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  • #72833

    I agree with @dennis_h,

    Gigya has some great (stable) plugins it would be nice to see this adjusted for BP. It sort of works. It will get them logged in, but its setup for WP so everything goes to the WP profile pages and not BP. I would say moding this would be ,much easier than try to make a stable version from scratch.

    If this plugin would let you map FB profile info into xprofile fields, it would be exceedingly useful.


    I agree with @dennis_h,

    Gigya has some great (stable) plugins it would be nice to see this adjusted for BP. It sort of works. It will get them logged in, but its setup for WP so everything goes to the WP profile pages and not BP. I would say moding this would be ,much easier than try to make a stable version from scratch.

    If this plugin would let you map FB profile info into xprofile fields, it would be exceedingly useful.


    This may not be the most elegant solution but perhaps it will be useful to others. I use WP=2.9.2 & BP 1.2.1 and a simplistic child theme based on the BuddyPress Default 1.2.1 theme.

    I want to have certain xProfile fields that are visible to others but could only be administered by the site administrator (e.g. is their membership payment up-to-date). I decided the easiest strategy would be to prevent a user from having access to the “SAVE CHANGES” button on the admin page of a specific xProfile group named “Admin-only”.

    1) i copied a file from the default theme: BLOG_BASE/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/profile

    2) I placed the file into my child theme: BLOG_BASE/wp-content/themes/MY_CHILD_THEME/members/single/profile/edit.php

    3) Within the file, I replaced these lines (from around line #104):

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_after_profile_field_content’ ) ?>

    <div class=”submit”>

    <input type=”submit” name=”profile-group-edit-submit” id=”profile-group-edit-submit” value=”<?php _e( ‘Save Changes’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?> ” />


    with the following lines:

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_after_profile_field_content’ ) ?>





    <?php if ( bp_get_the_profile_group_name() == “Admin-only” && !is_site_admin() ) : ?>

    <?php printf( __( “Only Administrators can save changes in this Profile Group”, “buddypress” ) ); ?></h4>

    <?php else: ?>

    <div class=”submit”>

    <input type=”submit” name=”profile-group-edit-submit” id=”profile-group-edit-submit” value=”<?php _e(

    ‘Save Changes’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?> ” />


    <?php endif; ?>


    4) From the Dashboard: BuddyPress –> Profile Field Setup create a new Field Group called “Admin-only”

    Now, any field added into this group will have the restriction that its value can only be changed by a site-administrator.

    As I said, not elegant, but i hope it helps.


    If it’s on registration, work with a child theme as described in this thread:

    Then just prepopulate the fields (assuming it’s static info for all registrants) using standard forms HTML stuff.

    If it’s dynamic info, well, same first step, but after that, I’m out of my depth! ;-)


    If it’s on registration, work with a child theme as described in this thread:

    Then just prepopulate the fields (assuming it’s static info for all registrants) using standard forms HTML stuff.

    If it’s dynamic info, well, same first step, but after that, I’m out of my depth! ;-)


    Thanks, I’ll give it a whirl tomorrow.


    Thanks, I’ll give it a whirl tomorrow.


    You would probably have to do something like:

    if( bp_the_profile_group != "3" || bp_the_profile_group != "4" ) {
    //display the profile stuff in register.php

    You should be able to just toss that check near the top of that while loop and then remember your closing brace at the bottom.


    You would probably have to do something like:

    if( bp_the_profile_group != "3" || bp_the_profile_group != "4" ) {
    //display the profile stuff in register.php

    You should be able to just toss that check near the top of that while loop and then remember your closing brace at the bottom.


    Thanks jivany, if I want to filter out groups 3 and 4, do I simply need to replace your above code’s “group number” with “3, 4”?

    Thanks again


    Thanks jivany, if I want to filter out groups 3 and 4, do I simply need to replace your above code’s “group number” with “3, 4”?

    Thanks again


    Basically, check your register.php main loop and only show the groups you want to show.

    You’re looking for the while loop after the bp_is_active( ‘xprofile’ ) call.

    Within the loop, you can filter out groups by doing a simple if check using if (bp_the_profile_group() == "group number") where group number is the number of the group you want to show.

