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  • #170281

    In reply to: Couple of questions



    Didn`t find that code so I added this one:

    <style type="text/css">

    And it worked 🙂

    Is there also an option that I can say only admins or moderators can edit a field?


    In reply to: Couple of questions


    On a user’s own profile page the class “my-account” is added to the body, so you can add a style to your CSS to hide it only on the profile page. E.g. if the element has the id=”agree-or-not”, then #agree-or-not {display: none;}

    should do it.


    In reply to: Couple of questions


    Well I found all the options in the default theme … the one we bought doesn`t have some options.

    The only option I need to find is:
    1. Registration page
    At our registration page, I wan`t a simple option agree or disagree.
    If I make that option in the profile on (basic) it is visible on the registration page but also when you edit you own profile. So how can I hide it on the profile page?

    Hugo Ashmore

    As would have reading those guides I mentioned, but assuming you did do that, if not please do try to when you have a moment as the reason we write those guides are to attempt to provide answers to these sorts of questions, and help people understand the options they have in dealing with custom themes. 🙂

    Hugo Ashmore

    Have you checked the Codex Documentation ? I suggest you read the guides on theme templates as these will help your understanding and allow you to ask more detailed questions that we can help with.

    I created the the buddypress-pages on full width and also changed the template-page in WordPress, but Buddypress is still using the standard-template. Someone knows the Problem?

    I assume you mean the pages created in the setup routine for BP such as ‘activity’, ‘members’ etc these are placeholders only you can not do anything in them except set the page title.

    ‘<i>changed the template-page in WordPress</i>’
    You need to be clearer on what you mean here!

    ‘<i>standard template</i>’
    Again not sure to what you are referring here, BP in theme compatibility mode uses page.php, unless you provide other named templates but this is all explained in the template compatibility themeing guides written for users to help them out with just this sort of issue.

    As for the loader gif it’s impossible to say, you haven’t told us the theme in use, linked to the site, or shown any code to work from thus it’s a complete guess as to what may be happening.

    As always if there are issues first test is activate known good theme such as twentytwelve and see if things work in that theme then you know it’s a theme issue.


    In reply to: Dashes in usernames


    pls reply


    I’m also looking for this. Looks like one option is User Account Type Pro ( but the information on this is sketchy, the pro site page is currently in maintenance mode and I read on another post that it is not compatible with 1.8. Also the Lite version on the WP repo has a few unanswered questions about whether this is being supported.

    So that looks a bit bleak. Anyone have any other ideas?

    David Cavins

    It’s generally preferred to let the user decide whether he wants to open a link in a new window or the same window. That said, you can use jQuery to force content to open a new window to happen:

    Or, you could filter the output for the fields by adding a filter to bp_get_the_profile_field_value (you’ll be adding target="_blank" to the anchor tag). Here’s an example that removes hyperlinks from the output for specific fields:

    function cpfb_unlink_fields( $field_value ) { 
    	$options = array ( //These are the ids of the fields you want to target
    	if ( in_array( bp_get_the_profile_field_id(), $options ) )
    		$field_value = strip_tags( $field_value );
    	return $field_value;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'cpfb_unlink_fields', 998, 1 );

    we have a number of add ons. We can specify them pretty tightly over the course of coming weekss as they arise. So bearing that in mind both questions apply Shane.

    David Cavins

    Great! Thanks for clearing this up.

    Boone Gorges

    – Yes, 'nav_item_name' should be translatable if you plan to distribute the plugin. If it’s for a custom installation, it doesn’t matter.

    – Yes, you can set 'enable_nav_item' (or any other config value) conditionally. I’d do your conditional logic *inside* of the constructor, to be sure that it’s loaded late enough:

    function __construct() {
        $show_nav_item = (bool) plugin_is_enabled( bp_get_current_group_id() );
        $args = array(
            'enable_nav_item' => $show_nav_item,
        parent::init( $args );

    This solution doesn’t work for me, but if you made some customization as I did you can try it, but I would bet that in your case it is some old plugin issue related.


    APologies for jumping into this thread, but I couldnt help as this is related to my problem.

    I have two questions:
    1. is the issue now fixed
    2. will it be possible to embed gravity form into a tab on the member profile. we want to have an experience tab (next to profile, activity, settings) where the user can view and edit job experience.

    is there a better way of doing this please?

    would really appreciate any comments



    Hi David,

    Hoping I’ll be able to help. I’ve seen alot of questions on the topic of How To Change and Reorder BuddyPress Group tabs and not much great direction. Hopefully you won’t be saying that after my posts… What I’m really hoping is someone comes in with a simpler, more elegant solution 🙂

    Were you able to control the standard tabs?

