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Search Results for 'toolbar'

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  • #150554
    Lynn Hill

    My pleasure thanks here it is. I approve members so I’ll look out for you.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Can we get a link to your site so we can register an account and look for any obvious errors?

    Lynn Hill

    Hi again, I just want to add that I have just updated to the latest BP and the missing toolbar problem is still there, along with a few other things as well for new users. such as friends not being listed when they want to invite them to join newly created groups, not sure how long this has been going on, but definitely before the later BP update.


    Lynn Hill

    Hi Dyer,

    I’ve just deactivated the User Role plugin and the problem is still there, no toolbar for new users. This is the link to the plugin that I’m using.

    Default setting is for all new users to be set as a subscriber.


    Many thanks




    Have you tried disabling the user role plugin to see if that helps? It would also be beneficial if you provided a link, or the exact title, of the user role plugin you’re using. It sounds like it’s a permission problem, but without knowing what the plugin is it’ll be hard to help you.

    Lynn Hill


    I haven’t updated to the latest BP yet, just waiting for my techie friend to be on standby if things go wrong but the toolbar is missing for newly registered members. I’ve no idea how long this has been going on, it was brought to my attention by a new member. I’ve done a new dummy account testing and the toolbar isn’t there when logged in. It doesn’t help either if I click the box to have it visible even when logged out.  There was a recent user role plugin update, so I’m wondering if that caused a problem.

    I can’t understand why I, as admin and my old dummy account as contributor can see the toolbar when logged in. Yet the new subscriber accounts cannot.

    Any help is very much appreciated. My theme is specially designed BTW and I’ve been using WP and BP for a couple of years, and would not wish to use anything else, it’s great.

    Many thanks



    Oops. Trying again:

    * In WP 3.5+, get_blogs_of_user() is much slower than in previous versions. As
    * a result, if you have a certain number of blogs, running get_blogs_of_user()
    * will create a memory timeout. This is a particular problem because
    * get_blogs_of_user() is called on every page, because of the toolbar.
    * Ideally, there would be a way to short-circuit get_blogs_of_user(), or even
    * to prevent WordPress from calling get_blogs_of_user() while loading the
    * toolbar. But there is not. As a workaround, this function intercepts a key
    * step in get_blogs_of_user() – the get_user_meta() call that gets all of a
    * user’s metadata. If we determine that this request is coming from
    * get_blogs_of_user() (which we do by examining the debug_backtrace(), a truly
    * awful technique), AND that it’s one of the generic meta queries used by
    * get_blogs_of_user(), AND that the current user has more than 75 blogs, THEN
    * we strip all of the blog capability keys from the array of metadata,
    * tricking get_blogs_of_user() into thinking that the current user has no
    * blogs at all.
    function bbg_admin_bar_hack( $check, $object_id, $meta_key, $single ) {
    // Only fire when looking at get_user_meta() with no params
    if ( ! $meta_key ) {

    // check to see whether this came from get_blogs_of_user()
    $db = debug_backtrace();
    $is_get_blogs_of_user = false;
    foreach ( $db as $dbk => $dbv ) {
    if ( ‘get_blogs_of_user’ == $dbv[‘function’] ) {
    $is_get_blogs_of_user = true;

    if ( $is_get_blogs_of_user ) {
    // Get the real metadata, but don’t recurse
    remove_filter( ‘get_user_metadata’, ‘bbg_admin_bar_hack’, 10, 4 );
    $meta = get_user_meta( $object_id );
    add_filter( ‘get_user_metadata’, ‘bbg_admin_bar_hack’, 10, 4 );

    // How many blogs does this user have?
    static $blog_count_of_user;
    if ( ! isset( $blog_count_of_user ) && is_user_logged_in() ) {
    $blog_count_of_user = 0;
    foreach ( $meta as $mk => $mv ) {
    if ( ‘capabilities’ === substr( $mk, -12 ) ) {

    // We only care about those with counts > 75
    if ( $blog_count_of_user > 75 ) {
    static $clean_keys;
    if ( isset( $clean_keys ) ) {
    return $clean_keys;
    } else {
    foreach ( $meta as $mk => $mv ) {
    if ( ‘capabilities’ === substr( $mk, -12 ) ) {
    unset( $meta[ $mk ] );

    $clean_keys = $meta;
    return $meta;


    return $check;
    add_filter( ‘get_user_metadata’, ‘bbg_admin_bar_hack’, 10, 4 );


    Great. Someone hacked into the site and removed the Dashboard toolbar at the top of the site. I’m thinking ning may not be such a bad option after all.