    Similar sort of idea in this thread:


    Basically, check your register.php main loop and only show the groups you want to show.

    You’re looking for the while loop after the bp_is_active( ‘xprofile’ ) call.

    Within the loop, you can filter out groups by doing a simple if check using if (bp_the_profile_group() == "group number") where group number is the number of the group you want to show.

    Similar sort of idea in this thread:



    I’m building a BP/WP single install site for a local organization and the extra profile fields are divided in 4 sections:

    Group 1- Full Name (base group)

    Group 2- General Info (location, age, gender, occupation)

    Group 3 – Personal Info (bio, interests, etc.)

    Group 4 – Contact (messengers ID’s, Twitter, etc.)

    What I’m trying to accomplish is to hide groups 3 and 4 on the registration page not to overwhelm the user with a bunch of fields to fill out during sign-up, those fields can be filled out once the user has activated her/his account via “edit profile”.




    I’d like to pre-populate some BuddyPress profile fields with certain information.

    Where would I go to add the information/code that I want to appear in a specific profile field?


    I’d like to add some information from the various profile fields to the Members directory. I can pull the info from the profile fields, but the challenge is figuring out how to format it so that it shows up in multiple columns (instead of one giant column) next to the basic member entries.

    Any thoughts on how I can do this? I know enough CSS to use the float properties, but the multiple columns is giving me a bit of trouble.



    I found a solution here:

    What I needed did in fact exist in the members loop already; just needed some help identifying it.

    Line 36:



    * If you want to show specific profile fields here you can,

    * but it'll add an extra query for each member in the loop

    * (only one regadless of the number of fields you show):


    * bp_member_profile_data( 'field=the field name' );




    Could be I got the same issue here. 2.92 WordPress (single user) and latest BuddyPress installed via BuddyPress Template Pack Plugin.

    With nothing disabled in BP general settings, everything enabled in component setup.

    There is no “create group” in the “groups” tab. Only “My Groups” and “Invites”. Clicking the “groups” tab goes to which seems fine.

    But I want forums. And it seems forums are a property of groups. So I need groups. How to create groups?

    (After much confusion) I enter MANUALLY:

    This goes to /groups/create/step/group-details/images/images/bg_body.gif which looks good. The heading says “Create a Group” and there’s input fields for “Group Name” and “Group Description”.

    But entering group name, group description and pressing “Create Group and Continue —->” button only reloads blog homepage and creates nothing.

    Here’s more examples. “Activity” tab + “Personal” tab resolves to which is probably right. But “Profile” tab + “Edit profile” tab redirects back to home page.

    How weird is that?

    And one more thing I noticed. When tabs resolve where they should? I get logged out. But when tabs redirect to home page? I remain logged in.


    I’m still on 1.1.3. In 1.1.3 xprofile only gets synchronized with wp_usermeta when the user updates his account, which means you can never count on the data being there, which makes it pointless.

    Lousy synchronization between xprofile and usermeta is not a bug, it’s a conscious design feature. Why? I’ve brought this issue up many times and have never received a clear answer.

    I use a custom function like this below to synchronize member data upon registration into all the different, unconnected places in the database where data is stored:

    function synchro_wp_usermeta($user_id, $password, $meta) {
    global $bp, $wpdb;

    $uid = get_userdata($user_id);
    $email = $uid->user_email;

    $fullname = $meta[field_1];

    ... whatever you need here ....

    update_usermeta( $user_id, 'nickname', $fullname );
    update_usermeta( $user_id, 'first_name', $firstname );
    update_usermeta( $user_id, 'last_name', $lastname );

    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->users} SET display_name = %s WHERE ID = %d", $fullname, $user_id ) );
    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->users} SET user_url = %s WHERE ID = %d", bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id ), $user_id ) );
    add_action( 'wpmu_activate_user', 'synchro_wp_usermeta', 10, 3);

    Not sure if this still works in 1.2. I had posted my work-arounds under ‘FAQ: How To, Code Snippets and Solutions’, but they have been deleted. So I guess they solved the issues in 1.2?

