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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #318884

    Hi all,

    I want to conditionally add a step in the Group Creation wizard of Buddypress / Buddyboss.
    In step 2 my form asks for a specific field (via a Select-box with the HTML name “group-types[]”).

    Whenever a specific group type is selected and the user clicks “next step”, I want to add a new step inbetween conditionally on the group type field.

    I found the Group Extension API which is very complicated to understand:

    Group Extension API

    And I found this code:

    It kind of works, but there are two things:

    I’m not sure where exactly to “ask” the already made setting “group-type[]” for the group in the creation wizard and unfortunately the settings-page “Ville” is added at the end.

    I tried to set a “position”-element in the $arg which is passed to parent::init( $args ); but this is not accepted.

    Any help would be highly appreciated.


    Hi All,

    I’ve just installed BuddyPress, bbPress and BuddyX with the BuddyX child theme. When I click on the “RSS” feed button (which I don’t even particularly need for the record), it brings me to a broken link site point to BuddyPress:

    Title: “”
    Body: “<rss xmlns:content=”; xmlns:atom=”; xmlns:sy=”; xmlns:slash=”; version=”2.0″>
    <title>MedSupply Network | Site-Wide Activity</title>
    <atom:link href=”; rel=”self” type=”application/rss+xml”/>
    <description>Activity feed for the entire site.</description>
    <lastBuildDate>Sun, 16 May 2021 19:48:22 +0000</lastBuildDate>
    <iframe src=”; id=”reachout__pixel” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”width:1px; height:1px; display: block”/>

    I have no idea what’s going on with this…
    Also, a couple of questions:
    1.) Do I need to install rtMedia directly?
    2.) Do BuddyPress and BuddyX work together directly?
    I know the developer of BuddyX is a BuddyPress (or former – not sure?) developer of BuddyPress – but I want to make sure that everything is in sync and I’m not using BuddyBoss b/c it appears that BuddyBoss and BuddyPress are not 100% in sync with each other.

    I’m aiming to create a social networking website for healthcare profesionals and medical suppliers in the safest (technical) way possible – and I’ve built this using Linux Ubuntu + NGINX + MYSQL + PHP 7.4-fpm + AWS EC2 (and route 53 elb asg’s etc.).

    any help woudl be greatly appreciated!


    Sorry to offend shanebp. After being a member for 10 years and graciously learning from others, this has only been the 3rd question I have actually asked here.
    As I had mentioned above which I don’t think you may had read, I did reach out to their support team and it was futile. I am very aware this is not BuddyBoss support

    Because the BuddyPress platform is built from BuddyPress code I just it may be logical and harmless to ask.

    My question was “Does anyone know any way to enable WP Shortcodes in buddypress/bbpress topics? At least for Admins.

    I only mentioned BuddyPress Platforms because on one of the sites I currently administer, it uses that.
    But by and large, the question was geared towards BuddyPress not BuddyBoss.

    I can understand the frustration it may bring to see how many times people have confused BuddyPress with BuddyBoss, but I am not one of them
    Over 25 pages and counting.

    So mea Culpa,I’m just hoping to find answers that would work in BuddyPress with the hope that it would work that BuddyBoss Platform and I can get some rest from these folks.

    Thank you


    Please send BuddyBoss issues to their support team.
    These are the forums for BuddyPress.



    Does anyone know any way to enable WP Shortcodes in buddypress/bbpress topics? At least for Admins.
    There are some plugins such as Quizzes and Polls that provide shortcode that can be easily added/started into a topic where a widget won’t work or is called for.
    I understand that it can be a security concern for just any user to have the ability, but if it was limited to Mods, Admins and Content Providers it would great.

    I did find that GD bbPress tools DOES work (lets you have the function to use any shortcode in topics ) if you initially have it installed prior to installing BuddyPress Platform BUT if you have any other customization or toggles you had enabled on GS bbPress prior to the the BuddyPress install, you are STUCK to what it was set on because I found that BiddyPress Platform locks you out of the config for GD bbpress leaving you to keep as is or removing GD bbpress tools all together. Unfortunately I had to remove it because I did not want one of the settings I previously added. Don’t bother trying to re-install it. It won’t work.
    I found another plugin, bbPress – Do Short Codes – it is abandoned and hasn’t been updated in years but it worked. The problem here was, there was some code in that for some reason clashed with the Buddypress mailbox.

    So in all, I know it can be done and it can work but I am hoping I can find one that works with Buddypress Platform or at least without issue.
    I did reach out to Buddypress Platform tech support and the person who was helping basically closed the ticket regarding the inbox not working as soon as I figured out it was the plugin.
    When asked about shortcodes in topics I was told it was not a feature. O-K.

    Thank you in advance for any help.


    Wprdpress 5.7.2
    BuddyBoss Theme and BuddyBoss Platform Pro


    Hi all,
    i love buddyboss platform.

    Is there any option or plugin that shares the post of other users in my activity feed (like in fb)?



    Does this plugin (or BuddyBoss) allow users to set whether they want to auto approve member connection requests?

    Thank you,



    Is it possible to create/add folder structure for uploads?

    Is there an extension or a plugin available for this? (We don’t want to use BuddyBoss)

    Hope to hear from you, thanks in advance.



    the signin and signup form is mixing english and german language

    Sign in Form which should be displayed in German language

    Can someone please help me to fix this?

    I’m pretty new to wordpress and buddyboss
    I’m using plattform v.1.5.8 and theme v1.6.5 and wp 5.7.1.

    Varun Dubey

    @fmlrwemakefuture it’s not the correct support board, you should contact Buddyboss directly.


    Hey there,

    for a client we set up Learndash and Buddyboss using the Buddyboss Theme. Elementor is also installed as a builder.
    The Course and Lesson Pages however show too many information like “progress” and “members” and more. Can I change the design layout for courses and lessons? And if yes, how?