    For the standard group tabs, you can control them directly like this:

    if (isset($bp->groups->current_group->slug) && $bp->groups->current_group->slug == $bp->current_item) 
            $bp->bp_options_nav[$bp->groups->current_group->slug]['home']['position'] = 10;
            $bp->bp_options_nav[$bp->groups->current_group->slug]['members']['position'] = 60;
            $bp->bp_options_nav[$bp->groups->current_group->slug]['notifications']['position'] = 110;

    So the code to put in functions.php might look like this:

    function whff_setup_nav() 
      if (isset($bp->groups->current_group->slug) && $bp->groups->current_group->slug == $bp->current_item) 
         $bp->bp_options_nav[$bp->groups->current_group->slug]['home']['position'] = 10;
         $bp->bp_options_nav[$bp->groups->current_group->slug]['members']['position'] = 60;
         $bp->bp_options_nav[$bp->groups->current_group->slug]['notifications']['position'] = 110;
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'whff_setup_nav', 100000 );

    Now, the non-standard tabs are the tricky ones. You can’t access them through $bp->bp_options_nav (at least I couldn’t figure out how to do this.)

    Nonstandard Group tabs through the $wp_filter global. A good starting point is to dump the $wp_filter variable and get a look at it’s guts. Add this code in functions.php:

    global $wp_filter;
    foreach ( (array)$wp_filter as $key => $value ) 
       echo '<pre>';
       echo '<strong>' . $key . ': </strong><br />';
       print_r( $value );
       echo '</pre>';

    $wp_filter is a bunch of nested arrays. Search through the output for your Group Tab Names (i.e. search for “Calendar”) and you will find something like this:

    [00000000746c6153000000004e38ec1f_register] => Array
                        [function] => Array
                                [0] => BP_Group_Calendar_Extension Object
                                        [visibility] => private
                                        [enable_create_step] => 
                                        [enable_nav_item] => 1
                                        [enable_edit_item] => 
                                        [name] => Calendar
                                        [slug] => calendar
                                        [admin_name] => 
                                        [admin_slug] => 
                                        [create_name] => 
                                        [create_slug] => 
                                        [create_step_position] => 81
                                        [nav_item_position] => 40
                                        [nav_item_name] => 
                                        [display_hook] => groups_custom_group_boxes
                                        [template_file] => groups/single/plugins
                                [1] => _register
                        [accepted_args] => 1

    That’s your Group tab and all the hooks you need to change attributes (in this case it’s the tab that says “Calendar”.)

    But… unfortunately you can’t use the [00000000746c6153000000004e38ec1f_register] as a handle — that string is random and changes every time. But, now you know the class name is BP_Group_Calendar_Extension Object and you can search for that in the $wp_filter array and make the changes.

    Hope this gets you closer, let me know how you make out. Cheers David!

    Tux Kapono

    Any update on what Facebook plugins work best? We never did install one because none seemed to cover Facebook/Twitter/Google at the same time, so we decided to just use Facebook.

    Is it possible to have the plugin be compatible with a BuddyPress registration page where we have additional required questions, like zip code, etc for instance? Here’s what we have right now:


    I think the problem I’m having is related to Ajax. It looks (to my newbie eyes) like the buddypress ajax request is not working for some reason.

    In Firebug I see this on the site that has the problem:


    But on my other site where it appears to work correctly I see this:

    	Object { readyState=4, responseText="\n\n\n <div id="pag-top" c... \n </div>\n\n </div>\n\n\n", status=200, more...}

    I don’t know where to start with Ajax issues. Suggestions on where I should start learning more about this would be very kind.

    Newbie questions:
    Is Ajax be affected by my site being on https and not yet having ssl certificate set up?
    Could Ajax be interrupted by s2member?

    I’d be grateful of any pointers or advice.



    In reply to: Changing themes


    @pssawhney you could post at if you have the budget to hire a developer.

    If you have no budget but would have to create the site all by youself, then post at the forums, in the forums and here of course. Do post specific questions per topic i.e., do not cram all your issues in one topic. That way, those who know how to resolve certain issues would respond to your topic and help out. There’s no guarantee that all your questions will be answered but at least you’re steps closer to where you want to go.


    Thanks for ur reply Hugo!

    Yes he is done with the development but if I wanna add Buddypress forum after he is done it’s not his job anymore or I mean free job. I was using forums and he installed it later I decided to move to a better forum like BuddyPress that’s why now it’s my duty to do the work. I have asked him for help about this but it’s taking too long for him to reply now and I can’t always wait him to reply for each issue I face that’s why I have to try to solve them on my own.

    And yes I don’t have a good knowledge about CSS or javascrip or other programs but I have some knowledge that may help me to solve the problems I face that’s why the only way for me is to ask my questions here and if you need any more details I am ready



    Thanks for ur reply John!

    Sounds like your theme has javascript errors in it somewhere. You’ll want to track them down and eliminate them.

    Your questions so far have given me the impression that you’re quite new to WordPress web development (modifying plugin files, not knowing how to debug javascript, etc…) If this is the case, you’ll have a better experience by searching the web for similar problems, and solving some of these issues on your own.

    That’s true, I have hired a web developer to design my website and he is done now with developing the website and now I found some problems I am trying to fix them on my own that’s why I am asking too many questions these days.

