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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #182756

    You can test some of the solutions in this ticket that simply stops the activation email from being sent then use BP’s new build in activation to manually activate the users. Of coarse I haven’t tested this but its worth a shot.

    Diego de Oliveira

    Ok, maybe I got the source of the problem. I use this code below to change the text from the e-mail with the activation code:

    function bp_change_activation_mail_text( $message ) {
    //  Get some globals
    	global $bp, $wpdb;
      //  Get username from the signup form just posted
      $username = $bp->signup->username;
      //  SQL query to get activation key for that username
      $sql = 'select meta_value from wp_usermeta where meta_key="activation_key" and user_id in ( select ID from wp_users where user_login="' . $username . '" and user_status=2 )';
      //  Getting the activation key from the database
      $activation_key = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
      $activate_url = bp_get_activation_page() ."?key=$activation_key";
      $activate_url = esc_url( $activate_url );
      //  Custom message with activation key
      $message = "Obrigado por registrar-se no Espaço Tesla!\n\n Para completar a ativação de sua conta, por favor, clique no link abaixo:\n\n$activate_url\n\n";
      return $message;
    add_filter( 'bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message', 'bp_change_activation_mail_text' );

    Maybe there is something wrong with the query that could sometimes return an empty result? When I remove this filter, the default text is sent with the correct activation link.

    Diego de Oliveira

    Hi, folks,

    I’ve seen that this thing of activation e-mail is quite a headache for some people using BP. I’m currently having some trouble too. Most of the time, when a user creates an account on the site I’m working on, the e-mail with the activation link is sent ok. But for some users, the link on the e-mail comes without the key (something like, what results in the page asking a activation key. The problem is that I can’t reproduce the issue, but I received even a print screen from an user showing that the problem indeed exist.

    I’ve installed Unconfirmed plugin to check if there is users that are not confirmed, and there are a couple of users. I can see the activation key for every unconfirmed user. What can be causing this issue?

    I’m currently using Buddypress 1.8.1, bbPress 2.4.1, and for the themed login, I’m using Theme My Login 6.3.9. I’m using too WordPress Social Login 2.1.3 for give users a social login option. To style the e-mails, I’m using WP Better Emails

    Thanks for any help!


    In reply to: 2.1 top features


    Fix the following error:

    Invalid Activation Key


    at least some kind of workaround it

    in the admin section where admin can manually activate the user and send the email that user account has been activated.

    Thank you.


    @espellcaste I agree that we should not disable it.

    But since it is holding us moving ahead since people can’t use site, so I think at least an option to disable sending the activation email (i.e. bypassing activation) will be good while people are trying to resolve this issue.

    Also it will help let people use the site. Currently people just give up after seeing the “Invalid Activation Key” message and don’t return back to the site.

    Thank for your suggestions. Really appreciated.

    Renato Alves

    I would totally not recommend to disable it. You should spend more time to figure the problem out. In my BuddyPress test installations (local and live), it sends the emails just fine, so there is a problem, maybe in your server, template, I don’t know, somewhere.

    But, if you really wanna disable this, after a quick search here and in Google, I found some possible solutions.

    Obs.: I haven’t tested it, so use it at your own risk.



    Thank you for taking time to answer my question. I know you are very busy with steering ahead BP 2.0.

    Q: Can we have the option to ‘disable’ sending activation email in BP 2.0 ?

    It will be so helpful to just disable sending activation email if the “Invalid Activation Key” problem still persists.

    Thank you again.


    Thank you for your response @barney92

    Now I am finding that:

    * Sometimes the user is able to login using id/pw selected during account registration even if the activation message (after clicking the link in the email) is : Invalid Activation Key


    ** Other-times the message is still “Invalid Activation Key” and the user is NOT able to login using username/pw created during account registration.

    What a mess! It is now 2 weeks and can’t figure out what is going on.

    Really need some help here please.


    Here is now another phenomenon happening:

    1. New user clicks on the account activation email link
    2. The activation page displays error: “Invalid Activation Key”
    3. User can still login using the username and password selected during account registration

    Q: So what is going on here? Does it mean that the account activation email was never needed in the first place?
    Does it mean that somehow the account is activated even though the the page displays the error “Invalid Activation Key”?

    So how do I fix this issue? Is it possible to disable the activation email?
    Is it possible to chnage the “Invalid Activation Key” message to something like the following:
    Now you can login using the username and password you selected during account creation.

    Thank you!


    You can filter the email message. Did not test this code. It would add text to end of default message. Change field_name to exactly match name of profile field.

    function custom_activation_email_body( $message, $user_id, $key  ) {
        $field1 = xprofile_get_field_data( 'field_name1', $user_id );
        $field2 = xprofile_get_field_data( 'field_name2', $user_id );
        $field3 = xprofile_get_field_data( 'field_name3', $user_id );
        $message .= sprintf( __( "Username: %s Email: %s Membership Type: %s", 'lang' ), $field1, $field2, $field3 );
        return $message;
    add_filter('bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message', 'custom_activation_email_body', 10, 3);

    I will think more about going that route, because I still like account activation via email link.
    I had bad experience with spammers before.

