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  • #52577

    In reply to: Adding Pages


    Thanks. I have some questions:

    1. By “copy in” do you mean copy the header.php file from the bp-parent?

    2. If the child theme points to bp-sn-parent, how do I tell it to get header.php from my child theme?

    3. Or, am I completely missing the point and you are suggesting I edit the parent them?

    Jeff Sayre


    We do not have enough information to provide assistance.

    Please answer these questions.


    Correct Jeff. That new plugin is the one I’m using.

    Jeff Sayre

    @ John

    I know Burt hasn’t updated the group blogs plugin in a while…

    I believe that jeff is talking about this plugin and not Burt’s Community Blogs plugin.


    In reply to: Forums in v1.1


    Thanks for the outline. I’ve been able to successfully create a group with a forum attached.

    I appreciate all of the help I’ve received as a BuddyPress newbie. I want to “give back” by creating some docs that clearly outline the steps needed. Perhaps that will reduce the avalanche of questions on oft-answered subjects.



    1. White screens should show up in your server logs; check the offending process and adjust to taste.

    2. Facebook Connect Plugin will probably need some adjusting for BuddyPress1.1. I know other people have experienced some lag, memory, and slowness issues using it.

    3. Yay integration!

    4. I know Burt hasn’t updated the group blogs plugin in a while, but your best bet to set default themes and settings would be to check out the WPMU new blog defaults plugin. You should be able to adapt that to set the blog theme on creation.


    In reply to: Child Themes Working?

    Jeff Sayre


    You have several threads with various issues floating around the forums so I cannot possibly remember all the answers that you’ve already provided to our questions.

    So, more questions/suggestions:

    • Do you have any plugins other than BP installed? If so, deactivate them and see what happens. Make sure that you are using the default theme and that you have reselected it.
    • Are there any errors in your server’s log files? I mean ANY. Do not try to decide which errors are relevant to this issue. We will decided.
    • I believe that you are running BP trunk. So this is a test site as you should not be running the bleeding-edge version on a production site. Do a clean install and see if the problem persists. This means deleting everything–all BP, WPMU, and DB files. You need to start from scratch. Don’t install any plugins other than BP, only use the default theme. What happens when you do that?


    In reply to: Forums in v1.1


    Good questions, DJPaul. These are things I’m wondering about myself!

    About private/hidden forums, will topics made in these forums show up on the main BP forums page for group members who are a part of those forums?

    Also about bbPress plugins, would it be possible to somehow take advantage of bbPress’ existing plugins and use them in the BP forums environment?

    Or would we need to port some of these plugins over by adding the appropriate filters/actions that BP forums uses?


    Another side note from Andy’s last paragraph, these BuddyPress extensions could come in just about any form; additional theme files to be added as a “plus pack” (remember those?!) or a plugin to override and replace existing files as a child theme, or included in the next version of the theme itself.

    Also, if you’re paying attention the directory of the included parent theme is “bp-sn-parent.” It stands for “BuddyPress Social Network Parent” which insinuates that theme authors are encouraged to create their own parent themes for something other than social networking, and opens the door for other parent theme sets to be included in the core if they’re rad enough.

    Say someone makes a sweet micro-blogging theme ala Twitter, that gives us “bp-mb-parent” to let you switch between totally different setups. Or say someone switches the emphasis away from blogs and users and shifts it to the discussion or support forums; that gives us “bp-df-parent” and “bp-sf-parent”

    Andy’s right too. The majority of people so far interested in BuddyPress have been people that are also first being introduced to WPMU and starting a social network. Very few support questions come through asking how to port this existing theme to fit BuddyPress. The ones that do are typically answered by the theme author or the person is so devoted to making it work, that they convert the theme themselves.

    I’m really not sure how much harder it is for existing themes to use BuddyPress; it’s just different, but in a better way in my opinion.

    Jeff Sayre


    As I said above, we do not have the information necessary to help you. Please answer the questions DJPaul linked to.

    Jeff Sayre

    @crocgo or joanleesuee or ??

    Please visit the link in DJPaul’s post above and answer the questions. We want to provide assistance but you are not giving us the necessary information with which to do so.

    Jeff Sayre

    A few questions:

    • Was BP 1.0.3 running on WPMU 2.8.4a, or did you first upgrade to WPMU 2.8.4a before installing trunk? If so, from which version of WPMU did you upgrade?
    • Are you using a custom theme? If so, what happens when you switch to the default parent/child theme?
    • Do you have any plugins other the BP activated? If so, what happens when you deactivate them all except BP?
    • Do you have a bp-custom.php file in use? If so, what happens when you temporarily remove that file?
    • What errors are you seeing in your server’s log files?

    Jeff Sayre

    I’m testing r1865, and it conflicts with /wp-admin/ pages causing options to go blank or only displays footer.


    • So, you are having display issues with one (or all) of the admin pages in WPMU’s backend?
    • What version of WPMU are you running? You need to be running WPMU 2.8.4a.
    • How did you upgrade BuddyPress? Since you are running trunk, I assume that you manually installed it. Or, did you do an SVN up?
    • If you manually reinstalled trunk, meaning you grabbed the zipped version, did you first deactivate BuddyPress before reinstalling? Did you delete the BuddyPress directory and do a clean install?
    • Have you tried disabling all your active plugins and seeing if the page displays as it should?
    • If the above solves the issue, then reactivate BuddyPress and see if the issue returns. If it does not, then it has nothing to do with BuddyPress and is more than likely a conflict with one of your other plugins. Make sure all your plugins are updated to run WPMU 2.8.4a.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    We aren’t going to admin your site. I’ve edited your post and removed the admin username and password; that was a very, very silly thing to do and I suggest you immediately go in and change the password.

