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  • #334167

    Hello guys!

    I’m going crazy from trying to find the answer to this one, I hope you’re able to help! πŸ™‚

    I noticed that the only person wo can see their activity, groups, friends and content under their profile page is the user itself (at least on the theme I’m using). I can’t even (as admin) go to others user profile and see their content. I’ve noticed on other themes that this content IS available for other users (which makes sense) – the theme I’m currently using gives the user the option to post “public, private or to friends” – so there is no need for it to be “hidden”.

    I would like my users to be able to “browse” other members profiles – hope that makes sense!

    I really appreciate anyone who can help me figure this one out! πŸ™‚


    Lukasz Liniewicz

    Is there any chance that end-to-end encryption will be implemented for private messages?


    Just discovered the members only option not working in my closed private BP site. Running the lates WP and BP. Anyone encountered anything like this?


    When a user receives an eMail Notification, the full content of the Message is included along with the link to Join the Discussion. More often than not the user replies to the email and therefore doesn’t need to login to the Discussion. Can this be adjusted so that the eMail only says ‘You have a new Message’ and then the link? Thanks. Buddypress 12.4.1 and Better Messages plugin.


    If you switch to BuddyPress Legacy in the settings, this problem resolves. But I cannot post public or group messages, only private messages. Can’t add anything to the group feed.

    Pooja Sahgal

    If you’re sending a message from your profile, please ensure you include at least one recipient (@username). Alternatively, you can go to the specific member’s profile and send a private message, where the username will be automatically selected.


    I just downloaded Buddypress and I have it with Youzify. The question is that in my website I have the access of my account for another function because I want the community to be somewhere else, with a more private access.
    But I can not find a way to get a link or access to add a button and go to see the user’s account that is connected, as in the slug has the user’s name.

    Is there a shortcode or something I can do? thanks!

    Varun Dubey

    @hajnalmadar we already have a plugin for it please checkout our support they will give you sandbox link to test it.


    Hi guys,
    After trying different options, I’m wondering if this is even possible. I would like the recipient’s name and avatar in (new private message received) emails to be a link to their own profile page. I’m not sure if this is not working because it’s fired off in the header of the email template or if I’m not creating the token correctly. Can anyone please guide me in the right direction? The code below is not working. Any help or guidance would be immensely appreciated, I’m at my wits end…

    do_action( 'bp_before_email_recipient' );
    if ( bp_is_email_customizer() ) {
        $user_id = '{{recipient.userid}}'; // Placeholder for user ID token
        // Generate the user's profile URL based on the user ID
        $user_profile_url = bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id );
        // Display the clickable link with user's name
        echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $user_profile_url ) . '">{{}}</a>';
        // Display the user's avatar
        echo '<img src="' . apply_filters( 'bp_email_customizer_default_avatar', bb_attachments_get_default_profile_group_avatar_image( array( 'object' => 'user' ) ) ) . '" width="34" height="34" style="border: 1px solid #b9babc; border-radius: 50%; margin-left: 12px; vertical-align: middle;" />';
    } else {
        bp_email_the_salutation( $settings );

    I am starting a new project to build out a Reddit like community forum for a Korean-American organization.

    Since I’ve been working with WordPress developing custom themes and plugins, I figured starting based on WP platform will get me a quick start vs going with Laravel + vue.js route.
    (Performance is not an issue at this point because I do run several high performance dedicated servers with small loads.)

    However, I wasn’t able to find good documentation on customizing, writing plugins for BuddyPress, and other development related resources on my search. I understand that BuddyPress was not actively managed for quite some time, but the devs started working on this project in the recent years.

    So, I would really appreciate if someone can point me to a resource that I can learn about the best practices for customizing BuddyPress that won’t get wiped with the version updates.

    I believe there is some kind of “child-theme” approach, but could not locate the recent guide on this.

    What I am trying to do is as it follows:
    1. Customize the interface and show “Korean” text for all functions and features users can use (not loaded from the default language settings. I need to change many wordings.)
    2. Allow access to private post without logging in based on session cookies.
    3. Display special message/media after every 10 post lists or replies or comments.

    So, please advise me where I can put the codes and filter BuddyPress loading forum lists.

    Thank you!


    In reply to: BP attachments


    Did you ever find the answer to #2

    I am getting this message as well…
    Private Media
    The private root directory is missing.

