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  • #47703
    Jeff Sayre

    Thank you for providing good documentation about your issue!

    I just did a quick read through of your issue and will think about this some more, but a few quick questions come to mind to get this dialogue started:

    1. Are you using custom themes? If so, what hapens when you switch to the default BP themes?
    2. Have you made any alterations to your .htaccess file?
    3. Do you have any other plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, have you tried deactivating all of them except the BuddyPress plugin?
    4. Although this may not be useful, have you checked your server’s error logs?


    In reply to: 3 questions


    i think i installed it wrong, how do i install facebuddy

    i installed it by bringing

    facebuddy theme

    and facebuddy members theme to bp theme

    and themes folder in my ftp?

    how do i install themes


    In reply to: 3 questions


    hi airblastor, i can reply about facebuddy.

    you must activate the home theme in order to view it.

    for the member theme…go in the admin panel:buddypress and be sure to select it from the menu.

    be sure you’ve downloaded the facebuddy version that suits your BP release

    Jeff Sayre


    Based on this response to the list of questions,

    Was WPMU functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress? No

    and the fact that you have installed so many plugins, I’m going to suggest that you go over to the WPMU forums and ask for assistance there. It appears that you are looking at a WPMU problem and not a BuddyPress-specific issue.

    Jeff Sayre


    Please provide more information by answering these questions.


    Marked as resolved.


    Sorted thank John!


    mikem1986, you will want to modify the header.php in your bbPress themes directory to get rid of the logo, and the header.php file in your wp-content/themes/bphome directory if you are using the included BuddyPress Home Theme.


    Hi Arturo

    Yes i have the version up and running now and have also included the forum bit in the header :-)

    Still would like to change the logo if possible though


    have you download the 1.0 version or for BP is required only the 1.0 version.


    Have the proper install working and up now but my can anyone still answer my original post regarding the logo and forum header



    Im also not seeing the

    Enable XML-RPC and Allow Pingback options and i dont have a buddypress plugin either like in the installation notes, i downloaded the latest version from bbpress, have i clicked the wrong link?

    Jeff Sayre

    Okay, several more questions?

    Did you manually install BuddyPress or use WPMU’s plugin browser to install BP?

    Did you restart the web server after making changes to the rewrite rules in the configuration file?

    In your OP, you state that you have moved the bphome theme into /wp-content/themes/. Did you also move bpmember into /wp-content/bp-themes/?

    Also, look near the bottom of this installing WPMU codex article for suggestions on Lighty rewrite rules:

    Jeff Sayre

    Well, we really don’t have enough information about your environment to specifically offer assistance. Here are a few questions to get this started:

    1. Which version of Lighty are you running?
    2. Which version of WPMU are you running?
    3. Did you install WPMU as a directory or subdomain install?
    4. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory
    5. Was WPMU functioning properly before installing BuddyPress?
    6. What permalink structure do you have setup in WPMU?
    7. Which version of BuddyPress (BP) are you running?
    8. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.

    Also, how much experience do you have with installing and configuring Lighty? I ask this because I’m guessing that your issue is more than likely a server configuration issue having to do with permalink rewriting.

    Was WPMU functioning properly before you tried installing and activating BuddyPress? In other words, could you create posts? Did they show up on the default WPMU theme? Could you navigate to them when clicking on their link? Did you receive any errors? You should not attempt to install BuddyPress until your WPMU setup is functioning perfectly.

    People successfully run WPMU on LightTPD and Nginx web serving platforms. These two platforms do not support, do not use, .htaccess files. They cannot use .htaccess files. But, they can be configured to properly rewrite permalinks. The .htaccess file is not essential, not required, for WPMU to run properly. What is required is a facility to rewrite permalinks.

    Jeff Sayre


    Do you have two different accounts on :)

    As far as the redirect loop question, it could be caused by many things. So, a few questions:

    1. Did you install WPMU as a directory or subdomain install?
    2. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
    3. You were having install issues beforehand. When you finally got this to work, could there have been old, incomplete install data leftover in your DB? Or, did you install into a fresh, new DB?
    4. What errors are you seeing in your server’s log files?

    I did a quick Google and here are two links that explain a couple of possible causes:


    OK, I’ve been playing with it some more, it has nothing to do with the account.