    Thank you.


    I changed the theme back to twenty twelve and registration still does not work.

    New users cannot register through buddy press signup page. I can setup a new user through the admin though and it sends notifications, activation emails etc just fine.

    When you enter your information to signup it refreshes back to the signup page.


    @aaronhester What have you done so far to troubleshoot the issue?
    – Is WP default registration working if you deactivate BuddyPress?
    – What’s the bottleneck – you cannot send email notification, registrant does not receive activation email, etc.?
    – If you change theme to Twenty Twelve, for instance, does registration work?


    OK, I deleted them according to your instruction but problem still persists. I can’t receive any activation email for the email that I have used before and deleted.


    In reply to: No activation emails.


    Found a way around my issue by disabling activation emails, although I would rather have them enabled. I also can’t send users emails regarding their recent activity, account settings etc which is very frustrating. At least now my site can be semi-functional.

    Henry Wright

    @simple-man the next step is to check that an activation key is being set. considering you don’t have access to your database, are you comfortable with PHP? Can you add this to page.php

    echo get_user_meta( $user_id, 'activation_key', true );

    and replace $user_id with the user ID of the member you want activated.

    Then make sure what appears on screen is the exact same key as the key in the email link.

    Henry Wright

    @simple-man if the activation key is in the database and the link in the email is right then the problem must be elsewhere.

    1. instead of clicking on the link in the email, are you able to copy the link and paste it directly into the browser address bar? It could be the click-through that is causing the problem. Just a thought.

    2. can you ensure all plugins are deactivated (aside from BuddyPress).


    1. I just found out that even though clicking the registration email link displays the message “Invalid Activation Key”, I was able to reset the ‘new password’ to the ‘same original’ password using “forgot password” link and login using the new password.

    2. Then I created another test user and had exact same error message upon clicking the registration email link: Invalid Activation Key
    I ignored this “Invalid Activation Key” error message and this time I was able to login using username/password.

    It is very confusing and new users will just give up when they will get the error: Invalid Activation Key



    Thanks for the response.

    I have tried everything I can think of, including testing with three different new accounts on different days.

    I keep getting the same error message: Invalid Activation Key

    Q: Can it be possible that BuddyPress (in our case) never stores the code in the database that it send in the registration email link? Perhaps that’s where the mis-match/invalid message is coming from?


    Okay, so yes the website is working however new registrations are not going through. When I click ‘Complete Sign Up’ the registration page refreshes and comes back blank just with the heading ‘Create an Account’ no registration form on the page.

    No activation email sent, tried all basic possibilities, deactivated all plugins, just buddypress is active. Cannot do any registrations.

    Please help

    Henry Wright

    @aaclayton have you tried contacting your host? You need to verify if these emails are actually being sent by your mail server. If they are being sent and received, then the problem could be with the actual activation link.

    Have you tried disabling all of your plugins? I realise the site is live so that might not be possible.


    Hey @chmielopas, thanks for your thoughts. These activation emails are just sent using wp_mail, I don’t think they are actually routed through google apps, but I’m not certain. I’m not using any plugin to deliver email to google apps, just the normal DNS settings.


    Actually modemlooper, this plugin doesn’t work either.
    After creating a new user, the plugin shows “No unactivated members were found.”

    I imagine you have to use the registration form, which then sends out an activation email, which is the exact opposite of what I wanted, IE; no email until all the users have been added and the profiles have been created and completed.


    Thanks @mercime and others, users now receive activation emails in their boxes.

    Please how do i make Activity Stream the Main Page once a user logs in? Currently on the site where i implemented buddypress, once a user logs in, it takes them back to the index page (home page) of the site.

    your responses will be helpful.

    Oladoye Samuel

    Cassey’s Designs

    Hi Chris,

    Sadly, I believe that you will have to uninstall buddypress in order to access your dashboard to correct the problem. If you can locate the setting in the buddypress files then you can adjust it there and upload that via ftp or your cpanel file manager, but uninstalling and re-installing will be much faster. (Assuming that any major changes you have made have been via a child theme.)

    Essentially you told the site that everyone that goes to the login page needs to activate their account therefore no one can login because no one is activated, that is the best way I can think to explain it.

    The only time new users will be asked for an activation key is if they attempt to activate their without using the link from their email before logging in.

    For example: You register a new account and then go to the activation page before checking your email, here you will be asked to provide the activation key. If you attempt to login before activating you should get a message “ERROR: Your account has not been activated. Check your email for the activation link.”

    However, if you register a new account and then go to the email you provided you will have received an email to activate your account. Once you click the link in this email you will be able to login to the account (the email link contains the activation key). This system is to ensure that the user has registered with a valid email that they have access to.

    Hope this helps,

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