    I’m confused…

    To keep the admin toolbar in place for everyone, all the time, go to Settings > BuddyPress > Settings page — Main Settings – Toolbar and leave the box unchecked.

    The Toolbar line under Main Settings reads “[checkbox] Show the Toolbar for logged out users”

    If I uncheck the box, would the toolbar not disappear for visitors that have not logged in???


    To keep the admin toolbar in place for everyone, all the time, go to Settings > BuddyPress > Settings page — Main Settings – Toolbar and leave the box unchecked. That’s it.

    If you prefer to use code snippets, no problem. There are tutorials out there which have snippets for different kinds of admin toolbar customizations. Or, you can check out the plugin code and use portions which would apply in your case.


    There are a number of plugins in the WP plugin repo which could change what shows up in the admin toolbar. For BP-specific nav links, check out


    I looked in that folder but there’s no footer.php file

    Deactivate BuddyPress. If your admin toolbar is still missing in action, you’d need to contact theme author re possibly missing/misplaced wp_footer hook required.


    First thing, did you go through the Installation Wizard? You didn’t answer above.

    Second, what theme are you using? Can you access your theme folder in server wp-content/themes/ and double-check for footer.php or are you using a child theme?

    Third, re admin toolbar, look in Settings > BuddyPress > Settings if you unchecked “Show the Toolbar for logged out users”


    Hi JJJ,

    After a bunch of troubleshooting on plugins, I found that it was the Events Calendar Pro plugin that had a WP 3.5 issue. So the mystery of no WP Toolbar, and the lack of ability for users to post to Activity, Groups etc is now solved once I disabled the plugin.

    Thank you so much for your patience on this. You are a great resource for WP, BP, and bbPress, and I appreciate what you do!


    Hi JJJ,

    This is my first BP site so please forgive the seemingly ignorant statements and questions 🙂

    I thought that BP created the Member role when it was first installed?
    It is possible that another plugin I use did, but I’m not sure…
    I definitely did not add_role for Member myself…
    So you are saying that BP never created a ‘Member’ role at any time (i.e. it is not a default role for BP)?

    I just tested on the site. In addition to to not being able to see the WP Toolbar, the users with Role = ‘No role for this site’ cannot post activity, etc in BP (as I guessed since they have no Capabilities.


    Hi JJJ,

    That sort of makes sense, but why is it that every upgrade of Buddypress 1.5.X and bbPress 2.X I’ve had until now left the Member role there?

    It’s only this last upgrade from BuddyPress 1.5.7 to 1.6.2 that the role disappeared…

    If what you say is true and I don’t need the Member role, I still have a problem now because every User that was Member role is now assigned to NO role at all.
    I believe that this is causing an issue with displaying the WP Toolbar, which does not show up for any of the ‘No Role’ users. Not having the WP Toolbar with the Buddypress menus is not desirable because the user cannot access the BP menus from the WP Toolbar, as they normally would.
    Also, I haven’t tested yet to see if the ‘No Role’ users can add to BP Activity, Groups, etc. I need to test that.

    So what would you recommend? Me creating a custom role for Member? If so, I would have to have the correct capabilities to make the BP stuff work?

    Thanks for your help on this.

    David Cavins

    Site mods-

    I really like the behavior of the non-logged-in toolbar. Can you share the snippet that you use to replace the standard WP “Log in” toolbar item with the “Anonymous” menu item?





