Search Results for 'Hide Admin'
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March 16, 2010 at 7:56 am #68553
In reply to: How do I remove log in ?
ParticipantOr, just keep the wp-adminbar and add this to your style.css to hide the login link
ul.main-nav li.bp-login { display: none; }
Or, go to Dashboard, BuddyPress > General Settings and check Yes for “Hide admin bar for logged out users?
March 16, 2010 at 3:08 am #68536In reply to: How do I remove log in ?
ParticipantThe above works a treat the fix did indeed remove the login from the sidebar, and I now have login with ajax running. I have just realised however there is another slight problem I have run into! I have the Buddypress admin bar hidden with the aid of a plugin. But doing this hides the My Account, My mesages, Friends, Profiles, Settings, and Notifications etc section!
Just wondering if it be easier to add a plugin to show notifications etc in side panel, except log in! Or just remove the log in section from the admin bar ?
March 15, 2010 at 9:52 am #68386In reply to: Feature request: Hide certain members
Jens Wedin
ParticipantAlso looking for a way to hide the admins. Anyony have a clue?
March 7, 2010 at 3:20 pm #67100hydroweb
ParticipantWill this hide the groups tab from all but admins and editors, and get rid of the text in forums that says you must join a group? So that member sees only forums, and in forums a list of “groups” or “themes” or whatever, that have been created by admin/editor? Actually, what would be more than wonderful would be a version of BP without groups altogether, with a panel allowing admin to create themes. Thanks, Roger
March 7, 2010 at 6:35 am #67079In reply to: Setting Roles for Registered Users
ParticipantIt’s not any one plugin that does the job. Here’s how I do it.
Create a new blog (let’s call it Test) and set the privacy (more privacy options needed here and bp-mpo-activity-filter to keep it’s content out of the stream) to “only blog admins can see this blog” (this is necessary, but keeps things clean since nothing should get added to this blog).
Use new-blog-defaults to set the blog defaults including menus that the users cannot use.
Members is used to set capabilities of the admin (I don’t change the role of the new blog just the admin’s capabilities) so the admin is “like” an editor or author, but I can still let them change their themes (theme changing is very important to young users).
Wpmu-plugin-manager lets you set which plugins to allow users to use and which ones are automatically turned on (I always turn on Ozh’s Admin Menus for example). Turn on any plugins you want to use and tweek their settings and any other blog settings.
Then Adminimize to further hide menus the users don’t need (it only hides menus, but most users will never find them anyway). Adminimize is great for simplifying the write panels for posts and pages too. Any plugins I don’t want users to change settings on I can make sure they don’t have access to by making sure the menus are hidden.
Now use new-blog-options under the site admin menu and give it the blog id of Test and check off any of the database fields you want new blogs to have (make sure the Members and Adminimize ones are checked). Maybe this isn’t exactly what you want, but it is probably the best overall way to simplify blogs for younger users.
Also since I use these with classes, I just import my whole list from a spreadsheet using DD Import Users as subscribers on the main blog. I use limit-blogs-per-user and set the site-admin/options to 2. Now users can create their own blog, but can only create one blog of their own. This saves me a lot of time, but still gives the users a fair amount of freedom with their blogs.
It isn’t a perfect solution. I would like to see some of the overlapping capabilities put into one plugin for cloning blogs. I would especially like to see the ability to have different templates (ie base blogs to clone from) so that I could have one setup for say grade 1 students and another setup for grade 5 students.
Hope this is useful to someone.
March 5, 2010 at 1:05 am #66786r-a-y
Keymasteris_site_admin() is the function but will probably be deprecated soon when WP 3.0 comes out.
Try this out:
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() && !bp_is_my_profile() && function_exists( 'bp_send_private_message_link' ) && ( my_bp_is_friend() || is_site_admin() ) ) : ?>
re: direct url to private message… you’ll have to modify the /bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/messages/compose.php file in your child theme to do a check for the username and if the logged-in user is friends with that username.