    The main task would be to hide many elements, not to add more.

    Thanks for your help


    >Hopefully I’m at the right place for this question.

    No, these are the forums for BuddyPress.
    You should send your question to BuddyBoss or BuddyForms.


    I use BuddyForms Members plugin (1.4.15) (WP 5.7, buddyboss
    It allows integration of Buddyforms with member profiles by extending class BP_Component.

    What I need, is that this ‘profile integration’ is conditional to the member type (‘user’, ‘location’, ‘organisation’). Only organisation/location membertypes should get ‘profile integration’.

    So, I end up in buddyboss-platform\bp-core\classes\class-bp-component.php. On line 475 I found:

    do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_setup_actions' );

    I can interact with bp_set_nav by adding code in the class on line 476:

    if ($this->id == 'buddyforms') {
    remove_action( 'bp_setup_nav', array( $this, 'setup_nav' ), 10 );

    But, how do I refer to $this from outside the extended BP_Component class (BuddyForms_Members_Extention)? What doesn’t seem to work from My Plugin function.php:

    add_action( 'bp_buddyforms_setup_actions', 'my_function', 10 );
    function my_function() {
    $buddy = buddypress();
    remove_action( 'bp_setup_nav', array( $buddy, 'setup_nav' ), 10 );

    Hopefully I’m at the right place for this question.


    Hi, I dig so much but I could not find any solution for auto-generating nickname during registration. I want to hide this field and want it to be auto-generated by the system. Can you help me please



    I am using Paidmemberships Pro together with Buddyboss theme on my site and I only want users with a premium account to be able to view the profile information on a member page. I still want them to be able to access the member page but I want to hide the profile information for them and instead display a message like “You need a premium account to view this content”.

    Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks!


    I have the same issue. Because BuddyBoss is adding the bp-nouveau class to the body as the first item, Elementor is using that as the site’s full-width-template class.

    I had a look in custom-bp file but there is nothing about classes there.

    I’ve been trying to remove the .bp-nouveau via the WP filter in the child theme’s function.php:

    add_filter('body_class', function (array $classes) {
        if (in_array('bp-nouveau', $classes)) {
          unset( $classes[array_search('bp-nouveau', $classes)] );
      return $classes;

    but that’s not working.

    I have also tried via jQuery in the WP footer to removeClass but that didn’t work either.

    1. Is there a way to remove the bp-nouveau class from the body tag on certain pages?
    2. Is there a way to move the position of the bp-nouveau class to the end of the body tag?

    Perhaps moving it to the end of the body tag would be the best solution in order to avoid any knock on effects?

    Any advice appreciated.



    Is it possible to delete single messages in a thread in BuddyBoss private messages? If two people have discussed for a long time and one accidentally sends something that is not ment for anyone to read, he has to delete his all sent messages in that thread.

    So, how do I add a ‘delete’ button to a SINGLE private message? Or is this not even possible?


    I’m trying to overwrite the styles of the class login-split but it doesn’t work and I’m not sure why that happen. I need to make that class 100% width.



    I am running a BP related theme and I want to add a paid membership option to the site. Does anyone know of any plugins that will do this?

    I am already using the BP Members Type (BuddyBoss) plugin to provide the user with an option to sign-up. I now want to have a free sign-up option and one that forces members to pay.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.



    Hi everyone,

    there is a strange problem. I’ve use WordPress, BuddyPress and “Buddyboss-Global-Search” what should be the correct plugin to use.

    If I search for a blocked member, the search-result number is correct and show “0 results found” BUT the search-result filter lists “Members (1)” and also show the member in the results itself.

    Can anyone help me, to get rid of the blocked members in the search-results? It is not an option the delete the user from database as of linked page-content written or edited by this members.



    In reply to: Buy BuddyPress?


    No it’s not, maybe they were getting confused with the BuddyBoss offering?


    >Is it embedded in BuddyPress?

    No, but it is in BuddyBoss.



    Thanks for your time.

    I’d rather not start loading a different theme, and if I did I would probably load a default WordPress one for testing purposes. OceanWP is said to be compatible with BuddyPress, it’s listed on the BuddyBoss site.

    I did actually start my question off with ‘Even though the Customizer settings are set to Horizontal for both Group and Profile, the member and group directory pages are still showing with the nav vertical.” So your video link does not help.

    Would love to get this sorted out.




    Even though the Customizer settings are set to Horizontal for both Group and Profile, the member and group directory pages are still showing with the nav vertical.

    I’m using:

    Wordpress 5.6
    BuddyBoss Version 1.5.6 (free platform) with nouveau templates
    OceanWP v2.0.2 (theme)

    I don’t know if this would effect anything, but I originally installed Buddypress and then changed to Buddyboss. So I’m not sure if there could be any ghost settings somewhere in the db? I tried creating a brand new WP page and set that up as the Page to use but still insisting on going vertical.

    Looking at the source code something somewhere is inputting the classes for the vertical navigation. The only similar thing I could find was this thread: but it isn’t any help.

    Horizontal navs are working on the other Buddyboss nouveau template pages.

    I tried to get around it by using the [profile type=””] shortcode on a WP page but that doesn’t include the search and filter component.

    So my question is: How do I stop Buddyboss/buddypress from insisting on vertical nav?

    If that’s not possible, for whatever reason then how can I use the profile shortcode on a WP page that includes the search and filter and the grid/list toggle? I’d be interested to know this anyway as would like to create separate pages for certain profile types.

    The site is for registered users only but the link is https://

    Please be gentle, this is my first delve into Buddypress/BuddyBoss.



    The BuddyBoss Platform, a fork of BP, is free.

Viewing 25 results - 151 through 175 (of 682 total)
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