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  • @djsteveb


    @niccrockett – thanks for pointing this out!

    I had never seen or noticed ‘“Activity auto-refresh” under Options in BuddyPress’ settings’

    I really hope some kind of slider for seconds.milliseconds can be added to the bp options!

    One of my hosts demanded that I add the ‘heartbeat control’ plugin from wp-rocket (free in the wp-repo: ) in order to keep my wordpress requests down – maybe this can help you in the short term(?)

    I found that having two tabs open with 8 wordpress sites being updated on same server was hammering it with requests from all 16 tabs every so many seconds or whatever – the admin-ajax ddosed my own server account and I did not realize it was a thing.

    surely some kind of javascript timer could pop up a button /tap to refresh/ kind of thing or something? and then the automated refresh can be turned off.. I’d like that.. think I’m gonna turn it off anyway.



    @vibethemes – thank you so much for this info! It was driving me crazy trying all things wordpres to fix!

    my google-fu for “cloudflare “SameSite” policy” is leaving me extra confused now.. so this could be a ‘cookies’ thing?

    Still trying to read up on this to figure it out –



    getting some error logs eg:
    [21-Feb-2021 17:56:31 UTC] PHP Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/functions.php on line 725
    [21-Feb-2021 17:56:31 UTC] PHP Warning: array_map(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, null given in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/functions.php on line 726
    [21-Feb-2021 17:56:31 UTC] PHP Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/functions.php on line 725
    [21-Feb-2021 17:56:31 UTC] PHP Warning: array_map(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, null given in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/functions.php on line 726

    thinking this is latest bp issue?
    causing missing buttons for profile navigation –
    ie on profile page -have no buttons to navigate to groups and activity and such, – these things connected?



    The edit avatar / upload profile pic is still broken for new installs.

    my older bp sites (that have been updated to latest BP) (one multiSite and one singleSite) still have ‘change profile photo’ via the top right bar menu under profile.. and on the profile page itself.

    A newer BP install 5 months ago, bp 6.3 and a fresh install this week (7.1) – do not have the option to edit profile pic / avatar.

    Even when switching to default theme and turn off all other plugins.

    Change cover image does still appear – and I double checked the bp settings are check for : Allow registered members to upload avatars”

    Any ideas what is happening here?



    I saw a plugin-add (premium , maybe 50 dollars?) – that does this on the rtMedia site today I think.

    I no longer use anything rtMedia and would normally suggest not using them instead finding an alternative, but your request is pretty specific and I have not seen anything else out-of-the-box for this – although I have not searched the repo thoroughly either.



    So I have several complaints from users bout this exact thing now. It’s not as noticeable to me as I’m mostly on desktop – but apparently this is a huge problem on mobile with the standard browser back button not working as expected and taking people back 4 (or more) pages of results – which makes them have to click tap page to page to page to get back to where they were..

    No fixes for this? option to remove the ajaxify and go to url.. and then add a pre-fetch to autoload the next set of results perhaps?



    some info mentioned here:

    but no for sure idea of why this is occurring.

    For sure run a DB check via myswl tools to see if any db tables are crashed and need repairs.



    I never did figure this out.
    I had another issue around the same time, which caused me to check with my host, and they did some DB checks and found a crashed table that needed to be repaired via mysql commands I think.

    It’s been a while so I am foggy as to whether or not that fixed anything with this issue or it was coincidence I haven;t gotten more user complaints.



    @r-a-y – thanks for the info!

    I tried deactivating most of the plugins, and then refreshing my inbox messages, and notifications.. they still showed “Conversation between Deleted User and you” and the messages are there – it’s very weird. The thumbnail of the user is still showing in the thread, and the message is there.

    Same after renaming the mu-plugins folder..

    I wonder if one of my plugins stopped info being put into the dbase – so deactivation them now at this point would make no difference in how I am seeing them?

    I am running this old network discussions plugin that was cobbled in a hurry – made to prevent user’s email and ip from showing up in comment notifications to the MU sub-blogs/aka sites – wonder if some 2014 code it affecting writes. I could post the code from that here perhaps..

    not sure if there is any way to scan for other users affected by this, so far I have found two in two days just looking at the site feed/activity thing, the weird formatting made me question what is going on (without a name there, things like thumbnail and thumbnail became friend or thumbnail thumbnail posted in a group looks weird.



