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Search Results for 'Activity Feed for members only'

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  • #165182

    Sending friend requests to folks you don’t know is an issue that all social networks, be they Facebook, Orkut, MySpace, Hi5, or even LinkedIn, have to contend with.

    That said, I wouldn’t call it the bane of social networking. What really does a purported “spammer” gain by sending friend requests? Annoyance for certain people that they have received a friend request? Unlikely – the text is preset…the spammer cant even include his/her fake links. Also, most folks are now pretty adept at ignoring such messages. And even if somebody accepts the friend request, what does the spammer gain? What does a “friendship” accomplish?

    Comments (WP), forums (bbP) and activity feeds do really really need spam protection. I’m not so sure about the necessity for friend requests.

    That being said, how do the big boys manage friend requests?
    1. LinkedIn: You can only friend people who are 2 degrees away from you OR whose email address you know. Plus, recipients can mark it as spam.
    2. Facebook: Members can control whether they want to receive friend requests at all. Plus recipients can mark requests as spam. Finally, temporary & permanent bans – based on proportion of requests marked as spam.

    Throttling is neat, cool and easily done – perhaps like bbP, site admin can define the throttling parameters for BP friend requests throttling.

    Much more importantly, an Akismet-like solution for activity spam would be nice. I would look for a 2 stage process on the manual “mark as spam” side of things:
    1. Member marks another member’s activity as spam (this is really a flag that puts the activity in a basket for admin to see)
    2. Admin looks through the basket and marks either as spam (in which case Akismet is notified) or not spam.


    Regarding the code on github, yes, that did partially fix it. Now all users can be found via their user id # rather than username.

    /members/id #/

    The only problem I see so far is that the code didnt update the activity feed. If you click a name for a user in the activity feed it is still trying to locate user the old way but the user icons on the newsfeed are correct and try to take you to user profile with their user id #.

    So say for example:

    James Gill wrote a new post, Gluten

    The name James Gill is still trying to render the /members/username/ but not the /members/user id#/

    but the rest of the site except activity feed appears to be working right now. only the icons on the activity feed try to render /members/user id#/


    Hugo, thank you for pointing that out. I was not aware of your forum protocol, I apologize. I should have used italics? I want to stress my point, but not shout 🙂

    I have seen many posts here that have gone unanswered regarding the very same issues I’m having so I got the impression that patience wasn’t leading to any answers. I don’t mind being patient, I just really would like answers one way or another – it can be fixed or it can’t. With that information, then I can make a decision on whether I can use Buddypress/bbPress combo or not and move ahead.

    Here is what I still need help with:

    1. How to make the Activity page the static Home page and not get the 404 error when posting. Paul said this is fixed in the next release of Buddypress. Does anyone know when that release is and is there a workaround in the meantime that someone can walk me through?

    2. Buddypress offers options to make a group ”Private” or “Hidden”

    Both options claim: “Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.”

    This is not true – everything I post in the “Hidden” group I created shows up in the public activity feed to a test user I created who is not a member of that group.  I need to be able to offer the secure knowledge of privacy in these groups to our users. Is there a way to truly make this information private and not be mortified when one of my users finds their private information on a google search?

    Paul’s answer is unclear to me: “I am not aware of any bugs with your second issue; if the current user is a member of that private group, they have access to see its activity items on any page on your site.”

    3. I would like to make the whole site private – accessible only after registration. I would like people to have to register and their registration be approved by me before gaining access to the site. Is this possible?

    Thank you for any help.


    Don’t understand what criteria comments are allowed

    some users can comment on the main activityfeed (it not admin)

    nor is it the S2 Membership levels

    while other’s comments only show in their individual profile activityfeed


    Comments show on individual profiles but not on the main activity feed!

    the filter that shows only comments on the acitivity page shows nothing as well

    have S2 membership, would that cause problems?

