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July 24, 2013 at 6:33 am #168688
In reply to: How to make my theme work with buddypress 1.8
zerositParticipantI want to thank you so much for your assistance in this matter.
You don’t know how much it means to me to have you pointing out that the first link is what matters in my case.
I’ll look into the child theme compatibility issue and making of the buddypress.php. Could you assist in providing the code to tag the_content and the_title in this file?
Lastly, is this all that I need to do? I guess in your own way you’ve answered my Questions 1 and 2. But how about No.3? Do I have to copy files from:
/my-theme/community/ or /my-theme/buddypress/as stated in your article?
I apologise for taking up your time in this matter and I cannot thank you enough for your kind assistance. Please forgive my newbie questions; I’m trying really hard to understand this and get it to work.
July 24, 2013 at 1:48 am #168675In reply to: How to make my theme work with buddypress 1.8
zerositParticipantI’ve tried changing it to Twenty Twelve and I can see the BP pages. So, it’s definitely an issue with my theme.
Ok, after reading and rereading the codex, these are the questions in my head:
1. Am I supposed to create a child theme?
If yes, is the child theme directory supposed to read /parenttheme-child/ or /buddypress/ ?2. you mentioned about these list of templates:
– plugin-buddypress.php
– buddypress.php
– community.php
– generic.php
– page.php
– single.php
– index.phpI gather from the article that BP will use JUST 1 of this. Did I understand this correctly?
If yes, am I supposed to copy one of these files into the child theme directory?
If I’m not supposed to create a child theme, which sub-directory should this file be found in my theme directory?For my case, I have none of the above files in my theme’s directory. The closest I have is mytheme/includes/news-single.php. Is this supposed to be the directory that this file should be found? Am I supposed to rename this file? Or am I supposed to rename and copy this file into the child theme directory? Or am I supposed to create a new php file altogether for my case? And, if so, how do I go about doing it?
3. You mentioned in your article that Template compatibility also runs a check to see if two directories or folders exist in a theme:
‘community’I’ve checked and they don’t exist in my theme directory. Can I safely conclude that BP will use the files in the plugin and that I won’t need to create these folders in my theme? Or do I need to create them in my theme or child theme?
While still on this, you mentioned in your article:
“Therefore, you can modify any bp theme compatibility template by copying it over from:
/my-theme/community/ or /my-theme/buddypress/”Am I supposed to create either community or buddy press and copy the files I found in the BP plugin /bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/ into them? And if I’m supposed to create a child theme, am I supposed to create these in the child theme instead and copy these into them? Or should I do nothing at all?
Please advise and assist me in this; I’m really very confused. Or if it’s in any way possible, could you list down the steps that I’m supposed to take?
July 20, 2013 at 5:09 pm #168433In reply to: A few questions – Translattions
@mercimeParticipantJuly 20, 2013 at 3:54 pm #168428In reply to: bbp_has_topics – hide topics from private grou
David CavinsKeymasterThat’s too bad. A couple of questions I should have asked at the beginning:
- What theme are you using?
- If you remove the conditional we added, does bbPress return topics for the correct group?
July 18, 2013 at 1:49 am #168237Ali HendaouiParticipantHello, I have a quick questions and it would be great if I have it answered,I am using buddy press, 0n my site, and when members are added it shows like this:, now is there anyway that I can get rid of the members so that I can have a link like this:, please let me know if there is any solution.
Thank you
July 18, 2013 at 1:44 am #168236In reply to: Remove Group Avatar from Activity
@mercimeParticipant@fpats Google search =
did you check this out?July 12, 2013 at 6:27 pm #168001In reply to: How will BuddyPress forum look like?
IsaalParticipantThanks for ur reply! 😀
just a question: if I use BuddyPress will it function like this forum? I mean like the forum we are talking in it now and creating topics and asking questions. is this how BuddyPrss will look like?
July 10, 2013 at 11:40 pm #167910In reply to: [Resolved] Add profile fields to Group Members loop
maikunariParticipantJust posting back with the solution in case it helps anyone else. This function will do it:
In my case it’ll be:
<?php if ( xprofile_get_field_data( 'Profile', $user_ID ) ) : ?> <?php echo xprofile_get_field_data( 'Profile', $user_ID ); ?> <?php endif; ?>
Thanks to chifliiiii on WordPress Answers and to @shanebp.
