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Search Results for 'private'

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  • #261117

    Is there a way to set your profile pic to private – or to lock it – but only let specified members see it?

    I’m really hoping there is!


    I need to “to hide the private group from logged in users as well”, pretty much it is a “modified hidden group” that should allow people request membership if people know the direct link to the group page.

    Anyone knows how to do it?


    Thank you so much for this code! I’ve spent several hours trying to use other people’s code to hide the button and even tried to make my own but nothing worked until I found your code. I just switched it around because I only wanted one particular group to not be able to send messages while the rest can.

    Posting in case someone in the future needs the opposite of your code:

    add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button', function( $array ) {
        if ( pmpro_hasMembershipLevel('NAMEOFPMPLEVEL') ) {
            return '';
        } else {
            return $array;
    } );

    Also, I am looking for the same code as you to restrict non-paying users from sending private messages. I found a code that looks promising but unfortunately doesn’t work. It sees if the user is logged in and if not redirects them. Then if the person is logged in it checks their role but if they’re not that role they’re supposed to be redirected. But it just breaks my whole site. Any ideas?

    function my_function() {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && bp_is_current_component( 'messages' ) ) {
            // Current user is not logged in so don't let them see stuff. In this case, private messages 
            wp_redirect( home_url() );
        $flag = false;
        // Get current user info.
        $user = wp_get_current_user();
        if ( ! in_array( 'student', $user->roles ) ) {
            // The current member is not a student.
            $flag = true;
        if ( $flag && bp_is_current_component( 'messages' )  ) {
            The currently logged-in member is not a student and is trying to view private messaging. Let's redirect them away.
            wp_redirect( home_url() );
    add_action( 'init', 'my_function' );

    Have you tried setting the forum to Private? Or Hidden?
    Go to wp-admin > Forums > Forum Name > Edit > Visibility

    btw – these are the BuddyPress forums.
    For support for bbPress you should use their forums.


    In reply to: Hiding register link


    There’s a few plugins that do that but BP Registration Options allows you to set it as a private network, in BP Registration>>BP Registration


    In reply to: Hiding register link


    How do I set it as private?


    I asked seventhqueen for help and they said the problem is from buddypress, they can not help.

    When you have a private group and go to approve some member the warning is showed but after approving, when the page reload saying that the membership was approved, the warning dissapears, is the only page where the warning is not being showed.



    No, there is not the problem of users deleted with the same name.

    Now after having deactivated and reactivated buddypress, private messages are working. The only issue, at the moment, is that strange sentence. You send a message to a user named ABCDEFG

    and after sending, it says

    Conversation between Deleted User, Deleted User, ABCDEFG and you.

    I can’t understand who are the deleted user, and how to fix the issue


    I deactivated PRIVATE MESSAGE in Buddypress options, and then re-activated.

    How strange… now I can send a message to a user named XXX

    When I send the message, after that it appears below as “Conversation between you e DELETED USERS, DELETED USERS, XXXX”

    Then if you refresh the page, the message count is 0, as it disappeared. My god, I just opened I new website, it worked till yesterday. It’s a great problem and I don’t think it’s simple to understand


    Damn: also private messages now they don’t work. It says “message not sent, retry”.



    When I (admin) write a private message, there is the option to check to send it to all user.

    Well, I don’t know why, but now… it says that the message have been correctly created, but it is not shown to nobody. And in my messages there is not the one I created.

    What could be the issue?


    I want non-users of the website to be able to view a Private Group’s member list. But I cannot find anywhere I can catch this redirect.

    So far I’ve found..

    This no access redirect must be happening from a call to the function bp_core_noaccess

    I found the filter bp_group_user_has_access within the function bp_groups_group_access_protection … But this does not appear to fire for the group members screen when a logged out user tries to access.

    I’m currently on WordPress version 4.5.4 and BuddyPress version 2.5.2

    Thanks in advance!


    In reply to: Hiding register link


    Set it as a private network?


    Hi guys, need a little help with some custom action. I need to restrict private messages to paying members only, or if the message (thread) comes first from a paying user.

    I use Paid Membership Pro to manage the membership. I tried including this function in the theme’s function file:

    function message_from_non_premium($message_info) {
    	$user = get_current_user_id();
    	$premium = pmpro_hasMembershipLevel('1', $user);
    	if(!$premium) {
    		if(!thread_id) {
    			unset( $message_info->recipients );
    			return false;
    add_action('messages_message_before_save', 'message_from_non_premium');

    but when testing, users can still send private messages, even without the required membership to do so. I used info from the forum and the pmp website:


    Good day everyone, I’m new to BP and the forum as well!

    I’m using WordPress with GravityForms to signup users for monthly subscriptions.

    Basically I’m wondering if it is possible to do the following :
    – When a new user sign up via GF > create a private group(business) exclusively assigned to this new user (which will be a group admin)?
    – This admin would be able to invite users(employees) to be added to that exclusive group?
    – Would it be possible to list GF submissions for other forms (uploads for instance) by users (employees & business owners) and/or by Group(business)?
    – Any way to link a Dropbox folder created via Zapier for those specific users and/or group?
    – In the end, we want to use BP capabilities to create a sort of internal communication tool in regards of those uploads made our way?

