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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

Viewing 25 results - 151 through 175 (of 674 total)
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  • tantrigger


    the signin and signup form is mixing english and german language

    Sign in Form which should be displayed in German language

    Can someone please help me to fix this?

    I’m pretty new to wordpress and buddyboss
    I’m using plattform v.1.5.8 and theme v1.6.5 and wp 5.7.1.

    Varun Dubey

    @fmlrwemakefuture it’s not the correct support board, you should contact Buddyboss directly.


    Hey there,

    for a client we set up Learndash and Buddyboss using the Buddyboss Theme. Elementor is also installed as a builder.
    The Course and Lesson Pages however show too many information like “progress” and “members” and more. Can I change the design layout for courses and lessons? And if yes, how?

    The main task would be to hide many elements, not to add more.

    Thanks for your help


    >Hopefully I’m at the right place for this question.

    No, these are the forums for BuddyPress.
    You should send your question to BuddyBoss or BuddyForms.


    I use BuddyForms Members plugin (1.4.15) (WP 5.7, buddyboss
    It allows integration of Buddyforms with member profiles by extending class BP_Component.

    What I need, is that this ‘profile integration’ is conditional to the member type (‘user’, ‘location’, ‘organisation’). Only organisation/location membertypes should get ‘profile integration’.

    So, I end up in buddyboss-platform\bp-core\classes\class-bp-component.php. On line 475 I found:

    do_action( 'bp_' . $this->id . '_setup_actions' );

    I can interact with bp_set_nav by adding code in the class on line 476:

    if ($this->id == 'buddyforms') {
    remove_action( 'bp_setup_nav', array( $this, 'setup_nav' ), 10 );

    But, how do I refer to $this from outside the extended BP_Component class (BuddyForms_Members_Extention)? What doesn’t seem to work from My Plugin function.php:

    add_action( 'bp_buddyforms_setup_actions', 'my_function', 10 );
    function my_function() {
    $buddy = buddypress();
    remove_action( 'bp_setup_nav', array( $buddy, 'setup_nav' ), 10 );

    Hopefully I’m at the right place for this question.


    Hi, I dig so much but I could not find any solution for auto-generating nickname during registration. I want to hide this field and want it to be auto-generated by the system. Can you help me please



    I am using Paidmemberships Pro together with Buddyboss theme on my site and I only want users with a premium account to be able to view the profile information on a member page. I still want them to be able to access the member page but I want to hide the profile information for them and instead display a message like “You need a premium account to view this content”.

    Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks!


    I have the same issue. Because BuddyBoss is adding the bp-nouveau class to the body as the first item, Elementor is using that as the site’s full-width-template class.

    I had a look in custom-bp file but there is nothing about classes there.

    I’ve been trying to remove the .bp-nouveau via the WP filter in the child theme’s function.php:

    add_filter('body_class', function (array $classes) {
        if (in_array('bp-nouveau', $classes)) {
          unset( $classes[array_search('bp-nouveau', $classes)] );
      return $classes;

    but that’s not working.

    I have also tried via jQuery in the WP footer to removeClass but that didn’t work either.

    1. Is there a way to remove the bp-nouveau class from the body tag on certain pages?
    2. Is there a way to move the position of the bp-nouveau class to the end of the body tag?

    Perhaps moving it to the end of the body tag would be the best solution in order to avoid any knock on effects?

    Any advice appreciated.



    Is it possible to delete single messages in a thread in BuddyBoss private messages? If two people have discussed for a long time and one accidentally sends something that is not ment for anyone to read, he has to delete his all sent messages in that thread.

    So, how do I add a ‘delete’ button to a SINGLE private message? Or is this not even possible?


    I’m trying to overwrite the styles of the class login-split but it doesn’t work and I’m not sure why that happen. I need to make that class 100% width.



    I am running a BP related theme and I want to add a paid membership option to the site. Does anyone know of any plugins that will do this?

    I am already using the BP Members Type (BuddyBoss) plugin to provide the user with an option to sign-up. I now want to have a free sign-up option and one that forces members to pay.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.



    Hi everyone,

    there is a strange problem. I’ve use WordPress, BuddyPress and “Buddyboss-Global-Search” what should be the correct plugin to use.

    If I search for a blocked member, the search-result number is correct and show “0 results found” BUT the search-result filter lists “Members (1)” and also show the member in the results itself.

