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Search Results for 'notification user id'

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  • OC2PS

    It’s needed by pretty much everyone, and hence really a “core” feature.

    WP already has some image processing built in that BP could/should leverage. As a member of a social network, I should be able to create my own albums, add photos and videos to them and tag friends and places. That much is really core. (including automatic resizing and lossless compression, and post upload of photos/videos to activity stream)

    If BuddyPress Media is good, perhaps it can be merged back into BP core?

    Further functionality, such as watermarking, CDN support, user notifications, comments, are probably plugin territory.


    try this in bp-custom.php
    remove_filter( 'wpmu_signup_blog_notification', 'bp_core_activation_signup_blog_notification', 1, 7 );

    source infos buddypress /bp-core/bp-core-filters.php

    The concerned filter do this
    * bp_core_filter_blog_welcome_email()
    * Replace the generated password in the welcome email.
    * This will not filter when the site admin registers a user.
    * @uses locate_template To see if custom registration files exist
    * @param string $welcome_email Complete email passed through WordPress
    * @param integer $blog_id ID of the blog user is joining
    * @param integer $user_id ID of the user joining
    * @param string $password Password of user
    * @return string Filtered $welcome_email with $password replaced by [User Set]


    Ok, so I found this via some more google searching:

    The code has a few errors on there, but I managed to fix up the Profile links. At the moment, I have:

    Hello, Username
    – Profile
    – Edit Profile
    – Edit Settings

    where Profile, Edit Profile and Edit Settings are links for that user.

    This is the code I am using and it looks to be working well:

    <strong>Hello, </strong>
    <li><a href=&quot;profile/">Profile</a>
    <li><a href=&quot;profile/edit/">Edit Profile</a>
    <li><a href=&quot;settings/">Edit Settings</a>

    I am now working on the “Notifications”, e.g. Messages, Compose, Sent. I managed to figure out the “Messages” link.

     0 ) { ?>
    <a href=&quot;" rel="nofollow">">Inbox ()</a><?php
    } else {
    ?><a href=&quot;/messages/" rel="nofollow">No new messages</a>

    So now I just need “Compose” and “Sent”


    To give an update:

    When I uncheck the option in the Components tab, “Allow your users to modify their account and notification settings directly from within their profiles,” the account settings page “” returns a 404 error page. Therefore, no users at all are able to have access to the Account Settings page. Solves the issue, but not really the most ideal solution.

    I’d prefer for users to be able to have access to their own Account Settings page, therefore I’d like to keep this option on.

    How is everyone else setting up their Account Settings page? and is anyone else running into the same dilemma?


    18 Active Plugins Network Wide in WP 3.4.1
    Better Delete Revision
    BP Group Documents
    BP Profile Search
    BuddyPress Docs
    BuddyPress Global Unified search
    Buddypress Sitewide activity widget
    Email Users
    [Homegrown] Authenticated Users
    [Homegrown] New User Notification
    [Homegrown] Remove Menu Items From Groups & Discussions Pages
    [Homegrown] Remove Username Character Limit
    Quick Page/Post Redirect DEV
    Shortcode Exec PHP
    TDLC Birthdays
    WP DB Optimizer
    have 14 In-active Plugins in WordPress

    8 Active Plugins in BuddyPress 1.5.6
    `All-in-One Event Calendar by Timely
    Breadcrumbs Everywhere
    BuddyPress Group Email Subscription
    BuddyPress Template Pack
    Dynamic Widgets
    Hyper Cache
    NextGEN Gallery`
    have 6 In-active Plugins in BuddyPress

    per @r-a-y: “Is there any reason why you need multisite?”

    It is my understanding that as of WordPress 3.0 MU was automatically built into core. I am not using multisite, per se, that I know if. At least I did not intent to use it. I do know that I have 2 dashboards in my WordPress under My Sites:
    (1) Network Admin
    (2) my Buddy Press site

    It does get a little hairy lopping through both dashboards to make settings tweaks and activate and deactivate plug-ins, etc.

    I will certainly give ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification‘ a try…


    not bad idea :D

    @davidkooo, you can easily achieve that with css by replacing “notification text” witth image icon like facebook and only the number of notification will show on the image.

    somthing like: {background:url(_inc/images/alerts-icon.png)center no-repeat transparent !important;text-indent: -9999px;width:147px;height:25px;}

    Note: you have to adjust accordingly.


    @naijaping yeah it works, but how to get rid of “Notifications” text… I would like to display only number. Thanks.

    @davidkooo, the code i gave you above work like a charm, i dont use admin bar i code a custom one in my header.

    You can see it in action here :

    Am still working on the site.

    userame : demo
    password :demo


    @Roger Coathup: how to edit this to work without admin bar? I know I need to replace $wp_admin_bar, but with what? I want to append it to my header, which is `

    * Build the “Notifications” dropdown
    * @package Buddypress
    * @since BuddyPress (1.5)
    function bp_members_admin_bar_notifications_menu2() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;

    if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
    return false;

    $notifications = bp_core_get_notifications_for_user( bp_loggedin_user_id(), ‘object’ );
    $count = !empty( $notifications ) ? count( $notifications ) : 0;
    $alert_class = (int) $count > 0 ? ‘pending-count alert’ : ‘count no-alert’;
    $menu_title = ‘‘ . $count . ‘‘;

