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Search Results for 'Hide Admin'

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  • #75751

    In reply to: Hide Admin


    Tried it, errors.


    In reply to: Hide Admin


    @scotm – if you read the end of that post, there’s a free solution noted by Brajesh.


    In reply to: Hide Admin


    Saw that one…premium.


    In reply to: Hide Admin


    @DJPaul @scotm – I believe @sbrajesh did a plugin to hide admin stuff… let me see if I can find it:

    Stealth Mode for BuddyPress Site Admin Plugin


    In reply to: Hide Admin


    @DJPaul Any activity that the Admin carries out in my opinion should be hidden. Starting a Group, a forum topic, etc. In my case I am creating a number of groups for members to join and I’d like to hide all of that activity.


    In reply to: Hide Admin

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    @scotm what are you doing on your BP site with the admin user to generate activity which you don’t want in the activity stream?

    @nuprn1 did you do a plugin to hide the admin account from the members directory, or was that someone else?


    In reply to: Hide Admin


    I’m not sure if it hides activity, but I heard a trick to “hiding” admins from the member list was to change their status in the database of the user to “99” and that prevents it from showing in the member’s list.


    In reply to: Hide Admin


    Still curious about this one. Can we hide the Admin throughout BuddyPress activity sitewide?


    In reply to: Badge Maker



    V1.3 works just fine… thanks!

    Another suggestion: allow site admins to define a default width and height, and allow users to adjust if needed.

    As it is now, badge dimensions are defined by those of the uploaded logo (width if vertical layout, height if horizontal layout).

    Oh, and please do allow site admins/users to show or hide the field labels. As Greg says, they aren’t really needed.



    In reply to: Badge Maker



    I’m playing with 1.3 and it’s working great…

    2 suggestions:

    1. Create an option in the admin menu to hide the names of the profile fields. Most of the fields are pretty self explanatory anyway and the extra words just clutter things up.

    2. Create an extra field for users to type in a short message or description, giving them some other way to personalize their badge.

    It looks great warut!


    @ Smuda

    Well ok, but I stand by my point I don’t think you should block all traffic towards wp-admin. Just hide it.

    @ etiviti (rich!)

    Isn’t it smarter to use current_user_can(‘edit_posts’)? That way anything higher than a subscriber can access the wp-admin.


    Same error on fresh install… Maybe i should just leave it there? or create a different bar that will load only for authors?


    I’m using WPMU 2.9.2 and the latest version of Buddypress. I guess i’ll try using it in a fresh install, maybe someone on our staff edited something they shouldn’t and it’s causing this error…

    Thanks :)

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    is_user_logged_in() is present in both WP and WPMU. Odd. What versions of WordPress/WordPress MU are you using?



    I tried this and it gives me this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_user_logged_in() in /plugins/bp-custom.php on line 2

    Any other suggestions?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Try putting something like this in /plugins/bp-custom.php:

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    $user_roles = wp_get_current_user();
    $user_roles = $user_roles->roles;

    if ( empty( $user_roles ) || in_array( 'subscriber', $user_roles ) )
    define( 'BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR', true );


    What JJJ said about it technicaly. What Andrea_r said about Facebook. I’ll add what I think as an admin.

    BP is a stream for me as a user and not a techie. I need to be able to tweak everything that shows up in the stream in a way so that the community can expand. We’ve got 250 users now at a closed community with about 20% really active users. I’d like to grow up to at least 1000 users but I’m afraid of what will become of the Stream. I’ve got 300 very active friends over at Facebook and it makes me want to hide away from it. I mostly never go there since it’s too much to follow.

    Also apart from the Stream there needs to be containers for all things for part time users. They should be able to follow the community even if they don’t take a peek every day.

    Participant helps you tweak what’s available to sub-blog admins in admin menu

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    For instance Blog Tracking is not happening at all across the site – when every setting suggest this should be happenning automatically. It simply isn’t!

    Are the blogs, that aren’t appearing, marked as “private” in their admin? i.e. the “Hide from search engines option”.


    Oh good lord I need more coffee. *hides in shame*

    Error gone, of course: still no joy, though.


    @deities1 thanks for comment

    first version i dont cleanup the code (coding from skeleton comp) because i want to see what others think about it so i can correct and add function it should be.

    do you have a example that gift was not show? name of user?

    I test on my site, It can send to admin normally.

    what do you mean “Gifts sent to him or myself simply don’t show”?

    for sender activity stream it show gift that him send, including in public activity stream (like other activity stream). for this, I see activity stream have hide from public but not test it yet.

    because i am coding badge plugin for budypress so maybe next sunday i will upload next version of bpgift (still confusing with subversion – -” ).

    thing to do:

    1. cleanup the code

    2. hide stream from public (if possible)

    3. deactivate plugin function

    4. correct the bug (?)



    I really like to follow your development and i raelly appriciate how transparent you’re keeping the developmet and how much your are listining to the demands of us users.

    Keep it up this way!

    I wrote a short user story:

    1) An administrator: I would like to see all albums even if they set to private or not. I would like to hide pictures with inappropriate content. They shouldn’t be visible for site members anymore, but the owner should see them darkened out with a message overlaying the picture “This picture was removed due to inappropriate content” – something like this.

    2) An anonymous user off the Internet: Should only be able to see the “public” pictures.

    3) A logged-in member viewing their own profile: Should have an Main Menu Item “Albums” or even better “Photos” that shows all of his pictures and all pictures of his friends (newest Uploads on top – so they can easily discover whats new). There should be an “Upload Photos” button on this page (After clicking you will be ask if you would like to upload a single picture or if you would like to create an album). The Page should also hold a subnav with some Options as “Photos of my friends – Photos i’m tagged on – My uploaded Photos – Upload Photos”

    4) A logged-in member viewing a friend’s profile: Should have an Main Menu Item “Albums/Photos” with all of the photos uploaded by “John Doe” and a subnav with “Photos John Doe is tagged on”.

    5) A logged-in member viewing a stranger’s profile: Should have an Main Menu Item “Albums/Photos” with all public pictures the “stranger” uploaded.

    I was also thinking of pictures uploaded to groups. I guess it should be enough if there would be an “Album/Photos” Menu Item in the mainnav of the group. This page should hold all group pictures and an “Upload Photos” button.

    That should be enough for the beginning.

    Sam Steiner

    Cool plugin. Some ideas:

    – A setting to prevent the shoutbox opening in the admin backend would be great

    – The “V^x” symbols in the top right of the shoutbox are not very sexy

    – A setting to switch off the full page mode (hide “Chat” in the buddybar, hide “Go to full chat” in shoutbox)


    I’ve made the changes mentioned above. so that if you have a bbpress install at a different location, the plugin will work.

    I’ve added the ability to hide karma points. it is accessed in the admin.

    I also noticed a bug with how the karma rating was showing up on the members page and fixed it.

    the new version is 1.2 and should be visible here momentarily:


    Andrea Rennick

    You can hide the entire Plugins menu under the Site Admin -> Options page. there’s a checkbox. you, the site admin, can still see it though.

Viewing 25 results - 601 through 625 (of 692 total)
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