    Can anyone help me, to get rid of the blocked members in the search-results? It is not an option the delete the user from database as of linked page-content written or edited by this members.



    In reply to: Buy BuddyPress?


    No it’s not, maybe they were getting confused with the BuddyBoss offering?


    >Is it embedded in BuddyPress?

    No, but it is in BuddyBoss.



    Thanks for your time.

    I’d rather not start loading a different theme, and if I did I would probably load a default WordPress one for testing purposes. OceanWP is said to be compatible with BuddyPress, it’s listed on the BuddyBoss site.

    I did actually start my question off with ‘Even though the Customizer settings are set to Horizontal for both Group and Profile, the member and group directory pages are still showing with the nav vertical.” So your video link does not help.

    Would love to get this sorted out.




    Even though the Customizer settings are set to Horizontal for both Group and Profile, the member and group directory pages are still showing with the nav vertical.

    I’m using:

    Wordpress 5.6
    BuddyBoss Version 1.5.6 (free platform) with nouveau templates
    OceanWP v2.0.2 (theme)

    I don’t know if this would effect anything, but I originally installed Buddypress and then changed to Buddyboss. So I’m not sure if there could be any ghost settings somewhere in the db? I tried creating a brand new WP page and set that up as the Page to use but still insisting on going vertical.

    Looking at the source code something somewhere is inputting the classes for the vertical navigation. The only similar thing I could find was this thread: but it isn’t any help.

    Horizontal navs are working on the other Buddyboss nouveau template pages.

    I tried to get around it by using the [profile type=””] shortcode on a WP page but that doesn’t include the search and filter component.

    So my question is: How do I stop Buddyboss/buddypress from insisting on vertical nav?

    If that’s not possible, for whatever reason then how can I use the profile shortcode on a WP page that includes the search and filter and the grid/list toggle? I’d be interested to know this anyway as would like to create separate pages for certain profile types.

    The site is for registered users only but the link is https://

    Please be gentle, this is my first delve into Buddypress/BuddyBoss.



    The BuddyBoss Platform, a fork of BP, is free.


    That´s not possible out of the box. Did you check out plugins like rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress? Buddyboss might be an option, but that´s not for free.


    We are using the native function of buddyPress to send message between users:


    We follow the example of this page:


    Instead of getting the thread ID, we are getting a False.

    How can we get the thread ID?


    I have a query about the separate discussion for the courses in buddyboss theme. Please suggest any addon for the same.


    Yes, stack is great.
    While it would be nice to avoid all the spam on these forums, who would answer questions on a BP stack?

    There are unofficial Facebook groups for BuddyPress and BuddyBoss.
    Participation in the former is scant, while the latter is booming.


    hey there,
    I have a multi-language E-learning Website and I want to add attribute { dir=”auto” } to the P element inside the activity-inner

    I navigated to buddyboss-theme/buddybress/activity/entry.php
    but I didn’t found the P element I’m looking for I just found this
    <div class=”activity-inner”><?php bp_nouveau_activity_content(); ?></div>

    so can you please guide me how to add my attribute on all P elements in the <div class=”activity-inner”> element

    regards, Mohamed


    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    BuddyBoss is a fork of BuddyPress and does some things differently.
    You may have better luck asking the folks at BuddyBoss.

    But here is a hint, instead of unset, use the filter:
    apply_filters( 'bp_rest_group_settings_forum', $fields, $group_id );
    Found here:


    I dug around a bit and managed to find a way for me to prevent anyone other than the site admin from seeing the tab once in the group management section, which isn’t exactly what I was looking for, but will suffice.

    The issue I’m now running into is that, even though I have removed the forum options (slugged “topic” in BuddyBoss) using the code below, the group creation still goes to that slug when clicking the “Next” button and now displays a blank screen. Any chance someone could point out what I’m missing from my code to skip that step completely?

    function remove_group_creation_steps() {
    	global $bp;
    	unset( $bp->groups->group_creation_steps['topic'] );
    	unset( $bp->groups->group_creation_steps['forum'] );
    add_action( 'bp_before_create_group_content_template', 'remove_group_creation_steps', 9999 );

    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    For BuddyBoss, please use their site.

Viewing 25 results - 151 through 175 (of 674 total)
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