    // Add the top-level Notifications button
    $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
    ‘parent’ => ‘top-secondary’,
    ‘id’ => ‘bp-notifications’,
    ‘title’ => $menu_title,
    ‘href’ => bp_loggedin_user_domain(),
    ) );

    if ( !empty( $notifications ) ) {
    foreach ( (array) $notifications as $notification ) {
    $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
    ‘parent’ => ‘bp-notifications’,
    ‘id’ => ‘notification-‘ . $notification->id,
    ‘title’ => $notification->content,
    ‘href’ => $notification->href
    ) );
    } else {
    $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
    ‘parent’ => ‘bp-notifications’,
    ‘id’ => ‘no-notifications’,
    ‘title’ => __( ‘No new notifications’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘href’ => bp_loggedin_user_domain()
    ) );

    add_action( ‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘bp_members_admin_bar_notifications_menu2’, 90 );`

    @davidkooo, Exactly what i did, you can use “ to show notification when you have notification.

    Roger Coathup

    @davidkooo – BuddyPress adds the notification bar using the function bp_members_admin_bar_notifications_menu() (in buddypress/bp-members/bp-members-adminbar.php).

    If you take a look at that function, you can see how it generates the menu, and rework to include it in your template file.

    In particular – take a look at the function it uses: bp_core_get_notifications_for_user()


    You may want to contact @modemlooper and request that he add this functionality to his awesome “Profile Menu Plugin” on its next iteration. I would love to finally have freedom of buddypress independent of this bar that sends a red flag that it’s using buddypress. The only way to do this is to get rid of this bar and implement it in the normal menu. @modemlooper I would like to request a way to add an order to your plugin, just as as you can order a custom menu. It would also be cool to have admin options to rename this extra tab to name it something other than “Profile!” Thanks!


    So to allow users to subscribe to an individual forum (to be notified of a new thread) it looks like I would have to create a group for each forum and use the plugin you recommended?


    Hi, I didn’t found a solution yet. This is really annoying for most users of my website. So, I’m really considering pay if someone is interested to develop a plugin or something that fix it.

    Any volunteer?


    BuddyPress does not come with an “Add New User” admin page. You are probably referring to WordPress’ User admin page.

    I just took a look at your StackExchange thread and it appears you’re using WordPress Multisite:

    This is very important to know because you’ll need to run your script on the site that has BuddyPress installed.

    Because of using WP Multisite, you’ll also have to change your hook to ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification‘.

    The BuddyPress signup hooks I mention above only take effect on frontend registration (eg. Since you’re not using frontend registration, those hooks won’t work for you.

    Is there any reason why you need multisite?

    That will probably give you enough to go on.


    A simple google search shows that
    wp_new_user_notification is in wp-includes/pluggable.php

    As @rogercoathup said:
    you’d need to be a competent PHP developer to implement his hints


    Wow so many question and not a light on the horizon.

    * Host: Hostgator
    * Everything else works on the site
    * All set up is correct after transfer
    * I disabled all plugins that could interfere
    * How do we create user account??? er…by clicking on create an account!
    * No nothing exotic. Just basic buddypress and buddypress registration system.
    * And yes that was a stupid question but i can check again for the email in the db.

    Soooo…any other questions or may be an advice would be welcome?

    I told you if you want the URL you are welcome to check it. My host is working on it at the moment but we are nowhere yet.


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Fact: BuddyPress does NOT copy the site administrator in on all emails that are sent out. So it’s something on your site.

    How are you creating user accounts? As usual, through WordPress, or do you have an LDAP integration or something exotic? Have you confirmed (by looking in the wp_users table) that the email addresses are actually different (not meant to be a stupid question)?

    I would ask how your host moved the database/site across, but you probably don’t have the details to hand. I asked because while I haven’t seen emails get messed up, I’ve seen site URLs and permalinks break. Does all regular WordPress content on the site seem to work?

    What company provide your hosting?


    In reply to: How to disable this?

    Roger Coathup

    By default BuddyPress doesn’t send ‘crazy amounts of emails’, and doesn’t typically email to every user — what emails are you receiving? What notifications do you have turned on? Is it site wide notifications? What theme are you using? Please provide as much information as you can, as it makes it easier for people on the forum to help you



    Thank you for your reply. I have the usual plugins but as few as possible – I don’t custom code and yes, I copied everything – my host did it and we checked all the username – emails and all so all was checked to make sure that emails and all were the right one for the site.

    The problem is so weird I don;t even know where to look. Would you want to see the site?

    Thank you so much for your help.


    Roger, thanks.

    By the by, I did get an email notification telling me of your reply, which is why I am back.

    But I find these forums horrendously slow, and also hard to navigate. Plus it keeps on thinking I’m logged out when I’m not. Is that all buddypress’s problem, or a bbpress issue?



    Roger Coathup

    Actions are a standard part of WordPress programming – if you check the documentation, or any good book on advanced WordPress PHP development, you should be able to find good guidance.

    Roger Coathup

    Do you mean, you want to send an email to everyone when a new (blog) post is posted, or when any kind of item is posted to the activity stream?

    For the first you can hook a function on to the WordPress ‘save_post’ action. In that function, you can iterate over every member (see for guidance), and for each member you use the BP messaging API ( messages_send_message() ) to send them an email.

    For the second – you can’t seriously want to email everyone, any time anything is posted to the activity stream: the system and your users would be swamped – However, if you still do, check out some of the action hooks that are called when activity items are saved:

Viewing 25 results - 551 through 575 (of 771 total)
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