If the username is friends with the logged-in user, show the form to complete the message; if not a friend, don’t show the form.
March 5, 2010 at 1:00 am #66784shaisimchi
ParticipantThere is a function that checks if a user is a site admin (can’t remember the name now but if you can’t find it let me know). you can use it to exclude the admin this allowing him to do send the message.
March 5, 2010 at 12:06 am #66777intimez
ParticipantI did what you mentioned but the code in bp-custom.php is now showing up at the top of the page visible to all. Maybe I missed something else?
edit: ooops, my mistake. It’s working now but I can PM by going direct URL.
edit2: how to enable so admin can still PM w/o being friends?
March 4, 2010 at 9:06 am #66656In reply to: Hide main theme from users
ParticipantHe means either a) install Buddypress with regular, non WPU version of WordPress, possible since BP1.2 or b) go into your Site Admin–>Admin–>Allow new registrations and disable it in the WPMU dashboard.
March 4, 2010 at 5:10 am #66633In reply to: Hide main theme from users
Participant1. problem with blog creation
My wpbp installation is in the folder
When someone wants to create a blog the url he gets is http://hisblog/, which of course won’t work. Any solution? Can I use the present installation with some changes, or have I to start from scratch with a new installation?
2. Just one blog
This may sound funny because wpmu is meant for creating many blogs.
However, my main attraction is in the social network miraculously made possible by buddypress.
For my needs, I only want a single blog (for the admin to put contents) and a social network for users (which includes groups and forums, with the blog-creation option invisible to them).
Is there a way to handle this?
March 3, 2010 at 11:09 pm #66597In reply to: Hide main theme from users
Andrea Rennick
ParticipantGo to the Site Admin menu -> Themes and disable them there.
It does not deactivate the themes, it removes them from the Appearances tab.
March 3, 2010 at 2:40 pm #66529joezsweet
MemberOk it’s working on wpmu + buddypress, i’ve correctly set on secondary blog.
Now i’ve another question is possible to hide buddypress admin bar on main blog and have it displayed only on secondary?
March 2, 2010 at 1:44 pm #66327In reply to: How to control spam registration?
ParticipantAll in all, here’s my approach that I use on MU/BP sites ~
1) modify the register/register.php wp-signup.php hardcoded default text and url slugs.
2) enable xprofile and require additional fields upon registration.
2) use a captcha ~ i’m fond of ReCatcha
3) make sure you and check the NO setting under “Allow blog administrators to add new users to their blog via the Users->Add New page. ” in wp-admin/wpmu-options.php “Admin > Site Options”
4) I ban or limit the registration domains (also in Admin > Site Options) so that the commonly used spammer domains are blocked from registration and then I add an email contact for owners of these addresses to manually request registration. I hide the email address from bots with HiveLogic EnKoder
5) I then firewall off entire blocks of IP’s from my servers from commonly used spammer IP ranges you can find at sources like .. and considering that these are one language sites, the need for access for the IP blocks on the pan asia network or eastern europe are unlikely. If you have a multilingual site, this might cause issues to very few users. Cpanel, Plesk, BSD, etc have tools to do this.. if you’re on a shared server, ask your hosting provider if they can do it for you, and they may be likely doing it already.
6) I also recommend using Askimet.
March 2, 2010 at 5:09 am #66272In reply to: $search_sql in bp-groups-classes.php
Participant1) ] PHP Strict Standards: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 599, referer:
2) PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$current_link in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 375, referer:
3) PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$current_group in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 237, referer:
4) PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$id in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 192, referer:
5) PHP Notice: Undefined index: hide-loggedout-adminbar in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 9, referer:
6) PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 121, referer:
7) PHP Notice: Undefined index: s in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 67, referer:
PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method BP_Groups_Group::get_group_extras() should not be called statically in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 351, referer:
9) PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method BP_Groups_Group::get_popular() should not be called statically in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1746, referer:
10) …
February 27, 2010 at 12:09 pm #65839In reply to: new plugin: BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts
ParticipantAt the moment, the classes are added to individual posts in a topic, by javascript. This results in extra server load, because wordpress has to do two whole startups for each such page. The trade-off is adding another apply_filter and a do_action to the theme, but as this plugin already benefits from one such proposed theme change, we can get two for the price of one.
