Search Results for 'private'
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Topic: Groups visibility by role
Hello, I’ve 3 custom user role. I created BP groups but for each role, all groups should not be visible by all users.
For example : 3 roles : role1, role2, role3 – 6 groups : group1, group2, group3, group4, group5, group6
Each user with role3 can create its private group, not visible for role1 and role2. He can see all others groups. So it’s group could be masked if he can see others groups.
Users with role2 cannot see groups created by users with role3 and cannot see group3, group4.They can see only groups 1,2 and 5. They are automatically added at group1 thanks the module Member Type Pro
Users with role 1 are automatically add in group3 and can see oly itzs group and group4.
Is there a plugin or a function to add that in the admin WP ?
Like the plugin Menu Nav Role wich allos to display menu items by role.Thanks for your reply. I hope my answer is understandable because I’m french 😉
First time poster! Hello everyone 🙂
I am using: Marketplace One Social theme, WC Vendors, Woocommerce, BP Better messages (websocket upgrade).
Is there a way to make the ability to start conversations only for admin? I am designing a freelancer type website where I only want the Admin to be able to connect buyers and sellers into a private conversation after the purchase has been made (to avoid circumvention). I want vendors and subscribers to have access to their messages, just not the ability to start a new one.
I am thinking maybe CSS to hide compose features? Could that be the easiest solution?
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
How can I limited the activity feed to only display activities in the groups the user belongs to?
Our site groups need to be very private. Being able to view a friend’s activity is a great but not if the friend’s activity is a private group that the user does not belong to.
For example, a friend belongs to a private group named ‘secrets’ but the user does not belong to the group.
Now the friend creates a topic (bbPress) in the ‘secrets’ group forum discussing a ‘new formula’. The user will now see the topic posted in their activity feed. The new secret formula is now revealed outside the ‘secrets’ group.
I hope this makes sense.
Hello to all.
i seem to do not understand how this one should work:
wp 4.9
bbpress 4.1.0We are using Woffice Theme with buddypress.
User ist member of private group, group has forum, role ist participant. when the user searches for Topics or Replies he does not get any results. Neither with Woffice search bar on top nor with forum search. results show only topics/replies from public group forums.
Admnistrator/keymaster gets the right results, so it`s technically working. probably a rights problem.
What am i missing? Shouldn`t that work?
Thanks in advance
Topic: Bug in private message
I noticed a bug. When you write a private message to a member and forget to fill in the Title by pressing Send. This automatically removes the recipient from the message.
Do you have a solution ?
Thank you.
Hi everyone! does anyone here experience the same thing when you compose a message then you view the thread you will notice the text above the subject like this (Conversation between you and Deleted User and you.) it has a redundant (you) how to fix this? does anyone experience the same thing? i am using buddypress Version: 4.2.0 and wordpress 5.1 thank you guys..
Topic: Restricting private messages
I am looking for some help with restricting private messages.
I have Paid Memberships Pro – BuddyPress Add On Version 1.2.1 and BP Better Messages (Premium) Version with WordPress 5.1
BuddyPress Version 4.2.0I am looking for a way to restrict the private message option for certain type of users. I am trying to have this modification multiple ways, with and without PMPro but none of them working so far.
With PMPro I supposed to restrict easily, still I can only totally restrict all BuddyPress functions or enable all of them, customization looks like broken.
I looked into the codes of all the mentioned plugins, tried to restrict access by using below code that I found in another topic:
add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button', function( $array ) { if ( pmpro_hasMembershipLevel('Premium') ) { return $array; } else { return ''; } } );
Maybe I am just trying to make it too complicated and there is an easier way to do it with shortcodes under the Members page that currently contains only [bps_directory] shortcode.
Any suggestion and help would be welcome.
I have a membership site that has several private groups for paying members. Their access is restricted by their membership role. So for example, only people with the “approved” role can access “Group 1”.
The challenge is that if the customer no longer pays for membership and we change their role to “not approved” they still have access to, and receive email updates, from that group because their group access ignores the roles if they are already a member.So I need a way to easily scan the email addresses (our paying members are by company so the email domain is the easiest way to ID and verify who should be in the group) when looking at group members.
Is there a way to do this? Or is there an update that I can make so that group Admins can see the user email address next to their name when viewing the member list? I’d only want the group admin to see this, of course.
Topic: Avatar filter
I want to let the members must upload the avatar,otherwise they can`t send the private message.
How can I do ???
Can I do it from function.pnp ?
Topic: BP Private message issue
Hello, is there anyway, code or settings that can restrict private messages to just user to admin alone. i will like to avoid user to user conversation on my site.