    Using ‘good question’ or similar plugin,
    ‘graphic captcha’
    ‘ip geo block’
    unfortunately spamshield had some meltdown with the people so it’s out, but similar functionality for logins and such is in ‘shield’

    you’ll never stop the manual spammers, if you could stop them, you would be stopping legit users..

    on my multi-site I use a plugin that makes all new blogs/aka sites that are created automatically set as ‘search engines do not index’ in settings.. this helps too..

    the bp plugin that limits the amount of private messages that can be sent is nice (BuddyPress Private Message Rate Limiter),

    one one install I disallow user’s group creation ability – and ask them to send me a note about any new groups that should be made.

    also enjoy “register ips” – so I can ban really bad cidrs..



    that might work, but I would delete the old folder via ftp or whatever so all the 3.0 files are removed.
    again, make another copy of all your files – if you have one copy make a third copy – the files on your server, and the files you have for backup. the databases (the new and the old), all that.

    Thing is you need the new 3.0 bp plugin deleted, then the old database connected and the old plugin re-added.

    I am not a bp tech person or anything, just a long time wp / bp user who knows enough to fudge things up real good and occasionally turn the fudge into working pieces.



    @knowitallninja – Did you make a backup of your database before the upgrade? Like phpmyadmin – export – check add drop table or whatever?

    Did you make a backup of your files / folders?

    I would think you could import a backup db into a new db name, delete the buddypress folder.. then change your wp-config to pull info from the other database instead.. then upload the old buddypress..

    There may be more steps – but that is basically the gist I think, which all depends on if you made or have access to backup of your sql database before the updated plugin was activated.

    make a backup of your backups before trying any of this, if I am missing important steps I don’t want your backup ruined. Surely there are better tutorials on this via bing / startpage / duckduckgo search.

    hopefully you’ll hear from memberpress about knowledge of an issue with an update coming at a certain time.



    Thanks for pointing this out @espellcaste!

    Would it be good for me, or anyone else, to add some info to the ticket(s) (not sure if marked as dupe is kicking it back to the other one, of if the other is kicking it back to this one) –

    anyway, would it be good, or be considered rude to mention that this may be required by the ggrp thing that the countries in Europe are expecting web sites to provide with possible fines for violating?

    I kind of want to add some info to one of the tickets there, again not sure which one would be the appropriate one, but would like to add that since they are thinking about data in regards to groups, we may need to consider stripping info that others may have posted, whether it be in groups, or in private messages, as someone could end up with an export of info that had been set to be deleted or otherwise blocked / removed from the other user – and so it may be innaopriate to include messaging from groups or otherwise that was not added by the user him/herself.

    Also I think we would need a way to include media, pictures used for avatars and used via plugins like rtmedia / mediapress in order to not just be thorough and kind, but to also be in compliance with the ggrp thing.

    <- obviously I am not a lawyer and not well versed in this thing as far as all that goes.

    However on another side I think exporting the data as a backup will potentially increase the suablity of buddypress exponentially as well. I am looking into helping spawn some methods for people to more easily launch a bp for their family musings and another instance for friend circles – this would be great during the term of hosting – but backups would be needed to prevent loss of presious family photos and such should a hack occur, or hosting not get paid, etc.

    So backups, and a method for auto exporting I think is the missing piece at this point to really push for a much greater adoption of BP, which is really close to being a viable, and more private / controlled replacements for FB at this point.

    the time is ripe for this.. hope we can make it happen before end of school year somehow.



    interesting recent discussion on the privacy thing here: – hope others can chime in on best practices for the future.

    An easy way to choose that gives put in and what gets left out of the main activity stream is a top issue I think for bp, as well as an easier way to manipulate page titles, meta descriptions, and other content on the bp-psudoe pages likes groups and member profiles is a consistent pain point for many.

    hopefully media handling will get more standardized.



    pretty sure the first three things you mention could be done with bp – depending on how you want the ‘private content only available certain users’ – may be easy (profile field marked as ‘friends only can view’ – however if you mean private content like pics or something… I believe it gets much more complicated, and if you want to restrict by different roles other than friends or public..

    you might want to experiment with wp and “s2 member”.. “press permit core” or the wpmudev membership plugin or some of the others.

    the ‘automatic sending of emails when profile field changes’ – no idea how that would work with any of those systems – although someone that knows php and wp could probably whip up something custom for that with wp or bp – I am not aware of anything like that happening out of the box with bp… and I have not searched to see if there are any bp plugins that get into that..

    of course bp is free to play with so it wouldn’t hurt to put it on a new site and experiment – but I would bet the amount of time you spend trying to make it do what you want it do is not trivial.

    others may have different thoughts on all that.. I’ve just a user not a bp dev.



    @johanna75 – We do need some kind of universal “display public ok” field perhaps?

    Some people have fields set to ‘friends only’ – so things in search should only display to them.

    Bp has a thing in it when a user is marked as spam, then they are only visible to admins – so I think this kind of functioning is half in there already.

