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  • #79547

    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    so, i’m trying to create an additional nav option and so far i’m not having much luck. i want it to direct to the user’s profile (the same way that clicking on their name once logged in does) and am not having any luck.

    this is my current code:

    i’ve tried quite a few different bits of code in the second php echo, with no luck… could anybody help me out with what the correct code would be?

    any idea why this won’t work?:


    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    and once again… i was able to change the titles of nav options by editing bp-themes/bp-default/header.php in the appropriate locations. thanks anyway everybody!


    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    i really need to look into things a bit further before i post here ._.

    i managed to remove “all members” from activity by removing line 22 of bp-themes/bp-default/activity/index.php (

    now just to figure out the activity tab on the main nav…


    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    sorry to keep reviving this thread, just some more stuff i need help with;

    i’d like to remove the “all members” link from activity, so users can only view their friends’ activities and not the activities of the entire site.
    i’d also like to rename the ‘activity’ tab on the main nav to ‘home’ and change the ‘home’ tab to ‘news’.


    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    thanks heaps pcwriter, that’s exactly what i was after!


    In reply to: Quick questions



    To redirect users to their profile when logging in:


    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    thanks heaps. can’t believe the “base” name was such an easy fix – here i was logging into phpmyadmin and manually editing mysql databases when it was right under my nose!

    as far as the activity stream goes, i still want the latest blog posts to be the homepage, but when a user logs in, i want it to take them to their own activity stream – the same as clicking on ‘activity’ would do once they’re logged in.

    will look into the options for locking people out, thanks once again!


    In reply to: Quick questions



    To change the base profile field group name, go to your WP Dashboard. Under BuddyPress > General settings, you’ll see the first entry allows you to change this.

    To set the Activity Stream as your home page, go to your WP Dashboard again. Scroll down to the bottom and, under Settings > Reading, you’ll see the first entry allows you to choose what to display on the front page. Click “A Static Page”, then from the dropdown, select “Activity Stream”. Note that you’ll have to create a page for your Posts Page.

    To “lock people out” of certain content areas, you could customize your child-theme templates to display what you want to logged-in/non-logged-in users like here: Or you could try the s2member plugin:

    Hope this helps! :-)


    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    After editing profile-loop.php i also managed to make it display the heading for all profile field groups, including the default.


    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    And after much stuffing around, I finally managed to go and manually change the MySQL entry of “Base” to “Basic Info”. Still not sure how to make the title of it display on the profile page though.


    In reply to: Quick questions

    Nathan Gelston

    So, I found “Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress” which enables me to disable links in profiles – still need some help on the other questions though!


    You probably already tried this tutorial:

    The other technique is hacking WP core files:

    You could also try applying a filter to “admin_url”, but when I tried this awhile back, it didn’t work:

    I should note that I’ve never done this and strongly advise you not to as well.

    WP should have a defined WP_ADMIN_URL variable similar to WP_PLUGIN_URL and WP_CONTENT_URL, but it doesn’t.


    I’m not sure why bp_get_group_id() wasn’t working in the above function, but this works instead: $bp->groups->current_group->id

    That still leaves these questions:
    1. Is there a simpler way to add an external link to the Group Subnav menu than the code above?
    2. Can you pass variables into the “screen_function” that the nav calls?


    In reply to: Disappearing sidebar

    Daniel Eriksson

    Thank you r-a-y. I have some other questions too, so I’ll just post them here:

    • I’d like to move the login to my admin bar, I have come about halfway. Which part of the (Default?) css is it that I should
    alter to make it fit into the admin bar?

    • I wanna make a frontpage displaying the latest posts in a specific category with Css-styled RSS output, how do I go about that?

    • There seems to be a very bad update frequency for the notifications in the admin bar. For example: If I get a new notif saying
    “You have a new message from…” that notif stays like that for some time if nothing new happens, it doesn’t go away even if I read
    the mess. So basically I’d like to change the alert-time for notification.


    I couldn’t be more excited about the merge of mu into 3.0. Finally I can come out of the closet I’ve been hiding in for so long.

    On most forums, as soon as I mention that I run mu, I get the proverbial, ‘not supported’, argument, whether it’s a theme or plugin purchase, or even a simple question. I suppose in the long run I should be grateful for the treatment I received most places as it really has taught me to be more self-sufficient. I actually spend more time now learning how to code then all other activities combined. As frustrating as it’s been, I have to say it’s been more than worth it. It’s almost a joke going back a year or two and reading the questions I had on other forums. And to think.. at the time I was running hundreds of client websites. Little did I know just how little I actually knew. It’s also important to mention that the absolute best wp coders that I have met all either run mu, or are intimately familiar with it. Many of those people are here on this site. Their level of expertise is head and shoulders above the normal wp user.

    @johnjamesjacoby has it absolutely correct. The more time you spend on the theme of the site, and especially the back-end administration portion, the more the site really starts to shine. I’d say that I spend an equal part on modifying the looks and functionality of the backend as I do the theme. Basically every time one of my customers asks me how to do something that I believe they should be able to figure out on their own, I go back and try to find ways of making it more intuitive for them.

    Most of my clients don’t even know they are running wp/bp. They simply wanted internal group communication systems, and it just turns out that bp fits the bill almost perfectly. What better system could there be than a system where I can give a client who has multiple locations a series of sites all connected together, cohesive, and simple to use. Gone are the days of having to stitch together or bridge multiple systems. I’m so glad that I will never have to write or pay for another bridge script again, only to have one of the products die a slow death on the vine. I really believe wordpress and possibly buddypress are here for the long haul.

