Search Results for 'questions'
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March 24, 2009 at 1:12 am #40735
In reply to: Changing Profile Field Order
Burt Adsit
ParticipantAFAIK the answer to both questions is no, not at this time. Sorry.
March 20, 2009 at 9:02 pm #40554In reply to: “Report This” feature
….that means having to go over the user’s entire output…. and make a serious of highly-subjective decisions about what is and is not acceptable.
you’re right Donnacha… good thinking
@ Nicola
your workflow looks good to me…
would the [Report This] link dynamically insert the reported user’s info?
– Username being reported
– username of the person reporting(in case questions need to be asked)
(if user reporting isn’t signed in, show something else…?)
– a place for the reporter to describe what’s offensive
– perhaps checkboxes of where the offensive content is (blog, wire, events, etc)
That could then be written to a DB table and called back for the admins on the dashboard
(almost the same as the blog comments feature…. delete user, mark report as spam, warm reporting user, warn reported user)
that would be pretty cool…
March 20, 2009 at 2:28 pm #40513In reply to: Plugin: PmWiki in Buddypress.
Participant@timschmi: That sounds really nice! I just have some questions and I would appreciate if you could answer them, if you have the time.
Will it use a wikifarm installation where the main installation is in /wiki/ and when a new wiki is created it will create an independent wiki in /wiki/examplewiki/ using the wiki-engine in /wiki/ or will it simply create a new group in the main wiki /wiki/?
Will it use the user authorisation from the wpmu/bp-database or the built in system?
Will you need someone to test it? (I’m no programmer but i would love to help in anyway i can.)
Will it be available for download?
March 19, 2009 at 9:47 am #40390In reply to: Javascript Conflicts
Paul Wong-Gibbs
KeymasterThis is a problem with a plugin so support questions should go to wherever you got that from. In general though, there are functions such as is_home is_single etc. If you only want the gallery JS on your homepage, you’ll need to use is_home as a check wherever the plugin includes its JS.
March 13, 2009 at 9:14 am #39897In reply to: Two questions about the login process
Jan M.
ParticipantThere’s a small function floating around in the forum that should help you:
function oci_login_redirect($redirect_to, $set_for, $user){
$redirect_to = bp_core_get_userurl($user->id);
return $redirect_to;
add_filter('login_redirect', 'oci_login_redirect', 10, 3);Just put that in your mu-plugins/bp-custom.php.
Credits goes to burtadsit.
March 13, 2009 at 6:52 am #39894In reply to: Two questions about the login process
MemberI just solved problem number 1 this week (by calling bluehost- they fixed it for me over the phone in under 10 minutes), but am still having your same problem number two!
Any help??
March 9, 2009 at 10:09 pm #39591In reply to: I GIVE UP.. wp-recaptcha WT%^&
Rich Spott
ParticipantWell…I hate to ask such seemingly infantile questions, but…
I have had wp-recaptcha working fine on the buddypress registration page on (WPMU 2.7/BP RC-1)
now to the questions…
Did you apply for a wp-recaptcha Key?
Did you adjust the settings to work on the registration form? (check two boxes in the settings)
Did you place wp-recaptcha in mu-plugins?
I have had no problems and it worked “out-of-the-box” no core files needed to be edited.
I’m assuming you did all of these things, but the hacking of bp-core-signup.php was not necessary for me, so I had to confirm.
March 9, 2009 at 3:00 am #39507In reply to: Forum Integration: HELPING HINTS
Matt Kern
ParticipantAlright, got xmlrpc all worked out. I was make an assumtion in Trents directions that was not correct. I found this doc and it answered a few questions I had. (btw – this link should be made much clearer in the BP install docs. Maybe make is a sidebar nav link)
Still trying to integrate cookies. Anyone got any words of wisdom on that one?
March 8, 2009 at 7:26 am #39460In reply to: Buddy Press Home Page as a Content Page
John James Jacoby
KeymasterI would recommend installing WPMU in the root directory, and modifying home.php in your buddypress-home theme to best match your existing site while still incorporating most of the typical, familiar BuddyPress links.
To answer your questions, WPMU gets installed in the root directory, and BuddyPress is installed in the wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory. (Check for install help.)
The BuddyPress homepage is the home.php file I mentioned above. The files in your root directory are just functionary place holders to help tell WPMU/BuddyPress what content to get from the database and then to tell them which theme files to display that data with.
March 2, 2009 at 8:32 pm #39070In reply to: Plugin Error
ParticipantYou have no idea how deep the groove in my forehead is from the number of times I’ve slapped it h gone “d’oh!”
I haven’t coded in 20 years. I’m amazed at the work Andy and Co did getting this thing to work. Tracking all of the function calls, figuring out what talks to what, etc has been very enlightening. I still haven’t figured it all out yet, so I’m sure there are more questions coming.
And I’m sure that groove in my forehead will deepen.
February 24, 2009 at 9:19 pm #38689In reply to: Can’t upload avatar
MemberThanks for your reply, i got a couple questions about it:
What’s the “gd image library”? how do i link it “into php 5.x”?
I’m not completely sure about apache creation rights but i think i have them; please, tell me how to find out…
I’ve set the permitions 775, and the problem persists.
Thanks! i hope you answer my questions…
BTW: I’m still in Beta 2. Will RC 1 solve the problem? Was the member theme modified in this new version?
