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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #70388

    I totally agree with this. It’s quite confusing. I think more than a rewording of the text is needed.

    Perhaps you can give people a series of simple steps they should go through to complete setting up their membership?

    Step 1: Activate your membership

    You give them instructions to visit their email account then click on the activation link in the email.

    When they click on the activation link they’re taken to the next step page…

    Step 2: Customize your avatar

    They do this then press the button to complete, then they’re taken to the final step…

    Step 3: They’re then directed to the activity page, at the top of this page could be a message to tell them their account is now active and they can start posting.

    This 3 step process gives people a clear path to follow taking them to the page where they can then see what’s going on and begin taking part.

    Each step page is nice and simple.

    What do you think?


    I have similar issues, and I have been pondering possible reasons this occurs.

    I take the time to copy domain names that spammers com from, and add them to the mu-options as domains that are not allowed to create an account. I find that even after doing this, sometimes I get several more members with those email addys.. sometimes not.. the past week has seen a lot.

    There was a time a few months ago when it was a known bug for this, but I am guessing it’s been fixed in mu by now – (I’m using 2.92 I think).

    This is what I am thinking MAY be happening, and I’d love a way to update MU to close this loophole, if indeed it exists.

    I am thinking that the spammers actually created a dozen or more accounts, and only activated one at a time. I am thinking that perhaps by the time I add the bad domain to the list of no-signups-allowed, they have already created several others – and simply activate them later.

    If this is true, I would love for MU / Buddypress to do a check, when a member actually does this activation, and tell them sorry – the email domain is now on the bad list, and they can not activate.

    Not sure if this is true, just a thought.


    Still looking for help on this. My new BP site finally went live today — — and I’m getting a couple signups per hour that never click on the activation link. Some may be legit but can’t figure out the activation process, but from email correspondence I’ve only found one who fit that bill — the others never respond to me, so I’m guessing a fair percentage of them are spambots using fake email addresses.

    So it would be great to have these improved User sorting options in the WP Admin, so I could track down bogus registrations, perhaps those that haven’t been activated after a set amount of time, and delete those users in batches. An alternate strategy would be to have the system auto delete (or delete en masse on command) any registrations that are never confirmed after a set period (10 days, 30 days, etc.)

    Pedro Miguel

    I have almost 100!!! (yes 100) buddypress instalations and all work fine with activation.

    Try to use this plugin if you have problems with sendmail on your host: “Cimy Swift SMTP” dont forget to put the plugin on mu-plugins and not on “plugins”.

    Check also if you can send emails from a mail client with the email you setup on wordpress.

    Andy Peatling

    @pdreissen Creating users from the backend doesn’t require activation, so there’s no need for an activation email.


    I am running version, which is the latest per this site. I deactivated all Buddypress plug-ins, then deactivated BuddyPress and the activation email gets sent. As soon as I activate BuddyPress again and attempt to create a new account, no e-mail is sent. Any help is greatly appreciated.


    With BP 1.2 a new user doesn’t get the welcome mail that I set in the admin options. That’s bad, because it contains important information for the user.

    Is there any chance to send an activation-mail (which at the moment causes an error) and, after activation, the first mail that’s set in the options?


    I had to add this module to my WP 2.9.2 setup (I’m not using WPMU) to get the user activation emails to work

    After configuring this module, things worked like a charm.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Next version of Welcome Pack will allow email customisation</plug>


    Tried it out… works perfect.

    I just threw that code into bp-custom.php, and that’s all it took.

    Instead of disabling the email entirely, perhaps you could give options of customizing the welcome mail? Or would that be too much as a core function?

    Andy Peatling

    Just be aware that when you hack the core you will lose your changes on every upgrade. So make a backup if you must.


    Thanks… Will try that out.

    In the activation email, I’ve reworded the text to remove the link, and made it a general “How do you do?” mail.

    Added a link to recover username/password, to make the mail slightly useful.

    Andy Peatling

    If you put the following code in a plugin then this will disable activation, although the users will still receive an activation email. In any case, they will be able to log straight in and the new account screen will tell them that.

