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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #252092

    at normal wp-admin / registration it works but only while trying to register via buddypress its not working ie no email for user registration and even activation also.


    Thanks a lot @berkelmudez!!

    Accidentally I noticed that activation emails were not being sent. And neither were notification emails, like when receiving a private message. Switched to Postman and all was sweet again.

    WordPress 4.4.2
    BuddyPress 2.5.2
    bbPress 2.5.8



    My register activation are not being send, when one registers in my buddy press theme.
    I have tried multiple plugins like: WP-Mail-SMTP, Configure SMTP.
    All my test emails have been perfectly received in these plugins, so I know my SMTP settings should be correct now.

    Is there some kind of BP function that I need to configure the SMTP settings on separately from WordPress?

    Or is could something else be causing this?

    Any help is appreciated thank you!


    Hi ,

    I have been customizing the activation emails on the site and they worked fine.
    But when I updated to Buddypress 2.5.1 (WP version 4.4.2),the activation emails are not sent anymore.

    Please help.


    I was using Buddypress and when the users register in the site using buddypress/register the activation mail or the welcome mail doesnt goes to the signup person. I have tried all the possibilites posted at this forum for it but nothing worked for me.

    I tried for past two days for all the possibilities but nothing worked. 🙁


    This plugin would be better if you added a redirect after login so that we could send users to any page we wanted after they login instead of going to the user dashboard.



    If you are using any WordPress plugins that manipulate email, try disabling them and see if you are able to send out the activation email.

    If you are using any email plugins, please list them as well. If not, check if your WordPress install can send any email. You can check by enabling post comment moderation under “Settings > Discussion” and using an anonymous user to post a comment on your blog.


    Hi there,

    There is something about the registration process I can’t get done which annoys me. Hopefully someone can help.

    I added this line to the registration template.
    Sign up agreement
    Works fine and the line shows.(Only if placed after the </div><!– #buddypress –> ) But when someone completes/submits the steps, they are taken to a different page, generated from the same code.

    What I mean is this:
    Step 2 of the process
    Now, as you can see, the line also shows up here.

    Q: How can I get the line to only show up on the first page and NOT on the second page?

    The code that generates this second step is this:

    			do_action( 'bp_before_registration_confirmed' ); ?>
    			<?php if ( bp_registration_needs_activation() ) : ?>
    				<p><?php _e( 'You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.', 'buddypress' ); ?></p>
    			<?php else : ?>
    				<p><?php _e( 'You have successfully created your account! Please log in using the username and password you have just created.', 'buddypress' ); ?></p>
    			<?php endif; ?>

    Good to know:
    – I read and understand the hierarchy in templates abt Buddypress.
    – The code is currently generated from index-register.php
    – I use a childtheme
    – Buddypress v 2.5.1
    – WP v 4.4.2

    Thanks in advance for helping out!


    I’have installed 2.5.1

    If I go to edit one (the activation email) of the 16 default email in Admin Email List and I save, the email disappear from list and is registered in the posts list. So the registration process don’t work.

    Can you help me?


    buddypress version: 2.5.1
    wordpress version: 4.4.2
    my site is (chinese)

    I use WP-Mail-SMTP instead of mail() and it works fine.
    But buddypress doesn’t send any emails, I tried many times for different email address. and I don’t know how to solve it.


    Hi I’ve a got an other problem. The activation mail comes as plain textl.
    HTML Email is not send.
    All Emails are in English a german translation is only possible when i change the text manualy.

    Befor the update i had a [bp-custom.php] and it worked.


    Good afternoon. Buddypress I just upgraded to the latest update, and currently the subject of emails works well. I use the “WP-Mail-SMTP” plugin for my own mail server and I have had no problems. I tried to register a new user and sent correctly the activation email.
    If it’s any help this pluguin.


    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for responding.

    To answer your questions:

    * How were you customising your activation emails?
    -I was changing lines in the .pot file in PoEdit and generated a new .mo file in order to personalise the activation mail a bit more. (No core files were adjusted or changed)
    -I made a change in the buddypress.min.css file

    * Is your site sending other emails correctly, or are all emails broken? Can you test to be sure?
    I have only sent out activation emails up to this point. To test your question, I have manually added myself as a user and activated the account. Then, I send a confirmation email which it DID send, only the sender was WordPress instead of my site name.

