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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • ghadirassadi

    I’m using Buddypress and woocommerce with OneSocialTheme and MarketPlace from BuddyBoss.
    It’s really great that buddypress has notification feature, allowing to notify your social activities such as friend request, message etc.

    As you know, when you order a product, you would instantely receive emails.
    I was wondering if there is a way I can add woocommerce order statut into buddypress notification ?



    Awesome find, doesn’t work with BuddyBoss theme 🙁


    @buddyboss then why when i go to the website it only has pricing and not download?

    if you say its free i should not have to pay anything for a download. if you say a theme is what im paying for then why is there no basic theme thats free or even the plugin without a theme so users can built their own theme?

    do i really need to spend over $200 to try it out because im skeptical. i rather save the headache of filing a return

    Sorry, I just remembered that I can download the free plugin:



    I totally understand what you mean about having your product stack working out of the box.

    – Suggestion.. I wish you guys would have an “escape” export OUT of Buddyboss and back to BP. *its just a piece of mind thing.

    The attraction that I have with BP/WP is that I dont “feel” locked in to a software provider.. its a bit unreasonable of course.. but it just keeps me “feeling free”


    I think i would feel better paying the price (dont get me wrong.. its reasonably priced) if the Buddyboss platform would also address mobile-first-pagespeed. It drives me crazy that every site I launch on BP/WP scores poorly on googles pagespeed test. — its pretty clear that the main reason for this are loading a bunch of JS and CSS.. certainly there are many reasons why a site scores poorly but it would great if BuddyBoss Platform solved for some of that.

    – How compatible is BuddyBoss Platform with the caching plugins like WP-SuperCache (and the like)

    Im just a BP/WP hobbyist so Im sensitive to the “annual license renewal fee” – How does your renewal fees work? Is the renewal fee the same price as the initial purchase price?

    LASTLY (I swear its the last question)

    I’ve noticed that I still rely on WP plugins that interact with posts.. is the BuddyBoss Platform and Theme overall (reasonably) compatible with other WP plugins out there?



    Thank you!

    – You cannot run BuddyBoss Platform and BP at the same time. BuddyBoss is a fork of BuddyPress and shares a lot of the same underlying code, so they cannot run at the same time.

    – These are the themes available:
    “BuddyBoss Theme” is for BuddyBoss Platform.
    Boss 2.0 and OneSocial are actually for BuddyPress.

    I know it’s a bit confusing, but long term our product stack is basically just BuddyBoss Platform and BuddyBoss Theme which is actually very simple. We’re not making any new BuddyPress themes. The goal is to have everything you need out of the box from us with one plugin, one theme. That way we can focus all of our efforts on updating that product stack and just make it really awesome. We are adding more options over time to make the theme really flexible with layouts, especially via Elementor, so that people can take that one theme and make it look like anything.



    your themes are just FREAKING AMAZING!!!!! I really love them

    quick questions..

    – The last time I installed BuddyBoss Platform.. it “conflicted” with my BP install.. (is that still the case? you can only either have BuddyBoss installed or BP installed..)

    – Can you use the BuddyBoss Platform Theme on a BP install? (meaning without the BuddyBoss Platform)

    – I noticed that the only theme available now is the Boss 2.0. Will you be only making themes for BuddyBoss Platform and will you be transitioning out of further developing the Boss 2.0 theme or other themes just for BP

    Again.. Im such a huge fan.. really fantastic work



    BuddyBoss Platform (our version of BuddyPress) is free, including updates. The platform includes all of the social functionality, while the theme is purely for layout and is optional. You do pay for the theme, just as you would pay for a nice BuddyPress theme. You can also build your own theme, or use some generic free theme from the WordPress themes repo if you prefer.



    buddyboss is not free you have to pay over $265 annually if you want the full package including the theme + updates

    You can download the BuddyBoss Platform ( the fork of BP ) for free from github.


    The funny thing is that I have tried BuddyBoss and in its BuddyPlattform it works that way, only I do not like BuddyBoss, I want to implement that function in BuddyPress


    I created an action that uses the messages_new_message function (any time a user gets a tag, they automatically receive a private message.)