    To synch xprofile you’d need to create the fields in xprofile that you have in wp_usermeta and then do something backwards like the above function, if that hook etc. is still valid.


    I am using the most recent versions of BP and WP and user registration seems to work fine sharing the username and password. How can I make BP import / sync additional usermeta fields? I have custom usermeta fields for my WP install and I create custom xprofile fields but they don’t seem to sync so I have two separate user tables basically. Is there any way I can make sure the xprofile fields update the wordpress usermeta everytime there is a change? or only use 1 table for both?

    I have searched everywhere to get more info on this topic but can’t seem to get anywhere. Also all of the mass user importers for BP 1.2 don’t seem to work with the regular WP install so I’m kind of stumped. I would be happy to sponsor some support help on this. Thanks.



    I’m using BP 1.2.3 on a WordPress 2.9.2 install with the WP-FB-AutoConnect plugin.

    On registration, WP-FB-AutoConnect automatically set the user first_name and last_name and I like that. However, once registred users can not change these first_name and last_name when editing their BP profile.

    Is it possible to let members change the WP user data in adition the the BP profile fields ?


    hmmm, any idea how to add the a paragraph under the “name” field, under profile details? I am not seeing where its being added? Here is where it pulls in the custom fields, but the name field can’t be edited to add a description like the other custom fields in the admin.

    <?php if ( 'textbox' == bp_get_the_profile_field_type() ) : ?>

    <label for="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name() ?>"><?php bp_the_profile_field_name() ?> <?php if ( bp_get_the_profile_field_is_required() ) : ?><?php _e( '(required)', 'buddypress' ) ?><?php endif; ?></label>

    <?php do_action( 'bp_' . bp_get_the_profile_field_input_name() . '_errors' ) ?>

    <input type="text" name="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name() ?>" id="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name() ?>" value="<?php bp_the_profile_field_edit_value() ?>" />

    <p><?php endif; ?>


    Hello. I added the code below in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members/members-loop.php, to display additional profile fields in the member directory and to display the member’s role (either ‘Subscriber’ or ‘Provider’). I only have 2 types of roles – Subscribers cannot edit posts and Providers can edit posts. In the code below, I specifically checked for the user’s role to determine whether I need to display ‘Subscriber’ or ‘Provider’.


    – is there a way to check for the capability instead – i.e., if the user can ‘edit posts’ then I will display ‘Subscriber’, otherwise I will display ‘Provider’? If so, can you please let me know how to do that as I have not been able to figure it out.

    – is there a way to display a newline so that ‘Subscriber’ or ‘Provider’ will display on the next line, below the member’s title and company name. I tried to echo “\n” but it’s not outputting a newline and I have no idea why.

    Thank you for the help.



    * If you want to show specific profile fields here you can,

    * but it’ll add an extra query for each member in the loop

    * (only one regadless of the number of fields you show):


    * bp_member_profile_data( ‘field=the field name’ );


    if( bp_get_member_profile_data ( ‘field=Title’ ) )

    echo bp_member_profile_data( ‘field=Title’ ), ‘ (‘, bp_member_profile_data( ‘field=Company’ ), ‘)’, ‘ – ‘;

    $user = new WP_User( bp_get_member_user_id() );

    if ( $user->roles[0] == ‘subscriber’ )

    echo ‘Subscriber’;


    echo ‘Provider’;



    I’d like all the subscribers/authors/etc (aka artists) for a given blog (aka art project) to be listed at the top of the blog’s index.php page, with a few fields from the xprofile (bio, specialty, etc.). Ideally, I’d get them to echoed in a way that was easy to feed into a snazzy jquery slider gizmo.

    Should be possible, Nathan, using some WP template tags combined with that code snippet I posted above.

    I’d help out if you can guarantee me some free lodging in that art monastery some time in the future ;)

    Mike Pratt

    @xezo that is correct. I thought he was talking about access to all profile fields for edit/delete, for which you do have access via the extra Admin bar menus created by BP for admins. Those are the ones I use all the time (fixing avatar crop screw ups, as an example)

    So, from that perspective, the only use for Skeleton Key would be for additional stuff introduced by less that robust plugins, no?

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