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Topic: get a link for my account
I just downloaded Buddypress and I have it with Youzify. The question is that in my website I have the access of my account for another function because I want the community to be somewhere else, with a more private access.
But I can not find a way to get a link or access to add a button and go to see the user’s account that is connected, as in the slug has the user’s name.Is there a shortcode or something I can do? thanks!
Hi guys,
After trying different options, I’m wondering if this is even possible. I would like the recipient’s name and avatar in (new private message received) emails to be a link to their own profile page. I’m not sure if this is not working because it’s fired off in the header of the email template or if I’m not creating the token correctly. Can anyone please guide me in the right direction? The code below is not working. Any help or guidance would be immensely appreciated, I’m at my wits end…do_action( 'bp_before_email_recipient' ); if ( bp_is_email_customizer() ) { $user_id = '{{recipient.userid}}'; // Placeholder for user ID token // Generate the user's profile URL based on the user ID $user_profile_url = bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id ); // Display the clickable link with user's name echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $user_profile_url ) . '">{{}}</a>'; // Display the user's avatar echo '<img src="' . apply_filters( 'bp_email_customizer_default_avatar', bb_attachments_get_default_profile_group_avatar_image( array( 'object' => 'user' ) ) ) . '" width="34" height="34" style="border: 1px solid #b9babc; border-radius: 50%; margin-left: 12px; vertical-align: middle;" />'; } else { bp_email_the_salutation( $settings ); }
I am starting a new project to build out a Reddit like community forum for a Korean-American organization.
Since I’ve been working with WordPress developing custom themes and plugins, I figured starting based on WP platform will get me a quick start vs going with Laravel + vue.js route.
(Performance is not an issue at this point because I do run several high performance dedicated servers with small loads.)However, I wasn’t able to find good documentation on customizing, writing plugins for BuddyPress, and other development related resources on my search. I understand that BuddyPress was not actively managed for quite some time, but the devs started working on this project in the recent years.
So, I would really appreciate if someone can point me to a resource that I can learn about the best practices for customizing BuddyPress that won’t get wiped with the version updates.
I believe there is some kind of “child-theme” approach, but could not locate the recent guide on this.
What I am trying to do is as it follows:
1. Customize the interface and show “Korean” text for all functions and features users can use (not loaded from the default language settings. I need to change many wordings.)
2. Allow access to private post without logging in based on session cookies.
3. Display special message/media after every 10 post lists or replies or comments.So, please advise me where I can put the codes and filter BuddyPress loading forum lists.
Thank you!
When I create a group and set it to hidden, it is not visible to me as admin (or any other user whether they’re members of the group or not.
To test, I created a fresh WordPress install, installed the BuddyX (free) theme, then BuddyPress, bbPress, and finally BP Classic plugin. I’m logged in as admin. I created a user called sub1 who is a subscriber.
I created a group called Normal which is set up as a public group. Then I created a second group called Private which is set up as private. Then I set up a group called Hidden which is set to hidden. When creating each group, I sent an invite to user Sub1.
When I go to the Groups page (/groups), I see the group count as 3. I see the group Normal which I can click into and view group info, and the group Private which I can click into and see group info (since I’m logged in as admin who created the group). I do not see the group Hidden. But on the bottom it says “Viewing 1 – 3 of 3 groups” even though I can only see 2.
If I log out, I can see the group Normal and click into it and see group info. I can see the group Private and click into it, but see a message saying that this is a private group. No group Hidden when logged out (as expected) and on the bottom it says “Viewing 1 – 2 of 2 groups”.
If I log in as user Sub1, I only see 2 groups but “Viewing 1 – 3 of 3 groups”. The group Private says I have to be a member of the group to see anything. Then I accept the invite to group Private. Then I can see everything in the group. I don’t see the group Hidden. In my notifications, I click on the invitation to group Hidden and nothing happens.
I tried and succeeded to reproduce this in a vanilla environment. Any help would be appreciated.
When a mail sent to notify something (for exemple, a new private message), the urls inside the mail are false.
This is because it add “http” + “https” :
http://https//mydomain.comDo you know this problem ?
WP : 6.4.3
BuddyPress : 12.2.0Thank you for your help !
NB. Sorry for my bad english…
we are putting the working groups on our site ( We are using anesta as theme. However, we need to be able to see the list of participants for private groups even if a user is not in the group. For the standard behaviour, it is currently only possible to see the group description and the possibility of sending a membership request.
How should we do to insert also the members?Thank you
WP version 6.4.2, BuddyPress v. 12.1.1 and BP classic 1.2.0 site is (login required) running reservoir/fluida theme.
Have 3 groups set up so far, all show “loading group updates, please wait” and nothing ever loads. Private messaging between members is working, public messaging is not. Cannot even click to activate the function.
No change when using Twenty Twenty-Three theme. Same problems exactly.
Have never had this issue on a BP site before and this is my 4th. Unsure how to remedy.Topic: Forum pagination problem
Wordpress 6.4.2
BBPress 2.6.9
Buddypress 12.0.0Hi,
Pagination in buddypress fora (private group forum) is not working anymore. Only de first page is shown, whatever pagenumber one clicks on.
forum /groepen/icsi/forum/page/2/ shows page /groepen/icsi/forum/
topic /groepen/icsi/forum/topic/icsi-2023/page/3/ shows /groepen/icsi/forum/topic/icsi-2023/This renders these fora unusable if sorted on datetime ascending.
There are no errors or warnings in the php logfile.
Deactivating all plugins (except bbpress, buddypress) does not make any difference. Changing theme does not make any difference.
Pagination under BBpress fora works fine.
So it seems that buddypress does not react on the last part of the url’s (e.g. /page/3/ )
Temporary workaround :
Up the amount of topics and replies per page under bbpress settings so that pagination does not show up.
I want to make a group that is showing the content, but the user would not be able to post unless he request to be a member (which the admin or mods could approve).
So far I tried with altctrl public group, but it’s out dated and it’s not working.
I tried with private groups, but I cannot make their content visible.Any suggestions?
Best regards,