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Search Results for 'woo canvas'

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  • schteev

    Im trying (desperately) to hide the forums / groups / members buttons from people who are not logged.

    I don’t want non members to see who is a member (important for my site)
    I found some code snippets that could help.. but the functions file in woothemes child theme canvas is really complicated.

    The code i thought i could use is:
    The menu item

    Or ..


    The code in my child theme functions file is:


    noone on the woothemes forum has offered any help so far..
    Whatever I try breaks it (my php skills arent up to much)
    tearing my hair out! :)


    I can’t seem to get featured images working. It doesn’t seem to work in TwentyTen or TwentyEleven either, but with custom themes like Canvas (WooThemes) and Visual (DevPress) it seems to work. Why might that be?


    Sure, link is It is a custom theme (Canvas by Woothemes).

    I am using the canvas theme from woothemes for buddypress. I noticed that I have no where for anyone to register. I do have a field to login though. Any suggestions on what I should do for a registering section?


    So, I’m pretty confused. I used an older version of buddypress quiet some time ago. I was wondering, do I need to install bbpress first and then buddypress? Because right now I have both installed. Problem I was having while only having buddypress installed is that I can’t find the sections where you make the forums or tell it how you want the forum to be viewed. I am using a woothemes theme called canvas theme for buddypress. So, since I couldn’t find these sections on just buddypress I decided to download the bbpress plugin. I can add the forums on this but the forums section is not showing it. Please Help!! Thank you (^_^).


    I think you misunderstand what I mean by a hook manager. It wouldn’t be part of the core, it would be a simple admin interface with the default theme.

    Here is a screen shot of something similar in the Canvas Theme by WooThemes:

    This way you could just simply paste whatever code/html you wanted inserted into the Hook without having to touch the functions.php. It would serve 2 purposes. First, it would make it much easier for those that get nervous editing php files and/or don’t like writing php code. Second, (and most importantly) you don’t have to remember and hunt down all your php edits when it comes time to update.

    Ash Shaw


    We have created a community gallery page using bp album, which pulls in all public images uploaded by all members of the site. Was just wondering how it is possible to paginate the gallery page. The ‘per-page’ argument is set to 24, and although 24 images display, I have not found a way to display the next 24 images. Since we built the site as a WooThemes Canvas child theme, I attempted using woo_pagenav, but this did not work.

    Any help / advice appreciated, thanks in advance.
    If anyone can help it would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.


    Not really an essay


    There’s been some discussions on BuddyPress making it hard for designers. In the companion blog post for the beta release of Canvas BuddyPress, WooThemes writes “BuddyPress is an absolute beast to theme”. Since they (as far as I know) are the first big theme developer theming for BP, it would be great with some feedback and suggestions based on their experience.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Also announced today, Brian Gardner (Genesis) has announced that Andrea and Ron Rennick’s long-standing support for BuddyPress (GenesisBuddy / premiumbpthemes) will officially be moving to StudioPress next week. (source)

    WooThemes have been working on BuddyPress support for their Canvas theme (as far as I know) for sometime.

    This is just the bigger names. There are lots of smaller theme shops and designers releasing BuddyPress themes. The future’s bright, the future’s orange ;)


    We’ve just finished converting the WooThemes “Headlines” template, and it is well suited for Buddypress. You can see it at

    We found that this template required us to modify the structure and add some new css. Once we did this, it was easy-enough (though just required the time to copy/paste) to replicate across the rest of the theme.

    Probably going to try this next on the “Canvas” theme. This time might try to see if there is a way to do it without changing the id labels or adding extra div-tags (but not likely given the fact that the “container” and “content” div’s are used 2x, thereby necessitating the name changes for the inner (they’re used once by woo and then once again in the bp default template….which makes the css problematic….sigh…)

    Here are the structures we modified (using group folder as the example):


    <?php get_header() ?>

    <div id=”container2″ class=”col-full”>

    <div id=”content2″ class=”col-left”>



    </div><!– #content2 –>

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_after_directory_groups_content’ ) ?>

    <div id=”sidebar” class=”col-right”>

    <?php locate_template( array( ‘sidebar.php’ ), true ) ?>

    </div><!– #sidebar –>

    </div><!– #container2 –>

    <?php get_footer() ?>


    Has anyone successfully converted any of woothemes products, say Canvas or CityGuide? They too seem to fight the conventional formatting suggested in the template pack.


    Thanks Ray… the solution worked for now. I will continue to try and track down the ‘offending’ code that is inserting that part so we don’t have to use the important override.


    Using the woothemes Canvas framework is a fantastic addition to buddypress. It gives the admin capabilities to change all fonts, backgrounds, colors, layouts, etc… the list is endless really as it depends upon which functions you add in to the admin panel.

    I’m really hoping that someday a buddypress framework is going to be released, as most people have no idea the power behind adding in a control panel into the admin. It will make my life much easier as my clients will now be self sufficient in changing their sites appearance, and won’t have to call me every time they want to modify something in the theme.


    I’m working on turning the woothemes canvas framework into a buddypress child theme. All is going well, but I have a problem I can’t solve.

    On bp profile pages, you have the @username next to the users avatar.

    Normally there is a ? next to the @username but for some reason I can’t get the question mark to show up on my child theme. I have narrowed it down to the code below, but cannot find where the span style display: none is being injected.

    If I change it from none to inline, then the ? properly shows up and the drowdown help info works.

    <span display="inline" class="highlight">@admin <span style="display: none;">?</span></span>

    Is there a piece of code I should be adding to my buddypress header to solve this?

    For the most part, I am using the buddypress templates for the content portion, and simply wrapping canvas template functions around the bp ones.

    Basically I could just really use some help tracking down what is injecting the span style there. It is not in the /members/index.php file anywhere. There is simply a double closing span with no second opening one.


Viewing 14 results - 51 through 64 (of 64 total)
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