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Search Results for 'questions'

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  • #110120

    @nahummadrid , I agree, using multisite for different types or contents is better. But for now, I would stick to single site for this reason:
    about the search, I totally discard BP or WP search, I use Google Custom Search instead. In Google search, you can add any section of your site, very flexible. For examoel, if you add , it will search entire domain, if you add http://mydomain .com/xyz , it will search this xyz


    @imjscn I think the beauty is that there is no wrong way of going about it. Since I use MU, I don’t need CPT since the entire subsite is dedicated to the q/a. This keeps search separate from of different content types also keeps wp-admin only dedicated to q/a. I can only imagine when you do CPTs that managing the CPTs under one wp-admin it could get little overwhelming keeping those apart from other content but I’m not familiar with CPTs so I don’t know. I’ve only ever used a new blog when I need a new type of content. :) How does search work for cpt?


    @henrypwmoulton Doesn’t look to be compatible with BP and it looks more like a forum custom post type. Reminds me of a premium theme
    Having said that, the best way to find out if that plugin is compatible with BP would be to ask the plugin devs at


    Wow that’s weird I was just coming onto the site to request a review for this premium plug in:

    I was wondering if it was fully compatible with BuddyPress?


    1) You could import/export all posts and comments from LJ to WordPress site. Didn’t check what WP version the script was compatible with, but you can download WP versions from this page
    and upgrade to later version later.

    Currently, there are no scripts to convert these into a BuddyPress group setting. You might have to hire someone to consult with or to implement that as well as import users automagically as BP/WP users along the way.

    #2 and #3. Haven’t seen any indication that this can be done except probably with RSS imports/exports. I suggest you clear up #1 first before moving along these questions.


    Virtuali, if you’re asking about the search, I don’t need it anymore. But, can you please help me with making the activity and members links in the adminbar only show to logged in users?


    Does it not appear?

    You need to insert it in your bp-custom.php


    Great thanks mate – It was all trial and error (I’m sure it’s very intuitive to people who’s seen it before) but that’s the first code i’ve ever edited!

    A couple of questions if you have time:

    How do I add the hover function? Can I change the text? How do I remove the border underneath?


    Thanks for this — a very good idea. Questions:

    Does setting various email notifications to disabled just a) set a default for all users or b) make it impossible for them to enable them? If (b), does it hide the option in the user-facing UI?




    @nahummadrid , after some study around the idea you mentioned above, I got an impression that we can also manage it under custom post type. When register the type, register a user role of “Question Creator” and give it the ability to create post. Then, in blog, set “Question Creator” as default role. So, any new member can create new post under the Question type.
    If this idea works, a form plugin won’t be needed. Hope I am correct on this one :-)


    @nahummadrid , thanks for the great input! I’m going to follow the path you pointed.

    I still have some question about user stats/Achievement/ratings. When QA site is on sub-blog, can those stats sync with user stats in main site?
    About the QA list under uesr’s homepage– since BP can track blogs sitewide, maybe can setup a filter and register a sub-nav item to show the filted result page?

    Yes, let user register at posting stage–It saves the additional trouble of allowing guest posting and easier for the listing job.


    @imjscn you’re absolutely right, “adding something like gravity forms” plugin will be needed for frontend posting by users. although it is a premium plugin, you can also find some free front-end posting plugins that may work. sorry i didn’t clarify that important detail. with frontend posting plugin all your registered members can make posts, er, questions. I’ve also connected achievements very nicely with the setup i mentioned and user stats of Q&A. I really think you could do it with MU install and a dedicated subblog to host yoru Q&A site, unless your main site is the Q&A site.

    With the setup i mentioned, you can easily set up a posting form for users to start questions “with there own permalinks” since they are “posts” afterall. Questions list page is just a reworked index.php.

    “user’s Q&A’s can be listed under user’s home page tab — this you can do with a plugin if your Q&A is on the main site. If on a subdomain then you can just use the author.php to list the user’s questions and answers (but answers it takes a little more tweaking)

    rating system, you can use any of the top post rating plugins available. GD star plugin does good job with both “posts” and “comments/answers” <– to show best answers.

