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  • #43276

    sry, this is the source code. i have mentioned the functions which i modified only.

    the screen “create new group” appears with added field, the error is given when saving.

    what are the other files to be modified????????





    function groups_install() {

    /*some code goes here*/

    $sql[] = “CREATE TABLE {$bp->groups->table_name} (


    author varchar(50) NOY NULL,


    ) {$charset_collate};”;

    /*some code goes here*/


    function groups_check_installed() {


    if ( !$wpdb->get_var(“SHOW TABLES LIKE ‘%” . $bp->groups->table_name . “%'”) || ( get_site_option(‘bp-groups-db-version’) < BP_GROUPS_DB_VERSION ) )



    /*some code goes here*/


    function groups_screen_group_admin_edit_details() {

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( $bp->current_component == $bp->groups->slug && ‘edit-details’ == $bp->action_variables[0] ) {

    if ( $bp->is_item_admin || $bp->is_item_mod ) {

    if ( isset( $_POST[‘save’] ) ) {

    if ( !groups_edit_base_group_details( $_POST[‘group-id’], $_POST[‘group-name’], $_POST[‘group-desc’], $_POST[‘group-news’], $_POST[‘author’], (int)$_POST[‘group-notify-members’] ) ) {

    bp_core_add_message( __( ‘There was an error updating group details, please try again.’, ‘buddypress’ ), ‘error’ );

    } else {

    /*some code goes here*/


    /*some code goes here*/


    do_action( ‘groups_screen_group_admin_edit_details’, $group_obj->id );

    bp_core_load_template( ‘groups/admin/edit-details’ );




    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘groups_screen_group_admin_edit_details’, 4 );

    function groups_create_group( $step, $group_id ) {

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( is_numeric( $step ) && ( 1 == (int)$step || 2 == (int)$step || 3 == (int)$step || 4 == (int)$step ) ) {

    if ( !$group_obj )

    $group_obj = new BP_Groups_Group( $group_id );

    switch ( $step ) {

    case ‘1’:

    if ( !check_admin_referer( ‘groups_step1_save’ ) )

    return false;

    if ( $_POST[‘group-name’] != ” && $_POST[‘group-desc’] != ” ) {

    /*some code goes here*/

    $group_obj->author = stripslashes($_POST[‘author’]);

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( !$group_obj->save() )

    return false;

    /*some code goes here*/



    /*some code goes here*/



    function groups_screen_create_group() {

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( isset( $_POST[‘save’] ) || isset( $_POST[‘skip’] ) ) {

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( !$group_id = groups_create_group( $create_group_step, $_SESSION[‘group_obj_id’] ) ) {

    /* error message*/

    } else {

    /*some code goes here*/


    /*some code goes here*/


    /*some code goes here*/

    bp_core_load_template( ‘groups/create’ );


    function groups_edit_base_group_details( $group_id, $group_name, $group_desc, $group_news, $group_author, $notify_members ) {

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( !check_admin_referer( ‘groups_edit_group_details’ ) )

    return false;

    if ( empty( $group_name ) || empty( $group_desc ) )

    return false;

    /*some code goes here*/

    $group->news = $group_news;

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( !$group->save() )

    return false;

    if ( $notify_members )

    groups_notification_group_updated( $group->id );

    /*some code goes here*/


    function groups_screen_group_admin_edit_details() {

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( $bp->current_component == $bp->groups->slug && ‘edit-details’ == $bp->action_variables[0] ) {

    if ( $bp->is_item_admin || $bp->is_item_mod ) {

    if ( isset( $_POST[‘save’] ) ) {

    if ( !groups_edit_base_group_details( $_POST[‘group-id’], $_POST[‘group-name’], $_POST[‘group-desc’], $_POST[‘group-news’], $_POST[‘author’], (int)$_POST[‘group-notify-members’] ) ) {

    /*error message*/

    } else {

    /*some code goes here*/


    /*some code goes here*/


    /*some code goes here*/








    class BP_Groups_Group {

    /*some code goes here*/

    var $news;

    function populate( $get_user_dataset ) {

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( $group ) {

    /*some code goes here*/

    $this->author = stripslashes($group->author);

