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  • #240243

    Thank you guys, I ended up finally finding my way with the use of the All in One Admin Bar plugin (has the custom CSS editor built in) and I used this:

    #wp-toolbar > ul > li {display:block;}


    One crucial question to all: which theme do you use ?
    Have you similar issue by using one of WP’s twenty theme ?
    Have you searched in your theme documentation ? Remeber that we do not support commercial products here as we have no access to the code.

    The Toolbar is related to WordPress, BuddyPress use it only to add a sub-nav block under Howdy on the top right corner.


    Please use the codex first for basic questions around WordPress or BuddyPress.
    BuddyPress comes with a login widget you can use on every existing theme who accept widgets.

    BuddyPress Widgets

    To style a button, you use CSS. This is common to any modern CMS software.


    I posted the same question and no one answered me. This seems to be a common issue with all WordPress/BuddyPress installs (I have a separate WordPress install and the same thing occurs), so it seems to be inherent in the responsive CSS code or something.

    This was my question:

    These other threads also seems to be talking about the same, or a similar issue:

    Doesn’t anyone have any advice, since it’s affecting so many of us?

    And no, it was not due to a conflicting plug-in or a theme. Tests were done when the site was just installed with the default themes. The links shows up correctly on desktop, and on my Nexus 7 2013 (1200×1920 resolution) ONLY when it is in landscape mode, but not when it is portrait (empty, black bar is show). And the same empty black bar is shown on my Galaxy Note 3 (1080×1920 resolution) in both portrait and landscape. So it doesn’t seem to be due to just the horizontal resolution – but perhaps the the full (horizontal x vertical) resolution or something.

    It’s pretty frustrating.




    are you on a single or MS install ?
    Your php version is 5.2.17.
    Even if this version is still acceptable for a basic WP blog, i would recommend you use at least 5.3 or better, 5.4 You have many plugins, and working with a too old php is not recommended.


    BuddyPress Toolbar is outdated and no more necessary, as Toolbar was slightly modified since WP 3.9 and BP 1.5

    BP Group Organizer is over 2 years too and group admin is anyway fully integrated to BP since 1.7

    About theme
    You’re using a premium theme and we can’t assist you for this, as we have no free access to his code.

    BuddyPress Groups component is tailored for grouping members. You can show group members activities, but it’s not intended to categorize posts like you can do it on the blog.

    In other words, a group belongs to members, not to a blog category. So far by default. To get such a behave you have to code it yourself or you can use this plugin.


    In reply to: Warning of Buddypress



    How looks the register link on Toolbar ?
    Have you tested with another theme ? Try with 2015 or 14 theme


    Kleo Theme.

    — WordPress Active Plugins

    bbPress: 2.5.6
    BP Group Organizer: 1.0.8
    BuddyPress: 2.2.1
    BuddyPress Activity Shortcode: 1.0.2
    BuddyPress Cover Photo: 1.0.5
    BuddyPress Edit Activity: 1.0.4
    BuddyPress Like: 0.2.0
    Buddypress Messages Spam Blocker: 1.1
    BuddyPress Toolbar: 1.6.0
    CodeStyling Localization: 1.99.30
    GD bbPress Attachments: 2.2
    iThemes Security: 4.6.12
    K Elements: 2.4
    NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster: 3.4.16
    Paid Memberships Pro:
    Peter’s Login Redirect: 2.8.2
    Revolution Slider: 4.6.5
    rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress: 3.7.35
    Social Articles: 1.8
    Taxonomy Metadata: 0.4
    WangGuard: 1.6.2
    WooCommerce: 2.3.7
    WordPress Importer: 0.6.1
    WordPress SEO: 2.0.1
    WPBakery Visual Composer: 4.4.2
    WP Super Cache: 1.4.4
    YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: 2.0.5

    PHP Version: 5.2.17
    MySQL Version: 50617
    Webserver Info: Apache/2.4.9-0-beget (Unix)

    ### End System Info ###


    Late nite coffee riot. 😀 Go to bed it’s time to sleep a little.
    I understood what you asked. Tab tab tab… on profile page.
    Profile stuff is on the member page (the member Core component).
    And when when you say profile page, i understand the profile tab (in reality the profile template), displayed on the member page in My profile context.