    Would it be possible to put a border around the message or make the font different? I would like to make these messages stand out a little from the other messages in a users inbox/thread by adding some styling. Below is the code I am using:

    function send_message_to_student_113( $user_id, $tags_applied ) {
    $tag_id = wp_fusion()->user->get_tag_id( ‘course tag 1.1.1’ );
    if ( in_array( $tag_id, $tags_applied ) ) {
    $args = array(
    ‘sender_id’ => 1,
    ‘thread_id’ => false,
    ‘recipients’ => $user_id,
    ‘subject’ => ‘Hello there’,
    ‘content’ => ‘You got a new tag! Congratulations. Please let me know if you need any help!’,
    ‘date_sent’ => bp_core_current_time()
    $result = messages_new_message( $args );
    add_action( ‘wpf_tags_applied’, ‘send_message_to_student_113’, 10, 2 );

    I am using WordPress 5.3 and I am actually using BuddyBoss which is a fork of Buddypress.

    Thank you! Simmi


    Sorry for not listening to the rules! Here is a better version of my previous post –
    I am using WordPress 5.3 and I am actually using a theme called BuddyBoss to implement Buddyboss but that shouldn’t matter for my question.

    So I created a custom function where any time a user gets a tag, they automatically receive a private message. I would like to make these messages stand out a little from the other messages in a users inbox/thread by adding special styling. Would it be possible to put a border around this message? Below is the code I am using:

    Thank you! Simmi

    function send_message_to_student_113( $user_id, $tags_applied ) {
    $tag_id = wp_fusion()->user->get_tag_id( ‘course tag 1.1.1’ );
    if ( in_array( $tag_id, $tags_applied ) ) {
    $args = array(
    ‘sender_id’ => 1,
    ‘thread_id’ => false,
    ‘recipients’ => $user_id,
    ‘subject’ => ‘Hello there’,
    ‘content’ => ‘You got a new tag! Congratulations. Please let me know if you need any help!’,
    ‘date_sent’ => bp_core_current_time()
    $result = messages_new_message( $args );
    add_action( ‘wpf_tags_applied’, ‘send_message_to_student_113’, 10, 2 );

    Same problem here. And I note that the buddyboss “auto join” plugin has also been dropped by devs due to knew buddypress version (although you can still download it…)



    I’m using Buddypress via BuddyBoss. How can I stop this email being sent out ‘Your username and password info’. As the user creates their own password on registration.

    This email seems to trigger once I click ‘activate’. I would be grateful if there is a way to stop this email, it’s confusing users.




    I’m using BuddyBoss (with BuddyPress).

    I used this snippet:

    add_filter( 'gettext', 'ps_change_activation_message', 20, 3 );
    function ps_change_activation_message( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
        switch ( $translated_text ) {
            case 'You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.' :
                $translated_text = __( 'Your membership account is awaiting approval by the site administrator.', 'buddypress' );
        return $translated_text;

    But this did not work for changing the message.

    Please can you advise?



    I have to apologize to Michael from Buddyboss. I did not realize their platform was free. Kudos to you guys, you are doing a great job. I have been testing your plugin and have been extremely impressed.



    Thank you for responding to my comment. Actually XYZ is just the placeholder for my database name because I don’t want to disclose it’s name.

    Actually the error is trigger by Buddypress function BP_Groups_Group::get( array $args = array() )
    which is located “Buddypress\bp-groups\classes\class-bp-groups-group.php”

    You can find the function here

    Right in the function definition when it reach here

     $bp = buddypress();
        $sql = array(
            'select'     => "SELECT DISTINCT",
            'from'       => "{$bp->groups->table_name} g",
            'where'      => '',
            'orderby'    => '',
            'pagination' => '',

    It triggers error because it can not find table_name. I am not sure why the table_name is not loaded.

    We are using Buddyboss theme with Buddypress and Memberium plugins.

    Thank You


    UPDATE:: I tested this code on a BuddyPress installation I have and get the same results so not a buddyboss issue.



    I’m running BuddyBoss/BuddyPress on WordPress 5.3.2

    I’d like to be able to filter my main BuddyPress members page using $_GET, from query variables passed in the URL.

