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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • rsqst

    Thanks for your help @r-a-y

    It’s for the next version of this website:

    It’s for a network of artists. Each blog will be a specific art project, and each subscriber/author will be an artist participating in that art project. Many artists will be participating in many different art projects, and I’d like their bio information to be publicly displayed on each blog/project.

    The blogs will be the public “portal” for each of the art projects, which we will us to promote the projects. The groups that are associated with each blog (with the group blog plugin) will be the internal communication tool for the artists.

    I’d like all the subscribers/authors/etc (aka artists) for a given blog (aka art project) to be listed at the top of the blog’s index.php page, with a few fields from the xprofile (bio, specialty, etc.). Ideally, I’d get them to echoed in a way that was easy to feed into a snazzy jquery slider gizmo.


    I’m trying to build a resource for these artists that is really 1 database with many faces, and given that I love wordpress, buddypress seemed like the best way to do that. It’s just stretching my abilities, at the moment ;)


    A blog community on which users have their own profiles and post their own articles (in one blog – not multiple MU blogs)? Also with custom login screens. They would just have a screen with a new post form and some custom fields. Lastly, would I be able to display popular articles?

    Buddypress seems very exciting, not sure how powerful it is.


    I use some checkboxes in my extended profile fields, to have a better layout in the members-profile the clicked values should not be seperated with ‘,’ I want them seperated in a new line with a or as a list. Where can I change this.


    Hi Paul,

    I was thinking about that option. Some fields can be very big, what’s the datatype used for multi-line text box? I want to allow my users to add maximum of 1-2 pages worth of text in these fields.

    Also, is there a way to enable TinyMCE to format text in multi-line text box?

    Final question: If I use a Drop down select box, can I direct users to a different group based on their response.

    Lets say I create two groups – Football and Hockey.

    I get my user to select their sport, if the select Football, they get directed to Football group to fill out football profile, other wise they get directed to Hockey group to fill out hockey profile.


    @dre1080, my post was about creating an advanced search page to search members based on the profile fields. Like the original poster said, “For example you could search for members, by age, location, hobby in one search (taking these things from created fields in profile.”

    You could use a Google search to do what you’re asking for.


    more experimentation leads me to this solution:

    items from the form are passed through global.js

    i found and modified the posted items to include /match my new fields:

    /* Default POST values */

    var object = ”;

    var item_id = j(“#whats-new-post-in”).val();

    var content = j(“textarea#whats-new”).val();

    var artist = j(“input#artist”).val();

    var track = j(“input#track”).val();

    /* Set object for non-profile posts */

    if ( item_id > 0 ) {

    object = j(“#whats-new-post-object”).val();

    } ajaxurl, {

    action: ‘post_update’,

    ‘cookie’: encodeURIComponent(document.cookie),

    ‘_wpnonce_post_update’: j(“input#_wpnonce_post_update”).val(),

    ‘content’: content,

    ‘artist’: artist,

    ‘track’: track,

    ‘object’: object,

    ‘item_id’: item_id


    and it worked just fine. _POSTed items are now available in my bp-custom.

    Brajesh Singh

    hey, you are most welcome.

    well, you will need to edit registration.php

    here is my take on it.

    it will list all the fields from all the profile groups,and allow users to fill them. so please beware of it.

    If you want to restrict to 1 or two profile groups, change the argument from

    bp_has_profile( )

    In my edited code and it will work

    And a little bit detail, I have removed the argument for bp_has_profile( ), so it lists all profile groups and then put then collected field ids in an array, which is passed via

    hidden field ‘signup_profile_field_ids`


    Hi Brajesh and thanks for the quick response.

    I think your code is great but my problem is that the registration page only show whatever fields that are in group 1 (default BP function) and I need a few extra fields to be filled out in the signup page, any way around this such as showing the group 2 fields in register?




    Dang, I have to reopen this thread, one thing was solved but another problem was created.

    Brajesh’s code solved my “user can’t edit his name field” but I then realized that the registration page only showed the profile name field (which I renamed Username) which was the only field I had in profile group 1.

    My problem now is that I need extra fields upon registration but I still want the name field hidden or not editable in the edit profile screen.

    Is there something I can change in Brajesh’s code (or new code altogether) that will accomplish this?




    In reply to: Forum size issues


    I changed that to 100% and it still doesn’t change. Here is the Tables/Forum section from default.css:

    /* > Data Tables


    table {

    width: 100%;


    table#message-threads {

    margin: 0 -20px;

    width: 100%;


    table.profile-fields { margin-bottom: 20px; }

    div#sidebar table {

    margin: 0 -16px;

    width: 117%;


    table tr td, table tr th {

    padding: 8px;

    vertical-align: middle;


    table tr td.label {

    border-right: 1px solid #eaeaea;

    font-weight: bold;

    width: 25%;


    table tr td.thread-info p { margin: 0; }

    table tr td.thread-info p.thread-excerpt {

    color: #888;

    font-size: 11px;

    margin-top: 3px;


    div#sidebar table td, td { text-align: center; }

    table tr.alt {

    background: #f4f4f4;


    table.notification-settings {

    margin-bottom: 20px;

    text-align: left;


    table.notification-settings th.icon, table.notification-settings td:first-child { display: none; }

    table.notification-settings th.title { width: 80%; }

    table.notification-settings .yes, table.notification-settings .no { width: 40px; text-align: center; } {

    margin: -9px -20px 20px -20px;

    width: 100%;

    } tr:first-child {

    background: #fafafa;

    } tr.sticky td {

    background: #FFF9DB;

    border-top: 1px solid #FFE8C4;

    border-bottom: 1px solid #FFE8C4;