    /*some code goes here*/



    function save() {

    /*some code goes here*/

    if ( $this->id ) {

    $sql = $wpdb->prepare(

    “UPDATE {$bp->groups->table_name} SET

    author = %s,


    id = %d


    /*some code goes here*/


    /*some code goes here*/


    } else {

    $sql = $wpdb->prepare(

    “INSERT INTO {$bp->groups->table_name} (


    ) VALUES (



    /*some code goes here*/


    /*some code goes here*/



    /*some code goes here*/






    add_filter( ‘bp_group_author’, ‘wptexturize’ );

    add_filter( ‘bp_group_author’, ‘convert_smilies’ );

    add_filter( ‘bp_group_author’, ‘convert_chars’ );

    add_filter( ‘bp_group_author’, ‘wpautop’ );

    add_filter( ‘bp_group_author’, ‘make_clickable’ );




    /*some code goes here*/

    function bp_group_author() {

    global $groups_template;

    echo apply_filters( ‘bp_group_author’, stripslashes($groups_template->group->author) );


    function bp_group_author_editable() {

    global $groups_template;

    echo apply_filters( ‘bp_group_author_editable’, $groups_template->group->author );


    /*some code goes here*/

    function bp_group_create_form() {

    /*some code goes here*/


    <form action=”<?php echo $bp->displayed_user->domain . $bp->groups->slug ?>/create/step/<?php echo $create_group_step ?>” method=”post” id=”create-group-form” class=”standard-form” enctype=”multipart/form-data”>

    <?php switch( $create_group_step ) {

    case ‘1’: ?>

    <label for=”author”>* <?php _e(‘Author’, ‘buddypress’) ?></label>

    <textarea name=”author” id=”author”><?php echo ( $group_obj ) ? $group_obj->author : $_POST[‘author’]; ?>


    <?php do_action( ‘groups_custom_group_fields_editable’ ) ?>

    <p><input type=”submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Create Group and Continue’, ‘buddypress’) ?> »” id=”save” name=”save”/></p>

    <?php wp_nonce_field( ‘groups_step1_save’ ) ?>

    <?php break;

    /*some code goes here*/




    Jeff Sayre

    I assume you’re specifically talking about customizing a BuddyPress template. If so, then you need to look in the BuddyPress profiles tables in MySQL.

    For instance, the field definition for the “Full Name” field is stored in the wp_bp_xprofile_fields table and any corresponding datum is stored in the wp_bp_xprofile_data table.

    With respect to this:

    At the moment Buddypress/WP MU makes it very hard, perhaps impossible, to flexibly use member’s real names or other data (companyname, city) in the site or have something like ‘Hello John’ in email notifications.

    That is not true. Any piece of stored data can be accessed and spit out in any number of ways. It just must first be in the database. Look in the bp-xprofile.php file and the bp-xprofile subdirectory for a number of functions that can be called to extract a user’s data.

    By the way, I did see your other post about this topic and it was answered appropriately. With the default WPMU and BuddyPress setup, you will not be able to use a user’s full name until they’ve entered that data. They will not be able to enter their full name until after they register.

    So, unless you hack the wp-signup.php or register.php files, and require that a full name be provided when registering, you will not be able to send them a welcome email with their full name since that piece of data does not yet exist.

    All of what you are asking is possible but requires either a pre-existing plugin, a custom hack, or your ability in customizing and coding a BuddyPress template.


    At the moment Buddypress/WP MU makes it very hard, perhaps impossible, to flexibly use member’s real names or other data (companyname, city) in the site or have something like ‘Hello John’ in email notifications.

    As default the full name is stored in one field, instead of as seperate first name and last name. This also kinda encourages new members to just fill out their first name or some BS pseudonym – I know this from my current home-baked site.

    I have no clue how to retrieve the full name from the database. It’s not in the regular wp_users table, but in two other related tables. I guess this requires serious PHP/MySQL coding and I can’t find any clear examples anywhere.

    Default Buddypress is fine for teens/tweens who want to use their anonymous username, but it’s not suitable for a more grown-up business network, for example.