    I’ve tried various ideas found on the web and the most up to date/promising way of doing this seems to be using bp_parse_args() via…

    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_members_parse_args', 'my_function' );

    Using this method works well except for the fact that I am unable to access my passed filter variables via $_GET …if I print the site url from within my function it returns wp-admin/ajax.php (or something like it) which I guess is why I can’t access the passed query variables. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,


    My code…

    function ic_members_filter( $retval ) {
        global $wpdb;
        global $ic_filter_members_interest_id;
        if( $ic_filter_members_interest_id &&  $ic_filter_members_interest_id>0 ){
            $prepared_statement = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT user_id FROM ic_interests_data WHERE interest_id = %d AND (interest_value = 1 OR interest_value = 3)", $ic_filter_members_interest_id );
            $db_custom_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $prepared_statement );
            if ( $db_custom_ids ) { //!empty( $db_custom_ids )
                // convert the array to a csv string
                $retval['include'] =  implode(",", $db_custom_ids);  //$custom_ids_str = 'include=' . implode(",", $custom_ids);
                // don't show any records
                $retval['include'] = array(0);
            // show all records
            $retval['include'] = '';
        return $retval;
    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_members_parse_args', 'ic_members_filter' );

    WHERE… $ic_filter_members_interest_id is a global that holds the interest_id via $_GET


    Using bp_parse_args() to filter BuddyPress template loops


    So following the steps in this post:

    change the email ‘from’ name (BuddyPress email templates)

    I used this code:

    add_action( 'bp_email', function( $email_type, $email_obj ) {
    	$email_obj->set_reply_to( "", "My Site" );
    }, 10, 2 );
    add_action( 'bp_email', function( $email_type, $email_obj ) {
    	$email_obj->set_from( "", "My Site" );
    }, 10, 2 );

    This partially worked. The signup emails going to the registrant now have the correct From address, but the notifications going to the admin have the WordPress administrator email listed as the From. I believe this is an issue because both the to and from are now a Gmail address, ie. To: and From:, and Gmail is kicking them back as untrusted. How do I get it to change the From email in all cases? Note that I am using the Buddyboss theme, if that makes a difference. Since the above code isn’t checking for the value of $email_type I would have thought it would just work on all of the emails, but the code is also 3 years old so guessing some things may have changed.

    Edit: Also, will Buddypress play well with plugins that allow you to send authenticated emails via SMTP or IMAP, such as WP Mail SMTP by WPForms? I feel that might alleviate the issues we are having but it would be good to know if there’s anything special we need to do before going down that road, thanks.



    Topic: Restrict Message

    in forum Showcase


    I use wordpress with learndash and buddyboss’ theme. I should like know if is possible between users restrict message, user could send message teacher’s lesson only. Can you help me please?


    Howdy, BuddyPress friends!

    I have been working on a project for fun and have been enjoying the laying out of items and adding plugin functionality a bit much here lately. So much so, in fact, that I put the testing phase on the back shelf for a bit.

    When I was attempting to request membership from a test account to a private group that my admin account was the creator of, I ran into an issue: I can get to the request page (/groups/test-group/request-membership/?_wpnonce=47febc75fe) by clicking the link to do so and then am presented with a textarea for request comments, however when I submit the form (with or without comments) I am taken back to the group’s main page (/groups/test-group/) and am presented with “There was an error sending your group membership request. Please try again.” The request does not come through (not in BP’s notifications, e-mail, pending requests, etc.) at all.

    At first this was a minor irritation because I could go to the group as the admin and invite the test account to join the group. There I am presented with a checkbox for my test account’s name, as well as a submit button; however when clicking on the checkbox, the form instantly submits without ever sending an invite. I even attempted to modify the live source to set the field to checked, attempted to submit, and received a success message stating my invite was sent, but of course it never was.

    I have checked the list of plugins I have on my site, disabled a few I didn’t necessarily need, and have checked each of the remaining to see if there’s any sort of conflict between plugins affecting groups, but to no avail. This functionality is key to the use of groups for my project, so I would sincerely appreciate any advice from more knowledgeable members of the BP community.

    Some support information, including a list of active plugins, can be found below. Please note that any plugin with ** beside it came bundled with the theme.

