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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #267577


    That seems like a good solution, I tried installing it though and now it seems like the activation emails aren’t being sent. Just wondering if this is a known bug or if there’s anything you recommend trying to fix it?

    Thanks again



    I was just wondering if it’s possible to change what page is redirected to once a user clicks the link in the activation email. Currently once the link is clicked it takes you to the home page but for me it’d be preferable to take them back to their profile page so they can continue adding to it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!



    In reply to: Invalid Activation Key


    I am having the same problem with my web site, and I have figured out why the problem happens, and why the problem is intermittent…

    Here is the problem: a user registers for a BuddyPress account, receives the activation email, follows the link in the activation email, and gets the “Invalid activation key” error. Yet, their account really *is* activated, and they can log in and use their account. A different user does exactly the same thing, and everything works great for them – they get the “Account Successfully Activated” page.

    *Some* users have this problem, most don’t. The ones that do? They seem to have “Blue Coat K-9 Web Protection” software installed on their computers. This is software that is generally installed by parents to keep children from viewing inappropriate content on the internet. When the user follows the “activation” link, K-9 (running on the user’s computer) sends the URL to Blue Coat’s servers, which hit the URL (causing the account activation to succeed). Blue Coat’s servers analyse the “account activation succeeded” response, decides that web page is “kid friendly”, and then tells the user’s computer that that URL is “safe”. The user’s browser is then allowed to hit the URL, but, since that BuddyPress account has already been activated (by Blue Coat’s servers), the user sees the “Invalid activation key” error message, because we tried to activate the BuddyPress account twice.

    Assuming that Blue Coat’s K-9 software is not the only “internet safety” software that acts in this way, it might be a good idea to change the BuddyPress “account activation” system to display an “activation succeeded” message when a user (or their “internet safety” software) tries to activate a BuddyPress account more than once.

    Here are more details, in case if anybody is interested…

    I instrumented my site’s “index.php” and my site’s “public_html\wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\members\activate.php” with code that logs tons of stuff, including the IP address of the user. This led to the following discovery…

    When a non-K-9 user follows the “activation” link, “index.php” gets hit (from their computer’s IP address), which invokes the fore-mentioned “activate.php”, which activates the account and emits the “activation successful” web page, and all is well. One web request happened, as demonstrated by “$_SERVER[‘UNIQUE_ID’]”.

    When a K-9 user follows the “activation” URL, however, a MUCH different situation occurs, which involves four separate web requests. The first two requests come from an IP address that is registered to Blue Coat Systems / Symantec Corporation, the makers of the K-9 Internet Protection software. The second two requests come from the user’s computer…

    * Web request #1 – Blue Coat’s computer hits “index.php” with the activation URL’s ending slash missing.

    * Web request #2 – Blue Coat’s computer hits “index.php” again, with the correct activation URL this time. This invokes lots of PHP code (on my server), which eventually results in “activate.php” running and the account activation succeeding. The reply (the “account activation succeeded” web page) is delivered to Blue Coat’s servers, who analyses it and decide that the web page is “kid friendly”, so it tells K-9 (running on the user’s computer) that it’s OK to show that page.

    * Web request #3 – The user’s computer finally hits “index.php”, in order to activate the account.

    * Web request #4 – The user’s computer hits “index.php” again, with the registration key removed from the end of the URL this time. This invokes lots of misc PHP code, which eventually results in “activate.php” running and failing this time, because the activation has already happened (back in web request #2, which Blue Coat made, in order to determine if that web page is “kid friendly” or not).

    I have no idea why the user’s computer (in #3 and #4) make two requests instead of one. However, even if it made just one, it would still show the error message, because that’s the second time the BuddyPress account was activated.

    – kcscience


    Hi there,

    We have run into one heck of a problem. Our site is about to launch, but when test users sign up and click on the link they receive in an email to activate their account, they get a “Invalid Activation Key” message.

    We are using BuddyPress version 2.8.2 and WordPress 4.8. This is a directory site. We use GeoDirectory.

    This is a new issue. The sign-up and activation process used to work perfectly!

    What I have done thus far is deactivate all the plugins but BuddyPress- no joy. Then I deactivated and deleted BuddyPress and reinstalled it. That did not work either. Then I switched the theme to 2016 – same issue. Here is a screenshot of that:

    Our website is

    Help! Thank you!


    I created a test user account on my site,
    If I go to Users > manage signups, I see the new user account,
    So I click the email link to resend the activation email,
    It sends the new account activation email

    Why doesn’t it send it when the user created the account?
    And I need to know is Buddypress forcing new members into that pending list?
    Meaning it’s not automatically registering new accounts or sending them their activation email when they sign up.

    I’m confused.