    I’ve found this excellent plugin that allows members to login with just their email address and password. It doesn’t automatically make the required changes to the notification emails etc. though.

    Are there plugins that can fix these issues?

    Are there custom sql/php code examples how to retrieve and use basic member info?

    Are there tags or pieces of code that I can use site-wide for common things like the logged-in member’s real name?

    Erwin Gerrits

    Seems to me “report this item” is the exact opposite of “Add to Favourites”… The buttons would show up at the same spots (group home, blog post, wire post, photos, user’s profile etc), the handling code would be the same except in Report case a notification gets sent to the administrator and in Favourite’s case it gets added to the user’s favourites.

    That being said, Report This SHOULD be in the core…


    Heather at Automattic has announced the release of P2: The New Prologue, a theme that, building upon last year’s release of the Prologue theme, presents the user’s blog in a form similar to Twitter, but without Twitter limits such as 240 characters.

    My initial impression is that this heavily ajaxified format would encourage the blog owner to post more frequently and also encourage visitors to leave more comments. This would be a good default theme to apply to users’ blogs when they first sign up because it would get them going and would add to the overall stream of activity through the BuddyPress site.

    Heather says that a self-hosted WordPress version will appear in the Themes Directory over the coming week.

    Does anyone else agree that this theme would be a good match for BuddyPress and should, perhaps, be considered as the default theme for users’ blogs?

    Heather’s announcement:

    P2: The New Prologue –

    Last year around this time, we introduced Prologue, a short-form blog theme that works like Twitter for a group. This year we bring you P2, the cooler, faster, sleeker, 2009 version of Prologue:

    Here’s what’s new:

    In-line editing for posts and comments.

    Tag suggestion.

    Collapsible comments.

    Real-time notifications when a new comment or update is posted. (If you have a Mac, you know what we mean when we say it’s Growl-like.)

    Keyboard shortcuts: c to compose a new post; j to go to the next item; k to go to the previous item; r to reply; e to edit; o to show and hide comments; t to go to the top; esc to cancel.

    Helvetica Neue for you modern font lovers.

    Plus more to come! Keep an eye on the news blog for updates.

    Just like other themes, you can find Prologue under Appearance > Themes in your dashboard. Those who are into the self-hosted version of WordPress can keep an eye out for P2 in the Themes Directory in the coming week.


    Can anyone help confirm something with me before I trac it?

    Say I have an Instant Message conversation with someone. A few back and forths and a few days it’s done, so I delete it.

    When that person messages me again, I get the email, and I get the notification, but my inbox is empty.

    My theory, is that the message doesn’t get deleted on the other users inbox, they reply to the original thread which is marked as is_deleted=1 in the database, so it doesn’t show up. Funny thing is, even though is_deleted is 1, the unread_count was also 1, so the DB knew there was a message there, but my inbox did not.

    Make sense?

    On a side note, I made a new Notice to send to my users, but it doesn’t seem to want to delete. I can deactivate it, but deleting it still leaves it in my Notices area. If anyone can confirm this/these, I’ll trac them right away; just don’t want to be the lone gunman since it could just be me being silly again.

    Will White


    I’m considering using BuddyPress for a client and (while I’m downloading it now) I had a question regarding the setup of auto-notifications. The primary purpose of the press we’d be creating is to help users to find my client based on state (there is a representative from each state that would sign up).

    Is it possible to have the new user action A.) Collect the State information of the new user, and then B.) Send a notification of the new user to the appropriate State’s representative via email? This would then allow the State’s Rep to add them as a friend and contact them through the press. The reason I ask is I don’t expect all the rep’s to check the site daily and would like to ensure new users aren’t ignored.

    Thanks in advance for any help/thoughts/suggestions.


    Hello all! I’m so excited. I’ve known about BuddyPress for a while now, but have never had the opportunity to use it for anything. I’ve used MU – but only a little bit – I’m mostly just a standard WP fiend.

