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  • r-a-y

    We’re looking to improve the invite process for BuddyPress 2.3.

    I’m going to ping @dcavins, as he will be implementing the invite improvements, so he’s aware of this.

    Just to answer your questions:

    Notification in the profile window’s (there are 3 notifications: message (1) – friends (1) – but in GROUPS there is no notification).

    The “Groups > No Pending Invites” nav item is for invites you have requested. Not invites that are pending for the entire group.

    The user (A) has posted in a group wall’s and the user (B) has done a comment.
    The user (A) hasn’t received notification neither admin toolbar or administration profile windows.

    Currently, notifications do not occur for activity comments. We’ll likely add this enhancement into core eventually, but for now, you’ll have to use a plugin for this:

    BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier

    The user (A) has opened a forum in a grup. The user (B) has done a comment.
    The user (A) has received notification in the administratio toolbar. But when the user (A) has done a comment the user (B) don’t has received the notification.

    How did user A reply to user B? On the group activity homepage or on the actual group forum topic? If user A replied on the group forum topic, then this sounds like an issue with bbPress, not BuddyPress.


    In reply to: Profile menu!


    Thanks for the answer style960
    I understand that the user profile is part of WP.
    I have hid WP toolbar and want to Profile icon should appear in my main menu. in the same way it appears in this site.
    how do I make it?


    In reply to: Profile menu!

    Paul Bursnall


    Please give the community here time to respond, don’t forget people are in different time zones.

    By default the links you’re referring to are part of the WP Toolbar which is fixed at the top of your site. When a user is logged-in this bar will also include the user account menu in the top right. If you’re not seeing this, check ‘Show the Toolbar for logged out users’ in Settings > Buddypress > Settings in the admin dashboard.

    Also make sure ‘Anyone can register’ is ticked in Settings > General.

    If both options are enabled and you don’t see the Toolbar as a visitor, it may be your theme or a plugin is disabling it. Either way you can add Register, Lost Password, and Login to any menu of your choosing. Open Appearance > Menus > expand Screen Options and tick Buddypress. You can then add those links to any menu you wish, along with the other Buddypress menu options.



    Hi, had that done too and saved but still get the same message when I click the word register on the WP toolbar.


    Hi I’m having the same issue.

    Registration page is there, but can’t get the registration fields to show up and when I click on register on the top WP toolbar I keep getting

    The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.



    It’s possible to hide the toolbar for logged out users:

    Settings>buddypress>[Settings Tab]

    Uncheck “Show the Toolbar for logged out users”


    The Toolbar belongs to WordPress. See WP Codex for how you can rearrange this.

    So far i see, your register button is correctly linked to BuddyPress register page.


    I figured it out. For some reason WordPress decided it would be a good idea to hide custom menus added to the toolbar(when did they change the name from admin bar?) when viewing it on mobile devices.

    If you browse through the WordPress directory you will find the css for the toolbar in wp-includes\css\admin-bar.css.

    This line hides everything but the default items from the toolbar.

    	/* Show only default top level items */
    	#wp-toolbar > ul > li {
        		display: none;

    By changing “display: none” to “display: block”. That fixed the problem i was having.

    So hopefully that information is useful to someone.

    Oh and one more thing. If you need to modify the toolbars css don’t do it there. You shouldn’t modify WordPress’s core files. Instead you should copy that css to your themes style sheet.


    If you want help, you must give details: about what you did and how, theme name,…

    That said, the Toolbar belongs to WordPress.

    Some ideas here:

    Remove WordPress Admin Bar CSS

    Quick Tip: Override WordPress Toolbar Styles

    BuddyPress use only a few and very minimalistic CSS. See at the end of /bp-templates/bp-legacy/css/buddypress.css for some styles applying to smartphones.


    Ok, you’re in an intense learning stage ! 😉 But i’m affraid i can’t help you to do this.

    – the theme used on this support is a custom work and doesn’t exist for public.
    – for other questions, yes, it is better to ask one question by topic.
    – googling around “wordpress toolbar tricks, customization” bring very helpfull result. But if php is not your cup of tea, i would recommend you to not try to modifiate it.

    Rome wasn’t made in one day.
    Reading this forum is a good starting point to learn how BP work’s.


    hxxp:// This is correct and not an issue.

    On the Toolbar (now that it is correctly showing), from left to right

    WP logo icon with some related wp site and stuff in sub-menu

    BuddyPress Admin menu (or network admin), and if multisite, access to the different other dashboards. As super-admin you will see all probably.

    Note when network is activated, you have by default 2 dashbords anyway. The mainsite or network dashboard and WP’s dashboard.

    Edit menu – depending your role on the site you access from here to new post, comments and so on.

    And on the right, the howdy menu aka usermenu. Where sit a login/logout menu and all the access links to your buddypress profile, messages, groups, etc

    So far, so good. But what do you want to achieve now ?


    Apologies, I was trying out a few things so I had re-checked the toolbar for logged out user.
    I’ve unchecked it now.
    I can see the login/logout button on the left sidebar; please have a look and see if the site is as it should be.

    If this is how it’s supposed to be, I would still much rather have the kind of toolbar that I get in wp-admin, or on this site. Is that possible?

    Thanks in advance


    I’m unable to reproduce the issue (wp 4.1/bp 2.1.1). Both theme – 2014 and Tempura – are working correctly and as expected.

    If you uncheck the Toolbar in BP settings, there is no toolbar on the page for logged out user. Actually there is one on your page!

    With 2014, the login/logout button in the left sidebar, by default
    With Tempura, you have to add the login widget (dashboard > appearence > widget) yourself.