Proposed change to buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/groups/single/forum/topic.php, from line 26:
<ul id="topic-post-list" class="item-list">
<?php while ( bp_forum_topic_posts() ) : bp_the_forum_topic_post(); ?>
<li <?php
$topic_post_id = bp_get_the_topic_post_id();
echo "id='post-$topic_post_id' class='",
apply_filters('bp_single_forum_topic_post_css',array('class'=>'', 'post_id'=>$topic_post_id)),
?> >
<div class="poster-meta">
<a href="<?php bp_the_topic_post_poster_link() ?>">
<?php bp_the_topic_post_poster_avatar( 'width=40&height=40' ) ?>
<?php echo sprintf( __( '%s said %s ago:', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_the_topic_post_poster_name(), bp_get_the_topic_post_time_since() ) ?>
<div class="post-content">
<?php bp_the_topic_post_content() ?>
<div class="admin-links">
if ( bp_group_is_admin() || bp_group_is_mod() || bp_get_the_topic_post_is_mine() ) :
do_action( 'bp_single_forum_topic_links' , $topic_post_id );
<a href="#post-<?php echo $topic_post_id; ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Permanent link to this post', 'buddypress' ) ?>">#</a>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</ul>Proposed change to buddypress-rate-forum-posts/bp-rate-forum-posts.php, insert:
// modifies the css class for topics to highlight popular posts, and hide very unpopular ones
function rfp_css_class_for_post($args) {
global $rfp;
$class = $args['class'];
$post_rating = rfp_get_post_rating( $args['post_id'] );
$rfpclass = '';
if ( $post_rating == NULL )
$rfpclass = '';
else if ( $post_rating >= $rfp->superboost )
$rfpclass = 'rfp-superboost';
elseif ( $post_rating >= $rfp->boost )
$rfpclass = 'rfp-boost';
elseif ( $post_rating <= $rfp->hide )
$rfpclass = 'rfp-hide';
elseif ( $post_rating <= $rfp->diminish )
$rfpclass = 'rfp-diminish';
//error_log("in rfp_css_class_for_post rating '$post_rating' adding class '$rfpclass' to '$class' with args ".print_r($args,true));
return $class.($class?' ''').$rfpclass;
add_filter( 'bp_single_forum_topic_post_css', 'rfp_css_class_for_post', 3);
function rfp_echo_hidden_post_link($post_id) {
global $rfp;
$post_rating = rfp_get_post_rating( $post_id );
if ( $post_rating && $post_rating <= $rfp->hide )
echo "<span class='rfp-show' onclick='jQuery(this).remove();jQuery("#post-$post_id").removeClass( "rfp-hide" );'>Click to show this hidden post</span>";
add_action( 'bp_single_forum_topic_links', 'rfp_echo_hidden_post_link', 3);And then the javascript section starting
jQuery(document).ready( function()
can be removed from buddypress-rate-forum-posts/js, and the corresponding section can be removed from the end of buddypress-rate-forum-posts/rate.phpFebruary 27, 2010 at 8:57 am #65817In reply to: Security problem – how do i hide the admin account?
Participantwebby, it will be in the memberlist, but nobody will know, that this member is the admin.
February 26, 2010 at 5:23 pm #65725In reply to: Search Function in Admin Bar
Kevin Pine
ParticipantTo move the search try adding this to your CSS:
#search-form {margin-right:30px;}
You can also hide the ‘Visit’ menu item with the following CSS:
February 25, 2010 at 10:58 pm #65609In reply to: Security problem – how do i hide the admin account?