    However, I have a potential client who has contacted me with a concept that I think BuddyPress *might* be a perfect fit for. But since I’ve never actually had the chance to use it, I’m not sure. So I was hoping some of you might be able to give me a little insight to see if this is a good choice to run with (I’m so hoping it is – I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now!)

    Basically, it’s a Member-managed site. BuddyPress seems to fit in perfectly with what this woman wants to do – enabled private messaging (which she will need) and have individual private areas. She’s wanting to use the WordPress site as a more effective way for her to communicate with her clients on a case-by-case basis.

    She would like to have the ability for her clients to “pay for a subscription” online through the site, and when they do, they will get a “blog” for their use, and the private messaging center and all that.

    The question comes in here: 1) the “blogs” need to be kept private. Only the client who writes the log for that day, and the lady who’s running the site, should be able to see these posts. The “blog” will not even really be a regular blog – it’s a tracking system for her clients. They put in some particular information, and she goes in and evaluates the info – then she sends them files that are her recommendations. These activities are not meant to be made public for *all* members to see – just her and that individual. and 2) *can* you “monetize” BuddyPress in this way? I was thinking it might be easier if she just has the client fill out a form, pay through PayPal and when she gets notification, she sets them up with their own “blog” manually. Is this possible? Or are there better ways around it? (like some kind of plugin that will notify the end user that their subscription is about to expire, and if they don’t renew, then they are locked out?)

    I’d appreciate any insight into this. I’m not looking to have anyone do the work *for* me – I’m just curious if BuddyPress would be a good match for this type of system, or if I should go another route.



    i was wondering if it was possible to include the rest of my profile fields on the signup page by having a more.. link that opens up the rest of the fields for the user via ajax, or after they sign up in the first 2 pages it offers them a link to add more info, if this is not easy then how can i include the other fields on the main page

    i am also extremly interested in allowing the user to choose thier own password on signup as a lot of users abandon thier account when they cant remember the generated one, i know this seems a little stupid but it would be of more value if i can retain those users who didnt return to the site just because they cant login, i consistantly get password change notification emails because users dont understand how to change it, i have tried a few plugins but none yet have managed to add a password field, im sure there are many other users who would like to see this implemented


    Burt Adsit

    @awarner20 your problem with the email friendship requests is a bug. Can’t be solved with a one liner. Sorry. I did submit a workaround patch in trac though:

    It eliminates the problem by eliminating the problem. Lemme explain. When a user requests friendship an email is sent out to the destination user. The destination user is supposed to click the link and it automatically approves or rejects the request. Doesn’t work due to the fact that a security mechanism is being used to validate the process. The ‘nonce’ security scheme uses the originating user’s identity and some other stuff to come up with this ‘nonce’ key. The key is only valid when used by the originating user.

    When the destination user clicks on the link the key is used but they are not the originating user. So the security check fails. Andy is aware of the problem. I just removed the automatic accept/reject links and used a link to the destination user’s friendship notifications page where it will have to be manually accepted or rejected.

    Burt Adsit

    I like this “Tag This” concept more and more.

    – The tagging window could display a list of the user’s groups. Select a group and the existing tags for the group are displayed.

    – Select one or more tags or create one or more.

    – Enter an excerpt of the content by copy and paste, type something in or an excerpt gets inserted for editing if it’s an internal tag.

    – A list of content types is available for selection: ‘blog’, ‘blog post’, ‘site’, ‘forum’, ‘forum topic’, ‘feed’, ‘uncategorized’.

    – Item gets sent to the group’s tagged content moderation queue for approval. Possible reassignment to a different tag(s) within the group and check for content type match.

    – Approval posts to the item’s tags and posted in some default tags such as ‘recent’ (cache), ‘author name’.

    – Activity streams are updated.

    – Subscribers to group tags are notified by email, notification in admin bar, inbox notification(?).