    I was able to get it working as well as replicate the bug in both the admin account and my “randyjensen” account.

    This bug makes absolutely no sense.

    Not sure if this helps, but I recorded a quick video of it linking everything, then changing the text and then it works (view in fullscreen)

    As for your questions above, nothing seems to make a difference, at least not that I can tell. Let me know if you want me to DM you the login details on Twitter so you can see exactly what is happening.


    In reply to: Dashboard ?


    Hi Andy,

    there are still a few questions which remain open – at least for me:


    how can a user go from BuddyPress-website (like this one) to the other Dashboard under the URL

    At least I can not figure out how to do this at this website (


    does each user have 2 Dashboards now (the one you created just recently) and the other one at the URL mentioned above ?


    the dashboard (at the URL ) – do I understand that each user has his own interface like this (User-specific) ?

    Or this is just for the Website-Admin ?

    Or each user is seeing the same thing (General Dashboard) ?

    Just trying to understand…….



    Jeff Sayre

    So this only appears to happen in the Admin user’s profile fields. Okay, a few more questions:

    1. What happens if you delete the “blah” data, save the emptied out field, and then reenter some data in that same field?
    2. What happens if you create a new text field and try entering data? Does it also create links?
    3. What happens if you delete that field then recreate it and enter data?


    In reply to: Alignment in profile

    Jeff Sayre


    You have another thread here that is dealing with related issues. You never did respond to my last set of questions in that thread.

    Finally, to answer your question above:

    the plugins i am running are




    Signup TOS

    Additional Privacy

    All in one SEO

    Simple Site maps



    I would not have thought these would have affected user profile layout?

    Yes, plugin conflicts can affect the way data is output to your browser. To debug this issue, you need to distill your environment down to the lowest common denominator. That means disabling all plugins except BuddyPress AND you need to be using the default themes that come with BP.

    Do that, and report back here.


    Hello Manoj!

    Thanks a lot for the much needed help!

    Can you please point me to an English page that discusses those modifications

    as the FAQ page I find is in Chinese.


    Here are links for these plugins



    wordpress-thread-comment needs some modification to work only with post author :)


    Is it possible with this plugin to have the user actually choose from a preselected sub-list of what tags they want to add?


    1. I create category ‘church affiliation’

    2. under that category I create sub-cats like





    The user then selects ‘baptist’ so the tag ‘baptist’ is added to their group/blog. Then I could create a widget to display all the groups/blogs belonging to tag ‘baptist’… that would make it really easy to sort the members.

    The reason I ask about sub-cats is because I am concerned that if they put in their own tag I could end up with either misspellings etc that would end up ‘orphaning’ the group/blog from that category.

    There are only a ‘short list’ of categories that I want to ‘force’ the user to choose from such as above. There are many other categories that I would like to add, where user input of the tag itself is preferred, which is obviously the way the system seems to work now.

    I can see a ‘future’ where I could somehow tie the category questions to a page the user is presented with after registration like many other sites do. That way from the get go I can sort brand new groups/blogs properly.

    We already have something like I describe above for the members profile itself, just curious if this would work for groups/blogs as I don’t seem to find the same type of category choices when creating a new group/blog

    thanks again for such a great plugin. I can really see using this one a lot!


    Hi Jeff, Thanks for your reply. Pl. find below my replies to your questions.

    1 I am using Windows XP and running all this off the Appache webserver.

    2 I copied the bpmember folder in /wp-content/bp-themes/

    3 Yes the same has been done.

    4 Yes I do have a .htaccess file in the dir in which WPMU is installed

    Please advise.

    Jeff Sayre

    The simple answer is no.

    The simple answer is yes.

    You asked two diametrically opposed questions! :)

    The privacy component derives the basic user data from the wp_user table, specifically the ID field. The BuddyPress xprofile tables all refer back to this particular field to relate their record-level data. So, in essence, there should not be any issue if you disable the xprofile component.

    Jeff Sayre


    A couple moderators are currently working on a privacy control component that will effectively give users fine, granular control over who has access to which pieces of their personal data. It is a complex process.

    So, the answer to your questions is that it is coming, be patient. It is not something as simple as a tweak!

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