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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • #43484

    In reply to: Empty Profile Page


    what do you mean by this?

    I have about 8 profile fields and they all worked, but they sent the default message to the email address even though I updated it via wp-admin.

    Burt Adsit

    The action that triggers the ‘no linking’ workaround doesn’t exist in RC2. I made it easier to specify what fields you do not want linked. I haven’t tested this but it should work.

    function my_no_links(){

    remove_filter( ‘bp_the_profile_field_value’,’xprofile_filter_link_profile_data’, 2 );

    add_filter( ‘bp_the_profile_field_value’,’my_no_links_filter’, 2, 3 );


    add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘my_no_links’);

    function my_no_links_filter($field_value, $field_type = ‘textbox’, $field_id){

    $no_links = array(1,5,99);

    if ( in_array((int)$field_id, $no_links))

    return $field_value;


    return xprofile_filter_link_profile_data($field_value, $field_type);


    This is also up on

    Put the field ids that you do not want to have automatically linked in the $no_links array.


    Resolved. GJ Paul.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    If you mean on a user’s profile page, i.e., you can’t. This will be an enhancement that might come in future versions of BuddyPress. You can edit the source files and change the order I believe but a) I don’t know how to do that b) you will have to make the change every time you upgrade and c) so I don’t recommend.


    In reply to: MySQL Query Question

    Burt Adsit

    First it would be nice to know what version of bp you are using. The latest trunk has lots of template functions and a new template class for the xprofile component.

    Frankly the profile component is complicated in that it uses three tables to organize and get access to profile field data. Fields are accessed first by field group then field id then field value.

    I don’t think that anyone is going to waste time on a detailed tutorial for RC1 code. Look at the following files and you’ll get an initial idea of how to access the profile fields.



    With the template tags file being the most useful probably and the classes showing you how things are organized.


    I’m not quite sure what you are asking…judging by your thread title you’ll need this function:

    bp_core_get_username( $uid )

    and then you can just call the profile fields accordingly…


    In reply to: Avatar Upload

    Jeff Sayre


    I can not change or create avatars

    I assume you mean that you cannot create avatars at all. If that is the case, then you cannot even get the chance to change your avatar. Is this correct?

    The error you mentioned in your OP is found in only two places in BP:

    • bp_core_avatar.php –> in the function bp_core_avatar_admin
    • bp_xprofile_signup.php –> in the function xprofile_validate_signup_fields

    So, either you do not have sufficient permissions in the folder where the avatar is first uploaded, or you’re uploading an avatar that is too big. I will guess that it is the first problem based on the error message.

    But, let’s be thorough.

    You mentioned that you’re running a very recent BP trunk version and WPMU 2.7.1_beta from branch. We’ll assume that everything is correct with your upgrade and that you’ve also read the thread Lance mentioned and tried any applicable suggestions.

    Here, then, are some additional or follow-up questions:

    1. What is the size of the avatar you’re trying to upload?
    2. What is the avatar’s format?
    3. Are you using the standard buddypress-member theme or a customized theme?
    4. What version of GD is installed?
    5. What version of PHP are you using?
    6. Have you checked all the folders in blog.dir and made sure that there are indeed no files?
    7. Have you checked the permissions of each of the subfolders in blog.dir?


    Here is what I would do… And what I do mostly on all of my BuddyPress installations…

    In your BuddyPress->General Settings, make the “Full Name field name” be called “Display Name” or in your case “First Name/Last Initial”

    That way, people know right away what you want shown there. You won’t need to baby sit them because it says right there what you want entered. Most people will follow suit, and the ones that don’t, what’s the diff?

    (Notice I use my middle name here on ;)

    Then, create extra fields for First Name and Last Name, for yourself to use. Make them visible if you’d like, or whatever.

    This way you’re not trying to create a crazy filter to micro manage anything.


    In reply to: BP-FBConnect Plugin


    got it working it was my stupid php… so what exactly does this do ? when you post a blog on wpmu does it post it on fb as well?? and vice versa ?

    also isnt there anyway to take out users profile info … and put em into there buddypress if they have the same fields..?