February 22, 2009 at 4:45 am #38516In reply to: plugin-template.php using member theme?
MemberNo problem; I should have been more clear with my question anyway. I don’t have all that much experience with open source, but I can certainly understand being defensive about software that you’re very involved in.
For the record, this is the first time I’ve actually participated in development forums for any software I’ve developed for. Most of the time I just lurk and hope my questions get asked by someone else. It speaks very highly of BP that installing it spurred me to actually make an account here and start posting questions and whatnot.
February 22, 2009 at 3:08 am #38505In reply to: plugin-template.php using member theme?
Burt Adsit
ParticipantYou are asking in a support forum why design decisions were made and why, considering the evolutionary nature of software, bp ended up as it did. As an end user of bp I have absolutely no idea how to answer either of those questions.
The real answer is that things don’t have to be like they are if you don’t want them to be. Come up with an enhancement and share it with us. That’s the beauty of open source under a GPL license.
Code is Freedom.
February 20, 2009 at 3:18 pm #38429In reply to: BP Content Tags Project – Call For Ideas
Burt Adsit
ParticipantContent discovery is a filtering mechanism that narrows down the view for the user to what they want to see. Content should have top level organization of what?
Content types:
Website/Blog url
Blog post
Forum topic
Wire post
Anything with an url
User interface to content. Sorting and filtering:
By date: most recent, date range, ascending, descending
By tag(s): and/or/not
By content author
By user who created the tag
By type: blog post, site url, forum topic …
Content display options:
Titles only
Title and excerpt
When the user browses the content should they be able to add/remove tags for each item? Like bbpress? Only group staff can maintain tags?
Questions, questions.
February 15, 2009 at 6:01 pm #37994In reply to: Confused about Member & Home themes
ParticipantI’m seeing quite a few questions about this popping up lately. I’m no fan of an abundance of stickies but perhaps this one deserves a spot in the limelight?
Or should we trey and start some sort of FAQ thread (and, in the process, figure out a way to stop it from becoming completely unwieldy)?
February 13, 2009 at 7:42 pm #37842In reply to: Moving Buddypress
ParticipantThe questions still remains unanswered. Do we have to manually edit files when moving wordpress mu & buddypress to a different domain?
February 12, 2009 at 4:42 pm #37765In reply to: Some coding questions.
Andy Peatling
Keymastersitewide activity table is just cache of all the activity for every user. It would crash your server if it wasn’t a cache. Every user has a table where their activity is not cached, you’d be better off using that.
I’m not sure exactly where you are trying to use the $activity object? The activity tables have to be generic, so that they can be used for anything, adding specific fields wouldn’t work. You need to check out the format_activity function in each component, that is where you would want to replace the output with the excerpt.
Your best bet is to download the skeleton component, as that explains how things work:
February 12, 2009 at 4:24 pm #37764In reply to: several questions about what can and can’t be done
February 12, 2009 at 3:52 pm #37760In reply to: several questions about what can and can’t be done
ParticipantTry the demo of the latest development build.
February 12, 2009 at 3:04 pm #37756In reply to: several questions about what can and can’t be done
Participant1. Yes
2. Yes (at least I think so. I’m not familiar with Bumpin)
3. Yes
Check out for an example of a modified site.
February 10, 2009 at 9:51 am #37601In reply to: Restrict Theme/Widget Change for Member Blogs
John James Jacoby
KeymasterThat’s the response I anticipated getting, but it doesn’t answer the questions.
Unless I’m missing something, and I definitely could be, doing that alone makes the default theme set and still allows for editing of widgets. I would like a pre-made widgetized blog setup so that my users can’t/won’t have to do it themselves.
February 9, 2009 at 2:09 am #37511life2000
ParticipantOf all the solutions, Burt’s plugin seems to work best, and of course if we can redirect the login page to whatever page we want to, it would be even better.
However, the only problem I have encountered with Burt’s plugin is that after I upload it, I can not access the dashboard as the administrator either! To get in the admin area, I have to remove the plugin again. Perhaps, there is a shortcut of something to avoid this.
Sorry Burt. The questions don’t seem to end. But I guess that’s how human beings have continued to evolve, eh?
Thank you
February 8, 2009 at 1:39 pm #37475In reply to: Required name and logout issues
ParticipantI don’t know why you’re not allowed to post an URL – it works fine for me.
And I’m all out of ideas, sorry. Hopefully someone else can help you with the more technical questions you have.
February 7, 2009 at 12:43 am #37401life2000
ParticipantHi DJPaul:
So, I created the little plugin and placed it in wp-content/mu-plugin folder.
I then went back to the “welcome” box to make the changes to the outgoing text. No changes were made. Sorry for being slow here. But these are the questions I have right now!
1) I have no idea what to do with this step you mentioned above:
“Sorry, forgot to add. Use these tokens in your update_welcome_user_email function to tell WordPress where to insert the relevant values: USERNAME PASSWORD LOGINLINK SITE_NAME”
2) After I create the file and place it in the Mu plugin, where should I go to customize my final message going to the user.
I really appreciate the help.
Thanks so much;
January 31, 2009 at 1:34 am #37008In reply to: Forum Integration: HELPING HINTS
Trent Adams
Participant@cikguazleen this is a problem with earlier versions of php 4. Can you get your host to get you on php 5?
Here is an explanation about error.
Another possible explanation
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