    Cause was found. Issue resolved. One extended profile field (required) has not been loaded to the registration page. Therefore email is not sent. Once the field was deleted, activation mails are sent.


    WordPress 4.7.5
    BuddyPress 2.8.2


    Legitimate users are unable to register at the site as no mail is sent for verification link. But spammers who may not complete sign up ?get verification and registered.How can this happen? Notifications and contact forms work nicely. Is it different email set ups in buddypress causing this issue?
    But wordpress (after deactivating buddypress) alone can send the verification mail.
    I tried with WP-SMTP mail plugin change. Tried to configure host environment. But failed. Can someone analyze?
    Thank you in advance.


    WordPress 4.7.5
    BuddyPress 2.8.2
    Pressing the ‘Complete Sign Up. button does not send the email to the registering user after correct completion of the registration form. Instead it shows the completed form with empty password fields.
    All went smoothly with more than 25 plugins. To troubleshoot I deactivated all plugins including buddypress and checked with wordpress registration. It worked. But activation of buddypress resulted the same problem.
    I have tried with most in the forums discussed earlier, but failed up to now. Emails from contact forms work. WP-Mail-SMTP and BuddyPress are the activated plugins at the moment.
    I think since this issue has been common with buddypress for long period, I will be helped by you guys. Thanks in advance.


    Hi, I want to add to the after registering message that reminds users to check their spam folder if they don’t see their activation email. Can this be done? If so, how? Thank you.



    Wordpress: Version 4.7.5
    BuddyPress: Version 2.8.2
    Site Link:

    I just started up a new site and have been having trouble finding an answer to some issues I’ve been having. This is related to the BuddyPress notification emails that get sent out to users when they register for the site and when they receive other notifications.

    Here are some of the Email Macros being used:



    Whenever a URL like that is inserted automatically into the email it generates something strange that points to somewhere on the site that does not exist.


    I don’t have a /c/ directory on my site, nor did I indicate wanting to use an “email” subdomain.

    I’m not quite sure what is going on here so hopefully somebody can help!


    Hi there,

    My site requires 2 user roles – ‘Female Subscriber’ and ‘Male Subscriber’. There are specific content restricted only to each role. On my BP registration, it allows them to choose gender as either Male or Female.

    Is it possible for me to:

    1. Modify the Activation Link to set the user as ‘Female Subscriber’ or ‘Male Subscriber’ based on their gender selection on the registration page?

    2. If not, can I allow them to select the role (‘Female Subscriber’ or ‘Male Subscriber’) in the registration page and disable email activation altogether so that they are automatically logged on. Because the activation link in the email sets the role back to the WordPress default which is ‘Subscriber’

    Thanks for your help!
    WP Version 4.7.5. BuddyPress Version: Came with SocialChef Theme


    I want users to have to use a generated activation key to use to finalize accessing our site. However, once use register on our menu, they are told an email has been sent. Once they open the email, they receive a notice and a link to click the link to finalize activation (as it did in the past). Once they click the link, they are told they now have access to the site. This current setup allows anyone to register without being approved by our admin. This is what we want to avoid.

    I am not sure where to start, but we want the people to register, receive activation code to their emails, plug in the activation code and submit, and then wait for us to approve and generate the approval emails. This will also us to preview who the person(s) is before allowing them to access our site.

    Please help!


    Wordpress 4.7.4
    Buddy press 2.8.2
    The problem exists with or without the current theme.
    Hi Folks,
    When somebody registers with my new forum they receive an activation email which then sends them to a page which claims an activation code error message. I believe they can actually log in but this looks so messed up that people will not want to stay.
    Can anyone please tell me how to correct this?
    I have tried deactivating all widgets but to no avail.
    I would be very grateful for any help as this is stopping me from advertising my site to new users.


    Really this makes no sense to me.

    I created a custom template for a page im working on and copied over the change.avatars.php to the custom page..
    Should work in theory, at least I thought.But the upload or crop didnt work.
    The dotted box wasn’t even there.

    So I ended up creating a index-action-change-avatar.php file and placed it in the BuddyPress/members/single directory and copied the change.avatars.php code over.
    And also added general-after-wrap and general-before-wrap to the file.

    Then back to my custom.php template file I added
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=<?php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain();?>profile/change-avatar/" />

    So now my custom page template looks like this before it gets redirected.

    Then after the redirect the page looks like this.

    I wanted my custom page to look like the 2nd pic.
    Now if I remove the index-action-change-avatar.php file it would just redirect me to the normal user profile page to upload the Avatar.
    But I didn’t want that for this custom page I am doing.

    So now that I added the index-action-change-avatar.php file it will just override the default change-avatar.php as its expected to do but unfortunately that means when a user clicks on his profile settings and selects upload avatar it would direct them to the index-action-change-avatar.php file that has some changed settings I’ve added.