    Maruti Mohanty

    @aces I have used but this works only for the WP pages and not for the BP pages.
    then i used
    function bp_remove_feeds() {
    remove_action( ‘bp_actions’, ‘bp_activity_action_sitewide_feed’, 3 );
    remove_action( ‘bp_actions’, ‘bp_activity_action_personal_feed’, 3 );
    remove_action( ‘bp_actions’, ‘bp_activity_action_friends_feed’, 3 );
    remove_action( ‘bp_actions’, ‘bp_activity_action_my_groups_feed’, 3 );
    remove_action( ‘bp_actions’, ‘bp_activity_action_mentions_feed’, 3 );
    remove_action( ‘bp_actions’, ‘bp_activity_action_favorites_feed’, 3 );
    remove_action( ‘groups_action_group_feed’, ‘groups_action_group_feed’, 3 );
    add_action(‘init’, ‘bp_remove_feeds’);

    But still I can see the feeds for the activity page 🙁

    Any help will be highy appreciated?

    Anyways @aces thanks for responding 🙂


    hmmn… it still works for me but only for the activity feed ( excluding the ` lines which weren’t converted to the new bp forum format ). It used to work for members as well.

    To disable all feeds I just tried the following from

    * disable feed
    function fb_disable_feed() {
    wp_die( __('No feed available,please visit our homepage!') );
    add_action('do_feed', 'fb_disable_feed', 1);
    add_action('do_feed_rdf', 'fb_disable_feed', 1);
    add_action('do_feed_rss', 'fb_disable_feed', 1);
    add_action('do_feed_rss2', 'fb_disable_feed', 1);
    add_action('do_feed_atom', 'fb_disable_feed', 1);

    Which worked for me to disable All feeds to everyone. It’s a bit unsubtle but does plug the security hole….


    @modemlooper said 4 days, 6 hours ago:
    To change slugs you change the page name and URL for that page in the WordPress admin.

    That worked perfectly. Almost. It seems that links in the activity feed still reference “groups” as opposed to the new slug so for instance the link should be something like this:

    instead the groups slug somehow persists and reads like this:

    And this above link generates a 404 page not found error.

    Old slug: groups
    New slug: newslugforgroups

    This seems to only occur in the activity feed – everywhere else, your suggestion seems to work just fine.


    In reply to:


    Signup and login errors fixed.

    No idea what possible harmful content there could be. I just ran a Vaultpress security scan which looks for dangerous files and codes and everything came back clean. I also run 2 anti-spam plugins – Akismet and Anti-Splog from WPMU. In addition, I personally scan members activity posts to see if something slips through and I don’t see anything to be concerned about. The only content is the radio channel scripts and 2 autoblog feeds from Elephant Journal and Huffington Post. There is Google Analytics code but that is pretty standard.

    If you could run the Mcafee scan again and give me something more specific, I would appreciate it but I really don’t believe there is any harmful content on this site. I make every effort to prevent it.


    BuddyPress Extended Settings by @modemlooper can change the default. This is an excellent plugin with many useful settings. Get it here:
    BP FriendPress can filter activity dependent on friendships so basically it has the ability to show only yours and your friends activity like facebooks wall. Just make sure to read the readme.txt. Get it here:

    Tammie Lister

    I just did a quick check and that plugin is only designed to work for the members directory not site wide from what I see. Either that or it’s stopped working on activity, but the notes seem to indicate it’s designed for members directory.

    Per user you can set it yourself but I guess you want a solution that forces users to have it displayed one way? If the per user method works though you can under their user settings in the admin.

    This thread: has some thoughts on solutions but they are all code and not sure how applicable to the current code base. however may be another thing to consider.


    Buddypress 1.6, using the BuddyPress Default theme. The user is shown as banned in the Admin > Members list. The user cannot create forum topics, forum replies, or write new updates in the group. In a green box underneath the group description it states “You have been banned from this group.” when that user visits the group. It’s a public group. The banned user can still read everything, and he can reply to activity feed entries.

    This was possible on previous versions of buddypress (1.5.6 i think) and I was wiping and re-installing wordpress and buddypress on two different servers (local and online) both producing the same results with fresh installs. I really had nothing to do that day… My site ended up only using private groups and I thought this was intended so I didnt mention it before.


