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  • #267973

    BP front end post plugin is suddenly not showing the limited toolbar for customizing post like bold, italics, alignments, hyperlinks, etc.
    Please help as soon as possible



    I seem to be in a spot of bother. I want to disable the wordpress toolbar from my site. I know how to disable it through BuddyPress however when it is disabled I lose the menu in the top right corner that has the links to profile, messages, notifications and so on.

    I am thinking of 2 solutions for this:

    1) A widget I can place on a side bar that has all the functions of the BuddyPress menu. I’ve looked through a fair amount of plug ins but can’t seem to find anything like what I am looking for. So does something like this exist? I have seen several plug ins that can give me widgets for some functions, but nothing that will get me to the profile page that is created within BuddyPress.

    2) I create a profile page and add the BuddyPress profile elements to that page. However, I can not find any short codes that will help me on this.

    I am open to suggestions and being pointed in the right direction. I would like to use BuddyPress on my site as other plug ins I intend to use work well with this, but having the black toolbar at the top making it blatantly obvious it is a wordpress site is making it a deal breaker for me.

    I am sorry if this is making me sound entitled but I am working on an extremely tight budget and even tighter deadline, and my web developer messed me around giving me false hope of helping me out till I was about to start development. I’m running out of options. The only thing I can promise is to give praise to the BuddyPress community on my company website… When I get around to building it after I built this site.

    Thank you for your time.


    In reply to: Single line text field

    Brajesh Singh

    Hi Carsten,
    Do you want to disable the toolbar(Rich text area) and use plain text area?

    If that is the case, you can put following line in your theme’s functions.php or the bp-custom.php(in the plugins directory)

    add_filter( 'bp_xprofile_is_richtext_enabled_for_field', '__return_false' );

    Hope that helps.



    After instalation plugin, show error message:

    [30-May-2017 16:02:22 UTC] Erro de banco de dados do WordPress Table ‘portal.wp_2_bp_xprofile_fields’ doesn’t exist para a consulta SELECT name, parent_id, type type FROM wp_2_bp_xprofile_fields feita por require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/woffice_2.4.1/woffice/page.php’), get_footer, locate_template, load_template, require_once(‘/themes/woffice_2.4.1/woffice/footer.php’), wp_footer, do_action(‘wp_footer’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, wp_admin_bar_render, do_action_ref_array, WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, Woffice_Setup->toolbar_admin_menu, woffice_get_settings_option, fw_get_db_settings_option, FW_Db_Options_Model->get, FW_Db_Options_Model_Settings->get_options, _FW_Component_Theme->get_settings_options, _FW_Component_Theme->get_options, fw_get_variables_from_file, require(‘/themes/woffice_2.4.1/woffice/framework-customizations/theme/options/settings.php’), _FW_Component_Theme->get_options, fw_get_variables_from_file, require(‘/themes/woffice_2.4.1/woffice/framework-customizations/theme/options/buddypress.php’)

    Help me, please?




    WP’s toolbar is not part of BP, and not part of your theme. This bar belongs to WP.

    I suggest that you don’t remove(or deactivate) the whole bar, but only remove any menu item belonging to WP, except the “howdy” menu where BP install his sub-menu items.

    To do this, you have to use some custom functions related to wp_admin_bar class.

    Use $wp_admin_bar->add_node or $wp_admin_bar->remove_node

    Codex reference:

    …and a little tutorial, in case of!

    How to Customize the WordPress ToolBar


    Hello everyone!

    I’ve been searching for hours on every site I can possibly think of, and I’ve looked at tons of articles in regards to the admin bar, but haven’t found any similar issues.

    The website I am currently building I am using BuddyPress version 2.8.2, BuddyBoss theme version 2.3.3, and WordPress version 4.7.4.

    I want to hide the WordPress admin bar from all users except the administrator. That’s simple, as I have found many different ways to do it (coding, plugins, etc).

    The issue I am running into is when I hide the WordPress admin toolbar (regardless of method, ie. coding or plugin), it also removes all of the dropdown options for the BuddyPress admin toolbar (activity, profile, friends, messages, etc) that shows up with the BuddyBoss theme. I originally thought it was a coding issue in the BuddyBoss theme, but from the information I found, the admin bar that shows up with the theme comes from the BuddyPress plugin.

