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  • #170882

    I cant fid this: dashboard -> admin or network admin -> users and check user, ?

    I have loads of spam coming in and I need to delete them…

    Can anyone help please ?



    Hi, I guess you are right.
    The problem I have actually been having, though is finding a NEW group created every now & then, with a long spam description & then by NONE registered creatures, which I have to delete, who according to Statcounter have not even been on the site, because there is no record of them!

    That is why I am looking for a way to stop this type of group creation, possibly by some bot.
    I hope this is possible to allow only registered folks to create groups. I thought approval would help to catch bot/other non-serious creations, before their stuff gets public.



    Hugo Ashmore

    no, think that was a question needing clarification!

    Ben Hansen
    Jose Conti

    @ubernaut and is WordPress or WordPress Multisite?

    Ben Hansen

    @jconti 3.6 and 1.8.1 not sure if that qualifies.

    Jose Conti

    Hi @ubernaut

    What WordPress and BuddyPress version do you use?

    The reported users are listed in our DEV installations.

    Ben Hansen

    that new feature in wangguard is neat but it doesn’t seem to be working us. moderation queue indicates reported users exist but doesn’t display them in the list.



    WangGuard does this, in their latest version


    The server/ISP that my client is on has been blacklisted by barracuda and a few other spam services.

    where is/was your client hosted?


    Ok I figured out the problem. The server/ISP that my client is on has been blacklisted by barracuda and a few other spam services, thus emails not getting through to certain addresses. For instance, if I signed up using my @gmail address (I get the registration). If I signed up using @hotmail or @mydomain, the mail gets killed.

    Hugo Ashmore

    it doesn’t bring you to the activate page,

    And default behaviour isn’t to, the page refreshes and you should see a message saying reg successful please check email for activation key.

    Not sending an email is not generally a BP issue but a server one.

    Having said all that do as mercime suggests checking in another theme known as compatible.

    I’ve tested 3.6, 1.8.1, bp-default theme and registration works as expected, so I’m guessing your slightly confused as to the default sign up process and that your server isn’t sending mail correctly or it’s being dropped into users spam folders.


    In reply to: Spam


    Thank you for the quick reply.


    In reply to: Spam

    Ben Hansen

    i would look into wangguard no perfect solution exists currently but that one is certainly one of the best and blocks about 90% of our spam regs.

    Hugo Ashmore

    The correct way is to sort out your email zone records, reverse PTR records, SPF records etc this is not a BP issue I’m afraid, nor a WP one.


    I am helping Kathryn with this issue, here are the details for the installation.

    The original programmer for the site vanished, so the configuration is the way it is. Not asking anybody to solve the problem on our behalf, just opening the issue to more eyes. All help and all input is greatly appreciated.

    Wordpress: 3.5.2
    Buddypress: 1.7.3
    PHP: 5.3 (I suspect this might be the culprit.)

    Installed Plugins

    Legend – (A)Active, (-)Deactivated


    (A)BP Auto Login on Activation 1.0.1
    (A)BP Export Users 1.1
    (A)BP Group Announcements 1.0.2
    (A)BP Group Hierarchy 1.3.9
    (A)BG Group Management 0.6
    (A)BP Group Organizer 1.0.7
    (-)BP Labs 1.3

    (A)BuddyPress 1.7.3
    (A)BuddyPress Activity Plus 1.5
    (A)BuddyPress Auto Group Join 2.2.1
    (A)BuddyPress Docs 1.4.3
    (A)BuddyPress Docs Wiki add-on 1.0.3
    (-)BuddyPress Edit Group Slug 1.2
    (A)BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 3.3.3
    (A)BuddyPress Groups Extras 3.5.7
    (A)BuddyPress Like 0.0.8
    (-)BuddyPress Live Notification 1.0.3
    (-)BuddyPress Usernames Only 0.6
    (A)bbPress 2.3.2
    (A)bbPress reCaptcha 1.1
    (A)bbPress Search Widget 2.0.0
    (A)bbPress Threaded Replies 0.4.3
    (A)GD bbPress Attachments 1.9.2