    Also, words like “Help!” or “URGENT” don’t actually make anyone help you sooner than anyone else around here. Most volunteers will jump in and help who they can, when they can, — if you appear manic, it decreases the investment someone is willing to make in you, your site, and your topic.

    Hoping to not sound discouraging. We’re excited you’re using BuddyPress, and want you to enjoy our community to its fullest.

    No I understand you, I am already an admin on a big forum which has around 27K members and alexa rank around 35K and veryday I face members who ask questions like this ( like me 😀 ) and I know it won’t help but the previous question when I said urgent I was really afraid that all the data in the website has been lost because I didn’t have backup since around 2 days and I added so much stuff int the past couple of days and in this question I just was mentioning it’s a question by saying “Help!” and nothing more

    Thanks again!


    Sounds like your theme has javascript errors in it somewhere. You’ll want to track them down and eliminate them.

    Your questions so far have given me the impression that you’re quite new to WordPress web development (modifying plugin files, not knowing how to debug javascript, etc…) If this is the case, you’ll have a better experience by searching the web for similar problems, and solving some of these issues on your own.

    Also, words like “Help!” or “URGENT” don’t actually make anyone help you sooner than anyone else around here. Most volunteers will jump in and help who they can, when they can, — if you appear manic, it decreases the investment someone is willing to make in you, your site, and your topic.

    Hoping to not sound discouraging. We’re excited you’re using BuddyPress, and want you to enjoy our community to its fullest.


    I mean in the WP admin area and I see it in the dashboard

    and about the pic I have asked a question yesterday about re sizing the pic size in the forum

    idk what’s going on with me and why nothing is working

    and about the weird characters also they are available almost in all the pages like the contact us for example it ends with #.Ue-C0PnI1FM I thought that it’s normal but I will check this out with the developer if he solve it

    – Let’s test. Create a new Page named Discussions and place the forums shortcode there. Go to Settings > Forums and change archive slug to discussions. Then go to and check out your forums

    I tried this and after saving the setting the forum page became 404 error page and also I am seeing this error near the box where I wrote discussions “Possible bbPress conflict: Topics base” so I removed it and wrote forums and topics again in the archive slugs

    Going back to logging in. I added the bbPress login widget to the sidebar of Twenty Twelve theme and it’s working fine even with BuddyPress activated. What are you using for your users to log in?

    I don’t think I am using anything, I thought everything would come with the buddypress plugin like the log in area and everything else. what should I use?

    and I am so sorry for asking too many questions and having too many problems but idk why I am so lost by installing the forum

    and ty so much for ur help


    I want to thank you so much for your assistance in this matter.

    You don’t know how much it means to me to have you pointing out that the first link is what matters in my case.

    I’ll look into the child theme compatibility issue and making of the buddypress.php. Could you assist in providing the code to tag the_content and the_title in this file?

    Lastly, is this all that I need to do? I guess in your own way you’ve answered my Questions 1 and 2. But how about No.3? Do I have to copy files from:

    /my-theme/community/ or /my-theme/buddypress/

    as stated in your article?

    I apologise for taking up your time in this matter and I cannot thank you enough for your kind assistance. Please forgive my newbie questions; I’m trying really hard to understand this and get it to work.



    I’ve tried changing it to Twenty Twelve and I can see the BP pages. So, it’s definitely an issue with my theme.

    Ok, after reading and rereading the codex, these are the questions in my head:
    1. Am I supposed to create a child theme?
    If yes, is the child theme directory supposed to read /parenttheme-child/ or /buddypress/ ?

    2. you mentioned about these list of templates:
    – plugin-buddypress.php
    – buddypress.php
    – community.php
    – generic.php
    – page.php
    – single.php
    – index.php

    I gather from the article that BP will use JUST 1 of this. Did I understand this correctly?
    If yes, am I supposed to copy one of these files into the child theme directory?
    If I’m not supposed to create a child theme, which sub-directory should this file be found in my theme directory?

    For my case, I have none of the above files in my theme’s directory. The closest I have is mytheme/includes/news-single.php. Is this supposed to be the directory that this file should be found? Am I supposed to rename this file? Or am I supposed to rename and copy this file into the child theme directory? Or am I supposed to create a new php file altogether for my case? And, if so, how do I go about doing it?

    3. You mentioned in your article that Template compatibility also runs a check to see if two directories or folders exist in a theme:

    I’ve checked and they don’t exist in my theme directory. Can I safely conclude that BP will use the files in the plugin and that I won’t need to create these folders in my theme? Or do I need to create them in my theme or child theme?

    While still on this, you mentioned in your article:

    “Therefore, you can modify any bp theme compatibility template by copying it over from:
    /my-theme/community/ or /my-theme/buddypress/”

    Am I supposed to create either community or buddy press and copy the files I found in the BP plugin /bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/ into them? And if I’m supposed to create a child theme, am I supposed to create these in the child theme instead and copy these into them? Or should I do nothing at all?

    Please advise and assist me in this; I’m really very confused. Or if it’s in any way possible, could you list down the steps that I’m supposed to take?


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