    Mike Pratt

    I’m sure you can but I haven’t looked at xprofile_fields just yet. A bunch of other problems to solve. Burt Adsit might be able to help

    Jeff Sayre

    It\’s not found in a form. It is located in the wp_bp_xprofile_fields table as a piece of data.

    The function xprofile_add_signup_fields in the file bp-xprofile-signup.php extracts it from that table.


    Why don’t you just add two additional profile fields (last name & first name) , make them required so they show up on registration and then write a custom function to tweak the sign up email?

    Yes, that’s what I want to do. But how would that work?

    I’d already tried editing wpmu-functions.php, replace ‘Dear User’ with ‘Dear DISPLAYNAME’ and then add this line:

    \’$welcome_email = str_replace( “DISPLAYNAME”, $user->display_name, $welcome_email );\’

    But the display_name field in wp_users has the username, not the full name. Full name and other profile fields are in wp_bp_xprofile_fields + wp_bp_xprofile_data. I have no clue how to get them from there.

    Is it possible to write a function to retrieve full name (or first + last) from wp_bp_xprofile_data and put the result in the email? How does that work? Can you point me to a code example that shows the basic principles?

    Mike Pratt

    Why don’t you just add two additional profile fields (last name & first name) , make them required so they show up on registration and then write a custom function to tweak the sign up email?

    btw, this is standard across a lot of social media sites. Look at Facebook – aside from the fact that they login with email instead of username, they also have display name, first and last….just like BP can have. Make FullName your Display name.


    if i’m not wrong, the Full Name has a filter, if you use it, you could replace it with the wp built-in name & last name, or use xprofile fields fot that,

    it depends on your php & wp skills :)

    Jeff Sayre

    I assume you’re specifically talking about customizing a BuddyPress template. If so, then you need to look in the BuddyPress profiles tables in MySQL.

    For instance, the field definition for the “Full Name” field is stored in the wp_bp_xprofile_fields table and any corresponding datum is stored in the wp_bp_xprofile_data table.

    With respect to this:

    At the moment Buddypress/WP MU makes it very hard, perhaps impossible, to flexibly use member’s real names or other data (companyname, city) in the site or have something like ‘Hello John’ in email notifications.

    That is not true. Any piece of stored data can be accessed and spit out in any number of ways. It just must first be in the database. Look in the bp-xprofile.php file and the bp-xprofile subdirectory for a number of functions that can be called to extract a user’s data.

    By the way, I did see your other post about this topic and it was answered appropriately. With the default WPMU and BuddyPress setup, you will not be able to use a user’s full name until they’ve entered that data. They will not be able to enter their full name until after they register.

    So, unless you hack the wp-signup.php or register.php files, and require that a full name be provided when registering, you will not be able to send them a welcome email with their full name since that piece of data does not yet exist.

    All of what you are asking is possible but requires either a pre-existing plugin, a custom hack, or your ability in customizing and coding a BuddyPress template.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    This is in the pipeline to come in future releases of BuddyPress (after v1.0).


    somewhat of a similar issue:

    xprofile fields are filled in, but don’t show on the profile,

    changes made to certain fields don’t “save” or “show” on the profile

    using trunk from a couple of weeks ago… and haven’t kept vary god track of the trunks

    proly a few new ones since…. but my install gets more and more customized as time goes..

    these updates, are they only to bp-xprofile files? or would i want to get the whole trunk?



    Is it still possible to rearrange via phpmyadmin, editing the filed IDs?

    Shelley Keith

    That fixed it, thanks!

    Roy McKenzie


    Burt Adsit

    Well, that was easy. I just try and clarify things and it gets hunted down by Andy. I could get used to this.

    Andy Peatling

    Found the problem, if you update to the latest it’s fixed.

    Andy Peatling

    In this first version it’s not possible to re-arrange, but it’s a high priority feature once 1.0 is out.

    Shelley Keith

    I’ve reset my email domain registration limitations if you want to test on

    Andy Peatling

    Checking this now.

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