    Please help us help you by answering these questions.


    I’m one of those guys trying to get security working smoothly across the *Press stack ;)

    Jason has really been on top with getting the *Press entities fully SSL-compatible; I’ve been privately bugging Jason with SSL questions and he’s been great with responding to everything.

    Thanks for all the advice and feedback, Jason (so far)!

    Jeff Sayre

    First of all, we have very little information with which to provide you assistance. What version of WPMU are you running? What version of BuddyPress?

    Please reference this thread an answer the questions.

    Finally, the message:

    “Are you sure you want to do this?”

    often indicates a nonce security failure message. It can happen if you have not updated the BP themes or are using a custom theme (i.e. any theme other than the ones that come with BuddyPress). Try switching to the default BP themes and see if the issue goes away. If it does, then you know it has something to do with the theme you’re using.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    The reason you have not found much on this on these forums, is because this questions are in WPMU’s domain. Have a search on their forums as these components aren’t provided or controlled by BuddyPress.

    Jeff Sayre

    Okay, we have a couple pieces of information, but need more. Please answer the questions here.

    Jeff Sayre


    Your questions are best asked by starting a new thread. I suggest you do so in the “How-To and Troubleshooting” forum.


    With step four in your list, were you reinstalling your custom theme or the default bphome and bpmember themes? Did you reselect the proper theme in WPMU’s backend? Also, have you checked your server’s log files to see if there is useful information in pinpointing the issue?

    I also suggest that you start a new thread as this thread is for general announcements and general questions about the new theme architecture.


    I’m sorry, I should of better clarified what I’m trying to achieve. I understand how to setup the new theme architecture, and to create various child themes.

    But what I’m after, is… Let’s say, I want to use the K2 theme, or Thesis theme with the new architecture. And integrate buddy press into that theme, instead of creating custom child themes, which I know, is probably the easiest and preferred method of doing so.


    you have to:

    remove bp-themes dir in /wp-content/

    you have to copy bp-home & bp-sn-framework in /themes/

    activate bp-home

    And you will have the new theme.

    If you want integrate your theme with bp,

    add in the header of your css



    Template: bp-sn-framework


    deactivate and reactivate your own theme.



    In reply to: Import existing user

    Jeff Sayre


    I have no problem with you posting in the BP forums. If I did, I would say so and/or ignore your posts. In fact, I often answer your questions or at least point you in the proper direction. I did the former above.

    I also appreciate the fact that you are diligently working on learning PHP and the inner workings of WPMU and BP. It is a long road to slog.

    In suggesting that a Google search would have answered your question–and more than likely much more quickly than waiting for someone to respond on this forum–I was simply making a point that since all of us moderators volunteer our time, and a lot of it at that, it helps everyone if a member first searches out a particular issue. That means if it is specific to BP, they search the BP forums first, and then Google second. If it is more of a general programming issue (or as you say above, a “basic issue”), then they search Google first then the WPMU or BP forums second. If they find nothing, then posting is recommended.

    I assume that you do use Google. We all do. But, I was trying to give you a friendly reminder by first answering your question, second suggesting that issues outside of the scope of WPMU or BP can often be quickly answered via Googling, and third provide a link to the answer in such a way that reinforces that point to anyone who reads this thread.

    I can’t tell you how many times a day I answer a question on these forums whose answer could have been found by searching the forums or google. I don’t mind helping out, but my time is limited and it gets old.

    Just to be clear to everyone, none of the moderators on these forums are employees of Automattic. We do not get paid for the copious amounts of time we volunteer.



    this IS a support forum isent’t it?

    Or are my questions that “out of the box”

    Sorry was hoping to find some answers here since no where else there is good support for this ( irc channel is also starved )


    (I believe what I’m about to write is relatable to the topic at hand; if not, feel free to close the thread!)

    I’m just starting to grasp the whole concept of multi-sites.

    From what I’ve read, it’s exactly what I want to do.

    But I need some clarification.

    Here’s my setup, I have WPMU+BuddyPress installed in the root:

    hxxp:// (blog_id #1 should be shown here, including all its posts, categories and pages)

    I want all subsequent blogs to be created from


    So that new blogs will have a subdirectory under that subdomain.

    eg. hxxp://

    Single sign-on should work across the root and subdomain.

    From those that have responded to me on the WPMU forums, this should be possible with the multi-site plugin.

    Now for the BuddyPress questions!

    Okay, so let’s say I login to BuddyPress (which is installed in the root instance of MU) and I want to create a new blog from “My Account > Create a blog”, would BuddyPress be creating this new blog under the new Site instance (eg. the subdomain Site – This is what I would want to do. I’m guessing this would require some core hacking.

    Also, if I go to hxxp://, would this show blogs from the subdomain?

    Thanks for reading! Hope to hear some feedback!


    Well, on the 16th post Andy says

    If the plugin continues to improve and sticks to the standards then I’d like to allow Manoj to continue building it as the official component. We’ll see how it pans out over the next little while.

    What happens if he doesn’t and the plugin isn’t up to Andy’s standards?

    Yeah, I know Andy also said we didn’t have to worry about the pictures already in the albums but how will it work? How much work will it take to switch to core photo album component from the Manoj’s plugin in case Andy decides against using it?

    I am not asking those questions to get the answer here. I’m just trying to say I am hesitant to using Manoj’s plugin until we know a little bit more about the future of the core photo album component.

    And trust me I desperately need a photo album for my website. It’s really hard to resist using Manoj’s plugin especially after reading so many good reviews. I just hate to take a road without knowing where it’s going to take me. Yep, I got burnt in the past.

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