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Search Results for 'Hide Admin'

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  • #167767

    @bphelp. Upon a little further research, I wanted to note that I created a new User Profile Group, created a private field seen by Admins Only in that group, and the settings seem to be working fine in that group. In my Base (Primary) group though, all profile fields still remain visible to all users. Does the Base (Primary) group automatically force all fields visibility public by default? If so, is there way to override?

    If there is no way to change the visibility in the Base (Primary), I suppose I can just put private info in the other Profile Group, but I’m curious if or how that may effect my database import..


    While very doable, this will require custom coding.
    You can contact me at PhiloPress


    WP Version: 3.5.1
    BuddyPress: 1.7.2

    You want to ‘hide’ the profile page for a member who hasn’t paid their dues?
    What should happen if that page is accessed by that member or another member?
    Redirect? Custom message page ?

    Either redirect to a listing of all active members or display an error page would be fine, (i.e. “This member is not currently an active member.”)

    If ‘paid dues’ is a boolean, then it’s easy to write a function.
    Where is that boolean stored?

    It would be stored in their profile as an Admin-editable field, per the original post.

    Does that member still appear on the Members page? In the Activity stream?

    No to both. Hidden users would be able to login and update information but their profile wouldn’t be public-facing, just them and the admins.

    This would be useful as we have staggered dues, allowing profiles to turn off/on.


    You need to state which versions of WP & BP you use.

    You want to ‘hide’ the profile page for a member who hasn’t paid their dues?
    What should happen if that page is accessed by that member or another member?
    Redirect? Custom message page ?

    If ‘paid dues’ is a boolean, then it’s easy to write a function.
    Where is that boolean stored?

    Does that member still appear on the Members page? In the Activity stream?

    iow. you need to be more specific about the behaviour that you want.


    You can download a plugin like Theme My Login — it automatically redirects logged out/non-registered users to a log-in page with your site’s style.


    Any ideas?


    *My theme also… haha sorry for bad grammar



    If you go to Dashboard Settings > Buddypress > Settings, then the first option is ‘Show the Toolbar for logged out users’. Just uncheck it.

    My theme is also has a setting for the login toolbar, so you may want to check out your theme settings.

    I hope it helps!


    Hi, i put the code in my theme funktions.php but superadmin is still visible in memberslist.

    function bpdev_exclude_users($qs=false,$object=false){
    //list of users to exclude

    $excluded_user=’1′;//comma separated ids of users whom you want to exclude

    if($object!=’members’)//hide for members only
    return $qs;


    //check if we are searching for friends list etc?, do not exclude in this case
    return $qs;



    return $qs;


    Iam using WP: 3.5.1 and BP: 1.7.2 with the buddyboss-theme.


    In reply to: BuddyPress 1.7.1


    you guys are just awesome.
    I have a feature request. I searched for the same using Google and almost across all the buddypress related support forum and tried all the codes but the thing is not working for me, I want to hide the admin activities to appear on my site, but it is not working, if possible, can you add a feature to hide all the activity of any particular user if he wants to including his/her online status.

    Ben Hansen

    i’m not using that one i’m using this one:

    //hide superadmin
    function bpdev_init_sm_mode(){
    remove_action("wp_head","bp_core_record_activity"); //id SM is on, remove the record activity hook

    You’re right @shanebp

    After reading that manage_options much gives that role access to the entire Settings feature of WordPress I realized that isn’t good. Needless to say, I have used Adminimize to hide the “Settings” tab from the Manager user role for the time being but certain savvy people could still access it if they knew the URL to those settings pages.

    I submitted the bug to:

    Thanks again for all of your help!



    OK – you’re onto something… And it seems your initial hunch of PBCK was spot on – feeling foolish, but enlightened now!

    SO… I had some code in my custom-functions.php file to ‘hide’ the site admin activity (see below). Because we have several users with ‘Administrator’ roles, it seems this particular user was affected. Others MAY have been if they had logged in more often…

    Seems this code was not the best to use:
    // Don’t record activity by the site admins or show them as recently active
    function my_admin_stealth_mode(){
    if ( is_site_admin() ) {
    global $bp;
    delete_user_meta($bp->loggedin_user->id, ‘last_activity’);

    SO I’ve removed it in favour of THIS version, specifically masking the activity of INDIVIDUAL users with ‘Administrator’ roles, like our site admin user.