    In reply to: RSS Feed

    Tammie Lister

    Each person’s personal activity is on their profile’s activity stream. For instance:

    What I think you want to have is a filtered activity to only show people they are friends with – is that the case?

    If that is then you want to look to customise the activity loop and a good starting point would be here:


    @onyx808: would your code work for my situation? I want to display ONLY profile updates (stuff posted to the “What’s new, x?” text area) on my sitewide activity page, but I want members individual feeds to continue to display everything (profile updates, blog posts, joins, etc.)


    @oneearth.. Sure I can give you what i have so far. Here it is:

    Series: Setting up W3TotalCache with BuddyPress – Part One

    W3Total Cache has taken the WordPress world by storm this year. In my opinion it is by far the greatest performance tool for WordPress, and some of it’s features can be used to speed up BuddyPress as well. It has taken me some time to figure out the best settings, and with something as complicated as this, the results may vary. In this (lengty) trick I’m going to take you through the process of setting up W3Total Cache in the following order;

    1: About W3 Total Cache and Installation
    2: Server setup
    2: Setting up the options that play nice with BuddyPress and your hosting setup
    3: Using a CDN with MaxCDN
    4: Hosting your Theme files and (group)avatars with the CDN
    6: A word from the plugin author Frederick Townes
    7: Conclusion

    As you’ve probably seen, this is quite an extensive guide, and so I decided to split this post into 2 parts.

    About W3 Total Cache and Installation

    Plugin author Frederick Townes described W3 Total Cache as follows:

    The fastest and most complete WordPress performance optimization plugin. Trusted by many popular blogs like:,,,,,,,, and others — W3 Total Cache improves the user experience of your blog by improving your server performance, caching every aspect of your site, reducing the download time of your theme and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration.

    Sounds impressive? Well it is impressive! So let’s install this plugin by going to your plugin browser and searching for W3 Total Cache. When you’ve found it, click on “Install” and that’s all you need to do install it.

    Server Setup

    Before we start with setting up the plugin, it’s important to tell you something about the general hosting of BuddyPress sites. Depending on the size of your community

    Selecting the options that play nice with BuddyPress and your hosting setup

    The hardest thing about using W3 Total Cache are the options that you cannot use in combination with BuddyPress. Because of the way that BuddyPress works and meant to be used (as a social networking tool), page caching and database caching causes trouble with the highly dynamic content that is being added to your site. Things like the activity stream will stop to function correctly if you simple enable all these features. I’ve read many times that the plugin “does not work” or “breaks” BuddyPress, but this is simply not the case. It only “breaks” if you try to use it for things that simply are not meant to be used with BuddyPress.

    What caching basically does is taking a snaphot of a page at certain time intervals and serving that to the visitor when he visits that page (it’s more complicated then this, but this works to explain it easily). Now this works great if it takes a snapshot of a blogpost, because the content of a blogpost does not change every couple of minutes. But what happens when this concept is applied to your Activity Stream, Profile pages and Groups? You’ll see outdated data on the page, because in the meantime new content like status updates or group updates have been posted by your community. This explains why you can not use these features with BuddyPress.

    But not to worry, there are plenty of feature you can use, and thus allow you to drastically speed up your site (just not as much as on a regular old -boring- WordPress site.

    Here’s a screenshot of what you can enable:


    Minify:Minification can decrease file size of HTML, CSS, JS and feeds respectively by ~10% on average.

    You can enable minification and configure it by visiting the Minify settings in W3TC it’s admin settings. Here’s how I’ve set it up on BP-Tricks:


    Depending on your hosting configuration you can choose which Minify Cache Method you want to use. If you have a dedicated server or VPS server and have something like APC, XCache or eAccelarator installed then use one of those tools. Or else you can just use the Disk method.

    If you have a shared server your only option is the disk method.

    Object caching: Object caching greatly increases performance for highly dynamic sites (that use the Object Cache API).