    To do all you just mentioned, “registration” is going to need to be required in order to tie Question/post data to the User, with WP you can just set the comments as open to all and users will not need to be registered to answer. But IMHO I always just make everyone register quickly with just the email and name, that’s what they would be entering to comment on open commenting anyway, so why not register them as a user at that point.

    your thoughts are not un-realistic at all. it’s doable and been done!


    Thanks for response!
    @nahummadrid , by using posts & comments , only admin and authors can post questions. To allow visitor posting, something else is needed :-)

    @Bowromir , Basically, I need the Q&A system play nicely with main BP features and plugins. Especially a rating sytem which can communicate between BP user stats and Q&A results, also allows the rating result to be hooked up with Achievments plugin.
    Other features include the ability of allowing anybody to start a post (the qurestion), registration is not required but the offer is provided; question are sortable by category or by tag; Each question has its own permalink; Questions has a list page; Questions and Answers can be listed under user’s home page nav tab,
    The premium theme Instant-QA is really nice as an independant system. But I think a lot of works still needed to tweak it working with BP user profile and multisite. So, maybe it’s better dive into BP straight?
    I tried Question-and-Answer-Forum plugin, it doesn’t register the post type with BP properly so that things are not running on BP; I also tried One-Quick-Post, it could work as Q&A if remove other un-related stuffs and add a rating system, but the code seems not stable in itself, Things are not smooth even without any tweaking, so I think it not worth working on.
    I think the most posible smooth model is the BP activity component? — maybe make an Activity clone, remove un-related functions, allow guest post, then, adding user stats and rating system become simple.

    All my thoughts might be un-realistic because I don’t have coding experience. Hope you guys continue shading lights on….


    Any theme can be a q&a theme with some modifications to the comments.php and adding something like gravity forms to the frontend for user posting(questions). There’s other language stuff you can modify so all your verbiage is inline with Q&A terminology (instead of posts & comments replace with Questions and Answers.) Add BP layer and you’ve got a pretty nifty social Q&A site. every bp site I build has a q&A site component so you’re on the right track.

    You could possibly also use Forums in such a way but I wouldn’t go that route because of how they are tied to groups.


    You can do this a regular WordPress plugin. What features specific to BuddyPress do you need? Or get a premium theme like this:


    Seems nobody is interested. Then, any suggestion for me? a plugin to work on?


    In reply to: A global forum?


    That’s great, I will check it out. What I need is one global forum to act as “Questions and Answers” page for all members.


    it works but i said i wanted the default wp search, not the bp search (like searching for members), because i want it to be able to search the whole site, not just members. by the way, the “submit” button is blank, and it’s a bit bigger than the adminbar.

    Btw, how can i make it so those links i added on the adminbar, only show to logged in people? because the current ones are showing to logged out people too..


    thanks a loooot! anything on how to add the searchbar in the adminbar?


    And the code is giving me an error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php on line 9

    Make sure it has been wrapped around “ at the beginning and the end.

    But I want it to display their usernames instead of their RealNames.

    Use this plugin:


    “That is what Buddypress does currently. It displays their “RealName” rather than their Username across the site.”

    But I want it to display their usernames instead of their RealNames. And the code is giving me an error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php on line 9

    Note that I just created the bp-custom.php file. Oh, and, how can I add a search bar in the adminbar? but not the BP searchbar, i want to add the wordpress default searchbar. Thanks!


    anyone? please!


    can you please tell me what database caching plugin your using to speed up mysql queries on master / slave servers?

    @ds123, your merging topics from

    Please keep on topic please, don’t post off the wall questions.


    Thank you, both!

    @Chouf1: Thanks, but I don’t think that is what I am looking for. Here is an example of what I have already done across most of the site:

    `<a href="profile/”>

    <a href="profile/”>`

    I want to do this to the avatars and displayed user names for every status update and comment post.

    @Boone: As I alluded to, I haven’t had much sleep lately. So I’ll see if I can wrap my head around this with out asking any more questions. But I may be back!

    I do have one more for now though: I also realized that to fully implement this feature I will need to affect: acomment-meta and acomment avatar as well.

    Edit: I just re read what you wrote. It looks like you, Boone, are already referring to this part. If I understand you correctly, then I also need to affect the activity header for status updates.

    Thanks again!

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