    Thank you so much in advance !


    This works and hides the button, but I’m curious. Can someone still send a private message to another user when they are “not” friends using URL manipulation or should the _wpnonce stop that?


    1) If is text of private message too long, do read more
    2) Seen date – please do date with time (date & time reading)
    3) Why is there SSS? Please change text on “Mark as read” and “Mark as unread” It confuses people
    4) When someone wants to see the messages in the conversation, please do that he will automatically jump down the page on the last message. Look how it works on Facebook, it also jumps down and you do not have to scroll down in order to write the answer.
    5) Load more button – In some of the conversations I have more than 30 messages, then it’s confusing. Load newest button – Could you indicate a new incoming message as in the activities?
    6) New messages at the top, old messages down. Similar as is the case activity. Reply form at the top as well.


    It could be, difficult to answer since you have not given a great deal of detail on what features you want. You can create multiple extra profile fields which are searchable, you can use a plugin like BP Profile Search to enable all sections of the profile to be searchable, and of course BP supports public and private forums.


    Wordpress v4.6.1
    Buddypress v2.7.0

    Is it possible (directly or via a plug-in) to allow a user to copy (cc or bcc) another new user when replying to a private message i.e. add in selected user(s) to a PM conversation?



    I would exclude automatically, some categories of the blog post, in the activity stream. It’s possible?

    I saw that the same problem was seen here:

    But applying the same function with the latest version of BuddyPress, it does not work. is possilibe?

    I also tried to customize the Post Types default ‘post’, following this guide:

    changing fields as well:

    add_post_type_support( 'post', 'buddypress-activity' );
    function customize_page_tracking_args() {
        // Check if the Activity component is active before using it.
        if ( ! bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) {
        bp_activity_set_post_type_tracking_args( 'post', array(
            'component_id'             => buddypress()->blogs->id,
            'action_id'                => 'new_blog_post', // or 'new_post'
            'bp_activity_admin_filter' => __( 'Published a new post', 'emt-buddypress' ),
            'bp_activity_front_filter' => __( 'Posts', 'emt-buddypress' ),
            'contexts'                 => array( 'activity', 'member' ),
            'activity_comment'         => true,
            'bp_activity_new_post'     => __( '%1$s shared a new <a href="%2$s">post</a>', 'emt-textbuddypress' ),
            'bp_activity_new_post_ms'  => __( '%1$s sahred a new <a href="%2$s">post</a>, on the site %3$s', 'emt-textbuddypress' ),
            'position'                 => 100,
        ) );
    add_action( 'bp_init', 'customize_page_tracking_args' );

    Finally I tried to customize the content of the post, in activity stream, as always suggested in this post:
    or this:

    This is my function:

    function record_cpt_activity_content( $cpt ) {		
        if ( 'new_post' === $cpt['type'] ) {
            $cpt['content'] = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" class="activity-content-title" >' $post->ID). '</span><br />' 
    		. get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, '') . '<br /> <br />'
    		. get_post_field('post_content', $post->ID);
        return $cpt;	
    add_filter('bp_before_activity_add_parse_args', 'record_cpt_activity_content');

    The problem is that the added HTML

    <a href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" class="activity-content-title" >' $post->ID). '</span><br />

    tags are not preserved when the post is published. Solutions?

    Thanks for your attention and assistance

    L.A. Randle

    I switched to twenty-sixteen theme, and tried creating a private group;posted and I got the same results. Anything that I posted in the private group was posted on my personal profile. So it isn’t the theme…..


    Have you tried deactivating all plugins and testing this? By default, activity in private groups stays within the group.

    L.A. Randle

    While testing my site, I came across something that needed to be addressed. When my groups decide that they want to be private, that usually means that anything and everything that is shared stays within that groups page.

    This is currently not the case. When a group posts on their private page, whoever posted on the timeline will see that same post on their personal activity stream. How can I fix this so that groups are 100% private, and all posts stay on the group page?

    Thank yuo


    I know Users get an Email if I write an private message to them but how is it possoble to mailing them if I post an Sitewide Notice?


    hi @masoud1111,

    all i found was how to hide that button, or remove it.
    but not show it only on some profiles

    You just need to add some conditionnals.

    Try this (in bp-custom.php) and give feed back if it works.

    function bpex_private_message_button( $button ) {
    $user = bp_loggedin_user_id();
        if ( is_super_admin() ) { 
    		return $button;
    	if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) {
    		if ( $role == 'subscriber' || $role == 'contributor' || $role == 'author' || $role == 'editor' )  {
    			// hide button for these roles
    			$button = '';
    	// allow the button to appear on admin's profile only
    	if ( bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) && bp_is_user() )  {	
    		$user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();	
    		// assuming admin's ID is 1
    		if ( $user_id == 1 ) {
    			return $button;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button', 'bpex_private_message_button', 1 , 1 );
Viewing 25 results - 901 through 925 (of 3,865 total)
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