    This is what I was trying to do.
    Step 1-user registers on homepage.
    Step 2-user is redirected to the check email for activation page.
    Step 3-user clicks activation link within their email.
    Step 4-user is redirected to my custom page notifying account is activated.

    Now on step 4 I was going to add the option to upload their avatar or just continue.

    Now what I could do is just add a href link that would redirect them to their profile to upload but it would defeat the purpose of what I was aiming for.

    Another option i might just do is after activation have them auto logged in and redirected to the activity page then from there I’ll add a tour of the website.


    Here is what I’m am trying to do.

    User registers on the homepage.
    User is redirected to the check email for activation page.
    User clicks activation link.
    User is redirected to the activation success page.
    On step 4, I’m either trying to add a 5th step redirecting to a custom avatar upload page.

    I know how to redirect to a page but I have no idea what code to copy over from BuddyPress to that blank page.

    Does anyone know how I can achieve this?


    Update: nvm it only worked flawlessly when I had it all to the default wp-login.php.

    When someone registers to my site they are redirected to my buddypress register.php and within that page is would say thank you for registering please check your email for activation link.

    I wanted to place a resend activation email on the same page so I placed this code in that register.php file

    $resend_url=( ‘If you have not received an email yet, click here to resend it.’, ‘buddypress’ ), esc_url( $resend_url ) );

    The problem is ran into is the plugin wp security I use has an option to change the wp-login.php to whatever I want so I just renamed it to /login.

    I then changed the wp-login.php in the code to login?action and the linked redirected to the correct wp-login now the /login page but never sent the resent activation email.

    I also have it when a user trys to login without activating first it would post an error on the login popup with the resend activation email, if I keep wp-login.php it works but if I change the wp-login.php to just /login it won’t work.

    Those two issues have me confused. I’m totally new to php and recently been studying as much as I can but all the documentation out there had me struggling to Figuer this out.
    Does anyone by chance have any insight on this?


    Tyvm for the reply.

    It seems I get redirected to a 404 page when the resend activation email link is clicked.
    Here’s the path that leads to it.
    Most likely a plugin conflict since I hide wp pages from the public.

    I’m trying to do something similar like the code below.
    class=”bp_registration_needs_activation”>Resend Activation Email

    Henry Wright

    You can trigger an activation email manually:

    bp_core_signup_send_validation_email( $user_id, $user_email, $activation_key );

    You will need to get $user_id, $user_email and $activation_key before hand.


    Anyone know where I can find the code to create a resend activation email by having new user click a link to resend the activation email?


    How do you change or edit the activation email that gets sent out automatically when someone registers to your website?

    some of the hooks I’ve seen online are outdated I think and the couple of plugins I’ve seen are not current.

    I’ve just installed buddypress – please help


    Finally,Activation email account is working now.But,Once i click activating link from mail id , it goes to wordpress login page.i dont want it.I need Buddypress login page or popup login page.How it change from wordpress login page to buddypress login page/popup login page?


    Hi @arbolife any chance you even vaguely remember what you did to get new user activation email being sent out when using WPML + BuddyPress? Like you, everything works 100% correctly on the ‘English’ side when new users register, requests membership for a private BP group, logs-in, etc – BUT if a user registers on the french registration page (fr/register/) they never get any emails (I they are foever listed as “pending” in the user area). I’ve also noticed that no emails (outgoing) get triggered if an existing user switches to the /fr/ side & tries to join a private BuddyPress group. Trying to access the /fr/wp-login.php page (or the password reset) from the /fr/ side will also trigger a 404 page. So, like you mentioned, it’s a setting “somewhere” in WPML to resolve these (many) anomalies, but for whatever reason, I can’t see to find the resolution!

    My test setup:

    WP: 3.7.4
    BP: 2.8.2
    WPML: 3.7.0
    BuddyPress WPML Plugin:



    he whole wordpress site is slow for logged out users and I not sure if it’s related to bbpress or buddypress. Every page take about 4 sec and 0.5 sec for logged in users

    Wordpress: 4.7.3
    Buddypress: 2.8.2
    bbpress: 2.6b2
    25000 users

    With QueryMonitor I can see the following
    SELECT wp_users.ID,wp_users.user_login,wp_users.user_pass,wp_users.user_nicename,wp_users.user_email,wp_users.user_url,wp_users.user_registered,wp_users.user_activation_key,wp_users.user_status,wp_users.display_name
    FROM wp_users
    WHERE 1=1
    AND wp_users.ID IN (40269,32606,34524,34322,40331,40334,36153,25677… and all user id’s

    Caller is WP_User_Query->query()

    Plugin buddypress

    The funny thing is if I disable bbpress and rtMedia with (bbpress plugin) that big query is not taking place.

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