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  • #153782

    In reply to: Login Bar missing


    Go to Dashboard/Settings/BuddyPress/Settings at the top, Check Show the Toolbar for logged out users.


    Dear All,

    I would like to move the whole buddypress toolbar from the admin menu to the top nav as the picture shows below.


    Could somebody help me how to achive it?


    Dear Guys,

    As far as I can understand from the previous post I would have the same question as the topic starter.

    I would like to move the whole buddypress toolbar from the admin menu to the top nav as the picture shows below.

    Could somebody help me how to achive it?

    buddy toolbar

    Thank you for advance!


    I have intermediate experience with WordPress. Using version 3.5.1 and BuddyPress 1.6.3.

    I am having a difficult time understanding the capabilities of the role labeled “Members”. I say this because members are apparently able to create posts; it is listed on the grey toolbar for any new BuddyPress user. They can even choose post categories I don’t want them to have access to.

    How do I manage the Member role so that it doesn’t even give them the option to create a WordPress post? They may post freely within the BuddyPress components, but not create WordPress posts.



    @km-schafer-1 please do go ahead and take care of the Valentine’s Day things for your wife 🙂

    In adminbar/toolbar choose link My Sites > Network Admin > Sites and click on “Dashboard” link under a site which is not showing up in Blogs Directory. Go to Settings > Reading > Search Engine Visibility – ” Discourage search engines from indexing this site” is not checked.


    I have same problem
    I use BP Default theme & my theme but both of them my users can’t see it & my all plugin is same as before

    I didn’t have problem with buddypress 1.6.4

    Link to my site>you can go to my profile

    Best regards


    @johnconner You’re welcome. Thanks for sharing how you solved the issue 🙂
    Marking this as resolved.

    John Conner

    thanks a lot for the clue, it was “theme my login” themed profiles module. I changed this line in the module’s php file and everything goes perfect:

    `if ( $theme_my_login->options->get_option( array( ‘themed_profiles’, $user_role, ‘restrict_admin’ ) ) )
    return true;`


    What theme are you using? Have you tried changing to BP Default theme to see if issue is resolved?

    What plugins are installed? Have you tried deactivating all plugins except BuddyPress to check if wp-admin shows up as expected? If that works, activate plugins one by one to check which is causing the mystery of the missing toolbar.

    John Conner

    hi everyone, I’m newbie in BP zone. I installed the plugin successfully and everything seem well except one: the admin bar is shown just for administrator and logged out users. when a none admin user get in, the toolbar goes disappeared (wordpress toolbar check was considered). I searched a lot for the reason with no conclusion (like add codes to functions.php,wp-config.php or change user role settings). any idea for the reason will be appreciated…

    Slava Abakumov

    Each user in the network can have different roles on different sites.
    That mean on site1 he is editor, on site2 he is subscriber and so on. These roles are only taken into account in WordPress Toolbar – when visiting different sites with the (dis)ability to post on them.

    BuddyPress itself currently ignores those roles.


    Hi. I have a floating toolbar (Arrowchat) and I want to make the flash content “transparent” so that it doesn’t float above the bar and it’s applications. However, the way oEmbed rendered the URLs is in an iFrame.

    Normally one would be able to enter a param into a youtube embed code (or what-have-you) like this:


    Hi again,

    I installed (but not activated) BP via /wp-admin/network/plugins.php then updated my wp-config.php to define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 2 ); but when I go to and activate BP and click the “Installation Wizard” link in the toolbar, I get this error: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    And I am logged in as super admin.


    Hi – manged to hide the ‘favorite topics’…now need to :

    1.Add the ‘groups’ main page from wp menu to the groups bp toolbar and

    2. Reorder the main nav on the toolbar

    ! Any suggestions?



    hi @diondeville,

    to change the profile menu (on the top right of the ToolBar)
    function my_change_profile_tab_order() {
    global $bp;

    $bp->bp_nav[‘settings’][‘position’] = 10;
    $bp->bp_nav[‘activity’][‘position’] = 20;
    $bp->bp_nav[‘friends’][‘position’] = 30;
    $bp->bp_nav[‘groups’][‘position’] = 40;
    $bp->bp_nav[‘blogs’][‘position’] = 50;
    $bp->bp_nav[‘messages’][‘position’] = 60;
    $bp->bp_nav[‘profile’][‘position’] = 70;
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘my_change_profile_tab_order’, 999 );</code>

    Take care with quotes when copy/pasting from here ! 😉


    oops, sorry, was code for the old buddybar. It’s  now called Toolbar and implemented by default on BP, but i don’t use it.
    Also, be a bit more explicit next time you ask for something. They’re many menus in BP. 😉

    Use this in functions.php (tested: works on WP 3.5/BP 1.6.3 MS)

    function admin_bar_remove_this(){
    global $wp_admin_bar;

    The node id’s are all in the footer html of each page where the toolbar appears. This means you have to view the page source code to get the node id you want to remove.
    Menu items are in li tags and each li as a ID which begins with “wp-admin-bar-” followed by “-node-name”
    Other tips here:

    Legacy reference here:



    I have just installed buddypress in a standalone website and I’m trying to understand something.

    By default, the ‘Register’ page doesn’t show in the navigation. Both ‘Register’ and ‘Login’ only show in the left of the toolbar.

    I have customized the navigation menu in order to show it, but now the problem is that the page remains there even if the user is logged in.

    Is there any way to have it hidden once someone logs in?


    Wow! Thanks for that! Do I have to rename the buddypress-toolbar folder back to what it was or should I leave it as it is?

    Thanks again!


    Rename /wp-content/plugins/buddypress-toolbar/ folder to something like /wp-content/plugins/buddypress-toolbar-xxx/


    In addition, I now get the following error message:

    Fatal Error:Call to undefined function bp_get_groups_root_slug() in /home/*******/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-toolbar/buddypress-toolbar.php

    The whole site is just junk at the moment…. please help!

    Lynn Hill

    I’ll delete the account that you created when you looked at the site. Thanks again.


    Hi Lynn, that’s great that you got it sorted out 😀 Thanks for letting us know.

    Lynn Hill

    Hi . I feel so silly because the mystery of the missing tool bar is now solved. Only admins and contributors need to see the toolbar, users in general have no need for it. All their menu settings are set within BP.

    Thank so much for your help.


    Lynn Hill

    Thanks will do that now and get back to you.


    Have you spoken to your theme developer to see if a filter was placed in your functions.php to hide the bar from guests and subscribers?

Viewing 25 results - 501 through 525 (of 803 total)
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