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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • rossagrant

    @hnla My host has just set domain keys and SPF records for my account which is great but I can’t seem to find info on a PTA record. Could you give me some more info?

    Cheers :)


    Thanks so much guys!

    I’m researching it now and have just got a support ticket logged with my host!

    Will let you know how I get on!

    Ross :)

    Hugo Ashmore

    I’ve mentioned this quite a few times on this support forum, if you want to get emails through to the more annoying of the email services out there you must ensure you have a RDNS entry PTA record and also an SPF entry for you domain hotmail is failing to be able to check these two records and thus considering mail from your server to be spam.

    One thing this isn’t is a problem with BP or WP it’s about server and domain configuration.



    Here’s quite a comprehensive list of links to help you troubleshoot:

    EDIT: that’s actually a rather old thread. This is probably better: :-)


    I dig some digging into this problem since I was having it as well. The user’s account is activated successfully when they click the email. The problem occurs when you login from the activation successful page (activate.php). If the user opens another browser and goes to the site homepage to login, there will be no problem. For me, this was happening because the plugin that I was using to handle logins was including a hidden redirect to the source page in the form. So after the user logged in, it was redirecting to activate.php which by default asks you to activate, even if you are logged in.

    So check the html for the form that you use to login and make sure there is no redirect to the source page.


    Here’s how to get around activation. I was having the same problem on my test server, since it couldn’t send out activation emails. If you need activation emails enabled, then this workaround will not work for you.

    For users that have already been created and cannot login, you can go into the wp_users table in the database and change their ‘user_status’ from ‘2’ to ‘0’ (if you have database access). ‘user_status’ is not used in WordPress — it’s a dead field — but Buddypress uses it to redirect to the homepage if a user has not been activated (aka user_status=2).

    To avoid the problem for future user registrations, you can change a file to avoid activation (if you have FTP access). In the buddypress plugin directory, find bp-core/bp-core-signup.php. Find the line that says:
    `$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 2 WHERE ID = %d”, $user_id ) );`
    In my installation (1.2.8) it is on line 357. Change the 2 on that line to a 0. So it should look like this:
    `$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 0 WHERE ID = %d”, $user_id ) );`

    Now when a new user is created, they will automatically be able to login without their email needing to be confirmed.


    In reply to: Can’t get members on

    So, my server sends the activation link automatically? I have set myself up and didn’t find the email in the spam box. Additional help will be appreciated.


    In reply to: Can’t get members on

    Hugo Ashmore

    Have you checked whether your server can send emails? Have your users checked their spam boxes? They ought to be receiving an email with an activation link.


    Thanks for replying.

    `Did you try closing the window or tab, and then simply clicking the email link again?`

    Didn’t try this.

    `And the code snippet in this thread works very well..`

    I’ll be looking into this in a few minutes…thanks a lot. This is something that should be looked into by the BP developers. This problem is consistent with one of the previous two versions of BP (I have 1.2.8, but I can’t remember which of the previous two I had)…

    Of course since I get a joy out of learning programming, I’ll dig into the code myself… :-)



    Did you try closing the window or tab, and then simply clicking the email link again?


    I am posting this here because it might solve part of the problem and it worked for me: I found this <a href "; While it does not solve the issue of members being able to approve themselves, it does allow the ability to resend an activation link (email) and to manually approve members in the Que. It works with WP 3.1.3 and BP 1.2.8. I hope this helps the scores of people desperately seeking admin approval of new user registrations.


    I found this <a href "; While it does not solve the issue of members being able to approve themselves, it does allow the ability to resend an activation link (email) and to manually approve members in the Que. It works with WP 3.1.3 and BP 1.2.8. I hope this helps the scores of people desperately seeking admin approval of new user registrations.


    @r-a-y haven’t responded my above message. Is he embarrassing that he is wrong? Because either activate.php file is the bp-default theme which is not my problem and I have delete the whole first two lines in my child theme /registration/activate.php and the problem is after clicked activation link in email I get:


    Activate your Account

    Please provide a valid activation key.
    Activation Key:`

    There is no key link in the domain. e.g.

    I have single WP. What is the solution?