    I imagine that the BuddyPress plugin uses the same call function (I don’t code much so I don’t know the proper term) to get it’s drop down menu as WordPress does for it’s admin toolbar. My issue is I can’t figure out where/what that is so that I can change it to something custom.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


    Hey all I’m attempting to modify the content returned by BuddyPress’ default ‘@’ mention notification. I’m using this as part of a custom profile page and would like to modify the “username mentioned you’ text to something more personalized based on post type.

    // Change mention output
    function format_mention_notifications( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format = 'string', $component_action, $component_name, $notification_id) {
        if ( $component_action === 'new_at_mention') { // User mentioned notification
            $mentioned_source_type = get_post_type($item_id);
            $username = wl_get_username($secondary_item_id);
            $mention_avatar = wl_get_avatar($secondary_item_id);
            $mention_title = '';
            $mention_text = $username;
            if ($mentioned_source_type == 'topic') {
                $mention_title = bbp_get_topic_title( $item_id );
                $mention_text .= ' mentioned you in the forum post ';
                $mention_source_link = ''; // link to topic
            } else if ($mentioned_source_type == 'reply') {
                $parent_topic_id = bbp_get_reply_topic_id( $item_id );
                $mention_title = bbp_get_topic_title( $parent_topic_id );
                $mention_text .= ' mentioned you in their response to the forum post ';
                $mention_source_link = bbp_get_reply_url( $item_id ); // link to reply
            } else if ($mentioned_source_type == 'comment') {
                $comment = get_comment($item_id);
                $mention_text .= ' mentioned you in their comment';
                $mention_source_link = get_comment_link($comment);
            } else {
                $mention_avatar = '';
                $mention_title = get_the_title($item_id);
                $mention_text = 'You were mentioned in ';
                $mention_source_link = get_permalink($item_id);
            $mention_source_link = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'read', 'notification_id' => $notification_id), $mention_source_link ), 'bp_notification_mark_read_' . $notification_id);
            // WordPress Toolbar
            if ( 'string' === $format ) {
                $return = apply_filters( 'bp_activity_single_at_mentions_notification', '<a href="' . esc_url( $mention_source_link ) . '" title="New mention">'. $mention_avatar . esc_html( $mention_text ) . '<span class="activity-title">'.$mention_title.'</span></a>', (int) $total_items, $mention_text, $mention_source_link );
            // Deprecated BuddyBar
            } else {
                $return = apply_filters( 'bp_activity_single_at_mentions_notification', array(
                    'text' => $mention_text . $mention_title,
                    'link' => $mention_source_link
                ), $mention_source_link, (int) $total_items, $mention_text, $mention_title );
        return $return;
    add_filter( 'bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user', 'format_mention_notifications', 100, 8 );

    What I’ve tried so far:
    – Changing the priority of the filter
    – Moving my logic into the activity_format_notifications action with various different priorities
    – All of the above in a custom plugin file, bp-custom.php, and my themes’ function.php file

    I’ve used a similar filter for custom notifications and that aspect works great. I just can’t seem to override the default content with my own. My thoughts are that the the filters/actions run too late to be noticed by BuddyPress.

    Many thanks for your help.

    Thorsten :-)

    Wanted to test today the profile fields for but got a blank (white) page. The source text shows me the following:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--[if IE 8]>
    <html xmlns="" class="ie8 wp-toolbar"  lang="de-DE">
    <!--[if !(IE 8) ]><!-->
    <html xmlns="" class="wp-toolbar"  lang="de-DE">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Profilfelder &lsaquo; — WordPress</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    addLoadEvent = function(func){if(typeof jQuery!="undefined")jQuery(document).ready(func);else if(typeof wpOnload!='function'){wpOnload=func;}else{var oldonload=wpOnload;wpOnload=function(){oldonload();func();}}};
    var ajaxurl = '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
    	pagenow = 'users_page_bp-profile-setup',
    	typenow = '',
    	adminpage = 'users_page_bp-profile-setup',
    	thousandsSeparator = '.',
    	decimalPoint = ',',
    	isRtl = 0;
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">

    Unfortunately I’m unable to get access to the profile fields setup page. Using WP 4.7.3, BP 2.8.2, BP Xprofile Custom Fields Type 2.6.3 with PHP 7, MySQL 5.6

    Any help? Thx!


