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Search Results for 'Dynamix'

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  • Scaffies

    Hello all,

    after the update to v2.7.0 (from the latest before) member of the type “Subscriber” / “Participant” can no longer upload new profile pictures, or pictures, video, or audio to their personal galleries. The upload process starts, then ends with “HTTP error.” – no other data.

    It still works fine for administrators – so I assume, maybe some access rights may have changed?

    Thanks for looking into it!
    For the Scaffies admin team,

    Here the technical configuration / versions:
    Dedicated (powerful) managed server on Linux
    WordPress Version 4.6.1
    WordPress DB Version 37965
    Multisite No
    Active Theme DynamiX 5.3

    Active Plugins:
    Akismet 3.2
    Arrowchat WordPress Integration 1.0.2
    bbPress 2.5.10
    bbPress Topic Thumbnails 1.2
    BP Custom Background for User Profile 1.0.5
    BP Profile Message UX Free 1.5
    BP Recent Profile Visitors 1.1.3
    BP Registration Options 4.2.12
    BuddyPress 2.7.0
    BuddyPress Activity Plus 1.6.4
    Buddypress Friend of a Friend (FOAF) 2.6
    BuddyPress Friends On-line (FOL)
    BuddyPress Members only 1.3
    Buddypress Messages Spam Blocker 2.5
    BuddyPress MyMood 1.7
    BuddyPress Polling Plugin 1.0
    BuddyPress Registration Groups 1.1.2
    BuddyPress Sitewide Activity Widget 1.3.2
    BuddyPress Social Icons 1.0.2
    CDN Enabler 1.0.3
    CM Answers Pro 2.1.6
    Contact Form by BestWebSoft 4.0.3
    Contact Form Multi by BestWebSoft 1.1.9
    Dev4Press Updater 3.3.2
    Easy Polling Plugin 2.5
    EU Cookie Law 2.9.3
    Events Manager
    GD bbPress Toolbox 4.4.2
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
    Huzzaz Video Gallery 7.3
    Jetpack by 4.3.2
    Login Widget With Shortcode 5.5.3
    MediaPress 1.0.6
    Pixel Jar BuddyPress Honeypot 1.1
    Rating-Widget: Star Review System [Premium]
    Simple History 2.12
    Slider Revolution 5.2.5
    Soundcloud is Gold 2.3.2
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
    User Role Editor 4.28
    Wordfence Security 6.2.2
    WP-Ban 1.68
    WP-DBManager 2.78
    WP-Mail-SMTP 0.9.5
    wp-Monalisa 3.7
    WPBakery Visual Composer 4.4.2


    After searching further I found out the problem is Buddypress is not using the theme override I made in my (child) theme. Everything is exactly as described here: and it worked before.
    What can be wrong?
    I am using a childtheme for

    Thanks again,


    Hello, I’m in the process of building a social network (thanks buddypress!!) and I’m literally just about to launch it, but all of a sudden now I’m having issues with replying to activity feed updates. Actually, it seems that it replies fine because I get a notification email of the reply, however, when I view the activity update, there are no comments. Also, when submitting the comment, the comment doesn’t post – it just comes up with the error: ‘There was an error posting your reply. Please try again.’

    I have tried deactivating every plugin I have installed – no change. I’ve tried deactivating all plugins, and reverting to TwentySixteen theme – no change. I have even uninstalled BuddyPress completely, and then re-installed it – still getting the error.

    The weirdest part about it is that is was working just fine just a couple weeks go when I last tested the commenting. Since then, I’ve continued to build the website, add features, style, etc. and now all of a sudden the commenting stopped working.

    I’m very frustrated because I’ve spent so much time building this website, to be ready to launch it, and now one of the most key components to a social network – the commenting – is not working.

    Thank you for your help!