    (Yes I know Andy, start small)


    $test is empty. no matter what we do.



    require_once( ‘bp-core.php’ );

    global $bp, $wpdb, $current_blog;

    require_once( ‘x/classes/DB_Operations.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/FS_Operations.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/POST_Operations.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/Render_to_Browser.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/x_Environment.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/File.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/Notification.php’ );

    $init_environment = new x_Environment();

    $doPostActions = new POST_Operations();

    $test = $bp->loggedin_user->id;


    Burt Adsit

    maxaud, the function that does the work in bp is groups_send_invites() and it lives in bp-groups.php, line 1642.

    function groups_send_invites( $group_obj ) {

    global $bp;

    This function serves both the group creation ‘send invites’ and the member theme ‘send invites’ in the group screen.

    I’d put a return; statement right under that global $bp; statement. Users can flip all the switches they want but nothing will actually happen. The users will still see the capability but nothing will work.

    Lemme test this to make sure…

    No notification emails are actually sent. The screen says it did but it didn’t. The notification message “Group invites sent” isn’t part of that function you will be bypassing.


    1) Upload WordPress Mu package

    2) open .htaccess and add :

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php

    3) Install WordPress Mu with the subdirectory option ( subdomain option does not work)

    4) Enable blog+account creation from admin panel

    5) Test your installation by creating one test-user account+blog , then remove test-user account+blog

    6) Go to your PHPMyAdmin interface and create the following tables:

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_activity_sitewide (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    item_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    secondary_item_id int(11) default NULL,

    content longtext NOT NULL,

    primary_link varchar(150) NOT NULL,

    component_name varchar(75) NOT NULL,

    component_action varchar(75) NOT NULL,

    date_cached datetime NOT NULL,

    date_recorded datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY date_cached (date_cached),

    KEY date_recorded (date_recorded),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY item_id (item_id),

    KEY component_name (component_name)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_friends (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    initiator_user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    friend_user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    is_confirmed tinyint(1) default ‘0’,

    is_limited tinyint(1) default ‘0’,

    date_created datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY initiator_user_id (initiator_user_id),

    KEY friend_user_id (friend_user_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_groups (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    creator_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    name varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    slug varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    description longtext NOT NULL,

    news longtext NOT NULL,

    status varchar(10) NOT NULL default ‘open’,

    is_invitation_only tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    enable_wire tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    enable_forum tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    enable_photos tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    photos_admin_only tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    date_created datetime NOT NULL,

    avatar_thumb varchar(250) NOT NULL,

    avatar_full varchar(250) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY creator_id (creator_id),

    KEY status (status),

    KEY is_invitation_only (is_invitation_only)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_groups_groupmeta (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    group_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    meta_key varchar(255) default NULL,

    meta_value longtext,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY group_id (group_id),

    KEY meta_key (meta_key)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_groups_members (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    group_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    inviter_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    is_admin tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    is_mod tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    user_title varchar(100) NOT NULL,

    date_modified datetime NOT NULL,

    comments longtext NOT NULL,

    is_confirmed tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    is_banned tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    invite_sent tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY group_id (group_id),

    KEY is_admin (is_admin),

    KEY is_mod (is_mod),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY inviter_id (inviter_id),

    KEY is_confirmed (is_confirmed)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_groups_wire (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    item_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    content longtext NOT NULL,

    date_posted datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY item_id (item_id),

    KEY user_id (user_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_messages_messages (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    sender_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    subject varchar(200) NOT NULL,

    message longtext NOT NULL,

    date_sent datetime NOT NULL,

    message_order int(10) NOT NULL,

    sender_is_group tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY sender_id (sender_id),

    KEY message_order (message_order),

    KEY sender_is_group (sender_is_group)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_messages_notices (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    subject varchar(200) NOT NULL,

    message longtext NOT NULL,

    date_sent datetime NOT NULL,

    is_active tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY is_active (is_active)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_messages_recipients (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    thread_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    sender_only tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    unread_count int(10) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    is_deleted tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY thread_id (thread_id),

    KEY is_deleted (is_deleted),

    KEY sender_only (sender_only),

    KEY unread_count (unread_count)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_messages_threads (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    message_ids longtext NOT NULL,

    sender_ids longtext NOT NULL,

    first_post_date datetime NOT NULL,

    last_post_date datetime NOT NULL,

    last_message_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    last_sender_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY last_message_id (last_message_id),

