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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #174982

    In reply to: No Activation email


    @soccercoach12345 WP/BP versions? Where are you hosted? Have you checked if activation emails are sent and received if you deactivated BuddyPress?


    Write a filter.

    buddypress\bp-members\bp-members-functions.php Line 1396

    $message = apply_filters( ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message’, $message, $user_id, $activate_url );


    PS: I’ve tried Welcome Pack but that didn’t work. (WP 3.6, BP 1.8.1)


    Thank you for the prompt response. In my haste, I ended up using this plugin: ( ) although it wasn’t the ideal choice since I’m already using a lot of plugins.

    I will definitely try this code out although the “Check Your Email to Activate Your Account” notification could still pose a problem. It just sounds like the kind of thing that wouldn’t bother me at first but then I would quickly become nitpicky about. Either way, I’m happy to just have a nice, easy way to override the activation email without the use of a plugin.

    I do wonder if the users that had already registered prior to me using this override will be able to now log in just fine without still needing the activation email. I did a few test runs using the plugin I mentioned above and found that users who registered prior still needed the activation code to log in.

    Finally, the help tour is a custom plugin built on top of twitter’s bootstrap 3 framework. I found the code for it here:
    It was very easy to install and only worked because the theme I’m currently using is built on the bootstrap framework.


    You can avoid the need for activation email by using this code in bp-custom.php

    function bp_disable_validation( $user_id ) {
      global $wpdb;
      $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 0 WHERE ID = %d", $user_id ) );
    add_action( 'bp_core_signup_user', 'disable_validation' );
    add_filter( 'bp_registration_needs_activation', '__return_false', 100 );

    But the next screen will still inject this $title:
    “Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!”

    Even with a template over-ride!

    I think it’s reasonable that if this filter is applied:
    add_filter( ‘bp_registration_needs_activation’, ‘__return_false’ );

    That you shouldn’t need a database operation.
    And the $title should not be injected.

    Currently, the only way I see to change that $title is to hack a core file.
    Hacking core files is NOT recommended.
    That said, see:
    plugins\buddypress\bp-members\bp-members-screens.php and find Line 515.

    [ I’d love to be wrong about all this and hope somebody has an easier approach. ]

    If you’d like to help BP and anyone else trying to solve this problem,
    please submit an enhancement ticket at
    Use the same user / pw you use here.

    Now… a question for you… On your site you have a very nice help tour using overlay boxes. The first box says: “Welcome. Every nonprofit deserves good design and good technology.”

    Did you write a custom script / plugin for this?
    Or find an existing plugin?


    In reply to: Confirmation Message


    Hey @mercime

    The answer on Stack Overflow changes the subject line and body text of the activation email. The text @derock299 would like to change is displayed on the registration page (registration.php template). Probably worth changing both though, for a complete custom look and feel 🙂


    In reply to: Activation email


    Welcome pack by Paul Gibbs will allow you to customise the text in all emails that get sent out via BuddyPress

    With reference to the emails not getting through to users, perhaps try reverting to the default theme, deactivate all plugins (aside from BP) and see if the problem is still happening.


    Still waiting for confirmation if this is a known bug? I really don’t think users that have not activated their account with the activation email should be showing up in the members directory when sorting the members alphabetically because logically they should not be considered members until they have completed the registration and activation process. Any thoughts?


    No it is not supposed to happen but unfortunately it does. I believe it is more of a servers time handling of the activation email that causes this issue. I have seen this happen before and if the user just ignores the enter activation key and just logs in then they are successful.


    @bphelp I haven’t been able to test this for you yet but I did notice yesterday that non-activated users get given a URL which is visible to anyone. For example, if you completed the registration form on my site and chose username ‘bphelp’ – even before you click on the link in the activation email you will be able to go to

    Here you’d see: Your name, the mystery man avatar etc.

    Imagine a site that has lots of spam signups. They’d have hundreds if not thousands on unused URLs.