    Thanks for replying @danbp

    I’ve acted on all your notes, but there are still some issues. First in terms of what I did:
    1. I did go ahead and upgrade the theme, but I also switched the theme to twenty-fourteen as I saw a buddypress video where this theme was in use and gave good results in terms of buddy press.
    2. I’ve removed the definition as per your ticket link
    3. I’ve refreshed my pages removing duplicates
    4. I’ve deactivated the ‘Show the Toolbar for logged out users’

    The issues I still have:
    1. The buddybar that I want is in my wp-admin, but not on my site. In fact there is an even better buddybar right here on this page (look up) which has the link to and “My Sites” which is needed for me since I’m running multisites. How can I get this bar on my site?
    2. Having followed your instructions, there’s no toolbar at all, which is not what I want; I do want users who aren’t logged in to be able to do so without my added links in the site itself to a log/reg page

    Please advise; thanks in advance


    Tempera theme was recently updated and normally you haven’t to use the old buddybar.
    So the define is of no utility… (see ticket)

    BP use now the WordPress Toolbar.

    It looks also that you have 2 activity pages, 2 members page and 2 groups page. There should be only one. See if you have deleted pages, and clear the trash.
    Also set up the pretty permalinks (anything but default), or at least re-save that setting page.

    Finally, make a test with one of wp’s default theme, bring anything to work, before activating Tempera.

    I use another theme of the same author, and if like i suspect, there is the same theme customization tool in Tempera, you must be carefull with that theme settings.

    In BP settings, you have an option to show/hide the toolbar to logged out user. Deactivate it.

    And read the theme doc attentively ! 😉


    Go to the members directory page. Click the member in which you wish to change their profile pic. Then in the toolbar towards the right side you will see “edit member” and then select “edit profile photo.”


    I can see the toolbar and I can change my profile picture , but I don’t see how to change someone else’s picture, I can modify their profile by selecting the user, then settings, but I don’t see any option for the picture.


    As site admin you can do anything.

    There is normaly an Edit button on the Toolbar. When logged as admin and you’re on a profile, hover this button to show an edit profile photo item.


    Created bp-custom.php with

    `define(‘BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT’, ‘profile’ );’

    And I think the issue is that the link when you click your name from the dropdown in the WP toolbar (wp_admin_bar) has /edit/ at the end, so I will need to change that. Any idea where I would do that?


    Yes, they are 2 separate issues: nav items and templates.
    Does your theme use the WP toolbar at the top?
    If so, can you see the logged member name?
    If so, if you roll-over it, do you see the correct menu and sub-menus?

    This all sounds theme related. The people at appPressor are good. Have you asked them about this?


    You have to build a correct url !

    Give this snippet a try: (add to child theme’s functions.php or bp-custom.php)

    /* add a menu item to WP Toolbar */
    function olala() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;
       /* check if user is logged in and if friend component is activated */
    	if ( is_user_logged_in() || bp_is_active( 'friends' ) ) :
       /* building the slug */
    		$href = bp_loggedin_user_domain() . '/' . bp_get_friends_slug() . '/';
       /* building the menu	*/
    	$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
    	'id' => 'myfriends',
    	'title' =>  'Friends',
    	'href' => $href
    add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'olala', 100 );
    Brent Havill

    Hi Henry

    I went to ‘plugins’/buddypress/settings, and found the following (I note that “account settings” is not ticked – could this be it?)
    I have bolded the ones that are ticked currently.


    Component Description
    Component Description
    Extended Profiles Customize your community with fully editable profile fields that allow your users to describe themselves.
    Account Settings Allow your users to modify their account and notification settings directly from within their profiles.
    Friend Connections Let your users make connections so they can track the activity of others and focus on the people they care about the most.
    Private Messaging Allow your users to talk to each other directly and in private. Not just limited to one-on-one discussions, messages can be sent between any number of members.
    Activity Streams Global, personal, and group activity streams with threaded commenting, direct posting, favoriting, and @mentions, all with full RSS feed and email notification support.
    Notifications Notify members of relevant activity with a toolbar bubble and/or via email, and allow them to customize their notification settings.
    User Groups Groups allow your users to organize themselves into specific public, private or hidden sections with separate activity streams and member listings.
    Site Tracking Record activity for new posts and comments from your site.
    BuddyPress Core It‘s what makes time travel BuddyPress possible!
    Community Members Everything in a BuddyPress community revolves around its members.



    function remove_buddypress_admin_bar_init() {
    	echo '<style type="text/css">
    		div#wp-toolbar > ul#wp-admin-bar-top-secondary > li#wp-admin-bar-my-account > div.ab-sub-wrapper > ul#wp-admin-bar-my-account-buddypress {
    			display: none !important;
    add_action( 'init', 'remove_buddypress_admin_bar_init' );

    Thanks! 😉


    Yes, I have all three boxes checked under Activity Settings, including:

    x Allow activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts
    x Automatically check for new items while viewing the activity stream
    x Allow Akismet to scan for activity stream spam

    I actually have all the boxes checked on that Settings tab, except for “Show Toolbar for logged out users.”

    On the Components tab, I have everything checked EXCEPT “User Groups”

    Finally, comments that are made within the Activity Stream are showing up. Comments made on blog posts are not.

    I feel like there is something easy I’m missing here, but I just can’t figure it out.

    Thanks for your help!


    @kris35 You should still be able to create a group using the member dropdown menu on the right side of the admin toolbar Groups > Create assuming that the super/site admin enabled group creation in Settings > BuddyPress > Settings. Best place to ask is at the theme author’s forums as the theme is supposed to have BuddyPress support.

Viewing 25 results - 201 through 225 (of 607 total)
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