    Items you listed are part of the buddymenu.
    They are also used in the usermenu(top right corner), which is part of the toolbar (aka wp admin bar)

    End of jargon. 😉


    WP MS + BP should be installed at the root:
    Default user role on main site is: subscriber (see wp settings for that)

    BP settings allows you to let users create a blog.
    A new user create a blog which goes as subfolder:

    User from the main (subscriber) created the new_blog and is now blog admin of his blog and subscriber on the main blog.
    He can only access his own blog dashboard but cannot go to the main site dashboard.

    They are several WP plugins which let you customize the toolbar and many WP snippets you can use to do it by yourself. For example removing some of WP items, or adding some conditionnals to shows them to certain roles only.

    BuddyPress uses templates and depending what a member does and where, such a template is fired.
    Most of these BP templates are using a loop which you can customize. See Codex for details on each and what you can do with extra template params.


    Have you tried another setting for Toolbar ?
    Default is yes. Uncheck and see if you get a difference.

    Configure BuddyPress

    Alice Kaye

    @mrgiblets – I’m not sure on the WP Symposium Toolbar front. All it seems to do is add additional functionality to the top toolbar, to allow additional linkage and whatnot. I’m not sure if it could be the culprit. It seems damn near anything could be at this point!

    – I do have DP Pro Event Calendar (purchased from Do you know of a way to specifically see all of the slugs on a site to make sure nothing is duplicate? If not, that will take a while to track through all of them to see if that’s maybe the cause…


    Yeah true, I’ve just always tried to steer away from using ready made plug-ins wherever possible. Most things can be done with a few lines of code in your functions.php file.

    Saying that there are some on that list that most certainly are brilliant and required but the one that is confusing me is :

    WP Symposium Toolbar

    I thought WP Symposium was a rival social platform plug in to BP?
    I can’t imagine they are going to play nicely together although i’m not speaking from experience so could be totally wrong.


    Problem is see is the green toolbar, containing wrong links, ie: profile button goes to your-site/members/admin/profile/ and your premium theme, for which we can’t help you, because we have no free access to it’s code.

    Revert to 2015 theme and deactivate all plugins except BP.

    Make it to work correctly.
    Set pretty permalinks to what you want, except “by default”.

    Ensure you have the Buddy menu showing on 2015. You should see at least: activity, members, groups. Test them and ensure you go to the right page.

    On the top right Howdy menu, you should have all BP elements concerning your profile (friends, messages, notifications…), of course only if you activated these components.

    Once it is working with 2015, you can activate your theme.

    At this stage you will probably see some layout issues and will have to do some CSS adjustment.
    Contact theme’s support to get help for that.


    In reply to: Admin bar translation?


    Here what i have on my test install, 2012 + wp+bp in spanish

    screenshot toolbar menu

    as you see, the wp part IS in spanish, and most of the bp items are in english, and some are in spanish.

    Guess you have to review the whole translation manually with poedit or at least try to setup your site to another spanish format, so that bp could use that one. With a little chance, one of them is correctly translated.

    Open the po file with poedit and update it with the POT file shipped with BP 2.2.1.
    And complete/modify the translation, save and add the mo file to live site languages/plugins/ directory.



    i mentionned the codex page because it shows the arrays to filter on.

                'component_action'  => 'new_at_mention',
                'is_new'            => 1,

    (optional) Whether the notification is new. This will be set to 0 once the notification is viewed by the recipient.

    See bp_notifications_toolbar_menu function (bp-notifications-adminbar.php:20)


    Hey @mercime thanks for the reply. That has already been done. The toolbar isn’t shown for users who are logged out. However, when they log in, the tool bar is displayed. Thats what I’m asking. Is there any way to hide that?


