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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #312797

    Here’s the solution how to use Nouveau theme hooks.
    It’s a bit complicated, but I’ve not found a way easier. And no other instructions.

    1. Find the hook you need.
    2. Search through the buddypress files and find the function with the same name (hook is a function, so find the source).
    In my example it’s function bp_nouveau_xprofile_hook($when = ”, $suffix = ”) {} (code reference page)
    3. Write down the array with all $hook components.
    Here they are bp/after/profile/loop_content
    I’d like to say that the pattern is
    but here I had to change xprofile to profile, so the source code is still essential.
    4. Merge the array with _ (bp_after_profile_loop_content)
    5. Congratulations! We’ve got a custom action name and can continue with add_action().

    Honestly, I don’t understand why it has to be so complicated now, but here we are.


    In reply to: Buddypress Docs


    BuddyBoss has a document handler. So you could use that.
    For questions specific to the BuddyPress Docs plugin, you should contact the creators of that plugin.


    In reply to: Buddypress Docs


    I have about 30 different buddyboss groups. Recently, documents disappeared from one group library, then i reuploaded them… and now they appear in all 30 group libraries. It is as if all of my documents are linked across all groups. Why are my group documents not acting separately? each group should have its own “documents” library..right?


    Wow, clickallco, thanks for the quick help! I really appreciate your help ????

    This code removes the “members” tab and access to the /groups/GROUPNAME/members/ page.

    But in my theme (buddyboss) when you click on the group it redirects to this page /groups/GROUPNAME/members/all-members/

    And that page is still available.

    Can I do anything about it? Ideally I need 2 things:

    1. Remove access to pages like /groups/GROUPNAME/members/all-members/
    2. If user open these 2 pages:

    Then redirect to the activity page:



    I’m using the function groups_create_group($args), detailed here…:

    The function is creating the group, but the forum is not being created. If I go into the group via the admin panel and save it, the forum is created automatically (because the box to create the forum was checked at creation).

    I’m lost on what else can be done here, and starting to believe it’s a bug because even the WP CLI method of creating the group gave me the same result.


    I am using buddyboss theme and buddypress plugin and I can not see toolbar or notification bar on the frontend of the site.
    which settings do I need to check and which steps I need to follow. please guide asap.


    I’m using Buddypress and woocommerce with OneSocialTheme and MarketPlace from BuddyBoss.
    It’s really great that buddypress has notification feature, allowing to notify your social activities such as friend request, message etc.

    As you know, when you order a product, you would instantely receive emails.
    I was wondering if there is a way I can add woocommerce order statut into buddypress notification ?



    Awesome find, doesn’t work with BuddyBoss theme 🙁


    @buddyboss then why when i go to the website it only has pricing and not download?

    if you say its free i should not have to pay anything for a download. if you say a theme is what im paying for then why is there no basic theme thats free or even the plugin without a theme so users can built their own theme?

    do i really need to spend over $200 to try it out because im skeptical. i rather save the headache of filing a return

    Sorry, I just remembered that I can download the free plugin:



    I totally understand what you mean about having your product stack working out of the box.

    – Suggestion.. I wish you guys would have an “escape” export OUT of Buddyboss and back to BP. *its just a piece of mind thing.

    The attraction that I have with BP/WP is that I dont “feel” locked in to a software provider.. its a bit unreasonable of course.. but it just keeps me “feeling free”


    I think i would feel better paying the price (dont get me wrong.. its reasonably priced) if the Buddyboss platform would also address mobile-first-pagespeed. It drives me crazy that every site I launch on BP/WP scores poorly on googles pagespeed test. — its pretty clear that the main reason for this are loading a bunch of JS and CSS.. certainly there are many reasons why a site scores poorly but it would great if BuddyBoss Platform solved for some of that.

    – How compatible is BuddyBoss Platform with the caching plugins like WP-SuperCache (and the like)

    Im just a BP/WP hobbyist so Im sensitive to the “annual license renewal fee” – How does your renewal fees work? Is the renewal fee the same price as the initial purchase price?

