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Search Results for 'woo canvas'

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  • Leofitz

    I have a site built using the Woo Canvas theme. Its been up and working fine for five years. All versions were upgraded to latest; WP 471, Canvas theme, Canvas framework, all plugins including Buddypress.
    Since the upgrade no plugin slideshow/portfolios will display on a site page. I’ve tested many different slideshow plugins but several tested were Slider Revolution, GMedia, Huge-IT Portfolio, Nextgen. In all cases when the Buddypress plugin was turned off, the slideshows displayed. When Buddypress was turned on, they did not display.

    See at all versions updated site;

    Could you provide a fix?
    I can forward login info if you post a PM link.
    Thank you


    @manueldo, I’m using a child theme for Canvas from Woo.
    I’m so busy this week with something else… I’ll update to 2.7.2. probably on the weekend. I’ll keep you posted! 😉


    WordPress Version: 4.4.1
    BuddyPress Version: 2.4.3.
    Site link: still building it offline

    For the website I’m working on I’ve chosen to go with WooThemes Canvas. It has turned out that some features of BuddyPress don’t work with the theme, but I do not know why. As I’m not familiar with coding, I’ll try to explain as good as possible.
    Problem: in the BuddyPress group forums the forum title and topic title aren’t displayed. The links itself are there, but the text isn’t rendered. When inspecting in Chrome I can see the link is there, but the topic title between the <a> tags isn’t there.
    What I assume is this line of code in loop-single-topic.php

    <a class="bbp-topic-permalink" href="<?php bbp_topic_permalink(); ?>"><?php bbp_topic_title(); ?></a>
    shows as:

    <a class="bbp-topic-permalink" href=""></a>

    When I switch to one of the default WordPress theme it shows just fine.

    I can add that another plugin (MyCred) that is supposed to show additional information in the BuddyPress profile header doesn’t perform what it’s supposed to do. Again when switching to a default theme it works.

    Is the theme just incompatible and that’s that? Or are there steps I can take to get to the bottom of the issue?


    @Mark … I tested it with Twenty Fifteen WordPress Standard Theme and the problem happens. Then it is not properly a theme problem

    I use the woothemes Canvas Theme release 5.9.3 and 5.9.15 (the latest).

    To make work properly rtmedia was necessary add a fixing in the child theme functions.php and it worked properly:

    // BuddyPress - Fixing for rtMedia
    function rtmedia_main_template_include($template, $new_rt_template) { 
    	global $wp_query; 
    	$wp_query->is_singular = true; 
    	return get_page_template(); 
    add_filter('rtmedia_main_template_include', 'rtmedia_main_template_include', 20, 2);

    In any case, if with the standard wordpress theme the problem happens and then it could not be a theme problem, then rtmedia could have some conflict with another module.

    Anyway, I will open an account on the rtmedia website and i will open a ticket, adding screenshots of the problem.

    Kind regards

    G. Aloe


    – WordPress 4.4 – Upgraded from the previous release
    – BuddyPress 2.4.3 – Upgraded from the previous release
    – No customization in buddypress core

    I have added a new post where I explained all the things in a better way, giving all the details about wordpress, buddypress and the plugins. But I added it 2 times but in both cases it was not published, I don’t know why.

    In practice is the Filtering that is not working for any user that is not admin. My admin account works properly.

    Another thing that happens is that keeping the Activity Stream page opened, the bar that says “Load Newest” appear also if there is no new post in the stream.

    I tested using the default WordPress Theme Tweenty Fifteen but the problem happens also there.

    About the theme used. It is Woothemes Canvas 5.9.3 and 5.9.15 . Never had problems with these themes using BuddyPress.

    The only customization that I did for BuddyPress are just CSS tags and when I upgraded to the new wordpress release and to the buddypress latest release, everything worked properly between buddypress, wordpress and the theme.

    About the plugins, I didn’t changed them until now. I will make a test deactivating some plugins.

    What is the reason that make you think that can be a plugin?

    Kind regards.



    Read your theme documentation.

    Also here about premium theme and what you can expect as help from here in such a case.