    == Server Environment ==
    	Operating System: Linux
    	Software: Apache/2.4.6
    	MySQL version: MariaDB Server v5.5.61-MariaDB-38.13
    	PHP Version: 7.2.24
    	PHP Max Input Vars: 2500
    	PHP Max Post Size: 64M
    	GD Installed: Yes
    	ZIP Installed: Yes
    	Write Permissions: All right
    	Elementor Library: Connected
    == WordPress Environment ==
    	Version: 5.3.2
    	WP Multisite: No
    	Max Upload Size: 64 MB
    	Memory limit: 512M
    	Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    	Language: en-US
    	Timezone: America/New_York
    	Debug Mode: Inactive
    == Theme ==
    	Name: Gwangi
    	Version: 2.1.1
    	Author: Themosaurus
    	Child Theme: No
    == User ==
    	Role: administrator
    	WP Profile lang: en_US
    	User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
    == Active Plugins ==
    	(BuddyDev) BP Auto Login on Activation
    		Version: 1.0.3
    		Author: Brajesh Singh
    	Author Avatars List**
    		Version: 1.18
    		Author: Paul Bearne
    	Awesome Weather Widget
    		Version: 3.0.2
    		Author: Hal Gatewood
    		Version: 2.6.3
    		Author: The bbPress Contributors
    	BP Messages Tool
    		Version: 2.1
    		Author: PhiloPress
    	BP Profile Search
    		Version: 5.2.4
    		Author: Andrea Tarantini
    		Version: 5.1.2
    		Author: The BuddyPress Community
    	BuddyPress Default Cover Photo
    		Version: 1.6.0
    		Author: SeventhQueen
    	BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request
    		Version: 1.2.0
    		Author: BuddyDev Team
    	BuddyPress Reorder Tabs
    		Version: 2.0.1
    		Author: BuddyBoss
    	BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types
    		Version: 1.1.3
    		Author: BuddyDev
    	Classic Editor
    		Version: 1.5
    		Author: WordPress Contributors
    	Classic Editor Addon
    		Version: 2.6.0
    		Author: Pieter Bos, Greg Schoppe
    	Dashboard Notepad
    		Version: 1.42
    		Author: Stephanie Leary
    	Easy Custom Sidebars**
    		Version: 1.0.10
    		Author: Titanium Themes
    		Version: 2.8.3
    	Envato Market
    		Version: 2.0.3
    		Author: Envato
    	Essential Addons for Elementor
    		Version: 3.7.1
    		Author: WPDeveloper
    		Version: 1.2.5
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock Animate**
    		Version: 1.1.0
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for Author Avatars List**
    		Version: 1.0.4
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for bbPress**
    		Version: 1.0.3
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for BuddyPress**
    		Version: 1.1.4
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for Elementor**
    		Version: 1.0.1
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for Jetpack**
    		Version: 1.0.4
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for Testimonials by WooThemes**
    		Version: 1.1.0
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for The Events Calendar**
    		Version: 1.1.2
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock Hero**
    		Version: 1.0.7
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock Isotope**
    		Version: 1.0.7
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock Login**
    		Version: 1.0.10
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Hide Admin Bar
    		Author: Shelby DeNike
    	If Menu - Visibility control for menu items
    		Version: 0.15
    		Author: Layered
    	Kirki Customizer Framework**
    		Version: 3.0.45
    		Author: Ari Stathopoulos
    		Version: 1.4.6
    		Author: BuddyDev
    	Menu Image**
    		Version: 2.9.5
    		Author: Rui Guerreiro
    	Simple Buddypress Profile Privacy
    		Version: 0.7.9
    		Author: Justin Hansen
    	Social Articles
    		Version: 2.9.5
    		Author: Broobe
    	The Events Calendar
    		Version: 4.9.14
    		Author: Modern Tribe, Inc.
    	UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore
    		Version: 1.16.21
    		Author: UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson
    	Verified Member for BuddyPress**
    		Version: 1.1.1
    		Author: Themosaurus
    == Must-Use Plugins ==
    	Gateway Relay
    		Version: 1.0
    		Author: Arnold Bailey (Incsub)
    	WPMU Assist
    		Version: 1.0.2
    		Author: Arnold Bailey (Incsub)
    == Elements Usage ==
    	wp-page : 12
    		eael-adv-tabs : 1
    		google_maps : 1
    		image-carousel : 1
    		shortcode : 1
    		text-editor : 1
    		wp-widget-grimlock_author_avatars_section_widget : 1
    		wp-widget-grimlock_posts_section_widget : 1
    		wp-widget-grimlock_query_section_widget : 1
    		wp-widget-grimlock_section_widget : 3
    		wp-widget-grimlock_the_events_calendar_tribe_events_section_widget : 1
    == Log ==
    PHP: showing 1 of 1PHP: 2020-01-02 10:43:38 [error X 1][/home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/elementor.php::97] Cannot redeclare elementor_fail_wp_version() (previously declared in /home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/elementor.php:97) [array (
      'trace' => '
    #0: Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager -> shutdown()
    JS: showing 1 of 1JS: 2020-01-11 16:50:05 [error X 1][https://*****/wp-content/plugins/grimlock/assets/js/navigation-stick-to-top.js?ver=1.2.5:27:45] Cannot read property \'top\' of undefined