    KEY last_sender_id (last_sender_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_notifications (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    item_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    secondary_item_id int(11) default NULL,

    component_name varchar(75) NOT NULL,

    component_action varchar(75) NOT NULL,

    date_notified datetime NOT NULL,

    is_new tinyint(1) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY item_id (item_id),

    KEY secondary_item_id (secondary_item_id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY is_new (is_new),

    KEY component_name (component_name),

    KEY component_action (component_action)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_user_blogs (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    blog_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY blog_id (blog_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    blog_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    meta_key varchar(255) default NULL,

    meta_value longtext,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY blog_id (blog_id),

    KEY meta_key (meta_key)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_user_blogs_comments (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    blog_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    comment_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    comment_post_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    date_created datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY blog_id (blog_id),

    KEY comment_id (comment_id),

    KEY comment_post_id (comment_post_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_user_blogs_posts (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    blog_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    post_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    date_created datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY user_id (user_id),

    KEY blog_id (blog_id),

    KEY post_id (post_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_xprofile_data (

    id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

    field_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,

    user_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,

    value longtext NOT NULL,

    last_updated datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY field_id (field_id),

    KEY user_id (user_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_xprofile_fields (

    id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

    group_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,

    parent_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,

    type varchar(150) NOT NULL,

    name varchar(150) NOT NULL,

    description longtext NOT NULL,

    is_required tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    is_default_option tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    field_order int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    option_order int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    order_by varchar(15) NOT NULL,

    is_public int(2) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    can_delete tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY group_id (group_id),

    KEY parent_id (parent_id),

    KEY is_public (is_public),

    KEY can_delete (can_delete),

    KEY is_required (is_required)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_xprofile_groups (

    id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

    name varchar(150) NOT NULL,

    description mediumtext NOT NULL,

    can_delete tinyint(1) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY can_delete (can_delete)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    CREATE TABLE wp_bp_xprofile_wire (

    id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    item_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    content longtext NOT NULL,

    date_posted datetime NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id),

    KEY item_id (item_id),

    KEY user_id (user_id)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM ;

    7) Replace site name and site description and insert to database:

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs VALUES (1, 1, 1);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta VALUES (1, 1, ‘name’, ‘site Name’);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta VALUES (2, 1, ‘description’, ‘Site Description’);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta VALUES (3, 1, ‘last_activity’, ‘1’);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_fields VALUES (1, 1, 0, ‘textbox’, ‘Full Name’, ”, 1, 0, 1, 0, ”, 1, 0);

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_groups VALUES (1, ‘Base’, ”, 0);

    8) Upload BuddyPress and install it.

    Now you can create profiles & groups.

    Joss Winn

    Yes, to all of the above. Blog creation works. All user-side BuddyPress features redirect to the signup page. i.e. click on ‘news’ and you get sent to:

    Everything under ‘My Account’ and ‘Notifications’ is similarly affected.

    From the Admin Dashboard, things work as expected.

    Anonymous User 303747

    Okay, another day in BuddyPress Paradise. I’m exploring the Groups feature a bit more.

    * I promoted a user to Moderator of a group but it seems the only thing a Mod can do is edit the “Details” of a group (name, description, news). I would think it makes sense for Mods to be able to delete other (non-admin) messages off the Group Wire (you can delete your own) and kick & ban Members as well. Any other views on this?

    * Okay, so maybe what I would like a Mod to do is really only meant for Group Admins. So – can I promote an additional person to Group Admin? I have not been able to find that yet. Any suggestions?

    * As a site admin, can I moderate an individual User’s wire messages? I mean, short of giving a user a royal boot in the rear – is there a way for admin to remove an inappropriate message (ie User is in fine standing but violates terms of the site by promoting his own product) – removing the user is pretty drastic, removing a wire message followed up with an email would be a better approach. Any ideas?

    * On a broader scale, how do I moderate Users? For instance, in case of abuse, I’d like to remove someone from the site. I see a kick and ban feature for Groups (which I assume does exactly that, from a group) – should I just use regular WPMU user management functions to accomplish this outside of the Group area?