    Please make sure the /var/www/vhosts/ exists and is writeable for the server’s user.

    Does this mean you go to /var/www/vhosts/ and create the buddypress-private directory?
    If yes
    What permissions should be applied to buddypress-private on the server?

    Thank You… stuck on this piece and not much info on Uncle Google anywhere that I can find.


    In the online BuddyPress docs, it states:

    List of Groups created in the site including time active stamp, group description, number of members and group privacy setting. Only Public and Private Groups are seen in list by regular members. Super/Site Admin sees all groups including Hidden groups.Action buttons – for logged in members only


    I’ll try again here. I have 1 hidden group (called “Hidden”) created by admin. Fred (subscriber) is invited to the group and Fred accepts the invitation. Fred creates a hidden group (called “Fred Hidden”) and invites admin who accepts the invitation.

    When I’m logged in as admin and go to the site’s Forum listing (/forums) I see the group forum for all groups including the Hidden and Fred Hidden and can access them from there. Clicking on a link to either of the hidden groups’ forums brings me into the group’s Forum tab. From there I can navigate around the group and participate.

    When I’m logged in as Fred, I don’t see either of the forums for the hidden groups that Fred belongs to. The only way to see what’s going in in either the group Hidden (to which Fred was invited) or the group Fred Hidden (created by Fred) is to find an activity entry for the group and then click it.

    Is there an easier way for user Fred to check in on either of the two hidden groups?

    Alternatively, is there a way to allow members to create public and private groups, but not hidden groups. The way it seems to be working for me right now, the workflow is too complicated for users to be able to figure out.

    Looking forward to a response.


    When I create a group and set it to hidden, it is not visible to me as admin (or any other user whether they’re members of the group or not.

    To test, I created a fresh WordPress install, installed the BuddyX (free) theme, then BuddyPress, bbPress, and finally BP Classic plugin. I’m logged in as admin. I created a user called sub1 who is a subscriber.

    I created a group called Normal which is set up as a public group. Then I created a second group called Private which is set up as private. Then I set up a group called Hidden which is set to hidden. When creating each group, I sent an invite to user Sub1.

    When I go to the Groups page (/groups), I see the group count as 3. I see the group Normal which I can click into and view group info, and the group Private which I can click into and see group info (since I’m logged in as admin who created the group). I do not see the group Hidden. But on the bottom it says “Viewing 1 – 3 of 3 groups” even though I can only see 2.

    If I log out, I can see the group Normal and click into it and see group info. I can see the group Private and click into it, but see a message saying that this is a private group. No group Hidden when logged out (as expected) and on the bottom it says “Viewing 1 – 2 of 2 groups”.

    If I log in as user Sub1, I only see 2 groups but “Viewing 1 – 3 of 3 groups”. The group Private says I have to be a member of the group to see anything. Then I accept the invite to group Private. Then I can see everything in the group. I don’t see the group Hidden. In my notifications, I click on the invitation to group Hidden and nothing happens.

    I tried and succeeded to reproduce this in a vanilla environment. Any help would be appreciated.


    Varun Dubey

    @persoonlijkvaardiger Making all media urls private will impact the site; images and videos are also considered media elements. You can try


    When a mail sent to notify something (for exemple, a new private message), the urls inside the mail are false.
    This is because it add “http” + “https” :

    Do you know this problem ?

    WP : 6.4.3
    BuddyPress : 12.2.0

    Thank you for your help !

    NB. Sorry for my bad english…



    we are putting the working groups on our site ( We are using anesta as theme. However, we need to be able to see the list of participants for private groups even if a user is not in the group. For the standard behaviour, it is currently only possible to see the group description and the possibility of sending a membership request.
    How should we do to insert also the members?

    Thank you


    @vapvarun User Groups is enabled in the Component tab but the User Groups accordion panel was missing in the URLs tab. However, I have been able to get it to appear.

    Here is what I did:

    1) Installed and network activated the bp-classic plugin. This changed the URL tab in BuddyPress settings to Pages. At that point, I could see an option for the User Groups component.

    2) It turned out the Groups page in the Main Site was private. So, I changed it to public. After that, I was able to associate it with the User Groups component in the Pages tab.

    3) Network deactivated the bp-classic plugin. The Pages tab in the BuddyPress settings changed back to URLs. Now, the User Groups accordion panel appears as expected.