July 9, 2013 at 3:58 pm #167809In reply to: Help with populating form
4ellaParticipantThis is the old thread but the same question, I didn’t want to spam here that’s why I will ask the same question here again, I would like to dynamically populate buddypress data into custom post types gravity forms when the user is logged in, I am succesfully populating wordpress user meta, but I don’t know the code in functions.php for buddypress profile fields to make them work, I have already asked on Gravity Help forum, but there are plenty of questions like that and the same as mine question they have never been answered, I hope that maybe somebody from this forum already had to resolve that problem in the past.
July 9, 2013 at 12:16 pm #167803In reply to: Author Posts
Hugo AshmoreParticipantI think if you are using this plugin that the appropriate place to ask these further questions is on their support.
July 6, 2013 at 6:14 pm #167680In reply to: Is it possible to allow BP Mention non-English name?
PeterParticipantThanks @mercime
For your questions,
1. Chinese
2. UTF-8Could you send me a Chinese site URL based on Buddypress, and the @ mention works well?
July 6, 2013 at 10:04 am #167668In reply to: buddy press forum plugin
Hugo AshmoreParticipant@shameermohamed50 the Codex is your friend, do have a read of some of the guides there as they will answer a certain amount of your questions in setting up BP and bbP
July 4, 2013 at 8:03 pm #167590oedipamaasParticipant@mercime – I have been reading the codex for BuddyPress, Event Manager and WordPress core. It’s just hard to keep it all straight. My only point above was that it literally would take one extra sentence when answering questions to say something like, “put it in bp-custom.php (which is a file you’ll have to create…here’s the codex link”. That’s all. OTherwise, the approach above totally worked for me too! It disabled the completely non-fuctioning registration page (I’m using a BP friendly theme, but not the default) and now I let S2 Member handle the user registration/login process. I don’t how I could ever use BP as a stand alone so there are many things in it that are clearly buggy that consistently get blamed on using any other plugin or theme. My real wish is that the wonderful devs who made BP happen make a non-buggy Pro version and make some money for themselves (while we get better docs/examples/support).
July 4, 2013 at 9:09 am #167562ProletParticipant@oedipamaas, unfortunately there are many other critical points.I no longer use this plugin, because it’s structure is in conflict with all the world. I can’t use easy other theme than bp theme, all other additional plugins have to be bp related only, not to mention the fear I have to ask questions here. Most of the time all are concentrated to be irritated by wrong topics, or not telling you everything….
Anyway, thank you very much for the information and congratulation for finding it by your self!Best regards,
PollyJuly 4, 2013 at 2:36 am #167532In reply to: multilingual switcher
Please post support questions for any of the plugins above at respective plugin’s forums.July 3, 2013 at 2:29 pm #167480In reply to: Buddypress theme integration and/or suggestion
themefusionParticipantHey Guys 🙂 Sorry to dig up an old topic, but I came across it and wanted you to know that Avada does work with BBpress. If you had issues with it, please signup at our support forum and post up a new topic with your questions and we’ll take a look.
July 2, 2013 at 6:18 am #167401In reply to: Adding extra field data to Members Directory
daol9999ParticipantThank you so much. Best $15 I’ve spent in a long time. No faffing around for hours and hours and hours, it just works!
I will install the new 1.8 version on a test server when its out (fyi: I am THE developer. There are no other developers to talk to.) It sounds a big step in the right direction though. In answer to all the ‘why have you done it like that’ questions (on this and another thread) that you and Henry raise is because BuddyPress is a steep learning curve and this project involved bringing together both site functionality (i.e. BuddyPress) and the design that the graphic designer supplied. The design was closer to the TwentyTwelve theme, which is why that was chosen. Then its learn and make mistakes on the way. Some things you get right, others you get wrong. Some things work, some things don’t… So to answer all your ‘whys’, ‘that’s why’.
June 29, 2013 at 1:51 pm #167193In reply to: Where are the widgets stored?
Hugo AshmoreParticipant@number_6 this is where – like the previous thread – we really need posters to detail their setup first before asking questions.
You are slightly confusing BP with your theme, your theme provides many options and conditions as in this particular instance.
This widget is part of the Custom Community theme and found in their core includes, modifying would require you to copy it out to another safe area, rename it, make mods in order that your changes weren’t overwritten if/when you upgrade the main theme files, so a child theme is called for and your widget copy placed in a new functions.php file in your child theme.
June 29, 2013 at 6:28 am #167168In reply to: Buddypress and S2 member Activity problem
crashy11ParticipantI tried to put your code and changed user login but its not working.
echo 'Username: ' . $current_user->user_login . "\n";
echo 'User ID: ' . $current_user->ID . "\n";
This situation could be done with custom post type, but another problem is that posts are not showing in category that you mark.
