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  • #47933

    is it complete? can we have an update? I’m cleaning my site often! The bots are bad!


    In reply to: Is BuddyPress for me?


    I just recovered from a bad spam incident on my buddypress site. A user (who looked legit) suddenly started private messaging the whole community with obviously spam material resulting in some very angry members :(

    I will go ahead and install Akismet and a captcha during registration H.owever, is it true that each user has to obtain their own key from and plug it into Akismet to get it to work? Is there an alternative that I can just activate for everyone? Or can I just provide all my members with my key to activate their akismet?

    Also, what steps have other BP admin used to prevent the kind of spam that I mentioned above? I do not think Akismet & the captcha during registration would have helped in this situation.

    Is there a plugin that flags users who message a lot of users in a short time? Something like that might help fight spammers.




    still looking for help on how to edit the screen that comes up right after you enter your registration information. Thanks.


    @plrk, I guess the check you junk mail message would be best on second register screen (the one that comes up after clicking next. However I am unable to find the code to edit to add the message. Can anyone tell me which file it resides in?


    The inner workings of the e-mail spam detectors are strange and mysterious. You are probably right in that having your mail sent by a server on a domain hostname different than the domain specified in the “from” field in the mail (your domain) counts against them. I’d set up a big “check your junk mail” blurb as suggested above, and recommend your members to mark all BuddyPress e-mails as “not spam”.


    I notice that all the emails that are going out by my website have mailed by: in the details section (I am checking in gmail).

    Could this be the reason they are going to the spam folder?


    Thanks Mike,

    I have been trying to figure out how to include that in the screen that comes up after a user enters their registration details and clicks next. Would you know what I have to edit?

    Actually the problem is not only with activation emails..all emails generated by buddypress (alerts about private messages etc) seem to be going to the spam folders.


    In reply to: Is BuddyPress for me?


    Hi again Mike,

    I checked into Ning quite some time ago. I was never comfortable with their spam protection or was I comfortable putting my data in the hands of some outside organization. By concerns turned out to be well founded.

    “Clients of Ning are outraged [Link disabled by Ning] over a decision that Ning made public last week. The software maker sent out an email to all of its clients, those who have created a social network on Ning, stating that they would email all members of all websites who use the Ning software to promote the newly designed

    “Please do not send the email to my members. I pay you not to advertise on my site and I don’t think you should target my members directly,” says one Ning network creator and paying customer. Ning charges network creators to keep all Ning promotional links off their site. Some members have been paying this fee for years and so are even more upset at the direct email marketing campaign. Why pay the fee?

    To make matter worse, the new combines all member data from all websites created using the Ning system. The owners of the websites have no option to opt out or remove their members. There’s going to be a lot of explaining to do when members see their own picture, profile, and information on, a website that most members have never even heard of.”

    There are other white label sites, but they all basically have the same problem. I, the owner, am beholden to whoever is running the software for me. I have no control.



    off the top of my head, the only idea i have would be to include a little blurb about checking junk mail/setting up a filter prior to signing up. i’ve seen some services do this usually in big bold letters.


    yea he registered twice on my blog!!! whats it all about buddy


    In reply to: Is BuddyPress for me?


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the reply. I will check out your comparison.

    I have quite a bit experience with using WordPress, and there is no question that spam is going to become a major problem unless I clamp down early on. The current plugins are inadequate for a social networking site on my domain. The last thing I want is to appear on some blacklist list. It has already happened once and it was a huge effort clearing thing up.

    Thanks again for your response.



    In reply to: Is BuddyPress for me?


    BuddyPress runs on WPMU, so you can run most WP plugins your BP installation including Akismet or whatever other spam plugin(s) you’re using — that would take care of the blogs. As far as spam coming from actual registered users, that could be another issue. I wouldn’t anticipate this becoming a big problem in the first place, because a BP user has to register (get an email) and then confirm (get another email) registration before getting started to spam anybody. By the time that *could* happen and BP user John Doe decides to spam link everybody on the Wire and elsewhere, you as the admin could just suspend/delete his account. I’d say go for it. I love this system the moment and wrote a lengthy comparison between BP and another system, Elgg, here…

    There’s also another social networking system out there for Joomla called Anahita, in case you’re interested. Hope this helps!


    In reply to: User points


    @DJ Paul

    some of the achievments in your PDF are awsome!

    cant wait to check it out.

    but im a little worried, they get points for having their friend requests rejected? so, if i joined your site, made my profile look like im a spammer and added every member on the members list and everyone rejects my profile… i get an ‘achievement’?

    thoes ‘rejected’ achievements worry me a little, but i like the others.