    I’ve started these adjustments by first creating new profile fields for the headline and user location by going to BuddyBoss > Profiles > add new field, making a note of their id’s in the url. I then found a relevant tutorial on the Buddypress codex “Displaying Extended Profile Fields on Member Profiles” but it seems to be based on and older version of Buddypress. I found out some current hooks in the user profile header are bp_before_member_header_meta below the main display name and bp_before_member_in_header_meta below that. So I added the headline and user location, as well as the nickname/handle with this code based on the linked tutorial in my child themes functions.php file:

    add_action( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'display_user_nickname' );
    function display_user_nickname() {
    	$args = array(
    	'field' => 3,
    $user_nickname = bp_get_profile_field_data ( $args );
    if( $user_nickname ) {
    	echo '<span class="mention-name">@' . $user_nickname . '</span>';
    add_action( 'bp_before_member_in_header_meta', 'display_user_headline' );
    function display_user_headline() {
    	$args = array(
    		'field' => 12,
    	$user_headline_copy = bp_get_profile_field_data ( $args );
    	if( $user_headline_copy ) {
    		echo $user_headline_copy;
    add_action( 'bp_before_member_in_header_meta', 'display_user_location' );
    function display_user_location() {
    	$args = array(
    		'field' => 16,
    	$user_location = bp_get_profile_field_data ( $args );
    	if( $user_location ) {
    		echo '<br />' . $user_location;

    With that, the headline and user location were added (I used a line-break to separate them the way I wanted it), but it left me with two instances of the nickname/handle: the pre-existing one and the new one that I just added. I tried to remove the pre-existing one using:
    remove_action( 'bp_before_member_in_header_meta', 'bp_displayed_user_mentionname' );

    That is exactly the function used to output the mentionname of a displayed user according to the documentation, but it didn’t work and I still would’ve had to figure out how to remove the span class and @ symbol that’s there too anyways. So I copied the file, \buddyboss-theme\buddypress\members\single\member-header.php, into my child theme and deleted lines 44-50:

    <?php if ( bp_is_active( ‘activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) : ?>
        <span class=”mention-name”>@<?php bp_displayed_user_mentionname(); ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( bp_is_active( ‘activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() && bp_nouveau_member_has_meta() ) : ?>
        <span class=”separator”>•</span>
    <?php endif; ?>

    But to my eternal consternation, that did not work either! (yes I duplicated the same path)

    That’s where I’m currently standing:

    • I need to figure out if there is a hook to the right of the display name or just create one.
    • I need to figure out a way to remove unwanted meta that are currently there in the header – I’m a little suspicious that these are being generated in some kind of loop that remove_action doesn’t have any effect on (bp_nouveau_member_meta?). If so, I need to figure out how to add/remove meta from that loop instead of using add_ remove_ action hooks.
    • Once I do all of that I need to figure out if there’s a hook just below the user profile image and use that to move the “connect,” “follow,” and “message” buttons.
    • I will then need to locate the code that’s generating the cog icon for the user settings and copy/paste that into the hook to the right of the display name, floating right to place it in the upper right hand corner of the user profile header.

    It appears as though I’m really putting tech support over at BuddyBoss to the test with these requests, so I would really appreciate any suggestions if anyone has any to offer over here!



    BuddyBoss User Profile Header Adjustments

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