    If someone wants to add this to a plugin and release it please do, but I haven’t tested it, so do that first. In the next version I will add an option to disable activation emails too.

    function disable_validation( $user_id ) {
    global $wpdb;

    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 0 WHERE ID = %d", $user_id ) );
    add_action( 'bp_core_signup_user', 'disable_validation' );

    function fix_signup_form_validation_text() {
    return false;
    add_filter( 'bp_registration_needs_activation', 'fix_signup_form_validation_text' );


    Theoretically, if we’d like to disable it, is there a way we can define it in wp-config or bp-custom?

    We’ve got a workaround, but it involves changing a core file, bp-core-signup.php. We changed this line:

    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 2 WHERE ID = %d", $user_id ) );

    to set the user_status as 0 (activated)

    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 0 WHERE ID = %d", $user_id ) );

    Next, we changed a line in register.php, in a child theme, where we changed the conditional

    <?php if ( bp_registration_needs_activation() ) : ?>


    <?php if ( !bp_registration_needs_activation() ) : ?>

    This solves the problem, but it involves modifying a core file. Any workaround for that?

    Andy Peatling

    You don’t want to do that since then anyone can sign up with anyone else’s or an invalid email address.


    I am trying to modify sign-up.php but not successful so far..



    OK…. I think I know the problem – members who do not click on the activation link will be marked as spammers automatically!

    There is just one problem – when I test-registered with one of my email addresses (I used gmail) – gmail automatically trashed the confirmation email AND puts a big red warning sign that said the message was potentially a phishing email.

    NO WONDER… my users are probably thinking that it was a fake email or a phishing email IF they even see the confirmation email at all.

    Is this an issue that is being brought to attention with buddypress developers?


    This should so become a WP plugin or bpress addon or something.


    There’s no admin feature to change the text of the activation email, but you can apply a filter to it.

    Put this in your theme’s functions.php:

    function my_activation_email($message) {
    $message = str_replace('Thanks for registering! To complete the activation of your account please click the following link:','My message is the best message ever.

    Really it is.

    So I guess you should activate your account now.', $message);

    return $message;


    I am not a PHP guru- but am just wondering, without PHP mail knowing which servers to use for sending email from, how does the user activation email get sent?

    Maybe I’m missing something basic here at my end.. But I’m just trying to understand how this email activation feature works.


    How is the sending of email configured? I don’t recall configuring any SMTP server during my installation to let wordpress or buddypress know which accounts to send emails from?

    I was using BP 1.2.1 for the past few weeks- so am confused how this new feature works?

    I saw a reply elsewhere which said the admin can activate users even if they have not clicked on the activation link in their email. But I did not see any “activate” user option in the admin console.

    Any help is appreciated.


    Okay main the problem has been resolved in – thanks!

    Any thoughts on the other two questions?

    Redirect / message for non-activated accounts?

    Resend of activation email?


    THANK YOU @ruthlessbookie. I just set up a fresh install of the latest WP single and BP on bluehost. Tried registering a new user – no activation email sent. Was about to throw something through a wall after spending 3 hours on this and at least it’s working now after using the “mail-from” plugin. Jeez. Shouldn’t have to do that, and I wish I understood the core issue… but thanks again.


    so far, I’ve still not been able to get wpmu activation emails to work with buddypress activated – de-activated, wpmu sends all the emails. I’m really confused about this, and a bit surprised that I’m the only one who seems to be experiencing this issue.


    I feel like I’m on the verge of solving this problem, but there’s so much deprecated code between my various BP upgrades and my theme that was designed before the switch to parent/child. I have a new theme that works great (based in part on DetoX), but I wish I could just isolate the email activation issue.

    The ironic part is I only run a main blog, users don’t get the blog option – so I really would be better off porting this from WPMU to WP, but after tons of attempts, can’t seem to make that happen yet.


    I’ll keep trying to figure this out, and hopefully someone else who has solved this issue already will chime in with some words of wisdom.

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