    Buddypress: 2.5.1
    Theme: Child Theme of DynamiX


    PLease help.
    Activity and profiles of my members are showing up in Google search results. This is totally not cool! Even when you’re not signed in you can see the content! My members are people with ADD en ADHD and privacy is very important! I don’t want my members to show up in search results. Most of them don’t want this and it’s bad for the succes of my community.
    What can I do? (is in Dutch)
    wordpress 4.4.2
    theme dynamix


    PLease help.
    Activity and profiles of my members are showing up in Google search results. This is totally not cool! Even when you’re not signed in you can see the content! My members are people with ADD en ADHD and privacy is very important! I don’t want my members to show up in search results. Most of them don’t want this and it’s bad for the succes of my community.
    What can I do? (is in Dutch)
    wordpress 4.4.2
    theme dynamix


    Hi there,

    I am having this exact same problem, but nothing listed above seems to fix it.

    After a fresh install of BuddyPress, with groups activated, and “Enable group creation for all users” checked in the settings page; I receive a 404 Error when clicking the “create group” button on either the groups page, or in the admin panel of WordPress. Is there something i’m missing? is the group creation page built into BuddyPress or do I need to create it? Nothing about creating this page is mentioned in the codex linked above.

    I also tried deactivating all plugins except BuddyPress as well as changing my theme to the “twentyThirteen” theme but still no dice. I could really use some help with this.

    WordPress Version: 4.3
    BuddyPress Version:
    DynamiX Theme Version: 4.3.1


    Thanks for your efforts!

    We use a cmmercial theme (i.e. paid for) called DynamIX version 3.1.2 by themeva

    We do not really have that kind of background, skills, or resources to run test sites with default and other themes, and test all plug-ins against every change (I estimate we use about 50 plugins – we make sure that they are compliant with the latest WP versions, and are popular, i.e. proven on many thousands of sites).

    A test site seems like a major pain in the butt, but given today’s events, may not be such a bad choice. We had expected there was more communication between developers, since WordPress and Buddypress are usied in such a HUGE number of sites – yet fairly simple updates break major stuff across many sites. So there may not be much of a choice of running a separate test site, or simply wait several weeks after new releases until the bugs are worked out – we do run another commercial security package, which may not make this too bad of a choice.

    We got burned on EVERY BuddyPress update this is just by far the worst one so far. Sadly … since the software allows us to run a popular site.

    Greg Hyatt

    I using a theme called Dynamix from Themva and the plugin is BuddyPress Wall here is link to the plugin BuddyPress Wall

    I am using most recent version of BuddyPress on WP 4.1


    @totoff Hi. You’re using a premium theme, Dynamix. Please change to the Twenty Fourteen theme and check if issue is resolved. Please contact the premium theme author as we have no access to the theme.



    thanks for your answer. i am using dynamix theme.
    do you think it comes from my theme?
    i can’t try with a basic then now as my website is already online now 🙁
    what do you think i should do?



    Have you tested with one of the bullet proven 2013 or 2014 themes ?

    Some Dynamix related topics can be found here.

    – Members import – I used it two other times a year ago for different lists with no problem.
    A year ago means datas from BP ~1.7 and the reason why i mentionned the ticket.

    my issue isn’t with avatars
    I have a doubt 😉 : on your members directory, the default avatar is gravatar who doesn’t appear. Avatars may not be the issue but are related to profiles.

    Try to use Mystery Man instead. if he appears as default avatar, there is perhaps a conflict with media upload or permalinks.

    The other thing i observe, is that you and the other user who’s profile access is ok, are the only one using a username in the URL. All other members have first and last name.

    Do you use a custom function or a plugin to get this ?

    About wpengine, is this already the case ?


    In reply to: WordPress 4

    Stephane Daoust

    I use Dynamix


    Im using the dynamix theme

    Not sure if that changes things


    When I then activate my theme all works but the bbpress forum root – this again resolves as my blog archive, which is the same issue as reported in the thread link I posted earlier.

    it’s a theme issue then. Are you sure that you have the latest version of your Dynamix theme that’s supposed to be compatible with BP 1.8.1? If not, then you would have to update your theme. If you have an updated theme, then contact theme author or post in theme’s forums to resolve the issue.


