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  • #274471

    On my site, under the profiles, in the private messaging area…it seems that the messaging system is not working.
    It just says “loading messages.please wait” and then nothing ever happens.
    Is there a fix to this that anyone knows of?


    While this is a valid workaround, which we have tried. But its confusing for the end user and they sometimes fumble with the alias format and lose out account access, creates support overhead etc.

    The need described by kama is similar to facebook pages or YouTube channels – they are a social network with members having profiles but also multiple members can manage a page or a YouTube channel.
    Typical use cases for VIP members who May want their assistants to operate and update certain sections of their accounts without giving away the credentials of their account. The VIP user could allow read/write permissions to certain sections of the profile. For e.g. my assistant can edit my profile, but not read my private message’s or change my subscription type


    My problem is weird: the header actions (bp_member_header_actions) in the bp profile has no href links …
    i can’t add new friends, or send open or private messages …
    Any ideas how i can fix this??




    Is it possible to send emails to the members, rather than private messages, from buddypress?



    Varun Dubey

    @optimized Private messaging is available at the individual level, you can use to send a message to all group members or extend the same



    1. How do I get the Private Messsage button to display ?

    2. How do we set up private messaging for groups ?



    Evil Overlord

    Thanks. I looked at Auto Group Join, and am considering it. Registration Groups hasn’t been updated in a long time, so I’m a bit leery of that. I’ve also tried bbPress Private Groups, but I’m finding forum accessibility to be oddly inconsistent.

    At the moment, I’m looking at:
    1. Just BuddyPress – create lots of overlapping single-purpose groups.
    2. Just bbPress & Private Groups – forget about the social aspect and just use structured fora.
    3. Social media – give up and use a Google Group, Google+ community, or even [gulp] a Facebook group.

    Evil Overlord

    Latest versions of WP, BP, and bbP

    I’m trying to devise a simple, socially-oriented discussion space that has some invitation-only groups, and specific private fora for specific topics, but that is easy to enter and manage.

    My initial thought was to have two groups:
    Fans – open group
    Various fora – all open

    Contributors – invitation-only group
    Specific fora and sub-fora – all private. For example:
    Project forum 1 – open only to some members of the Contributors group
    Project sub-forum A – open only to some members of the Forum 1 group

    I’m finding that the groups and fora are hard to administer. I’d like to be able to simply check some boxes on the back end to define which site members belong to which groups and fora. Instead, they have to join, then I have to invite them (through the front end) to each group and to each forum and sub-forum. It’s slow and tedious.

    I had thought that using both BuddyPress and bbPress would give me what I want, and it does function, but it’s unattractive and awkward to manage. Some specific issues:

    • Group ‘forum’ – each group has its own discussion space aside from the fora. I’d like to force people to use the fora instead.
    • Signup – as noted, it’s very awkward to manage memberships in groups and fora; too much so for anyone to realistically sign up for the site, join a group, join a forum, join a sub-forum. I know who should be where; I’d like to manage all or most of this on the back end.
    • Forum font size – is very small. While this seems a small detail, I’ve tried altering every font setting in my theme, and none seem to affect this.


    1. Am I using the right tools? Would just bbPress or just BuddyPress be better?
    2. Are there specific plugins I should be using? I’ve seen some that look useful, but many are out of date. Some aren’t described with much specificity. I’m not sure which would do what I want.

    Advice much appreciated.

    (Also, any free themes that would work well, so that fora aren’t pushed way down the page.)


    Hello, I’m trying to use BP Shortcodes with Siteorgin page builder. Basically I don’t want to use the premade BuddyPress pages at all. I want to be able to use my page builder to design the layout by using widgets and shortcodes. I’m having trouble getting any shortcodes to work right when I use them inside a pagebuilder html widget… specifically, it never takes on my background and font color settings from pagebuiler. Is this even possible? Is it even possible to not use the built in buddypresss pages/templates at all? When I do try to use them it just doesn’t match the look and feel of my site and makes everything look pretty ugly. Its either this or peepso. I prefer buddypress because things like media sharing and user private messaging comes free… with peepso they are paid add ons. But with PeepSo at least I can fully use widgets/shortcodes into a page builder designed page to make everything look uniform. Can anyone help? I’m new to all of this and I’m very very frustrated. This is the third time in the past two months I’ve redownloaded and given buddypress a shot… and I always get hung up at this very very point and then I always deactivate and go back to PeepSo. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!


    This is not working on browser but works on private ones



    I’ve a cookie issue with pagination on page reload on

    The page loads well and the implementation of autoload also

    The problem is that bp-activity-oldestpage stores the current value of pagination and if I reload the page the first 3 posts are ok but but the next autoload are never the one that should as the bp-activity-oldestpage value has not been reseted and keep the state of value of previous pagination

    The same problem happens without autoload and also in private mode

    Is there a simple way to reset the value of bp-activity-oldestpage each time the activity page is loaded?


    The code above works to restrict private messages to to only friends, but the message the user gets if they try to message someone who is not a friend is:

    “The message was not sent. Please try again later.”