    My BP Configuration:

    version: 12.2.0
    active_components: Community Members, Extended Profiles, Account Settings, Private Messaging, Activity Streams, Notifications
    template_pack: BuddyPress Nouveau 12.2.0
    url_parser: Legacy Parser
    hide-loggedout-adminbar: No
    bp-disable-account-deletion: No
    bp-disable-avatar-uploads: Yes
    bp-disable-cover-image-uploads: Yes
    bp-enable-members-invitations: undefined
    bp-enable-membership-requests: undefined
    bp-disable-profile-sync: No
    bp-disable-blogforum-comments: No
    _bp_enable_heartbeat_refresh: Yes


    Tried using the BP classic plugin, but it made no difference. Pagination in private forums refuses to work.

    Mathieu Viet

    Hi @gomle

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. About Notifications, I believe using the Notification Web API can improve your “pulling the user to the site” need.

    Hi @oumz99

    I agree we should look into import/export. To comply with GDPR, users can export the data they created on the site from their profile settings. But a more global tool would be great to easily develop BuddyPress themes or move community generated content to another site.
    See & contribute to it there:

    Hi @bclaim

    So do I! I totally agree with you. We need to rethink the Private Messages component/feature with the goal:
    1. to make it a chat like system for member(s) to member(s) discussions as well as between group members discussions. What are channels in Slack could be groups in BuddyPress Private Messages. I’m looking carefully to the Block Editor live collaboration system as it may help us to reach this goal.
    2. to move the Community wide notice feature outside of it.


    It should be the case. So it’s not an evolution to me but more a bug. I’ll look into it.

    I’ll make sure to talk about it with other members of the BP Core Developers team during our next development meeting.

    Here’s my 2 main wishes for 14.0.0:
    – Review our different registration flows and allow Administrators to easily disable these BuddyPress registration flows.
    – Build new BP Blocks along with a new BP Blocks only Theme to start using the WP Site Editor to customize our community area.



    My wish is for BuddyPress to have a chat like private messaging system with only one thread allowed between users. Or maybe have a feature where we can enable a periodical delete of older messages so threads don’t get really large and slow.


    I am glad to hear that a v.14 is planned!
    For 10 years I’ve tried to build something with buddypress, but I have never been able to launch a completed project, as I haven’t had the skills to make it as functional as it needed to be.

    I am one of those guys that have used wordpress + various other members plugin + freelancer to make what I want.

    Every community is different – so is the ones I’ve tried to make, and more often than not I haven’t needed 60% of the functionality coming out of the box in buddypress. But there are always something missing, at least for what I wanted to use Buddypress for.

    In version 14 I hope to see more functionality (presented in a clear way for the users) towards user-interacting: Easy to use notification system for 100% of interactions between users.

    All notifications is so, so important – as this is the way to bring members back. “Lila has sent you a message, click here to see”, “You got a new friend request”, “Someone replied to your topic”.. This brings people back, helping to grow the community!

    So: Live popups and emails + bell notifications for:
    Private messages, new bbpress replies / new topics, bbpress mentions, commenting, like buttons, added, follows, friend requests, accepted friend request, rejected friend requests, rating of content, e.g posts, forum posts etc.

    And the entire notification system must be easy to use for both members and the admins!
    Not all admins have coding skills. We just need an easy way to implement a bell in the header, which nicely presents new notifications. Small things like that is what I’ve been looking for.

    And I have often found that 50% of it is working as I hoped, but then the other 50% is just not there. Forcing me to go to Freelancer, and from the developers over there, getting told: “You don’t need such a heavy tool like buddypress to accomplish this. Let me fix it for you just using wordpress and UsersWP”.


    WP version 6.4.2, BuddyPress v. 12.1.1 and BP classic 1.2.0 site is (login required) running reservoir/fluida theme.

    Have 3 groups set up so far, all show “loading group updates, please wait” and nothing ever loads. Private messaging between members is working, public messaging is not. Cannot even click to activate the function.
    No change when using Twenty Twenty-Three theme. Same problems exactly.
    Have never had this issue on a BP site before and this is my 4th. Unsure how to remedy.


    In reply to: BuddyPress 12.0.0


    ps – I LOVE the private community update, and everything else you’ve done – I feel spoiled really – hence why I want it to be even more successful πŸ™‚

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