    How is this currently handled by BP?


    Worked fine for me! After the user clicks the activation email link test it and see if they can just login even though it asks for an activation key. In other words just ignor that activation key page and login in using the credentials they signed up with. Let us know if they are able to login.


    1.) You do realize BP is a WP plugin right? It is not its own entity therefor if the user registers with BP activated, they are also registering with WP.
    2.) By default if a user enters a wrong password they are then redirected to wp-login.php if you want to include the lost password link there may be some login widget plugins that includes that link, other wise you could get that link from wp-login.php and hard code it into your child themes sidebar.php which may not be a good idea until you get a little more experience. Try searching for plugins that will accomplish this before going that route.
    3.) You may want to check the spam folder to see if the activation email went there. If not then check your servers error logs and report back.


    In reply to: Registration Process



    I’m trying to edit the message body and I’ve managed using your code @henrywright-1 but in the process I have lost the link that they need to click on. I’m obviously missing a variable, can you help me identify what it is?

    This is the code I have:

    # Edit activation email
    function activation_email_message_filter( $message, $user_id ) {
    	$message = 'Thanks for registering! To complete the activation of your account please click the following link or copy and paste it into your browser\'s address bar:';
    	return $message;
    add_filter('bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message', 'activation_email_message_filter', 10, 2 );

    The email comes through with the edited message text, but the activation ink itself is missing.


    Hi fellows,

    : I deactivated BP and its Plugin and i registered a new user as subscriber but the new user did not get the activation mail too(meanwhile, i tick the box that allows new users to get the credentials), but i (as the administrator) got an email about the newly registered user.

    So, the problem here is not with BP, its has to do with WP itself. Any suggestion or way out in solving this issues?

    I’ll expect your response.

    – Samuel


    @asieger as hnla mentioned above, deactivate BuddyPress and BP plugins. Can you register/activate an account with BP deactivated?


    In reply to: Email after activation


    Good shout, thanks @henrywright-1


    In reply to: Email after activation


    You could also try Welcome Pack by Paul Gibbs – it allows you to send a welcome email and also customise the various more emails BuddyPress sends out:


    In reply to: Email after activation


    Perfect, hopefully somebody finds this useful!


    In reply to: Email after activation


    Realise I am replying to my own thread, but just came across this:

    Send Welcome email to Users when they activate their account on WordPress & BuddyPress Based Social Network

    Will resolve this thread if it works.


    @hnla; thanks.

    ; i have checked all the spam folder of the emails used, no such mail as the activation email.

    Thanks all
    _ Samuel


    @asieger A rather basic question: Have you checked the Spam folders in your email accounts?

    Hugo Ashmore

    I do hope they didn’t really say could only be fixed by buddypress support. Generally email issues are not BP problems, and currently BP has no issues I’m aware of in sending registration emails, which also is really a WP function.

    Easy check that should have been run first would have been and still ought to be tried is to disable BP and simply try registering an account under WP.

    Often email issues fall under the heading of ‘Domain Record’ issues i.e email servers rejecting an email as it can’t be verified as authorised on the sending domain or there’s no PTR record or SPF record, or simply that the server sendmail is at issue, these though are not really problems that lie with WP or BP which normally happily send out emails.

    Search this forum though as these issues have been discussed many times and you’ll find more info in the archives.


    Yes fair point @henrywright-1 – will add some copy for those users too 🙂


    Hi @applegateian

    The activation form is there mainly to give website admininstrators the ability to activate users accounts manually. So, removing the form won’t cause any problems.

    One issue with the text you’ve added to the page – keep in mind any logged out website visitor viewing the activation page will see that text – so “your account has already been activated” won’t always be true.


    For now I have changed the copy on the activate.php page in my theme to make sense. It still works first time a user visits, but if they do it again, they get a page with some copy that helps them. The key field can never be used anyway.

    Is there a smarter fix?

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