    Thanks, Mikey3D



    `As r-a-y suggests, in my experience at least, that kind of error is almost always malformed PHP files — trailing spaces, unclosed brackets, stuff like that. If you’ve pasted functions into your functions.php or bp-custom.php, look there first, then any other template files you’ve edited.`

    There was no error in my functions.php, bp-custom.php and template files. The warning error, above in my first posted, was possible from the core bp-default /registration/activate.php.



    “Is that a general recommendation? ;)

    :-) – No! However I have only been using your two codes that works but after awhile when I found the bugs it’s causing of your codes.

    1. Duplicate Content: Slash and No Slash at the End of URL
    2. The page isn’t redirecting properly

    “I did say it was test code. Looks like you have whitespace issues in your /registration/activate.php. Delete any trailing whitespace from the beginning of that file.”

    I did put back the function bp_core_redirect_canonical in functions.php and deleted redirect trailing slash in .htaccess before process your above posted. It is the same problem I had it before except no warning error show up, only missed a key link in the domain link.

    I haven’t touch activate.php in bp-default therefore when I looked for trailing space, it looks like this:



    If that is what you were talking about I deleted the whole line 1 and I tested it again and result I get when click the activation link in email:

    `Activate your Account

    Please provide a valid activation key.
    Activation Key:`

    There is no key link in the domain. e.g.

    The line 1 in activate.php said “This template is only used on multisite installations.” I have single WordPress. Does it matter? All those error the user still able get in after clicked the activation link in the email. Huh?

    Is there a fix? What is the solution for Single WP after user completed sign-up?

    “Your htaccess rewrite rules look like it will interfere with querystring variables.

    Ha, thanks for noticed.


    `Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /path/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/registration/activate.php:3) in /path/wordpress/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 897`

    As @r-a-y suggests, in my experience at least, that kind of error is almost always malformed PHP files — trailing spaces, unclosed brackets, stuff like that. If you’ve pasted functions into your functions.php or bp-custom.php, look there first, then any other template files you’ve edited.


    Don’t use @r-a-y codes

    @mikey3d – Is that a general recommendation? ;)

    I did say it was test code. Looks like you have whitespace issues in your /registration/activate.php. Delete any trailing whitespace from the beginning of that file.

    `   -spaces – <?php` – Delete that trailing space!

    Your htaccess rewrite rules look like it will interfere with querystring variables.


    The only way I was able to surmount the same issue (emails not being sent, i.e. new user notification, password reset emails) was to disable the following plugin:

    “BP Disable Activation”

    Once I disabled this plugin, the missing emails flowed again.

    As such, I returned the site to its default state of requiring new users to confirm their accounts.

    Sofian J. Anom
    Hugo Ashmore

    Oh ok ; yes I’m with you now, usually think of duplicate content from the perspective of www and non www it’s really googles issue though, the url refers to the same thing ultimately.

    However google trawls links in a page and the links are trailing slashed, from the perspective of inbound links that might not have the trailing slash added it could be an issue I guess.

    Andrea Rennick

    “and it does support sending email and has for a few new user registrations.”

    So it has actually *sent* mail.


    Your server is not the problem. Not entirely anyway. I signed up to your site and got two emails – one with an activation link and one confirmation email. Exactly like I am supposed to.

    So your problem is *not* the server is not sending email. The problem is some of the people signing up are not getting them. Which means it’s mostly on their end. You can do a reverse dns entry, like @hnla stated above, but really that’s all you can do for some places like Hotmail & Comcast.


    To avoid having the duplicate content, you only need one content and not to have the same two content. Ex. the two different URLs that have the same content:

    You need to 301s redirect to trailing slash at the end of URLs to one of content.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Not sure why this is a problem? the trailing slash is in essence a nicety in that it means one is asking for a directory rather than a file and it helps the server otherwise the server first searches for a file named /foo before checking if /foo is actually a directory /foo/ but you’re right although all my test sites links terminate correctly / I can manually write the url without and it’s not added but it doesn’t cause any issues – however I may well be missing the point of what you are explaining


    I was just looking for BuddyPress or WordPress sites if they have the end of redirect trailing slash URL without duplicate content:

    Who doesn’t have the redirect to trailing slash?

    Only this has working:

    Most of them don’t even know the problem.


    I got it working by add rewrite rules trailing slash to the end of the URL in .htaccess:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)/$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1/ [L,R=301]

    Make sure the above codes are before the # BEGIN WordPress rewrite rules.

    Don’t use @r-a-y codes.

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