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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • #34577

    i notice that it is somewhat working in the latest build. I’m running it on trunk MU 2.7 and buddypress 1.0 beta. i see that some of the fields are links and some are not. i can’t seem to find a consistent behavior. anyone else seeing this?


    In reply to: messages not working


    Oy, just upgraded to 1.0b1 and still have the same problem with messages not working. Here’s what I did for the upgrade:

    trial 1) overwrote all plugins with the latest releases (combo download), tested site — messaging didn’t work;

    trial 2) deleted all mu-plugins, re-downloaded 1.0b1 (in case the d/l botched the first time), uploaded everything it in their proper locations, tested site — messaging still didn’t work.

    I tested private messaging by doing the following:

    trial 1) My Account >> Messages >> Compose >> write a message >> Send — pressing Send cleared all fields (Send To, Subject, Message);

    trial 2) My Account >> Friends >> My Friends >> click on friend’s profile >> Send Message >> write a message >> Send — pressing Send cleared all fields again;

    trial 3) do the same stuff as trial 2 but with a different friend — still the same problem.

    Here’s the funny part, when I checked off “This is a notice to all users” the Send button did work. One other piece of information that might help troubleshoot this is that I have this text “(Use username – autocomplete coming soon)” next to the Send To label.

    Andy Peatling

    It will be there, I just need to link them up to the member directory search.

    Andy Peatling

    This was likely removed by mistake, I will add it back now. I was changing things with JS and CSS inclusion according to WP coding standards.


    I confirmed via javascript debugger that indeed the javascript ‘show_options’ function is not defined. This function is in the bp-xprofile/js/admin.js file used to create the drop down options for new fields.

    So I had to add the following to the bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-cssjs.php file in order for it to work. This may not be where it is suppose to go, but it works for me. I assuming this worked at some point, but somehow got removed???? Hopefully this gets added back in for next trunk. Its not in r577.

    function xprofile_add_admin_js() {

    if ( strpos( $_GET, ‘xprofile’ ) !== false ) {

    echo ‘<script type=”text/javascript” src=”‘ . site_url() . ‘/wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-xprofile/js/admin.js”></script>’;



    add_action( ‘admin_head’, ‘xprofile_add_admin_js’ );


    I am having exactly the same problem…any ideas anyone?


    The basics of what I did was edit bp-xprofile.php and removed these lines:

    $sql[] = “INSERT INTO “. $bp . ” (

    id, group_id, parent_id, type, name, description, is_required, field_order, option_order, order_by, is_public, can_delete

    ) VALUES (

    1, 1, 0, ‘textbox’, ‘” . __( ‘Public Display Name’, ‘buddypress’) . “‘, ”, 1, 1, 0, ”, 1, 0


    $sql[] = “INSERT INTO “. $bp . ” (

    id, group_id, parent_id, type, name, description, is_required, field_order, option_order, order_by, is_public, can_delete

    ) VALUES (

    2, 1, 0, ‘textbox’, ‘” . __( ‘Last Name’, ‘buddypress’) . “‘, ”, 1, 2, 0, ”, 1, 0


    Then I went into my database and deleted those fields. Once those are gone BP defaults to using the username.


    In reply to: Custom Profile Fields

    Alessandro Fazzi

    Sounds good!


    Andy Peatling

    These values are included in the PO file. If your translation file is present upon first install – then it should store the translated values. Can someone check this? This will change, it’s not ideal.


    In reply to: Custom Profile Fields


    Pio, thanks for your answer, i solved it, of course creating a CVS file for my option.



    In reply to: Custom Profile Fields


    Damn, i must have missed some trunk file grrrrrrrrr :) couse it does not work for me, i´ll take a deep look at that. Thanks!


    In reply to: Custom Profile Fields

    Alessandro Fazzi

    A bit of trunk ago it worked for me…so I think you can try! ;)

    Andy Peatling

    Profile data is stored in the following tables:

    wp_bp_xprofile_groups – The profile groups

    wp_bp_xprofile_fields – The fields, what type they are, the name etc.

    wp_bp_xprofile_data – The data for each user for specific fields

    Avatars are stored in:

    wp_usermeta – with the meta_keys:

    ‘bp_core_avatar_v1’ – the URL to the avatar thumbnail

    ‘bp_core_avatar_v1_path’ – the filesystem path to the thumbnail

    ‘bp_core_avatar_v2’ – same as v1 but the full size image

    ‘bp_core_avatar_v2_path’ – same as v1 but the full size image


    Ok got the solution.

    I want to pin point some thing here plz let me know if im going wrong.

    I wanted activity should display in local languages also.

    So i have updated

    1. /bp-activity/bp-activity-templatetags.php

    2. wp_bp_activity_sitewide table

    Updates are as follows.


    here coz of local language when we create post url getting converted to utf so its long test with sting and special chars that is the reason in the formation of site wide activity sprintf is used so it is not allowing big utf type url.

    In function bp_activity_content_filter

    I commented //$content[0] .= ‘%s’;

    and in function bp_activity_insert_time_since

    return sprintf( $content, ‘  ‘ . bp_core_time_since( strtotime( $date ) ) . ‘ ‘ . __(‘ago’, ‘buddypress’) );

    replaced with

    return $content . sprintf( “%s”, ‘  ‘ . bp_core_time_since( strtotime( $date ) ) . ‘ ‘ . __(‘ago’, ‘buddypress’) );

    2. In wp_bp_activity_sitewide table updated content field with utf8_general_ci

    This is for site wide activity to work with local languages. For profile make changes with other tables related to user_activities all other works fine.


    Did you set up the profile fields under site admin?


    OK, I completely re-installed everything and I can add new profile fields now. Must have been something in the old database.

    Andy Peatling

    Right now the basics on the front screen are done and it is live at: http//

    If you get hold of the trunk, it was checked in last night.

    I need to use the __() function on the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields so they can be translated – after which you should be able to translate them the same way you translate WordPress. For now, you can simply edit the names in the database – in the “wp_bp_xprofile_fields” table.

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