    } tr.closed {

    padding-left: 35px;

    background-image: url( ../images/closed.png );

    background-position: 15px 50%;

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    } td p.topic-text {

    color: #888;

    font-size: 11px;

    } tr > td:first-child, tr > th:first-child {

    padding-left: 15px;

    } tr > td:last-child, tr > th:last-child {

    padding-right: 15px;

    } tr th#th-title, tr th#th-poster, tr th#th-group,,, { text-align: left; } {

    font-size: 11px;

    color: #888;

    } td img.avatar {

    margin-right: 5px;

    }, {

    min-width: 130px;

    } th#th-title {

    width: 100%;

    } th#th-postcount {

    width: 1%;


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    A quick google reveals several bulk-import scripts and plugins for WordPress/MU. Have a look at

    Regarding bulk import of xprofile data: Manjor Kumar had done some BuddyPress-specific import plugins for a very early version, but I can’t vouch for if they still work:



    Ok, DJPaul, I just did:

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Confirmed; please report this as bug on, using your username and password from this site. It affects both the Profile Fields UI, both backend and frontend (missing a stripslashes call).


    I got a profile field with a drop down menu and for some options there are apostrophes.

    When I save it, the apostrophe generates a backslash before itself.


    It’s never enough


    It\’s never enough

    This is quiet annoying. Any fix?



    Being that my site is Username only (I have changed Name to Username in General Settings), I only have that field in Base and other fields in a different group.

    How can I hide the Base group in “edit profile” so the user can’t change his username?




    jivany, thanks a lot for taking an interest in this. I appreciate.

    I eventually ended up re-arranging things to have the best with what BP provides (limitations?).

    But I will test the above code and see if I get want I wanted.

    I’ll report later.




    @gian-ava: For your second question, check out this post

    I haven’t tried this but it would suggest you could do something like:

    <?php if ( bp_has_profile('profile_group_id=9') || bp_has_profile('profile_group_id=7') ) : ?>
    <?php while ( bp_profile_groups() ) : bp_the_profile_group(); ?>
    <div id="widget1">
    <?php if (bp_the_profile_group() == "9") : ?>
    // Do whatever you want with group 9
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if (bp_the_profile_group() == "7") : ?>
    // Do whatever you want with group 7
    <?php endif; ?>
    <? endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    The only part I’m not sure about is if you need the first call to bp_the_profile_group() on the second line (after the start of the while loop).


    I want to add one or two fields on an event registration form in a plugin to update the xprofile data of that user. I have no clue where to start with this.

    The query would presumably look something like this:

    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->bp_xprofile_data} SET value = %s WHERE ID = %d AND field_id=2", $companyname, $user_id ) );

    Lets say I want to create a form from scratch to update one field ‘companyname’ in xprofile. If there’s already data in that field it should echo that on the form as value.

    How do I echo the value? What do I need to get the data from the form to the query? How do I make sure the update is made in the records of the logged-in user?

    Is there an example anywhere of a basic xprofile update form? Built-in examples in BP all use arrays and loops, they’re not for specific single fields in xprofile. It’s very hard to figure out what’s going on if you’re not a php programmer.


    In reply to: Badge Maker


    It’s not been made yet.. but it would be great if someone made it :) I think you should have a box on your profile page. I’ve made an example of how it could look an a profile page (the initial badge creation box like on facebook).

    Colors are a bit bright, but it should give you an idea.. If you user clicks on “edit this badge” he should be able to choose which profile fields he who like to show.. I hope this helps :)


    I took another look at this and I think I have a potential solution.

    You can filter xprofile_get_field_data and make sure that the return value is not a blank or some other non value. The downside of this method is I think you would need to then set the returned string to a known value that indicates it is not populated. The only reason I say this is ideally, you probably want to make bp_custom_get_member_list_xprofile_data return FALSE if the string is blank but I don’t think you can do this within the filter.

    As for your second issue, a really hallf-assed way to do it is with two loops. I’m sure there’s a more elegant way but I’ve never written elegant code. ;)

    That said, I don’t see a way to dump out two groups in one loop but I’m not very familiar with this code.


    Topic: Members Search Plugin

    in forum Ideas

    I’m looking for an advanced search plugin that allows the user to search for members who fit particular criteria (as defined by custom fields in the profile)

    ie. I want to find a (Occupation), from (Location) who is (Age) years old.

    Does one exist, or is anyone interested in being paid to write one for me???


    Yes, but your custom_xprofile call just does an “echo”. echo will always return something. Something might be a string or it might be a blank but it will always return something. You can’t test a function return value if you aren’t returning a value. Inside custom_xprofile, you need a “return TRUE” or something like that to be able ot use it in a boolean logic check that the if does.


    It’s really just tjis that I need for problem #1:

    <?php if (custom_xprofile('About me') ) : ?>

    <h3>About me:</h3>

    <?php custom_xprofile('About me'); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    If the About me field is filled, it should display

    <h3>About me:</h3>

    if it is not filled in, it shouldn’t display the h3 heading.

    And with the above snippet, it always displays it. It’s the conditional statement that I cannot get right.


    I think you need to look at what @DJPaul said. If your function always returns true then you’re always going to output something, even if that something is blank.

    function custom_xprofile( $field ) {
    echo bp_custom_get_member_list_xprofile_data( $field );

    That echo will always return something. You need to dig into bp_custom_get_member_list_xprofile_data and see if there’s a way to determine if $field exists.


    It looks like if you go and start building profile groups as they come in your head, and then for some reason you want to display them in a more logical order within a profile page, you just can’t do so.

    The order is the same as in the admin, when you first created them, and you stuck with it forever.

    Or is there a way to change the order?

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