    It’s also important to mirror what JJJ said about site size vs. features. I have some very small client sites, where it would make no sense to turn on most features. Doing that would only confuse the users and make it look awfully lonely. Then again I have sites with thousands of users. Turning on most of the features for them would make perfect sense, as everyone finds their own little area of the site that they enjoy. Bp makes this very easy.

    @shnooka30 I’m actually one of those people who couldn’t be more excited about the plugins to give sub-blogs their own bp installs. To me, that is the biggest current downfall of bp, other than privacy and spam which are being addressed.

    The entire reason I went to wpmu in the first place was that it was horribly inefficient to run hundreds of separate installs. I spent way to much time having to update sites one at a time. Wpmu, literally saved me hundreds of hours a year in updating time alone. It’s only because of the plugin not being available yet that I don’t offer bp to many of my client sites. When the plugin is ready, then I hope to jump in with both feet. At least the wait has given me the time to get a real understanding of the bp code base before adding it to the mix.

    Bottom line is those who run undermanned or lousy setups of bp on shared hosting, which is the majority of users, will die off very quickly. Everyone else who does it right will appear so different in both appearance and service, that the public won’t even put the two together.


    BP Album+ now has it’s own dedicated forum, located here:



    In reply to: New to buddypress

    Aditya Singh

    I have created an excel parser/loader, that enables a user to import data directly into the table they want to from excel….as long as a user customizes the code-fragment depending on the fields present in the table, it is good to go…Will try to frame this into a plugin after 21st of this month…trying to get my site live by 21st…

    re#4 (extra items in group header)
    what i meant was : lets say I want to add “description2”, “description3”, “description4” besides the default “description”, and I want all of them appear on the group header page….now, I have modified the table structure so that it now has few more fields, i.e. “desc2”, “desc3” and “desc4”.
    Here are my follow-up questions on this:
    a. would it be a bad idea to do this way…i mean i have done it hoping that whenever buddypress is updated, my database will be left untouched…wouldn’t it?
    b. I tried creating the functions for fetching desc2 etc based on function bp_group_description() in the bp-groups-templatetags.php, and calling it finally in group-header.php, but it does not work….am i doing something wrong??

    Now this may be asking a lot but could you tell me what possibly could be going wrong here, or may be show be how this should be done, assuming a person has to
    “fetch the details of a field XYZ in the table bp_groups”
    in case altering with the table bp_groups is a bad idea, I could create a second meta-table with my parameters that has the group_id of the group whom the values of these fields correspond to….but in this case also, how do i fetch the results?


    In reply to: New to buddypress

    Aditya Singh

    Thanks. I did have a look at the auto group join plugin. I have a few follow-up questions though. As I saw on buddypress itself, it did not need me to “join” any group anywhere… The moment I posted on any group, I became a part of it…That would also serve the purpose to a large extent…
    from the extra sections in the user’s profile section i meant -> there are some extra features that i am providing in my website…things that I have hard coded…I wanted to hard code them into the user’s profiles…

    about everything else, i will do the needful and get back if there are further doubts…Thanks a lot…
    and thanks about the plugin by manoj…i will have a look…and if i can code the plugin, I will share it here….


    @nig3d – What questions do you have? I’ll try to answer them. But it’s always best to dig through the code yourself to find out which functions do what.


    In reply to: New to buddypress


    Here are some short answers to your questions:

    1. A custom plugin is needed for this. Or you could use an auto group join plugin.

    2. Could try modifying the group template in your child theme to add a forum loop.

    3. Read this –

    4. Requires a custom plugin. Look at the Groups API –

    5. What do you mean by this? Adding member information? If so, use BuddyPress’ xProfile setup located in the WordPress admin area.

    6. You’ll have to code one yourself. There was an old plugin by Manoj Kumar that you could use as a reference point. Will need updating.


    ray: it looks like you are the author of username plugin, I have some questions for you about your code, can I ask?


    In reply to: SVN Questions ..


    I don’t think I’d trust myself with command line stuff, lol. I’ll try some things and see what happens. Thanks for the assistance guys.


    In reply to: SVN Questions ..

    Hugo Ashmore

    CLI always better, smarter, faster! or better still drop outdated cludgy SVN and adopt GIT


    In reply to: SVN Questions ..

    Boone Gorges

    Alternatively, from the command line, cd to the plugin directory, then
    svn add ./
    svn ci -m "Checking in new code"


    In reply to: SVN Questions ..

    Hugo Ashmore

    It’s a while sincw I ‘ve used svn but if you are using Tortoise in a graphical? environment do new files or folders not have a overlaid blue- ish question mark on their thumb representaions, If when I was using svn if a added a new file directly then I would have to run ‘Add’ right clicking on a file that was new should give a revised Tortoise menu under TortoiseSVN shorter than normal with fewer options due to this file not being part of the repo, selecting ‘Add’ should open a smaller menu list of file and path and the optionto add this file to repo.

    from the inline help:

    If you created new files and/or directories during your development process then you need to add them to source control too. Select the file(s) and/or directory and use TortoiseSVN ? Add.

    After you added the files/directories to source control the file appears with a added icon overlay which means you first have to commit your working copy to make those files/directories available to other developers. Adding a file/directory does not affect the repository!

    Many Adds
    You can also use the Add command on already versioned folders. In that case, the add dialog will show you all unversioned files inside that versioned folder. This helps if you have many new files and need to add them all at once.

    To add files from outside your working copy you can use the drag-and-drop handler:

    select the files you want to add

    right-drag them to the new location inside the working copy

    release the right mouse button

    select Context Menu ? SVN Add files to this WC. The files will then be copied to the working copy and added to version control.

    You can also add files within a working copy simply by left-dragging and dropping them onto the commit dialog.

    If you add a file or folder by mistake, you can undo the addition before you commit using TortoiseSVN ? Undo add….

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