    When you are on frontend, your profile tab, you should see follwing menu items under the buddy nav bar:

    View | Edit | Change Profile Photo | Change Cover Image

    and the same items under your user menu (below Howdy), in the top right corner on the Toolbar, as submenu of the Profile item.

    If it isn’t case, some common issues can be:
    – you omitted to save your BP options
    – you use a cache and see the site content from before BP installation
    – there is a weird bug in a file
    – your theme isn’t taylored for BuddyPress
    – there is a conflict with another plugin

    What you could try:
    – double check your settings
    – clear the cache
    – reload a fresh copy of BP via FTP
    – test with a Twenty theme
    – you have to debug

    Note also that you can only load ONE avatar or ONE cover image at a time and that you have definitely only one picture for each bundled with your account.



    sorry but this is not related to BuddyPress.
    Dashboard access is part of WordPress and the way it is displayed on your screensht indicate that it is also theme dependant somehow.
    You can hide any menu item from the WP toolbar by following these instructions

    or you can chosse to active/deactive the toolbar option in BP settings or use a plugin to limit dashboard access.


    In reply to: WP V 4.7.2


    It looks like your theme has replaced the toolbar… ?

    To confirm that the issue is due to your theme, try switching momentarily to a WP theme like 2015.


    I can’t seem to get the Login button to appear on my site. I’ve been trying repeatedly and it won’t engage, and yes, I’ve gone to Settings> BuddyPress> Options> Main Settings> Toolbar> and ticked the Show the Toolbar for logged out users option.

    Still nothing. Arrrrrrrrgh!

    Md Sadiqur Rahman

    Hi there,
    I am using buddypress and bbpress. I got a problem in forum notification. For subscribed forum, I get email for both new topic and reply. But I do not get notification for NEW TOPIC in website profile toolbar (for reply, its working fine). Can anyone help me out?


    The toolbar is part of WordPress, not BuddyPress.
    BP offers in his Main Settings to show the Toolbar for logged out users (default: enabled).

    Removing WP’s toolbar is a very common task, widely commented and explained over the web and on WP’s codex. Read here.


    Hi there,

    I have Buddypress installed on a Multisite, on site 2 of the multisite.

    Site 1 is the outward facing main website. Site 2 is the “locked down” members only community, powered by Buddypress.

    Problem is, when a logged in user ventures from Site 2 into Site 1, they are met with the WordPress toolbar across the top of the page… which doesn’t look very nice in comparison to my theme. How can I remove the toolbar to logged in Subscribers?

    Thanks in advance,



    So I’m using the buddypress Login/register links in my header, but the login link redirects to the standard wordpress page, my theme came with a custom login page so I’d like to use that page, how could I achieve that?

    Did some research on here and Google but all I get are toolbar plugins and code that doesn’t work…

    Thanks in advance!


    Thanks for this.

    What is the easiest way to hide the Dashboard menu item from the Buddypress Toolbar? See sceenshot.


    Hi, I’ve been searching all day and have not found a good tutorial on how to edit the Buddypress /WP admin toolbar in the top right-hand corner.
    Is this the only tutorial available?

    Modifying the Toolbar

    I would like to change the labels for some of the menu items.
    e.g. Forums to Discussions
    Friends to Network
    Groups to My Groups
    Courses to My Courses

    Thank you in advance if you’re able to guide me to a tutorial on how to do this using bp-custom.php or my child theme’s function.php


    BuddyPress’s toolbar menu works like any other toolbar sub-menu item.

    See WP codex for details

    Read here for some usage examples explained in details:

    How to hide / remove the General tab under Settings


    In reply to: delete notifications


    Hi @mohamedalikortli,

    thank you for the sharing, but I am afraid that your proposal is not acceptable in regard of coding best practice. I let your snippet in place, but i also warn all readers to use it, unless they know what they do.

