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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #181277

    The pleasure is all mine..indeed an honor to be interacting with you.

    Just did a fresh install of Buddypress and stil the same issue remains… is blank with the BP default theme…

    strangely the above page works with buddyboss theme..anyway to debug this?

    Also i dont see “delete account” in the settings menu in the wp-admin bar in BP 2.0

    thanks once again


    In reply to: Stop BuddyPress SPAM


    I’m trying the coding from BuddyBoss I’ll let you know if it helps


    Dear Mr. Buddyboss…

    Once again, thank you so much for the informative and specific reply. Two gigs of ram it shall be!

    I wish I could attend your lecture…I really do. I’ve not been to a WordPress/Buddypress anything yet, and I am dying to go. Absolutely dying. I want to get far more involved with the WordPress/Buddypress company/community. We are both students (married, older etc) and are living on student loans…so for now, travel for us is limited to the bus πŸ™

    I have another question unrelated to capacity-should I start another thread, or may I ask it here?



    @buddyboss no inevitability there. Check out many responsive table solutions

    C’mon! Even Chris Coyier (the first ever to try making a table responsive and author of the article you have linked) himself admits that there is no good solution to make tables responsive. The article essentially lists a bunch of hacks that people have tried in order to somehow make the table layout somewhat work on small screens. Nobody cares that much for tablets (yet) but mobile screens are becoming more important every day. And tables are not suitable for mobile devices (there might be task-specific hacks, but there is no general-purpose solution). We can’t stay in denial about this for very long.


    thank you buddyboss! How much ram do you feel would be adequate.

    I guess the other thing is, a CDN is going to be acting like a cache, and so, since a buddypress site can’t use cache any way (or it serves stale content) things like W3 etc should not be part of the install?



    If you want a profile wall, take a look at

    Profile Walls



    I’m having the same problem so I tried using your fix but something is wrong. I don’t have:

    elseif ( bp_is_user_forums() ) : bp_get_template_part( 'members/single/forums' );

    I have:

    elseif ( bp_is_user_forums() ) : locate_template( array( 'members/single/forums.php' ), true );

    Using WP 3.8.1 and Buddypress 1.9.2


    @buddyboss indeed is the buddyboss. Thank you for the fix, my theme does not break down now.


    Hi Buddyboss

    Apologises for the delay in responding, everything is working fine now, removed the image file and used traditional links.

    Many thanks for your help


    OKAY! @buddyboss @mcpeanut @ So here is what I need. I now have a linux server! YAY ME! I’m in the process of redoing everything as I did not back it up.

    I have buddypress installed the pages work. The issue I’m having now is:

    BuddyPress is not showing in Appearance / Menus (as it did before) where I could select which pages I want only logged in folks to see.

    I appreciate everyone’s else help.


    @backpackersunion, @buddyboss: I did as mentioned above, correct pages are assigned. Here is what happens now:

    When at my site and I click on “register” it goes to the register page but nothing is there, only comments. If I were to add the other pages (Activity, Groups, Members, etc…) to the “main menu” where logged out users can view, I get the pages, but they are blank.

    If I log in to the website, with a login i created for testing and click on the pages / links view-able to logged in folks, I get the same error I mentioned before the 404 error.

    I also noticed after I login that user has access to WP and I think can edit the site.



    Hi @matthew.hout, Did you try Buddybosses Second idea? That’s what it sounds like the problem is. After you install BuddyPress you need to assign certain BuddyPress Pages to WordPress Pages (Activity Streams, Site Tracking, Members, Register and Active, are the pages depending on your Component Settings). To set these pages go to; Settings -> BuddyPress -> Pages. I don’t remember if BuddyPress creates the WordPress pages for you. You may have the create a blank page for each yourself. After you connect the WordPress pages to BuddyPress, I’d imagine it will start working.


    Hi, @buddyboss I did as you mentioned. When I switched the Permalinks to default, tested the site – received the same error. I switched back to what was there and still nothing. πŸ™ I want this site to work so bad! πŸ™‚ πŸ™


    @buddyboss – You’re a genius…

    We were getting a double menu when engaging the Notifications tab. It was driving me nuts. By the way, if you are part of BuddyBoss reach out to me at

    We really wanted to use your theme with rtMedia. I wanted to see if BuddyBoss was compatible yet. Or if rtMedia was compatible with you…


    Hi Buddyboss

    It was my original web designer who made the header image for me as an image map. Ok, if I remove the image map and just have a .jpg image for my logo on the left how do I get the Login and Register links on the right, and for them to work ok on desktop or tablet. The theme that I am using is Colorway responsive pro which resizes okay for everything else.
    Many thanks


    Thanks @BuddyBoss but that plugin does not work for me, it says I don’t have sufficient permissions??? And will not let me into the area where I can limit who sees what

    Any one got any other ideas??


    Buddyboss: Changing the theme to WP2014 fixed it. So, does this mean I have to switch themes? I’d rather not do that unless I absolutely have to. Do you think k8peterson’s solution (changing the header.php) is a good solution?