    @ratethetrainers Go to wp-admin menu Settings > BuddyPress > Settings and uncheck “Toolbar – Show the toolbar for logged out users”


    Hi @r-a-y
    I have solved the problems with notifications toolbar derived from comments and groups.
    The problem was that I used no plugin in order to send notifications… I’m a little silly … 😉
    But now I continue with the problem about notifications derived from FORUM.
    I have used three differents plugins but I continue with the same problem…
    This is a bbPress problem… I understand that, but I have seen that in this web page ( notifications run very well, so my question is:
    What is the plugin used in this page ( in order to send forum notifications in administration toolbar?
    Can you reply me? Or can you indicate who can know that?
    Thank’s very much.


    my snippet hides buddybar items to non logged user, not BP usermenu items on Toolbar.

    To do that, you have to read the codex document i indicated in one of previous post.

    BuddyMenu is built a la BuddyPress. And you got support for this here.

    Toolbar is built a la WordPress. WP support is here.

    If you had looked a little on the forum (ie. Remove Edit My Profile), you could find this:

    And again, the one or other code doesn’t remove BP pages, only items.

    Hugo Ashmore

    The admin user or primary user that is setup when a wordpress site installed is always able to login directly, and it’s initally only that user that can activate plugins i.e BuddyPress so I’m not sure why you are having trouble with activation requests. /wp-login.php should allow the admin to login regardless of whether BP is activated or not.

    What account are you trying to login with, the admin user ID 1 ?

    In the BP settings screen ‘Page’ tab what page have you associated to ‘Activation’ in the select box, as the redirect here appears to be the main issue and the WP link to login on the WP toolbar should redirect to the wp-login screen, which you can actually access directly by modifying your browser url so you can actually login as admin and manage your site.

    fyi you shouldn’t have to trouble your web hosts to deactivate BP, using a control panel or ftp you can rename the plugins folder which will force a deactivation of the plugin or any plugin if they give trouble.


    @numumar in wp-admin Appearance > Menus, click on the “Screen Options” tab located under the admin toolbar. A panel will drop down. Check “BuddyPress” in the Show on Screen section.



    snippets published on the forum are generally related to a specific topic/question. And of course, dependant of theme and/or bp version, if not php or mysql or server settings. Over the time, they stop working or can’t be used anymore because the Core changed or because of other evolutions….

    Despite having a kind of snippet store accessible by forum menu seems to be a usefull idea, it is not. Each usage case is different and can not be extended to all case. FYI information, i had the same idea a few years back, and was quickly discouraged to do so by our Core dev. I was first disapointed, but i finally had to admit they where right. And today, i’m absolutely persuaded and on the same line.

    That’s why you have Codexes. For WP, BP or bbP with general explanation of default usage and more rarely, with usage examples. If you find a snippet example in Codex, in 95% of cases, you have to adapt it to your personnal usage.

    To answer your question, as you know, BuddyPress is (only) a WordPress plugin. When installed, the site continue to work with WordPress and WP dashboard. Nothing is modified in WP Core, only that BP was added to the site. As a plugin.

    How to handle WordPress is explained and widly documented in his Codex.
    Menu management, CPT management or how to modify menu items on Toolbar or Admin bar is also documented. And the’re so many sites giving WP tips (from excellent to awfull), you can read.


    Styling the WP Toolbar is not directly related to BuddyPress and a bit out of the scope of this forum.
    Please ask better on a specialized CSS forum. 😉



    it’s not possible without heavy code modification. The usermenu is intended to be on the toolbar.

    But you can give this a try. All items will be visible on the toolbar, instead under the howdy.

    function laura() {
    global $bp, $wp_admin_bar;
    remove_action( 'bp_setup_admin_bar', 'bp_members_admin_bar_my_account_menu',4);
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'laura', 4 );

    Reference: /bp-members/bp-members-adminbar.php:74
    WP Codex wp_admin_bar


    @agentswall You’re welcome. Marking this as resolved.

    The Create Groups link has always been in the Groups Directory page, not in the individual groups page. There is also a Create Groups link in the BuddyPress section in the Admin Toolbar which I see you have disabled. You could add the link if you want in the menu you added for logged in users if you need a way for users to find that link if they are not in the groups directory page.

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