    This feature so far has proven to work great with BuddyPress, altough it should be used with caution if you’re on a Shared server because sometimes it can actually decrease pageload times on your site. If that stuff happens it might be best to look into a cheap VPS or dedicated server. A little bit of information about the setup being used on BP-Tricks will be given in part two.

    Content Delivery Network: Host static files with your content delivery network provider to reduce page load time.

    This feature is probably the most useful for us BuddyPress users. In part two there will be a detailed step-by-step guide in setting up your CDN, so serve not only your theme files, but only your avatars, BP-Default Theme files and your essential plugin files!

    Browser Cache: Reduce server load and decrease response time by using the cache available in site visitor’s web browser.

    Gzip compression of your pages can also help speeding up your load times. Here’s what I have enabled for all sections on the page, and seems to do it’s job perfectly:

    Set expires header
    Set cache control header
    Set entity tag (eTag)
    Enable HTTP (gzip) compression
    Here’s a screenshot with all my settings:


    To check if gzip compression works, you can go to and check your domain and see Gzip is working.

    Still working on the rest, this is all pretty general info.. But maybe it does help some of you :-)



    Maybe @MrMaz can tell you something about the performance of the plugin in more detail, but the feeds are cached and only checked once an hour or on a direct profile visit. So far the plugin has been performing great, and I have not noticed any performance issues with it. It is a lot less heavy on resources as a dedicated RSS feed importer plugin for WordPress, that’s for sure.

    You do have to remember that the posts are not stored anywhere other then the activity stream itself. You can filter the stream for external blog posts but it does not save it as a regular post or anything. Excluding them from the Stream would mean that the entries are not stored anywhere basically making the plugin useless :)

    If you feature requests just leave a comment on the blogpost on BP-Tricks itself so we can keep track of them!


    *sees the topic is about his own theme*
    “Absolutely NO problem with this!” :D

    Thanks for creating this topic Ross, I’m really glad you like the theme I’m putting up for sale. And Boone thanks for promoting my already outdated video as well :-) My intention with the new BP-Tricks site is not to only sell a premium theme, and offer some kind of subscription service (I’m not a big fan of subscription models for Themes).

    BP-Tricks will hopefully become a resource for great BuddyPress tips and tricks. Selling the theme is just a great way for me to keep BP-Tricks running, earn some money and hopefully improve the quality of BuddyPress Child Themes.. The theme is GPL and cool stuff that I add to it will all be shared in the form of Tutorials on BP-Tricks. The actual design elements and the support are what people are paying for (similar as WooThemes does this for example).

    Everyone can submit code/design/inspirational Tricks through a form or the backend, and by doing so you’ll earn Awards ( @DJPaul his Achievement Plugin FTW!) and badges awarded by me. The best new trick each month earns a nice price (currently a Free theme, but I’ll try to get some sponsors) and they get listed on the frontpage in Widget of Fame :)

    Besides that the Activity Stream is purely meant to be a source of information displaying ONLY new Tricks, external Tricks (BP-Links from @MrMaz) and external member blogs from our members (if you blog about BuddyPress or anything related to it) you can add your RSS feed to your profile and people who follow you get your updates in their stream. This plugin will be released to the community when the site launches next week.

    There’s also a customized search feature which only searches the BuddyPress network (, BP-Tricks,,,, etc) and a bunch of other stuff which I probably forgot to tell.

    All the site features remain free, and also the site will be Ad free for as long as I earn enough to keep it running without loosing money on it.

    I hope this makes my intentions clear, and that it will become a place where you can enjoy great BP Tricks from not only me, but from anyone, without getting the feeling that I’m out for someone’s money.. because that is certainly not my intention :) If you want to have access to the site before launch to look around and submit some Tricks for the community just let me know, and I’ll make sure you’ll have access and be a part of the cool kids ;)


    Thank you very much @hnla and @rogercoathup

    Roger Coathup


    where to make changes, really depends on your theme setup.

    If you want a theme similar to the default, but with your own enhancements (such as the ones in this thread), you are best to create a child theme, and make the changes in there. You’ll be editing the activity-loop.php and entry.php files in your child theme.

