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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #78345

    Hey All
    I am so glad I found this thread =)
    I have 2 seperate hosting accounts both with Bluehost I have pretty much the same WP and BP setup in subdomains on both accounts. 1 setup was working fine and the other would not send tha activation code so I am thinking that maybe this is a problem on SOME but not all bluehost accounts.

    anyhow … Thanks Ruthlessbookie for the find!

    Nick Watson

    @stwc and everyone else.

    I’ve been experiencing problems with spammers constantly, I would get about 11 a day, (at the minimum). I’ve tried several things, reCaptcha, email activation, email domain blocking, etc etc and nothing seemed to help with the bot spammers.

    All they were doing was creating users with a few profile fields filled out, so there was no big issue, it was just annoying seeing so many fake users on the site.

    So all I did out of the suggestions here was enter the code provided for the .htaccess file :

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POST
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .yourbpsignupslug*
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.*yourhomedomain.* [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$
    RewriteRule (.*) [R=301,L]

    And it seemed to have worked. For the signup slug, I used wp-signup.php. And so far, for about a day and a half now I’ve only found 1 bot spammer. Drastically reduced, but not quite fixed.

    But we’ll see. I’ll post back if there is any change, or after a few days of no spammers.


    @Hollosch I turned Andy’s code and my little addition to disable the email at activation into a plugin. I’ve posted it to my blog for now: I’m still waiting for the SVN access to be able to add it to the WP plugin repository.

    Also, right now the plugin only works for standard WP. I’m still working on disabling the activation email for WPMU, but have to figure out why it’s sending the email still.


    Thanks to Sarah Gooding, I found this plugin which mostly works with WPMU 2.9.2 and BP 1.2.3: Only problem is that it still sends the activation email despite the email already being active.

    My hope is to incorporate the code from Andy so that it will work with both WPMU and WP and then make it so neither one sends the activation email.

    If anyone has ideas why it’s sending the activation email in WPMU, I’d appreciate any help. Seems like it might be a priority issue, but I haven’t yet figured that out.


    In the database (preferably with something like PHPMyAdmin) you can look at the table wp_signups under the column “active.” That’s WPMU. In WP you can look at the wp_users table. If I remember right, it just changes user_status.

    I don’t know of a plugin that’s pulled this information. @boonebgorges has talked about a plugin that would do close to this including resending the activation email and clearing out ones that didn’t activate, but otherwise I don’t know a plugin that will do this.


    Yes, I thought of that. I installed the beta copy of WP 3.0 today and found that the users are still stored in the same places for a WP/BP install or a WPMU/BP install as they are separate. So, unless they’ve changed the core user signup calls, then we should be good, but I’ll be sure to test it.

    It’s just too bad that there’s not some BP functions that I could just call like bp_core_creat_user(some variables) and bp_core_activate_user(some variables) so we didn’t have to dig in to figure out the functions that BP is already calling at registration. Maybe there is and I just don’t know it?


    @techguy – you might want to get a beta copy of WP 3.0 and work with that instead on this tweak – reason being that WPMU code is merging with WP code starting with WP 3.0


    I’ve started looking into bypassing the activation email. It seems like the code @ wrote above only works for regular WP installs and not WPMU. WPMU uses the wp_signups table and then when they’re activated they’re moved to wp_users. I’m going to see if I can’t figure out the WPMU code to do this. I’d love to hear if people know more about this. Otherwise, I’ll ask in the WPMU forums.

    Also, it seems like you could just use this function to disable the activation email from happening (once again that doesn’t work in WPMU though):
    function disable_activation_email() {
    return false;
    add_filter( ‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’, ‘disable_activation_email’ );

    Paul Wong-Gibbs
    Brad Edwards

    I’m having the same thing happen… just tried twice. Used gmail addresses… emails never arrived to either account (yes, I checked SPAM).

    Frustrating, don’t think I can launch until this is fixed now.

    Bond James

    I just installed BP 1.2.3 over WP 2.9.2 and have the same initial problem…. Activation Mails are not being sent… Anyone knows how to solve it?


    You might want to join this group for part of what you’ve requested (the admin resend of activation emails/activating manually):

    Seems like he could add the redirect to the plugin as well. I don’t think it would be too hard.


    Had someone turned this into a plugin ?


    Hi, is there a solution for this problem ? I had the same problem.


    thanks for your advice and replies
    my fear re being blacklisted was a bit exaggerated, I have checked lost lists and our domain/ip is OK (only one place has one blacklisted)

    in April overall for every 5 users, 1 did not activate the account
    I am sure at least half of them are not spammers, I had a look at their email addresses,
    so, I can only guess, users are not computer savvy.. and did not look at their junk email box for activation email etc..
    I have change the form, so it tells them now to check junk folders. maybe this will help!

    something else occurred to me
    where do I change the default email address the activations email are sent from?
    maybe this will help and emails won’t land in spam folders..

    kind regards



    Hugo Ashmore

    This plugin might also be worth a look?

    I originally used this to get round a problem of needing to manually add some new users to the system but didn’t want emails/activations being sent out immediately. It provides two very customizable sections one sent to admin one to new user, I simply swapped it round so that admin received the sign up email to a specially set up email account and the user got sent a “changes are afoot you will receive your login details shortly” type message, worked quite effectively.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Memory exhausted would explain why things suddenly stop working. Try putting this in your .htaccess file:

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

    If that doesn’t seem to work, contact your host and ask them to do it for you


    You don’t want to just activate random accounts. You might be activating a bunch of spam accounts for emails that don’t exist.

    Seems like these are the functions you’d need:
    -Resend activation email (possibly customize the email to admin’s desires)
    -Manual activation for individual users (for those that contact you directly about activation)
    -Clear users that haven’t activated (filtered by date)

    Hugo Ashmore

    Boone there is this plugin which is really for dev setups where passing emails through the dev network is awkward so allows you to register a user normally then go into backend and manually approve using the activation id

    WPMU Manual Member Approve:

    Would you believe though I just tried to run it on my local site and it’s broken! at least it’s throwing an undefined function error bp_page_title()

    Haven’t time to look into that but it doesn’t look to much of an issue.

    Of course this doesn’t get round the issue of letting those users know they have been activated and not really sure one wants to simply activate a bunch of accounts when the users are never going to know about it.

    Of course once activated and once you have established you are sending emails correctly you might be able to work some means of adding everyone to a group and posting an update to that group that will send a notification out to email addresses?


    @DJPaul I just got my web host to send me the log. It looks like I was getting a lot of memory size exhausted errors and a database table error wp_2_options’ doesn’t exist. I am guessing that I need to upgrade to a VPS. Not sure about the database error however. Any feedback?


    Yes! Please

    This is really the essentials when it comes to registration.

    of course, my fear is that our email address has been blacklisted by some servers, so there is probably nothing we can do, but
    many other users simply.. have no idea they have to activate anything, and may have missed the email or the activation ,ink has already expired when they found it..



    This problem is so host specific it’s hard to say. However, if you’re on bluehost, a few solutions have been posted in this thread (read both pages):

    Boone Gorges

    Signups (including non-activated users) are stored in wp_signups table. I have looked briefly but have never found a plugin for WP admins to manage these signups (activating accts from the Dashboard, resending activation emails, etc). Hard to believe, actually, as it seems like this is an area of great need.

    Maybe this is something I’ll write myself, as I’ve had need of such a thing on multiple occasions and I’ve usually had to dig directly into the db to find the activation keys.

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