    (A)Akismet 2.5.7
    (A)Automessage 2.3.1
    (A)BackWPup 3.0.12
    (-)Blog Categories for Groups 1.0.4
    (-)Confirm User Registration 2.0.4
    (-)Disable Comments 0.9
    (-)downML – Download Media Library 0.3.1
    (A)Email Users 4.4.4
    (-)Fundraising 2.3.6
    (-)Invite Anyone 1.0.21
    (-)Live Stream Widget
    (A)New RoyalSlider 3.0.93
    (-)P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) 1.4.1
    (A)Plugins Garbage Collector 0.9.12
    (A)Revolution Slider 2.3.8
    (-)Scheduled Content 1.1.1
    (-)Select Language At Signup 1.0.4
    (A)SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
    (A)Sidebar Login 2.5.3
    (A)Simple Badges 0.1-alpha20120703
    (-)Snapshot 2.3.3
    (-)Tweet Blender 3.3.15
    (A)Ultimate Maintenance Mode 1.5.0
    (-)W3 Total Cache
    (A)WordPress Importer 0.6.1
    (A)WP-DBManager 2.63
    (-)WP-reCAPTCHA 3.1.6
    (-)WP Htaccess Editor 1.2.0
    (-)WP UI – Tabs accordions and more. 0.8.7
    (A)Yoast Breadcrumbs 0.8.5


    In reply to: Groups spam


    Well, apparently its not compatible. I tried to install it, but not all the settings were available to me!


    In reply to: Groups spam


    Thanks so much! My only choice in deleting all those groups was to eliminate them as you said above, but now I’ll look for the plugin…



    In reply to: Groups spam


    Go to Settings > BuddyPress > Settings – Groups and remove ability of all users to create groups. Then, there’s also the BuddyPress Restrict Group Creation plugin which extends the capabilities but I’m not sure if it’s still compatible with current BP 1.7.2


    This is the old thread but the same question, I didn’t want to spam here that’s why I will ask the same question here again, I would like to dynamically populate buddypress data into custom post types gravity forms when the user is logged in, I am succesfully populating wordpress user meta, but I don’t know the code in functions.php for buddypress profile fields to make them work, I have already asked on Gravity Help forum, but there are plenty of questions like that and the same as mine question they have never been answered, I hope that maybe somebody from this forum already had to resolve that problem in the past.


    In reply to: Untraceable spam user

    Hugo Ashmore

    Are you on dedicated server or VPS ? if you are then by all means take a laissez faire attitude to your possible predicament, it’s your lookout, although be warned many exploits execute drive by code infecting the poor sods who happen across your site. If you are on a shared hosting service then your compromised site can possibly have comprised many other peoples sites if the server is not well hardened against intrusion.

    The responsibility is overwhelming, if you are going to provide a route to passing on malicious code then you have to take all precaution to ensure you don’t, if you have your options are these you take your site off line ( protecting others ). You then change ALL access, usermanes, passwords, ftp, DB etc then you set about establishing whether you have actually been compromised (at this stage it’s not certain although likely) and it’s important to establish via logs and any other means what has happened not just to sweep under carpet and cross fingers it never happens again. Once you have identified issue cleaned up and reset all passwords then you may take site online again.

    As for asking how they could have done x,y or z your asking non experts, ask an excerpt that sort of question and you would get short thrift from them, just assume that anything is possible because generally it is!

    In regard that plugin where did you find it? Is it from the WP repo? As a rule of thumb be very very wary of plugins from unknown sources, the WP Repo is a pretty safe bet to avoid bad plugins other wise only accept plugins from third party sites that have some reputation amongst the WP community.

    When you have finished last task ought to be checking the WP repo for further security plugins just so you have an arsenal at your disposal to keep an eye on things (wordfence might however be more than enough, but personally not familiar with it.)


    In reply to: Untraceable spam user

    Ben Hansen

    getting hacked is a little bit like getting pregnant, theres no such thing as just a little bit. if they got in they have all of your access information, more then likely.

    if i knew that a crook that had already proven interested in breaking into my house and had stolen my keys the very least i would do is to change the locks.

    just saying…


    In reply to: Untraceable spam user


    I’ve already removed the plugin. Since I didn’t even use it.
    Do I really need to change database password too? How could they even access my database?


    Sorry to spam, but totally stuck on this, any ideas?

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