    @dsvay Looks like you’re missing the header section of your site on the registration page. Per the premium theme’s description, Dynamix is supposed to be compatible with BuddyPress.

    Change to Twenty Twelve/Thirteen theme and check if registration works then. If registration works then, contact theme author about the issue. If not, then deactivate other plugins to identify which is conflicting with BP.


    I have deactivate everything and chose the Twenty Twelve theme and now both the register and the login stil does not work if you go to the login page there is no code in the page like the one in registration that has the [register] code on the page.

    Even if i use the BuddyPress Default theme nothing works and the theme DynamiX nothing works now.



    Actually my first suspicion is the dynamix theme.

    Viewing the buddypress demo page with firefox, it appears to still be using buddypress v 1.6.5 so would probably need upgrading to v 1.7.

    Meanwhile, try a theme that is supposed to work well with bp 1.7, such as twenty twelve….

    If that fixes the error then It might be an idea to ask the commercial theme designers if they plan to upgrade it…


    Thanks @mercime,

    DynamiX theme was fixed within hours of asking the author, with the removal of the line I posted above. If anything he was glad of the head up in relation to changes that are coming. (Best support on a theme I ever had IIH)

    Now, with the release of 1.7(b)2 My Ajax issues are a thing of the past also.

    BuddyPress is my friend again 🙂


    I would suggest that the best way forward is to contact the theme author – Parallelus

    In the DynamiX theme I had to edit out a line in dynamix/functions.php

    wp_enqueue_script( ‘dtheme-ajax-js’, BP_PLUGIN_URL . ‘/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/global.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ), $version );

    Unfortunately adding add_theme_support( ‘buddypress’ ); is not the answer, though it is certainly something theme authors need to look at for their future updates.

    I also own the Salutation theme and after a quick peek I can not find the same or similar string as I posted above.

    No point in both of us contacting the author so if you get any joy from them, please let me know how you got on. It will come in very handy, as I plan to use the theme at some point in the future.

    In your enquiry to theme author, I would suggest linking them to the top post here:

    It will help them in their investigation.


    Again, please do let me know your outcome.




    HI @mercime, thank you for your reply.

    The set up is as follows;
    New install: WordPress 3.5.1 MU joint Network with x7 Mapped domains

    New install: Buddypress 1.6.4 Running all sites on Dynamix WP/BP theme

    New install: BBPress 2.2.4 With Network & Group forums configured.

    Buddypress has been installed ‘without’ the discussion forums tab enabled.

    <code>define( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );</code> Is located in wp-config.

    Set up for stewide & group forums from: followed to the last note.

    After further examination, it appears that I can edit group forums with no issues whatsoever, it is the sitewide forums that have the blocked actions, I literally can’t do anything with them. Page just refreshes.

    Tried disabling all network enabled plugins which are; WP SEO (Yoast), WPMU Domain Mapping, Ultimate coming soon page & Join my multisite, to no avail.

    It has me well and truly stumped ! The site is locked down under maintenance at the moment, but I’m happy to PM access to any moderator here if they felt it may help to see the issue first hand.



    First time I’ve heard about this. What theme are you using?

    Edit – you should contact theme author of Dynamix theme. Looks like the author incorporated BP into the theme per demo could be some conflict


    In reply to: Need Help


    The code can be found in You could ask theme author how to add the login form code in the dynamix theme


    In reply to: Need Help


    I’m using the dynamix theme.


    I get a syntax error…
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /home/amerifit/public_html/wp-content/themes/DynamiX/members/members-loop.php on line 39


    I’m using Dynamix theme. No I am not using a child theme. when I use the BP links my logo wont show up, but when I use the links in the menu that I created the logo populates. When I switch to the bp default theme I have the same problem. so I thought if I disable the BP menu all together I could avoid that problem???

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