ParticipantOusep, thanks for the advice… but wouldn’t I be in the same situation? My new admin account named “whatever” would still be visible in the member list.
I’m trying to keep people from seeing it…
February 25, 2010 at 7:18 pm #65582In reply to: Security problem – how do i hide the admin account?
ParticipantIf you don’t want to get into the database, the simplest way would be to create another administrator account, logging in as the new admin, and deleting the user named admin.
PS: @hnla Buddypress now works with regular WP, too.
February 25, 2010 at 6:31 pm #65572In reply to: Security problem – how do i hide the admin account?
Hugo Ashmore
ParticipantI would be careful about confusing plain single user WP with WPMU they are not exactly the same beast and that list – which is written with single user WP in mind – suggests things that would perhaps be inadvisable such as renaming DB tables.
As for hiding the admin account not really sure it’s that huge a concern? but others may suggest a means.
February 12, 2010 at 2:15 am #63139snark
ParticipantI found this code that can be wrapped around anything to hide it from everyone but administrators or ediors:
<?php if ( current_user_can( ‘delete_others_posts’ ) ) { //only admins and editors can see this ?>
(Items to be hidden here)
<?php } ?>
To make it work specifically for hiding that “Create a Group” button, I made a new version of the default template’s groups –> index.php file in my child theme, replacing this:
<h3><?php _e( ‘Groups Directory’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?> Â “><?php _e( ‘Create a Group’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php endif; ?></h3>
With this:
<h3><?php _e( ‘Groups Directory’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php if ( current_user_can( ‘delete_others_posts’ ) ) : //only admins and editors can see this ?> Â “><?php _e( ‘Create a Group’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php endif; ?></h3>
It worked like a charm! Now only Admins and Editors can create groups on my site.
February 11, 2010 at 8:39 pm #63119Rich Spott
ParticipantI just did it manually in phpmyadmin, with:
hide_sitewide tinyint(1) default ‘0’,
those settings. It seemed to work fine, no more errors in my logs regarding that. Thank you.
February 10, 2010 at 7:19 pm #63000In reply to: Hide Admin
ParticipantI noticed this topic is marked as resolved. How can I enable this?
January 24, 2010 at 6:38 pm #6152221cdb
ParticipantGreat work! I haven’t had the time for a detailed test, but i have some short feadback for the beginning:
1. Everything works fine and seems logical. Thats great. There could be some front-end twaeks, but i will come back later next week with some more detailed ideas and mockups.
2. From our experience it is great to have advanced edit functions but hide them in a second row from the avarage user (like the wordpress backend editor does). For a wiki article the user (students) should focus on the content instead of any fancy formating. Basic options could be a select-box for h1, h2, h3 (this is important and must be easy accessible, because it will build the toc and people should get used to it) bold, italic, url link, unordered list, and numberd list. Everything else could go in a second or third row which appears if you click some “advanced options” button.
3. (future release) A searchable wiki directory page with all public pages.
4. (future release) “Suggest a wiki page” button so that non admin-members could ask the admin to create a new wiki page for them.
5. (future release) non-admin wiki page creation
January 19, 2010 at 4:13 pm #61121In reply to: Multiple user types – possible?
ParticipantI don’t have a solution for all your problems but assigning different “user” types to your site is easy:
– Create a xprofile field in your BuddyPress admin. For example: What kind of user are you:
a. Swimmer
b. Skater
c. Surfer
– Install the BP Member filter plugin:
– Users can now filter members on the member directory page to find certain usertypes
The only thing you might want to look into is to show/hide specific xprofile fields for different groups. That’s more advanced and requires some new code to be written by someone
Good luck!
edit: Maybe if you combine both tips from Boris and me you just got your solution
ps: I’m interested in the jquery profile fields stuff as well.. sounds handy!
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