I found on this forum someone had similar problem like mine:
Posts are added to the activity stream when the post is saved.
It’s done in the bp_blogs_record_post() function, which is hooked on to the save_post action.
There isn’t any easy way to filter bp_blogs_record_post() to stop certain categories appearing, so, your best options may be:
1. To unhook the whole bp_blogs_record_post() function and replace with your own
2. Use a custom post type for your teaser posts – the built in function will only post to activity stream if the post type is ‘post’That questions and solution is from this link: I go with solution 1. that was offered “unhook the whole bp_blogs_record_post() function and replace with your own”, where to find bp_blogs_record_post(), and just to delete it or?
June 28, 2013 at 4:35 am #167078bp-helpParticipant@mcpeanut
Please don’t troll your own thread and don’t take what @hnla said as an attack towards your intelligence.
It was just a recommendation, not an attack. If your upset about him closing another thread that posed the same questions basically then don’t be. It is common for a forum with threads with duplicate content or support requests to lock duplicate posts. Sometimes duplicates happen by accident if you loose a wifi connection for instance and refresh after you reconnect because sometimes it will post the same topic twice.
For future reference try not to take things to personally as all of the volunteers do the best we can at accommodating the requests.
Have a good day!June 27, 2013 at 7:48 am #167016In reply to: Receiving Emails when Forums are replied to.
pmcreationsParticipantI am using the old buddypress forum. Is there a way to bring all my current topics to bbpress? I’d rather keep my current set up with buddypress. I just want my users to be abl to get email notices when somebody responds. I guess I have two questions.
1. Does buddypress offer email responses built in?
2. Any suggestions?
Thanks!June 20, 2013 at 2:27 am #166446In reply to: Buddypress Spam BOTS PLEASE HELP
inge12ParticipantLeofitz, WangGuard will check your user base for spammers and delete them.
The author says that “WangGuard not only protect your site from sploggers, spam users or unwanted users, WangGuard cleans your database from them. No plugin or service does this, only with WangGuard you will get this feature,” and I believe him. His English may not be too good, but the plugin is really outstanding.
There’s just one consideration for you: In order to have your database cleaned up, you will have to submit far more than 500 queries the first month. Perhaps you can arrange to pay for a month?
Here’s my suggestion to reduce database queries after that. (It worked for me.) Buddypress allows for the customization of User Profiles. Add a couple of questions that require a certain amount of intelligence to answer and make them required. That means the form will not be submitted either to WordPress or to WangGuard if the required fields are not filled out. It’s not fool-proof, but it decreased queries on my very busy site to just a few a day.
Incidentally, I added a question, “How do you plan to participate?” Among the choices offered the user are these:
“I want to increase my online presence.” and
“I want to sell my stuff.”We don’t need anyone not bright enough to figure out that these replies do not make the user desirable. Now all I need is a script to automatically kick out users who choose these replies. 😉 (As it is, they can be manually deleted if other users report them.)
I don’t know what happens to a group when all the users are unsubscribed, so this may not be precisely what you are looking for. But WangGuard will make your site secure against almost all sploggers. (One registrant passed all tests on our site, and we had to delete manually, but that person must have registered manually too.)
Good luck!
Inge (
June 19, 2013 at 7:08 pm #166421fpatsParticipantThank you very much, that’s restored the front end profiles again.
I’ve added your original code and removed the link to the dashboard too.Will i be ok leaving that commmented out or will have an effect on something else?
Sorry for all the questions and thanks again for your help.If you’re available for hire i’ll be looking for someone to check over the site for us very soon to make sure it’s all as it should be.
June 19, 2013 at 4:12 pm #166399In reply to: [Resolved] Show posts written by user on profile
4ellaParticipantNo problem, forget my questions, @mercime ‘s suggestion to take a look at Buddydev’s plugin was right, BuddyBlog works perfect with latest versions, thanks
June 18, 2013 at 6:29 pm #166318In reply to: don't want registration page to show after login
Hugo AshmoreParticipantYou’re going to need to get some basic skills especially in the PHP area if working with WP/BP as ther is a need quite often for running up functions – in terms of files to hold that WP provides only one really in themes functions.php, BP provides bp-custom.php that can initiate functions for BP regardless of theme in use.
For the nav question do a quick search for ‘wp nav menu’ you’ll find previous threads, and also make use of the codex to see if any questions are covered there.
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