    Have a look in the documentation for the article on creating child themes.

    I don’t know whether there are many examples on line of alternative activity loops. I posted one example earlier today of some amends we’d done to entry.php to access and enhance the activity template tags:

    And here’s an example of how we do a custom blog loop from a site I’m working on at the moment:

    <?php $args = array (
    ‘action’ => ‘new_blog_post’,
    ‘max’ => 20); ?>

      <?php $count=0;
      while (bp_activities() && ($count < 8)) : bp_the_activity(); ?>

      <?php $blog_id = bp_get_activity_item_id();

      if ((int)$blog_id == 1) continue; ?>

      <li class="<?php if ($count “>


    Roger Coathup


    looking at the filter suggested by @hnla – It looks like you could make that work as well. Rather than setting the content to ” “, you would set it to the date submitted (which I think you are still wanting to display).


    In reply to: Group Activity Feed


    Hello @r-a-y…yes all I want to do is filter the main group home activity of every group so that only updates from the admin show, not everyone and not forum posts…I looked over the link and was confused as to what to do

    Thanks for taking so much time to help me out but if you could please just let me know where the AJAX $query_string is and what exactly I need to modify it I would greatly greatly appreciate it



    “nice plugin, only issue I see is that it tweets the URL of the page you are on rather than the item.”

    @modemlooper This would work nice for a tweeting a group though ( and adding “facebook Recommend” ) so that all the ‘feed things/social stuff pertaining to the group’ are in a similar place.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Im trying to get the tweet button to be between the rss feed class and the activity-filter-select div, as in the image ( using add_action('bp_before_group_body', 'bp_tweet_button_activity_filter'); ) its inserting it above the subnav div, ( needs to be inside subnav.. ) but I can figure out how to get it between the two. Once I can position it correctly I’ll add the Facebook one too. Maybe can be a seperate, spin-off of your plug-in?

    Maybe if someone knows where to find the subnav ( for groups ) code I can have a look and get it sorted.

    Edit: Iv’e created a topic not to hi-jack the thread:


    In reply to: Group Activity Feed



    In your theme’s functions.php, make sure your code looks something like this:

    Read the comments in the code.

    Then In your duplicate of bp-activity-group-feed.php, you need to change:

    if ( bp_has_activities( 'object=' . $bp->groups->id . '&primary_id=' . $bp->groups->current_group->id . '&max=50&display_comments=threaded' ) ) :


    if ( bp_has_activities( 'object=' . $bp->groups->id . '&primary_id=' . $bp->groups->current_group->id . '&secondary_item_id=' . $bp->groups->current_group->creator_id . 'max=50&display_comments=threaded' ) ) :

    This will filter the group activity feed so only updates from the creator of the group will be listed. If you have multiple admins, you’ll have to find a way to append their IDs (comma-delimited) to the end of the “secondary_item_id” parameter.



    I’ve spent a few hours playing around with BP based on info in this thread but am having some trouble. Does anyone know how to make it so that only updates from the group admin appear in the “Activity” feed?



    Ok, spending evern more time on this… I went back to the idea of using @r-a-y ‘s modified regestered-users-only-plugin… Now it is 95% the way I want except the homepage is not re-directing to the landing page… every other page does this…. probably has something to do with the home page being the activity stream??? I’m copying the key changes I have done to the plugin below:

    // This is a base array of pages that will be EXCLUDED from being blocked

    if ($bp&&($bp->current_component == BP_REGISTER_SLUG ))//buddypress

    if ( bp_is_register_page() || bp_is_activation_page() || is_feed() ||is_page(‘landing’) ) //buddypress)

    $this->exclusions = array(
    ‘wp-cron.php’, // Just incase

    // If the current script name is in the exclusion list, abort
    if ( in_array( basename($_SERVER), apply_filters( ‘registered-users-only_exclusions’, $this->exclusions) ) ) return;

    // Still here? Okay, then redirect to the login form
    bp_core_redirect( ‘; );

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