    Would be nice for the buddyblock and rtmedia plugins to also consider this visibility thing, and for buddyblock to be able to conditionally affect that as well.

    I could see the need for someone to hide certain things from the public and from specific people – what a nightmare it is when things that were assumed secret pop up in search results.. I had this happen with a wp install – pages published but password protected – well either the theme, or the post teaser plugin pulled data from those non public pages and put them smack in the public search results.

    Luckily the bp profile search pluing (that I also use – it’s great!) – is under active development – (I see the author has responded to the support forum on wp repo saying it is an issue that is under consideration, but bp does the same thing – so it’s no different in the privacy regard) wonder if we could ping the other bp peeps and rtmedia and buddyblock peeps tp put some heads together on this..

    I have a similar problem right now with rtmedia not meshing with buddyblock. When a user blocks and enemy on my site – that enemy can not message them or comment on their activity – but they can harass the sh*t out of them via comments on their media.



    @johanna75 – very interesting – I wonder if this happens with the other buddypress search plugins as well. I assume you are using the standard bp members search not one of the add on profile search plugins?



    @malaruban – did you search the forum for this? It’s answered like very month since the beginning I think..

    everyone has different suggestions..

    1 many suggest “wp spamshield”

    2 I like “good question” plugin on one site, but use “buddypress humanity” on another..
    one I’ve considered replacing those wit his “user registration aid”

    3 I also use ip geo block – biggest help on most sites.

    4 strongly suggest getting the “shield” firewall plugin and going into lockdown menu and disabling xmlrpc and rest api – but your situation may vary.

    I use all four plus more on various sites (just one of them from step 2)



    I use – and it does exactly that.



    page titles for member profile pages and group pages are not easy to change up – I posted some info I got a while back on this, but before I go digging for that info, I wonder if you really mean groups like buddypress groups.. since your url fragment there has “forum” in it – you may be refering to page title for the forums which I think is more of a bbpress issue (?) –



    with my default bp installs just about everything IS public.. it’s actually not easy to make the bp pages like activity and groups and such private.

    I think most of those things are fine to be public – and people can choose to make groups members only, logged in only, or public viewable.. default is all public I think..

    Most profile fields the user can choose similar privacy settings for certain fields if you allow..

    Sometimes I make a group non-pulbic viewable as super admin..

    I also choose a lot of things to be blocked by the robot search engine spiders – as there is no need for them to go pulling 100 pages of activity feed and such – so even though most of my BP site is publicly viewable, only about half of it is (supposed to be) crawled by the big engines – most follow the robots.txt directive – but not all..



    @januzi_pl – how many members are there?

    Are there strong anti-spam / anti-bot sign up measures in place? not a captcha – something like “good question” or other answer correct question to get through kind of thing.

    using wp spmshield or some kind of akismet type thing?

    I don’t have the kind of graph you show there – but I can say I saw a HUGE difference.. back in the day we had tons of bots signing up for new accounts, sending pms to other users, and all kinds of activity that was not obvious on the front end to the average visitor or site admin.. only after a few complaints and some digging did I realize that 90% of server resources were being sucked away by bot registrations / spammers, and bots that were crawling for the various “search engines” – once you get a hold on those things, then it’s good to know how many users you have and if they are active all day and night or just certain times of the day and such..



    @tergra – I am a novice at this stuff – so others may have better suggestions and certainly abilities – however what I would do to get to your goal kind of..

    make the interests “groups” – these can be easily made as selectable during signup.. and default settings can auto-send them a message when something new is posted to a group..

    if you REALLY need the info to be blog posts.. hmm.. post a link to the blog post in the corresponding group?

    haven’t really tried this kind of setup – but I THINK it would work for what you are describing.. or similar anyhow..



    @leo1951 – if you switch to default 2015 theme – does the same issue occur?

    are you sure the emails are not being sent? OR.. could it be that when bp is running, the emails that are sent are “blockholed” by the liked of geemail and aol mail services?

    similar situation for me – then I registered an account using my own non-filtered catch all email going to my domain name – and it came right through.. so the issue was really related to getting through the gates of the big providers – not an issue with bp sending them exactly.

    there was a plugin a while back.. hmm. maybe its par tof core now.. is you go to users -> sub menu manage signups – do you have such a menu on yours or is this plugin created?

    try resending and checking your junk fail folders – and then check your server for error logs and bounces perhaps.



    “t new users subscribers of the root site by default?” – I did have this setup for a while, I am leaning towards this being a plugin and setting within that.. but it may have just been a setting. There is a “join my multisite” plugin that I am using on that site – they two may be connected, or not.. it’s been a while. Memory foggy at the moment.

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