    LASTLY (I swear its the last question)

    I’ve noticed that I still rely on WP plugins that interact with posts.. is the BuddyBoss Platform and Theme overall (reasonably) compatible with other WP plugins out there?



    Thank you!

    – You cannot run BuddyBoss Platform and BP at the same time. BuddyBoss is a fork of BuddyPress and shares a lot of the same underlying code, so they cannot run at the same time.

    – These are the themes available:
    “BuddyBoss Theme” is for BuddyBoss Platform.
    Boss 2.0 and OneSocial are actually for BuddyPress.

    I know it’s a bit confusing, but long term our product stack is basically just BuddyBoss Platform and BuddyBoss Theme which is actually very simple. We’re not making any new BuddyPress themes. The goal is to have everything you need out of the box from us with one plugin, one theme. That way we can focus all of our efforts on updating that product stack and just make it really awesome. We are adding more options over time to make the theme really flexible with layouts, especially via Elementor, so that people can take that one theme and make it look like anything.



    your themes are just FREAKING AMAZING!!!!! I really love them

    quick questions..

    – The last time I installed BuddyBoss Platform.. it “conflicted” with my BP install.. (is that still the case? you can only either have BuddyBoss installed or BP installed..)

    – Can you use the BuddyBoss Platform Theme on a BP install? (meaning without the BuddyBoss Platform)

    – I noticed that the only theme available now is the Boss 2.0. Will you be only making themes for BuddyBoss Platform and will you be transitioning out of further developing the Boss 2.0 theme or other themes just for BP

    Again.. Im such a huge fan.. really fantastic work



    BuddyBoss Platform (our version of BuddyPress) is free, including updates. The platform includes all of the social functionality, while the theme is purely for layout and is optional. You do pay for the theme, just as you would pay for a nice BuddyPress theme. You can also build your own theme, or use some generic free theme from the WordPress themes repo if you prefer.



    buddyboss is not free you have to pay over $265 annually if you want the full package including the theme + updates

    You can download the BuddyBoss Platform ( the fork of BP ) for free from github.


    The funny thing is that I have tried BuddyBoss and in its BuddyPlattform it works that way, only I do not like BuddyBoss, I want to implement that function in BuddyPress


    I created an action that uses the messages_new_message function (any time a user gets a tag, they automatically receive a private message.)

    Would it be possible to put a border around the message or make the font different? I would like to make these messages stand out a little from the other messages in a users inbox/thread by adding some styling. Below is the code I am using:

    function send_message_to_student_113( $user_id, $tags_applied ) {
    $tag_id = wp_fusion()->user->get_tag_id( ‘course tag 1.1.1’ );
    if ( in_array( $tag_id, $tags_applied ) ) {
    $args = array(
    ‘sender_id’ => 1,
    ‘thread_id’ => false,
    ‘recipients’ => $user_id,
    ‘subject’ => ‘Hello there’,
    ‘content’ => ‘You got a new tag! Congratulations. Please let me know if you need any help!’,
    ‘date_sent’ => bp_core_current_time()
    $result = messages_new_message( $args );
    add_action( ‘wpf_tags_applied’, ‘send_message_to_student_113’, 10, 2 );

    I am using WordPress 5.3 and I am actually using BuddyBoss which is a fork of Buddypress.

    Thank you! Simmi


    Sorry for not listening to the rules! Here is a better version of my previous post –
    I am using WordPress 5.3 and I am actually using a theme called BuddyBoss to implement Buddyboss but that shouldn’t matter for my question.