    Duke Taber

    Ok I just read modernloopers list of questions so I want to make this as clear as possible. First this problem is not a plugin problem. I disabled and deleted all and it didn’t fix the problem. I also tried a different theme and it didn’t fix the problem so it is not a theme problem. TJ at Buddyboss tried valiantly to figure out the problem to no avail.

    Here are the questions that modernlooper wanted answered.

    Please try to supply answers to the following questions.

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running? 3.81

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install? directory

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory? root

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version? every one for the last year

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting. Yes

    6. Which version of BP are you running? 1.92

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? Every one for the last year until 1.9 and then it broke. I just went back to my backup and waited. Upgraded to 1.92 and it is still broken. Went through all the normal troubleshooting processes until figuring out it was the notifications that is causing the error.

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
    Ads Manager WP/BB
    BB Force Profile
    BuddyPress Tiny group chat
    BuddyPress Links
    Easy Album
    Facebook Friends Inviter
    Invite Anyone
    Social Login

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes? BuddyBoss

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way? No

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? No, or at least none I am aware of that was put in there personally

    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? 2.5.3

    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.

    [Fri Feb 28 14:41:05 2014] [warn] [client xxx] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_notifications_toolbar_menu() in /var/www/vhosts/xxx/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-members/bp-members-adminbar.php on line 148, referer: xxx/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bp-components

    14. Which company provides your hosting? Media Temple

    15. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else? Linux and Apache


    In reply to: Stop BuddyPress SPAM


    Currently the plugin “good question” is helping me with reducing spam signups more than any other.

    I used to rely on si-captcha to help with this, but it started having some issues a few months ago (on my multi-site / BP sites), so that is not in use on my sites any longer.

    as buddyboss mentioned above, “bp-registration options” was a good choice for a while, it worked pretty well for me around v 1.5 or 1.6 I think.. but then issues started occurring and it was left without updates for a long time (while the plugin dev was running for an election or something if my memory is serving me today), so axed that one…

    Nothing is going to stop the manual spammers, but they are easy to eradicate once you have stopped all the bot signups with one of the QnA type plugins in my humble experience anyhow.


    Thanks BuddyBoss. Should I switch to WP 2014 theme to test?


    Did you ask buddyboss support about your issue?

    Are you using a caching plugin like

    You cannot cache everything or you will get stale pages or sections of pages.

    Using a plugin like w3 total cache, you can control what is cached.



    I am attempting this as well.

    I went into custom.css in my buddyboss theme (it is reflective mobile ready theme)

    I thought I was adding this in the right place by putting it in global area, but it did not work…

    have never been near css before so clueless…

    here is what the page looks like with my addition… it did not hide the active (how long ago) item…

    can someone please advise?? I saw to add it to the bottom, but that seems not right given how this is set up… did I do something wrong with brackets, or spaces or something?

    I tried it with, and without, the dot in front of the word span…

    This is your custom stylesheet.

    Add your own styles here to make theme updates easier.
    To override any styles from other stylesheets, simply copy them into here and edit away.

    Make sure to respect the media queries! Otherwise you may
    accidentally add desktop styles to the mobile layout.

    You’re the boss, so have fun editing!

    1.0 – Global Styles
    2.0 – Responsive media queries (mobile styles)
    2.1 – MAXIMUM width of 720 pixels (phones landscape)
    2.2 – MAXIMUM width of 380 pixels (phones portrait)
    2.3 – MINIMUM width of 721 pixels (tablets+)
    2.4 – MINIMUM width of 1040 pixels (desktops and laptops)
    1.0 – Global Styles

    .span.activity {
    display: none;

    2.0 – Responsive media queries (mobile styles)
    2.1 – MAXIMUM width of 720 pixels (phones landscape)

    screen and (max-width: 720px) {

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;

    }/* don’t delete this closing bracket */

    2.2 – MAXIMUM width of 380 pixels (phones portrait)

    screen and (max-width: 380px) {

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;

    }/* don’t delete this closing bracket */

    2.3 – MINIMUM width of 721 pixels (tablets+)

    screen and (min-width: 721px) {

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;

    }/* don’t delete this closing bracket */

    2.4 – MINIMUM width of 1040 pixels (desktops and laptops)

    screen and (min-width: 1040px) {

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;

    }/* don’t delete this closing bracket */


    Looks great. Thank you! What plugins can i use to create custom avatars and will I be able to get a plugin to make the members profile galleries display in a slick gallery using a plugin, instead of the way they display in the demo of BuddyBoss? Sorry, I’m new to WordPress and I want to be sure what I need to achieve is possible before i purchase. πŸ™‚


    I replied to your other post as well.

    The BuddyBoss theme includes Photo uploading to profiles and groups out of the box (mobile uploading as well):

    Photo Uploading


    Self promotion here, our BuddyBoss theme includes Photo uploading to profiles and groups out of the box (mobile too):

    Photo Uploading

    You would need to set up some other system for voting up the photos though. BuddyBoss also comes with a system to “Like” content, and shows who liked it. You could change “Like” to “Up Vote” or whatever and then create a custom built section showing the most liked activity posts, limiting it to the ones with photos uploaded. You’d need to edit some code for that.

Viewing 25 results - 551 through 575 (of 674 total)
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