    Find this in your theme style.css file and replace color:white to something else.

    a.button, a.comment-reply-link, #commentform #submit, .submit, input[type="submit"], input.button, button.button, #wrapper .woo-sc-button
     -moz-appearance: none;
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #428bca;
        border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
        border-radius: 3px;
        border-style: solid;
        border-width: 1px;
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 #888;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        color: white !important; /* <-- change here */
        cursor: pointer;
        display: inline-block;
        font-family: inherit;
        font-size: 1em;
        font-weight: 200;
        line-height: 1.618em;
        overflow: visible;
        padding: 0.327em 1em;
        text-align: center;
        text-decoration: none;
        text-shadow: none;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        white-space: normal;
        width: auto;

    or see Canvas documentation on how to modify button colors.


    Hi, i need help with my buddypress installation. on the registration page after hitting complete sign up site redirects to the home page and basically does nothing. no confirmation email, no new user when i checked the dashboard, nothing.

    Can you help please? i’m out of options.

    No other plugins installed/activated, just buddypress.
    Using the canvas plugin by woothemes.


    Not multiblog that I can see – I have installed twice and still missing “Register” and “Activate” pages. All help displays settings I can’t see. Irony is I have a constant spammers registering as WP users, but I can’t find a way. I have Woocommerce and “Canvas” theme active, but have deactivated both with no change in outcome.


    I have several sites. Now I have made a new one with wordpress 4.0 and buddypress 2.1.1-
    When I click on edit profil it goes to /groups/1/ and not to /members/elprebsi/profile/edit/group/1/
    I have tried to deactivate buddypress, bbpress and woo canvas. then it works fine. when I reactivate buddypress alone it does not work.
    Is there a sulotion?


    hi @roddaut,

    don’t thought to much, a theme can influence over all a site, including the admin. This happens in 90% of the issues handled on this forum.

    Thought the latest Canvas was 2014.10.14 – version 5.8.5



    we cannot help you for Premium theme, sorry.

    Andrea Reed

    @mercime Interesting… I used this child theme and have continued with my own modifications.

    Canvas and BBPress fix (WooThemes Canvas Child Theme)

    What do you think? I hadn’t even considered Canvas not being compatible. I will send Woo a ticket.

    What about Genesis?




    @canadadre Last time we checked, Canvas was not compatible with BuddyPress. Have you checked with woo if it supports BP now? cc: @henrywright

    Andrea Reed

    Canvas by WooThemes. Thanks!


    This is a well established site … up and running with BuddyPress and bbPress for just over 2 years. Recently (say the past few weeks … I’d guess since applying the latest updates) users are reporting problems with viewing their account/profile pages.

    The behavior is consistent but the pages do vary.

    For example this link
    should display the member’s profile. Instead it’s redirecting to the forum topic

    For Sale:Lee Deforest signed autobiography

    If I try to access My Account -> Settings -> Profile of my own account I end up at a forum topic attachment with the title profile.gif

    In each case it’s using a word in the original url and finding a forum post with that same word somewhere in the title/url.

    WordPress: 3.9.1
    bbPress: 2.5.4
    BuddyPress: 2.0.1
    Theme: child theme of WooThemes Canvas

    I keep the plugins pretty much up to date but might have skipped a version if they were released close together.

    I’ve tried resaving the Permalinks and running the bbPress repair tools.

    Installed plugins:
    amr users
    bbP Topic Views
    BuddyPress Pending Activations
    Disable XML-RPC Pingback
    Email Log
    Events Manager
    GD bbPress Attachments
    Lightbox Plus ColorBox
    List category posts
    MailChimp Widget
    NextGEN Gallery
    s2Member Framework
    TinyMCE Advanced
    User Role Editor
    Visitor Maps and Who’s Online
    WP Password Generator


    Up until now I have been using the BuddyPress Template Pack for template compatibility with WooThemes Canvas theme (

    After reading that BuddyPress 1.7 introduced native template compatibility without the plugin, I followed the instructions as listed here:

    On the whole everything worked fine, but there are a couple of issues which I can’t figure out:

    1) The H1 title for the BuddyPress pages is outputting HTML instead of a link/button:

    `<h1 class=”title”>Groups Create a Group</h1>

    See here for an example:

    2) I currently use WooSidebars plugin ( to display page specific sidebars. It was working fine with the BuddyPress Template Pack but now it just displays all available sidebars when I’m viewing BuddyPress pages in the site (groups, forums etc).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Here’s the plugin:

    The developer said: “seems like you are using the standalone version of bbPress … we only support BuddyPress’es bbPress forums.”