I make member profile page private for everyone with this snippets in my child theme functions.php file:
function remove_xprofile_links() { remove_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 9, 3 ); } add_action( 'bp_init', 'remove_xprofile_links' ); function my_private_profiles() { if ( ! bp_is_user_profile() ) return; if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) return; if ( bp_loggedin_user_id() == bp_displayed_user_id() ) return; bp_core_redirect( home_url() ); } add_action( 'init', 'my_private_profiles' );
But I need to disable the members access to a single user front page. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance!
I have BuddyPress 4.1.0 and bbPress 2.5.14 installed on a WordPress 5.0.3
I already tried resetting the permalinks. I have not tried disabling and re-enabling all other plugins. I’m hoping it’s a simple fix.
I am having URL Rewrite issues.
This URL works and gets me to a page which lists all groups/my groups.
// testing, I log in as a user having the wp ‘subscriber’ role who is a member of one of the private groups listed.
I click on the group to which the user is a member and it takes me here:
// is good. This is where I want the user to be. But on this page, the user has the ability to see how many other members are in this group and clicking the ‘members’ button should take the user to a page that lists only the members of that group. When I hover over the members button, the URL that displays is
// when I click on the members button, the URL I am taken to is
// is a page that lists ALL the members. NOT what I want.
Similarly, if I’m logged in as a user and I go to the Members page (//, and I click on a member’s name, I’m taken to the member’s page:
// see that this member belongs to 2 groups. I want to know which ones, so I should click on the tab that says “Groups (2)” to see which two groups the person belongs to. When I hover over that tab, the URL displayed is
// when I click on it I am taken here instead
// lists all the groups. NOT what I want.
What can I do to fix the errant rewriting of these URLs?
Topic: Personal message form
WP v. 5.0.3
I did not upgrade from a previous version of WordPress.
WordPress was functioning properly before BuddyPress install.
BuddyPress v 4.1.0
No upgrade.
Other plug-ins: bbPress, bbPress WP Tweaks, Breadcrumb NavXT, BuddyPress, Column Shortcodes, Contact Form 7, Content Aware Sidebars, Mailchimp for WooCommerce (currently not set up), MetaSlider, N-Media WooCommerce PPOM, Shindiri Woo Shop Slider Lite, Widget Options, WooCommerce (currently not set up), WooCommerce Produce Carousel Slider, WooCommerce Services (currently not set up). All are up to date.
Wordpress theme is Vogue.
I’ve not modified the core files in any way that I’m aware of.
No custom functions that I’m aware of.
I do not know how to do .php coding.
I do not have any errors that I am aware of and could not run the check from the tutorial as it didn’t work. Again, do not know .php code.
Current website has been removed from online and is on a private server/localhost. This will change soon as the new site is finished.
No BuddyPress theme chosen so maybe default theme selected?
No idea if I overloaded any buddypress template files.Posting above per the “When asking for support” sticky.
I have two problems. The first is that I don’t have a way for users to create groups using the BuddyPress groups system. I can only create groups manually by selecting “Groups” > “Add New” in the dashboard. I do not wish to cater to 100’s of requests for groups, and would like users to have freedom of creation. “Anyone can register” is selected. “User Groups” is selected.
As of right now, my site has a “Social” menu option with sub-menu of all the BuddyPress items. If I click on “Groups” in the sub-menu, I DO NOT get an option to create groups. However, if I click on the main menu “Social,” and look at the right side where my “Groups” widget is, I can click on groups, and get a new page that has a “Create New Group” option that allows anyone to create.
Ok, so why not just add the widget to all the BuddyPress pages? I did. They won’t load. The only way people can add groups is if they go through this widget. Which leads me to my second problem; I am not able to add that widget anywhere else on the website. It will not load on any other of the BuddyPress pages/sub-menu options. In fact, nothing will load.
This was the result of adding “Content Aware Sidebar” plug-in, because I was not able to get website widgets OFF BuddyPress pages even when selected to be off those specific pages. Now, I have removed my main-site widgets from BuddyPress pages, but can’t get BuddyPress widgets on BuddyPress pages. Boy, I hope that was clear.
If I remove “Content Aware Sidebar” (or deactivate it), everything goes back to the way it was. Main website widgets that I don’t want on BuddyPress pages will load on BuddyPress pages, but so will the BuddyPress widgets.
How do I get my BuddyPress widgets to load AND prevent my other widgets from loading on BuddyPress-only pages? Or can I manually insert a “Create Group” link inside the “Groups” page, preferably next to “Invitations” and “Memberships?”
I believe the problem lies with both the “Content Aware Sidebar” plugin and “Widget Options,” which is the one I used to be able to manually select pages. It worked perfectly until BuddyPress was installed. Now, I can’t get choices over BuddyPress-only widgets, but I can get widgets to load at will anywhere else on the site.