    // Don’t record activity for a user or show them as recently active
    function my_user_stealth_mode(){
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    if(is_user_logged_in()) {
    if(‘YourUsername’ == $current_user->user_login) {
    delete_user_meta($current_user->ID, ‘last_activity’);

    Hope it might be of use to others in future. Thanks for responding to my post. I’m now a LOT more familiar with meta data fields as a result.

    p.s. you’re right about # plugins, we do need a lot, but not ALL of those. It’s our dev environment after all. Often a case of playing with different ones to see what fits the bill.


    In functions.php file of your current theme 😛


    @megainfo Great. Where should I add this line? (don’t, please, think what I think you’re thinking)



    Ans 1, you can hide it with simple css in your theme by using :

    #wp-admin-bar-wp-logo>.ab-item .ab-icon {display:none ! important}

    I dont understand the question 2


    Ben Hansen

    @mercime thanks!


    @ubernaut the code provided by sbrajesh is only for Super Admin (multisite) or Site Admin (single WP) not for members who create a subsite. You’d need change is_site_admin to is_super_admin even when you use it in single WP install. is_site_admin had been deprecated some time after I posted sbrajesh’s code

    I don’t recall trac ticket for this enhancement. Up to you to make a request in trac 🙂

    Ben Hansen

    @mercime Quick question about your code, i had been using BP ninja successfully but i found that the “who’s online” widget is still available on sub sites and the plugin appears to not be effective on the sub sites showing my normally invisible super admin user so now i’m looking for alternative once again.

    So my question is will this code cause all admins to be invisible or just super admins? i don’t think i’d want to hide anyone who creates a site.

    Also has anyone entered this as a core feature request? Seems like it would be a great addition at least to me.


    In reply to: Paid virtual gifts?


    @wpnewbie69 Maybe you might be interested in this new GiftBar plugin that we have just launched.

    It has an option for paid gifts and has a large catalog of well-designed, contextualized gifts. In addition, the plugin is completely free and all revenues earned by gift purchases are shared equally between Feeligo and the social network owner.

    You can demo it here:

    Set-up and installation should take just a couple of minutes. If you find any issues with the widget, feel free to contact our support at

    Thank you.

    More details about the plugin:



    • Increase your community’s engagement
    • Earn a share of all paid transactions by your members
    • Improve the experience of your social network & drive traffic
    • Always free for you with no obligations
    • Easy set-up
    • Adapts perfectly to your site’s structure and any other bar plugins


    Plugin Features:

    • Send gifts – Send gifts to any member of the community
    • Personalise messages – Can enter a special message while sending a gift
    • View gifts – Giftbar is visible at the bottom of the screen, allowing easy access to send and view gifts (acts like a trophy cabinet, increasing a member’s value in the community)
    • Purchase gifts – Easy & secure purchasing through paypal, credit card, or mobile phone
    • Hide bar – Can easily hide or show the Giftbar
    • Select multiple friends – Can send gifts to multiple friends at a time
    • Ad-free – No clutter


    Admin Features:

    • Manage gift catalogue – Select from over 300 professionally designed gift options
    • Select themed gifts – Choose specific gifts for festivals and occasions
    • Add personalised gifts – Add your own gifts
    • Optimize gifts using Advanced Analytics – Manage Giftbar usage, including gifting history, revenue earned, and details of most popular gifts and most active users
    • Manage gift descriptions – Modify the names and descriptions of gifts
    • Ask for help – Access our FAQs, help guides and support forums



    Great job @sbrajesh !

    Brajesh Singh

    No problem. You are most welcome 🙂


    Wow @sbrajesh !

    That seems to work! Thank you very much!

    Brajesh Singh

    You Can put this code in your bp-custom.php and It will take care of your issue


    function bpdev_custom_hide_friends_if_not_self(){
    if(bp_is_my_profile()|| is_super_admin())
    return ;




    hope that helps.


    Thanks @bphelp

    But my intent is that the “Friends” tab should not be visible to anyone except the account user (like “Settings” and “Messages” tabs are only visible to an account user).

    Even if you’re friends with a user, you should not be able to see his other friends.

    Complete privacy.

    I would like to make the “Friends” tab a private setting. Is there any way to do that?

Viewing 25 results - 376 through 400 (of 692 total)
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