    I don’t have any group forums, as they’re not necessary. Using most recent version of WP & BP under Woo’s Canvas theme. Thanks!

    Matt Edminster

    Using a tutorial offered by @modemlooper back in ’10 I set up a custom frontpage for our organization’s bp groups which draws from pages with the same name as the group.

    So the group ‘bicycles’ populates its frontpage with content from the page ‘bicycles’ (which is a child page of ‘groups’).

    I am now upgrading the site to the Canvas theme by woothemes and would like to use their built-in portfolio custom post type with its nice gallery feature to do the same thing. Following the old rules, I set up things just as before. Then I re-registered the ‘portfolio’ post type as ‘groups’ and copied the single-portfolio.php file content into my groups front.php. Then a created a bunch of portfolio items with names matching existing bp groups.

    The result is that instead of displaying the custom-post-type content, the group front page displays the content of the group again. I assume this is happening because of the way the new theme compatibility hijacks the_content(). That would mean that when it sees the_content() in front.php, it loads the group again rather than the post content.

    Am I on the right track? Any suggestions on how to either fix my problem or take a new approach altogether?


    I created a private group – problem is that when someone registeres and I try to edit the group and add any user who has registered as a new member to this group i get this error: The following users could not be added to the group:
    I am running WooThemes Canvas Theme.


    I wish to have a paid membership only website. I have set up PayPal, s2Member and Buddypress and am using Woothemes Canvas theme – all the latest versions.
    My problem is this, if I set Open Registration in S2Member to ‘no’ (as I want everyone to pay) then S2Member turns off the “Anyone can register” option in WordPress and when I click on the Register link it says ‘User registration is currently unavailable.”
    If I turn Open Registration on then I can register, but I am taken to the Buddypress ‘Create an account’ form and not the Membership Options page created in s2Member which contains my PayPal button.
    I am going round in circles trying to sort this out as I am not sure if it is a setting in Buddypress or s2Member that is causing this.
    In addition, I have created the Membership Options page as needed by S2Members but am unable to view it as when I am logged in, I assumed not to need to see it and when I am logged out, I just get taken to the Buddypress registration form which seems to override everything.
    Any suggestions? Thanks


    @djpaul not sure if i am high jacking this thread but can you please confirm, in my group forums when i click on subscribe or add to favorite i get redirected to the groups page when i use the buddypress theme. When i use canvas woo theme or any other themeforest theme i get 404 error for the same action.

    I expect to stay on the forum thread even after i click subscribe or add to favorite ….is this a bug in 1.7 and yes i see the same behavior of redirecting to groups page in 1.6.4 too. I am using latest version of bbpress and wordpress


    Last time I checked, Woo Canvas theme even with the BP Template Pack doesn’t work with BuddyPress… JS conflicts. Please check theme author’s forums if they have even resolved this issue.

    Best way to test your BP install is to use the BP Default theme to check if everything — group creation, member registration etc — is in working order before using another theme.

    Re S2Member plugin, have you searched or asked at the s2member plugin’s forums? I’ve seen some pointers there about limiting access there before.


    I have a few questions that I need answered about Buddypress.

    WordPress version: 3.4.2
    BuddYPress version: 1.6.1

    We have a membership site that includes the following:
    -Wordpress Woo Canvas Theme

    We want to split our community into 2 separate communities using Level-1 and Level-2 access for specific members.

    We ultimately want to create 2 different member experiences using 1 website. Is it possible with BuddyPress to:

    1. Redirect members to their own homepages based on their membership level (1 or 2)?
    2. Make BuddyPress plugin only accessible for Level-2 S2Members?

    Does anyone have any suggestions? We are looking for a solution without having to create an entirely separate membership site.

    Many thanks!!

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