is part of WordPress Toolbar. When BP is activated, it add a sub-menu to this menu.

    If you want it elswhere, it’s not really possible as the BP part of it was written to go to the admin_bar only.

    To get a similar menu, you simply add buddypress menu to your theme main menu (explained on above codex link). But this menu will be static and you cant get same details.

    Another solution is to recode that menu, so you can add it with a filter function to wp_nav_menu, which handles the main menu or the header menu.

    To do this, you can use a new Walker Class extention or the existing filter. Possibly also some other ways to do this, but i don’t know them.

    To remove the Howdy menu and the attached BuddyPress Profile sub menu from the Toolbar, you can use this snippet (in functions.php or bp-custom.php):

    function bpfr_remove_my_account_menu() {  
        global $wp_admin_bar;  
    add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'bpfr_remove_my_account_menu' );

    Codex References


    @darkhelmet1 – settings -> buddypress -> third tab near top is “settings”
    first checkbox: Show the Toolbar for logged out users

    Is it checked?

    Which theme are you using?

    Any other plugins installed / activated?


    The plugin should be removed from the site too.
    And yes! phpmyadmin is the software name who allows you to manage a mySQL DB.

    done. i made an account as a normal user and toolbar is already selected to display but does not show so i will have to go in my db and change that. have not dived in phpmyadmin in a VERY LONG time


    Deactivate and delete the admin bar plugin. Remove also any custom code you have added in the past concerning the toolbar. The idea is to revert back to a fully standard WP install.

    It was already deactivated. I wonder if it left anything altered? that other snip it i added to try does not exist.

    If this doesn’t work, you have to go to your db and check the wp_options table for the toolbar setting.
    Search for option_name hide-loggedout-adminbar where value must contain 1.

    im using godaddy so i guess that would be in myphpadmin?


    I can confirm that Raindrops theme is working correctly with BP and taht the admin bar is showing up to logged in users.

    Deactivate and delete the admin bar plugin. Remove also any custom code you have added in the past concerning the toolbar. The idea is to revert back to a fully standard WP install.

    If this doesn’t work, you have to go to your db and check the wp_options table for the toolbar setting.
    Search for option_name hide-loggedout-adminbar where value must contain 1.


    @atfpodcast – is the bar there when they are not logged in?

    does it do the same thing when using the 2014 or 2015 theme?

    have you checked settings –

    admin dashboard – settings – buddypress – click the settings tab – checkbox – Toolbar Show the Toolbar for logged out users ?

    occur when other plugins are deactivated?


    I tested the snippet on Buddy theme, so i’m pretty sure you have a user menu. This menu is on WP’s Toolbar. You see it when you’re logged in.

    counter menu on Buddy theme

    To choose an item position, you have to do it differently, as explained here:

    [Resolved] Position Notification Counter Bubble after Specific Navigation Tab ID

    For more about menu handling and functions, see WP Codex, as this is not really related to BuddyPress. Now it’s your turn to work a little !


    In reply to: Activity Problem


    Hi Patryk,
    Did you try using the BuddyPress data repair tool? I’ve had some success with it in cases like this. In the back end toolbar, go to Tools > BuddyPress and choose which data to repair. You should only run one repair job at a time. (I usually step through all five repairs just to make sure everything’s synced.) Hope this helps!

Viewing 25 results - 151 through 175 (of 607 total)
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