    So I created a custom function where any time a user gets a tag, they automatically receive a private message. I would like to make these messages stand out a little from the other messages in a users inbox/thread by adding special styling. Would it be possible to put a border around this message? Below is the code I am using:

    Thank you! Simmi

    function send_message_to_student_113( $user_id, $tags_applied ) {
    $tag_id = wp_fusion()->user->get_tag_id( ‘course tag 1.1.1’ );
    if ( in_array( $tag_id, $tags_applied ) ) {
    $args = array(
    ‘sender_id’ => 1,
    ‘thread_id’ => false,
    ‘recipients’ => $user_id,
    ‘subject’ => ‘Hello there’,
    ‘content’ => ‘You got a new tag! Congratulations. Please let me know if you need any help!’,
    ‘date_sent’ => bp_core_current_time()
    $result = messages_new_message( $args );
    add_action( ‘wpf_tags_applied’, ‘send_message_to_student_113’, 10, 2 );

    Same problem here. And I note that the buddyboss “auto join” plugin has also been dropped by devs due to knew buddypress version (although you can still download it…)



    I’m using Buddypress via BuddyBoss. How can I stop this email being sent out ‘Your username and password info’. As the user creates their own password on registration.

    This email seems to trigger once I click ‘activate’. I would be grateful if there is a way to stop this email, it’s confusing users.




    I’m using BuddyBoss (with BuddyPress).

    I used this snippet:

    add_filter( 'gettext', 'ps_change_activation_message', 20, 3 );
    function ps_change_activation_message( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
        switch ( $translated_text ) {
            case 'You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.' :
                $translated_text = __( 'Your membership account is awaiting approval by the site administrator.', 'buddypress' );
        return $translated_text;

    But this did not work for changing the message.

    Please can you advise?



    I have to apologize to Michael from Buddyboss. I did not realize their platform was free. Kudos to you guys, you are doing a great job. I have been testing your plugin and have been extremely impressed.



    Thank you for responding to my comment. Actually XYZ is just the placeholder for my database name because I don’t want to disclose it’s name.

    Actually the error is trigger by Buddypress function BP_Groups_Group::get( array $args = array() )
    which is located “Buddypress\bp-groups\classes\class-bp-groups-group.php”

    You can find the function here

    Right in the function definition when it reach here

     $bp = buddypress();
        $sql = array(
            'select'     => "SELECT DISTINCT",
            'from'       => "{$bp->groups->table_name} g",
            'where'      => '',
            'orderby'    => '',
            'pagination' => '',

    It triggers error because it can not find table_name. I am not sure why the table_name is not loaded.

    We are using Buddyboss theme with Buddypress and Memberium plugins.

    Thank You


    UPDATE:: I tested this code on a BuddyPress installation I have and get the same results so not a buddyboss issue.



    I’m running BuddyBoss/BuddyPress on WordPress 5.3.2

    I’d like to be able to filter my main BuddyPress members page using $_GET, from query variables passed in the URL.

    I’ve tried various ideas found on the web and the most up to date/promising way of doing this seems to be using bp_parse_args() via…

    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_members_parse_args', 'my_function' );

    Using this method works well except for the fact that I am unable to access my passed filter variables via $_GET …if I print the site url from within my function it returns wp-admin/ajax.php (or something like it) which I guess is why I can’t access the passed query variables. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,


    My code…

    function ic_members_filter( $retval ) {
        global $wpdb;
        global $ic_filter_members_interest_id;
        if( $ic_filter_members_interest_id &&  $ic_filter_members_interest_id>0 ){
            $prepared_statement = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT user_id FROM ic_interests_data WHERE interest_id = %d AND (interest_value = 1 OR interest_value = 3)", $ic_filter_members_interest_id );
            $db_custom_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $prepared_statement );
            if ( $db_custom_ids ) { //!empty( $db_custom_ids )
                // convert the array to a csv string
                $retval['include'] =  implode(",", $db_custom_ids);  //$custom_ids_str = 'include=' . implode(",", $custom_ids);
                // don't show any records
                $retval['include'] = array(0);
            // show all records
            $retval['include'] = '';
        return $retval;
    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_members_parse_args', 'ic_members_filter' );

    WHERE… $ic_filter_members_interest_id is a global that holds the interest_id via $_GET


    Using bp_parse_args() to filter BuddyPress template loops

Viewing 25 results - 201 through 225 (of 680 total)
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