    Burt Adsit

    Nobody has deleted your post. The akismet spam police pick up suspect posts and toss them into the akismet jail some times though.

    “i need to change the main title of my bp isntall as i have changed my name about the name of the website i cant seem to find out how to change it”

    I don’t know what you are trying to change.


    Doas anyone know a good guide/tutorial for installing WPMU/Buddypress on OSX with XAMPP? I know i have to change localhost to localhost.localdomain. But where and how can i achieve this? And why isn’t it possible to run WPMU on localhost? No spamming, just for general interest.


    … err … sorry fot the spam, but I see that also the upgrade deletes a custom plug-in I placed inside the buddypress folder


    try to google the email address or the username and I think you will find your answer…

    Roy McKenzie

    And mine! I think it probably is.

    Roger Coathup

    and mine!


    Yeah he registered on my BP install too

    Jeff Sayre


    Just a couple more thoughts while I think about your situation.

    Have you determined the offending party that keeps triggering the redirects? Is it Googlebot-image? Have you disallowed it from searching your site with a robots.txt file?

    If so, then it probably is not actually the Googlebot-image spider but a spam spider attempting to masquerade as the Google image bot. A robots.txt file cannot stop a spider from crawling your site. Reputable search engines honor the robots.txt file requests, unscrupulous ones ignore it.

    For your information:

    Are you using Firefox? With Firefox and the Web Develoepr Add-on, you can get a lot of information about errors.

    Rich Spott

    Okay, thank you for helping me, I’ll try to go through your questions one-by-one.

    First I’ll let you know what I have:


    1GB slice

    Ubuntu Hardy LTS 8.04

    Running Apache, PHP 5, MySQL 5.0 (followed Pickeled Onion’s walk-throughs on how to set it up, I am by no means an expert, and my very first barebones VPS was this one.)

    I help run where we have WPMU 2.7.1 and BP 1.0, along with bbPress 1.0-alpha6

    Have you tried deactivating all non-buddypress plugins, wp-super-cache in particular?

    I deactivated all but buddypress, feedwordpress (because our theme will break), wp-super-cache, and doncha’s domain mapping plugin. But maybe I will remove them all for an hour to see if any errors get through

    I am removing wp-super-cache right now, but it was tough to get rid of the wp-content/cache folder because it was owned by the root user. But i got it deleted and removed the wp-super-cache stuff in the .htaccess and I’ll guess i’ll have to wait to see how that goes.

    Have you tried using the default .htaccess file that ships with WPMU?

    I just tried to, but it won’t let me.

    My current working .htaccess (minus wp-super-cache stuff)

    <FilesMatch ".(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$">
    Header set Expires "Thu, 15 Apr 2015 20:00:00 GMT"

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    #uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.*
    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]

    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/wp-admin$
    RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1/ [R=301,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule . - [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*.php)$ $2 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    <Files async-upload.php>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    and the WPMU standard one

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase BASE/

    #uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.*
    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]

    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/wp-admin$
    RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1/ [R=301,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule . - [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*.php)$ $2 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    <Files async-upload.php>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    it wont let me use the standard one, and the only difference that I can see is the expires header setting that i added.

    Are there any PHP errors in your log files?

    this is my current concern right now

    Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error.

    ALERT - canary mismatch on efree() - heap overflow detected

    for the ALERT error, I contacted slicehost and they upgraded my kernel, they said that has fixed other people’s problems (fingers crossed – but no errors since they did that this morning) if that doesnt work i have to go through and install php without the suhosin patch.

    most of the other errors are of spam scripts trying to signup and not finding wp-signup (i changed the signup name)

    what are the other listed errors in your apache log?

    That’s pretty much it.

    EDIT: it’s about 30 minutes later and an Internal Redirect Error just showed up in my logs with wp-super-cache out, and all but buddypress plugins out. So it doesn’t look like its a plugin.

    Jeff Sayre


    You pose a good question. It would be useful to have the ability to re-request friendship, or at least nudge a given person to reconsider.

    Of course, as you suggest, there may be other issues like the original email was overlooked or filtered out as spam and never seen. In this case, there’s not much that can been done, especially if a member does not check their profile on a regular basis.

    But having a feature to re-request action or an admin-configurable setting that will auto-remind members every week or month to visit their profile would be a nice addition to the platform.

    I suggest creating a new enhancement ticket in trac.


    This plugin is now integrated better in BuddyPress and it’s included in BPDEV NoSpam

    Jeff Sayre

    However if I register using an email on another one of my domains (however the emails are still hosted on google apps), I don’t get the activation email. I checked the spam folders but its not their either.

    Are you running this on localhost–your test server environment?

    Are you providing valid email addresses, or fictitious email addresses?

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