    * Are you running WordPress multisite, or regular WordPress?
    Regular WP. No multisite

    * Do you run any plugins that change wp_mail or affect how emails are delivered? For example, any plugins that send email via Mailchimp, etc?
    Not to my knowledge. I am currently running these plugins:

    – BuddyPress
    – Child Theme Configurator
    – Jquery Updater
    – Members
    – Page Excerpt Widget
    – Rating Widget
    – User Submitted Posts

    All of them were running as well yesterday when it still worked.

    Let me know if you need any more info.


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hi @ingeB1983

    I’m sorry you’re having problems. Thank you for letting us know.

    * How were you customising your activation emails?
    * Is your site sending other emails correctly, or are all emails broken? Can you test to be sure?
    * Are you running WordPress multisite, or regular WordPress?
    * Do you run any plugins that change wp_mail or affect how emails are delivered? For example, any plugins that send email via Mailchimp, etc?


    Hi there,

    I have been customizing my activation emails and yesterday they worked fine.
    Today I updated to Buddypress 2.5.0 (I running WP 4.4.2 for a few weeks now) and the activation emails are not sent anymore.

    Please help.

    Kind regards,



    I have a problem when it comes to registration confirmation email, the link is not clickable.


    Andrew Tibbetts

    I have a handful of member types that I would like to manually confirm by an admin.
    Users choose their member type upon registration so, regular members can register, confirm email and start using the site, but special member types I want to be able to register, confirm email and then get put into some kind of user confirmation status.
    Couple things:
    – maybe this can be done by hooking into bp_core_activate_account in bp_core_screen_activation()?
    – what are the meanings of the ints for user_status in the wp_users table? Seems like WordPress doesn’t use it and Buddypress uses it but only 0 and 2. Maybe use 1 as a custom pending status?


    In reply to: new user emails

    Slava Abakumov

    You can try this plugin:
    But you should not do this – anyone will be able to register with fake emails.


    I’m using the 7.2 theme. I’ve tested it on Twenty Fifteen and it displays again in basic format. When logged in as a new member there is a join now button at least, but the styling is still very plain compared to the documentation screenshot – no avatars or colour – as per my previous screenshot of my site.

    The page is also called titled ‘Groups’ rather than ‘Groups directory’ – but i’m sure i could always change the name in WP settings.

    I’ve also got a problem with Activation emails but i’ll need to create a new thread for that.


    In reply to: How to fix Activations


    Follow what I mentioned above regarding the email plugins.

    Do some tests by registering some accounts yourself to see if you receive any activation emails.


    In reply to: How to fix Activations


    So, as far as I understand, you need to create two blank pages, one for register and one for activate, and after associating them, buddy press recreates the content. That’s done, users can register. now the problem is, they are not receiving activate emails, or emails at all after the registration, so i don’t know how to fix the activation issue I’m having.


    To add more to this… i am writing the method as shown below

    add_filter( ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message’, ‘RECN_CUSTOM_activation_message’, 10, 3 );

    function RECN_CUSTOM_activation_message( $message, $user_id, $activate_url ) {

    $user = get_userdata( $user_id );

    and the $user_id passed is the signup id ….while the WP_USER table does not have data for the signup id…


    No @henrywright. At this point, the user has just clicked on the activation link in email.

    suggested this function. It’s working but I can’t get it to return an id that I can store in a GLOBAL variable so that I can use it somewhere else on activation page with this hook:


    Here’s the function that @shanebp suggested.

    function william_bp_core_activated_user(  $user_id, $key, $user ) {
         // do something with $user_id
         // there is no return for add_action, only add_filter
    add_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', 'william_bp_core_activated_user', 10, 3 );

    I organized testing of this function.

    1. System sends emails
    2. New users got this emails in their mail box
    3. Then they press activation links and go on home page, not activation page.
    4. Then they try to enter login/pass and system tells them – Ops, error! your account didn’t activate, please see you inbox.
    5. I can see they have “registered” status, but not “activated” and i need to activate them by hands.

    Therefore there is something wrong while users try to confirm their address in activation email.

Viewing 25 results - 501 through 525 (of 1,427 total)
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