    I updated from BP 1.5.7 to 1.6.2 and when I did, the Member role is no longer listed. All users are now assigned to ‘No role for this site’.

    This is causing the WP Toolbar to not be visible when a user is logged in, no matter what I do.

    I saw a similar post here

    I want to try to delete the BuddyPress plugin, and completely reinstall, but I have 600 members on the live site, and do not want to adversely affect it.

    My question:

    If I delete the plugin, then reinstall it, will I lose all BP user data (such as activity, groups, etc)? Or will the BP structure (Activity, Groups, etc) still be there after the reinstall?

    Thanks much

    P.S. – Running on WP 3.5


    I want to edit what I see and what my buddypress users see on the admin bar. I have found some plugins and instructions on changing code, but nothing that made it easy to remove and add things to the toolbar. Also, it would be great to edit the admin bar based on what their user level is. Any ideas?



    Mmmmm, maybe I didn’t explain myself the right way.

    My website has a menu on top right corner.

    TU CUENTA means “your account” and the idea is that it should go to

    The problem is I do not know how to get the variable USER for making that menu option go to the self-user profile.

    Obviously if user is not logged in, it must go to login page.

    It’s quite strange that there is not like a menu preset for this as I can add wordpress pages, personalized links, and even some plugins add another box with menu options you can add to your own menu, but there’s not any for buddypress?

    I do not want to use WordPress toolbar, I have removed it. Buddypress allows users to edit their profile within the website without entering dashboard. How can I add a dynamic link to their own profile?


    hope I explained myself better this time 😉


    update: reinstalled wp 3.5 and bp 1.6.2 and all is well with default bp template, accessing setup pages, registering via the top toolbar, accessing the forum, etc.

    But I am now back to square one with the wp meta widget ‘register’ link where it takes me to, not link, like it should. I verified the pages setup in bp, saved it again to be sure, still the same issue. And on the primary site the meta register link goes to the correct form. On all sites the top toolbar register and log in links work just fine.

    To others: If you are experiencing a similar situation like I started with, verify your php.ini and/or htaccess file setup in your root directory, to possibly save yourself a lot of time. Also, backup, backup and backup!! And don’t accidently delete a backup folder unless you know for sure you won’t need them anymore!


    Wondering how users can Post Updates which go into the public area. The only two options which show up are My Profile and any Groups which exist.

    I thought this was working when I first started configuring BP.

    Running the following on Centos 6.x.
    WordPress 3.4.2.
    Theme: Frisco for BuddyPress Version 1.6.13
    bbPress Version 2.2.2
    BP-Registration-Options Version 4.0
    BuddyPress Version 1.6.1
    BuddyPress Media Version 2.2.8
    BuddyPress Moderation Version 0.1.6
    BuddyPress Template Pack Version 1.2.1
    BuddyPress Toolbar Version 1.5.1
    Dynamic Widgets Version 1.5.3
    Genesis Connect for BuddyPress Version 1.2
    Google ‘Plus one’ Button by kms Version 1.5.0
    Google XML Sitemaps Version 3.2.8
    If Menu Version 0.1
    Statpress Visitors Version
    Unconfirmed Version 1.2
    User Submitted Posts Version 20121120
    WP Mail From II Version 1.0.1


    Hi, I’m running WP 3.4.2 e BP 1.5.6. I can’t see any create link nor in the user profile menu nor in the toolbar. I’m using BuddyPress Column theme and I already tried to activate BPDefault theme, nothing changes. I deactivated every plugin exept BuddyPress.
    I added
    define ( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘gatherings’ );
    in wp-config.php
    (I read it on a forum message).
    Nothing to do.
    What can I do?
    Could anybody help me please?
    The site is


    In reply to: searchbar in toolbar?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Not out of the box.


    In reply to: searchbar in toolbar?


    if you can find the code where the search bar for members is located which I think maybe in int members.php maybe don’t count on it but if it’s there then cut and paste it from there into header.php file and that should do the trick.

Viewing 25 results - 526 through 550 (of 803 total)
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