    This forum is public and most users coming here for help are querying at first for BuddyPress related issues solution, not third party plugin tricks like the one you share here. The majority is also not very comfortable with php or even site development.
    This aspect is one of the main reason to provide usefull and safe code.
    IT IS NOT THE CASE HERE – and i wouldn’t recommand it.

    Not because it doesn’t or wouldn’t work ( and i haven’t tested it), but because it is not correctly written. Allowing such a snippet is like encouraging (and by the way perpetuating) bad practices. Hopefully you understand and agree that we don’t want this on the BuddyPress support forum.

    ‘s BuddyPress Clear Notification plugin was last updated in march 2016, which is pretty recent. I doubt that the bug is in his plugin and i expect more a menu related issue… but this is only an expectation of mine.

    If you estimate that your workaround is helpfull for that plugin, get in touch with Brajesh or publish it on the plugin support.

    By the way, next time you publish code on this form, use the code button available on the editor toolbar to insert it properly.

    FYI about what you did wrong or not properly:
    – hacking a core file. Notification template should be used, but from inside a child-theme, not directly from bp-legacy).
    – comments should be in english (some in your example are in french)
    – your recommendation is against all WP usage:

    copy this script into ur document root where u have installed ur wordpress

    – you can add custom code via bp-custom.php. There is also no need to go to wp root, when you can do the same thing from within your child-theme.
    – why do you recall jquery ? It is already loaded when you run BP…
    – i’m not a developer, but i’m pretty sure there are other things to mention about coding.

    In regard of the script itself, BP provide much simplier way to delete notification or show a delete button: reference.
    You’re also using french in that script.

    Calling a file “test” is ok, but in that case you should provide some explanation on how to finally use your snippet. As already said, not everybody here is able to understand – and use raw code – when you provide a workaround. Providing code is fine, providing code+tutorial is always better.

    Désolé d’être sévère et rien de personnel, mais juste une mise au point nécessaire.

    [modlook] @jjj, @DJPaul, @boonebgorges, @mercime, @hnla, @shanebp, @henrywright


    Sorry, but we can’t assist you for premium theme or third party plugin issues. The toolbar is part of WordPress and BuddyPress only allows you to show/hide it for logged out users. See checkbox in BP’s main settings: Show the Toolbar for logged out users.

    Control if you have a specific function runing in your theme functions.php file. If you don’t know how to proceed, ask for help on your theme support. If you find nothing in the theme, ask on woocommerce support.


    I use WP version 4.7, RamboPro theme 2.5 and BuddyPress

    After installing Woocommerce, the toolbar disappeared for regular users (users higher than ‘contributor’ do see the toolbar).

    There is 1 closed topic in this forums addressing this, yet the solutions do not work for me:

    1. Henry Wright suggested the following
    “I think WooCommerce might disable the admin bar but I’m not entirely sure why. Try adding this to your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_disable_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );”

    However, this will permanently show the toolbar, even for users who are not logged in (which is what I want to avoid).

    Does anyone know a good solution?


    In reply to: Broken after install


    Hi guys,

    which theme do you use ? Try with Twenty Sixteen or fifteen, and if you deactivated the toolbar in your settings, try to activate it, then activate BP again.

    Another thing to try is to not use the theme customizer. Setup WP, then BP and use a twenty theme, without customizer actions. This basic trio should work.

    If your site use php 7+, try to use only php 7.0 (not 7.0.x) as BP is not ready for the very latest php version at this time… You could also try to use only php 5.6 instead of 7.0…

    Just in case of, as this was already mentionned on Trac, you can follow about that issue on #7406


    Is “xprofile component” the feature exposed in “Settings > BuddyPress” named “Extended Profiles” (at the very top of the config page)? (It probably is, but I just want to be sure, thanks.)

    Yes it is !

    it is possible […] to effect the change of either the email or password fields?

    Yes it is ! from here: – the link can be found under the top right usermenu on wp’s toolbar: username > settings > general OR/AND on the buddymenu, when you’re on your profile: Settings ! And that’s it !


    For all other BP related questions, please read through the codex, i really have no time to (re)write all explanations. Sorry, hope you uderstand.

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