    On a side note – when I promote someone to Mod and log in as that user, the notification doesn’t turn off when the notice has been read.


    • Message inbox/outbox

    Users are given a familiar email-style message manager where they can view both incoming and outgoing private messages.

    • Message limits

    As the admin, you can decide how many messages each user is able to store in their inbox/outbox. You can also decide who your users can send messages to – nobody, all registered users, or just their friends.

    • Conversation history

    When two users send multiple messages back and forth, the conversation history is displayed below the messages. This allows users to keep track of the conversation and reply accordingly.

    • New message notifications

    Users can choose to receive email notifications each time they receive a private message. This encourages interactivity and return visits to your social network.


    Classifieds (Plugin)

    • Privacy Settings

    As the admin, you can decide whether or not to allow public viewers (visitors that are not logged in) to view the classified listings on your social network.

    • Customizable Categories and Fields

    As the admin, you can categorize the classified listings for your users. For example, you can create categories such as “For Sale” and “Wanted” each with subcategories such as “Furniture” and “Electronics.”

    • New Classifieds Email Notification

    As the admin, you can customize the email that is sent to the user when a new comment is posted on one of their classified listings.

    • Classifieds Listings

    As the admin, you can see all the classified listings posted by your users. You can monitor and search these classifieds to delete offensive material if necessary. As the user, you can view your own listings, upload photos, as well as browse the marketplace.

    • Listing Settings

    The user can choose to be notified by email when someone posts a comment on any of their listings.

    • Comments

    The user can comment on other classified listings or send a private message to the seller.

    • Classified Listing Photos

    Users can upload a photos and post them alongside their classified listings.


    • All file types accepted

    As the admin, you can choose to allow users to upload files of any type (such as mp3, zip, etc.). This can be limited by the filename extension as well as the actual MIME type. This effectively allows you to use the album feature as a file sharing feature if you wish.

    • Automatic thumbnails

    Thumbnails for common image file types are generated on the fly and stored on the server. Custom icons for non-image files can be specified.

    • Multiple albums per user

    You, the admin, can specify how many albums each user is allowed to have.

    • Storage space limit per user

    You, the admin, can specify how much disk space to give each user.

    • File size and dimensions limit

    You, the admin, can specify the maximum file size and dimensions (for images) allowed.

    • Automatic image resizing

    If an uploaded image’s dimensions are larger than the limit you have set, the image will be automatically sized down (for most image file types). Images keep their aspect ratio after resizing.

    • Custom CSS styles

    If allowed, users can insert their own custom CSS styles to give their albums a more personalized look.

    • Browse friends’ albums

    Users can browse their friends’ recently updated albums. This encourages content sharing and user interactivity.

    • Comments

    If allowed, users can post comments on each other’s photos and files. Comments can be moderated by the person that received the comment. Users can receive notifications by email when they receive new comments.

    • Multiple simultaneous uploads

    Users can upload several files from their desktop at once.

    • Album privacy

    If allowed, users can select from several privacy levels when managing their albums. This limits who can view their albums. You, the admin, can decide what privacy options are available to your users.


    Topic: A few bugs

    in group forum Installing BuddyPress

    Not sure if anyone else is seeing these but I thought I’d list them here anyway;

    1: Duplicate events in “site wide activity” – seems to only be when people become friends but the notification happenes twice

    2: “Registered – 1, 12 hours ago” – new users appear to have registered -1 a year ago, this changes after about 12 hours.

    thats all i can remember for now…

    Burt Adsit

    What a great idea. Never thought of that. That message about ‘you have no friends’ (something like that) is kinda bleak. We could have the system send them a ‘friendship request’ from admin. That way they learn a little about the adminbar and the member theme right away. That glaring (1) next to notifications would be hard to resist. Click Me.


    Hi Andy,

    while working on my latest project, we were wondering about the notifications that WPMu sends out when people register and create blogs, post comments etc.. Those always refer to the usernames that people used to sign up but ideally under Buddypress, those should contain the profile name instead. Is there a plan on working on this or even can this be changed (without hacking core WPMu files)?

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