    Is there anyway to change this message to something like:

    “Sorry, you can only message connections within your network”


    In reply to: 500 error


    Can I send the error log privately?


    Did you ever find a solution to your first requirement?

    – When a new user sign up via GF > create a private group(business) exclusively assigned to this new user (which will be a group admin)?

    Varun Dubey

    @onions2578 you can keep a private group and invite your friends only to join your group.
    For a group-specific, you can create custom code which adds those members to a specific group when they will be added to your friend list, but it can not be a general scope.


    When listing a group buddypress has
    This is a public group
    This is a private group
    This is a hidden group

    Any way my site can have
    This is a friends only group

    Allen Montgomery

    Here’s how I want it to work.

    1. David registers at my site.
    2. David creates a private group.
    3. David emails a group invitation to Stephen.
    4. Stephen follows the link, where he is prompted to register at the site, assuming he has not already done so.
    5. Stephen logs in, and submits the invitation to join David’s group.
    6. Stephen receives a confirmation email, using the email address by which David mailed the invitation. This may or may not be the email address Stephen used when registering at the site.

    I am using the free version of BuddyPress for the time being. Even when I upgrade to pro, I don’t believe it is going to give me all of this functionality.


    In reply to: Setting up Login page


    Hi Glenn,

    (a) There are a number of plugins that allow you to customise the WordPress Login page.

    (b) No I don’t think so, this is indicating that Incognito is redirecting login.php to another page.

    (c) There’s a number of plugins that will allow you to put the login form into a widget for example, you could use one of these to put the login form on any page you like.

    2. Maybe you could try:

    3. There’s a number of BP privacy plugins, they tend to work in different ways so it’s really a case of checking out a few to see if they deliver what you need. I personally tend to use a modified version of BP Members Only. I modified it so that posts are not private.


    Sorted using the code from :

    One question will the messages still be stored in the database even if the message isnt sent? I dont want these spammers filling up my database with junk..



    Phishing bots are spamming users on my site with private messages and its doing my head in lol!

    Everyday I get a new user that bypasses akismet and google recapcha doesnt post anything but starts spamming private messages to people.

    How can I make it so only friends can send private messages to each other?

    Also is there a way to auto delete accounts that are bots which sign up and dont post naything after a certain period of time?




    I discovered that users (spammers in this case) can send private messages and spam other users even though their accounts are yet to be activated by WordPress.
    Is this how Buddypress is designed or is this a bug?




    Version: 4.9.5
    Language: en_US
    Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    Active Theme: Tempera NoLink 0.6
    Page On Front: Si Valetis, Valeo! (#62)
    Page For Posts: Blog (#133)

    — Web Server Configurations —

    PHP Version: 7.0.30
    MySQL Version: 5.6.34
    Web Server Info: Apache

    — PHP Configurations —

    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    PHP Upload Max Size: 256M
    PHP Post Max Size: 301M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize: 256M
    PHP Time Limit: 1000
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    PHP Arg Separator: &
    PHP Allow URL File Open: Yes

    — WordPress Active Plugins —

    Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.0.3
    Caldera Forms:
    Category Posts Widget: 4.8.5
    Category Sticky Post: 2.10.1
    Cryout Serious Theme Settings: 0.5.9
    Custom Login Page Templates: 1.0
    Custom Sidebars: 3.1.4
    Disable Emojis: 1.7
    Download Monitor: 4.0.8
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP): 5.3.3
    GTranslate: 2.8.40
    Jetpack by 6.1
    Plugins Garbage Collector: 0.10.3
    Shortcodes Ultimate: 5.0.3
    Simple Link Directory – Pro: 4.8.0
    Team Members PRO: 4.1.1
    The Events Calendar: 4.6.15
    TinyMCE Advanced: 4.6.7
    Ultimate Member: 2.0.13
    Ultimate Member – Followers: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – Friends: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – Google reCAPTCHA: 2.0
    Ultimate Member – Instagram: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – MailChimp: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – Notices: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – Online Users: 2.0
    Ultimate Member – Private Messages: 2.0.2
    Ultimate Member – Profile Completeness: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – Real-time Notifications: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – Social Activity: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – Social Login: 2.0.1
    Ultimate Member – Terms & Conditions: 2.0
    Ultimate Member – User Reviews: 2.0.3
    Ultimate Member – User Tags: 2.0
    Ultimate Member – Verified Users: 2.0.1
    UM New Members widget: 1.0.7
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore:
    VaultPress: 1.9.5
    Wise Chat Pro: 1.9
    WP-Optimize: 2.2.4
    WP Responsive Recent Post Slider: 1.4.2
    Yoast SEO Premium: 7.4.2


    Just to let everybody know: I found the cause for my problem. I had to add the capability ‘view private pages’ to the role and now everything works as expected.


    I’m not crazy about the iframe solution, but I do believe it can allow invite to private server on discord, which would be useful, but I’m not sure. I’m going to play with it in staging and post back here on results.


    Yep something is making your BP areas private for sure. BuddyPress for example on it’s own makes a public page, to make it private, like your’s is, you’d need to add a plugin – bp does not even have a setting for it.

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