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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • koltz

    I just installed BuddyPress 7.1 and seems to be functioning. I had to create an Activate page which was fine. I tested a new account and they received an email with the activation link. I clicked the link and it when to the Activate page with the code. I clicked activate but the only notification the user receives is the URL changes to activate=1 or something like that. The page itself is blank. Is there a way to announce on the page that it was successful?



    I am using WordPress version 4.9 and I installed buddypress also setup it. Now I am facing problem regarding user registration form. After filling all the detail and click to sign up, it show message “your account have been created please check email to activate it”. But I won’t receive any email to active my buddypress account.

    Please help me to get rid out of this problem.

    Thank you.

    Lars Henriksen


    I am not sure if this is BP-related, bc WP was recently updated as well, but my site is not sending activation emails and messages anymore.

    Anyone else having this issue or some advice for trouble shooting?

    Thanks , Lars



    in group forum Requests & Feedback

    Hi all trust we are doing great, please i did set up this registration field in my wordpress using buddypress with following perimeter as seen here, when ever i set up an account for my student , they receive activation code via email, i want to include a message that tell the student that they are enrolled to group a,b or c, together with the activation email, how can i achieve this ??


    After registration, an account activation link is sent to user’s email. But when user click on that link, it will show 404 page not found error. Also members, groups page are working. But create group page, user profile page, settings page etc all are showing an error. Please check for this issue and help me out to solve this.


    PHP version is up to date, and yes it’s silly that despite everyone constantly having this issue they refuse to address it. They don’t need to click a link just auto log them in and take them to their profiles. I’m actually losing money right now because people aren’t able to even get into their accounts after the register. It makes you look incompetent to someone who’s trying to join your site for the first time and they can’t even log in! ADD A TOGGLE OPTION! We all want the option to turn email activations off!


    Yes, this is a much desired application in BuddyPress. We have this application in our theme, the users are registered and activated simultaneously. In case you are interested, link.
    We’ve even extended this Buddypress function into registering with a user with custom role or member type, registering in groups, sending custom activation email and on activation sending custom welcome emails all controlled at the point of registration itself.


    So this has been an on and off issue I have struggled with using buddypress. Several users haven’t received an activation link. Whether it’s the fact that the link itself looks super spammy or some email servers have security issues with wordpress sending sketchy linksI have no idea. All I can say is with captcha plugins there really is no reason to force an activation link. A toggle feature should be added to buddypress to switch between auto account activation and email activation. I just had 5 people today say that the activation email was nowhere to be found. It makes it all the more frustrating when you are running paid ad’s to get sign ups on your site while this issue is happening. I’m on wp version5.5.3 and buddypress version 6.3.0 installed on the Arcane gaming theme by skywarriors.


    I also tried a separate SMTP plugin. That also sends emails fine. But will not send the Registration/Activation email.


    When a new user registers, no activation email is sent out. I checked all the settings and don’t understand what seems to be the problem.
    WordPress emails are sending normally.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.



    Hello Buddy Press team

    I’m using wp Version 5.5.1 and BP version 6.3.0 and WP Fastest Cache Premium 1.5.9 and iThemes Security Pro 6.5.1.


    1. How can the consumer skip the activation key page?
    After the consumer receives the account activation email, the consumer used to be able to skip the activation key page. But now the consumer can’t skip.

    2. Sometimes the activation page doesn’t load in register page.
    When the consumer clicks the complete sign up button in register page, it sometimes goes to the Activate page with activate your account title normally.

    However, sometimes the password input field is initialized, and the consumer must enter the password and confirm password again and click the complete sign up button to go to the Activate page.


    Does anyone know how to add a link to the registration page that the user can resend the activation email?


    Hi there,

    We are experiencing issues with the Buddypress emails being sent in plain text, without any styling to it. I’m not experienced in coding/development, so I’m struggling to understand the logic behind the functions of Buddypress/WordPress that send the email.

    As an example, we created an HTML email template through that would like to use for the activation email. How do we go about applying our own template to the emails being sent?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Wordpress: 5.5.1
    Buddypress: 6.3.0
    Youzer: 2.6.2
    Mailgun: 1.7.1 (emails sent via Mailgun API)
    Theme: Olympus 3.8


    Does anyone know how to resolve this issue.

    When my users signup and click on the activation email, they receive the text below with an input field.

    Please provide a valid activation key.
    Activation Key:


    Hi buddypress,
    I just install new theme and theme have buddypress on it. i just realize there is issue when user register.
    User can receive email contain link and key but when actiavtion link click nothing happen user stil on pending.

    Can you help me with this problem ?



    I’m having horrendous issues too from the last Buddypress update. Every single time someone creates an account with my website they receive a ‘fatal error’ message. When I manually activate a new account, I also receive a ‘fatal error’ message and an email advising that there’s a technical issue with my website. The email confirms that there’s an error with the Buddypress plugin.

    For years now, when someone clicks the activation link in my emails they are no longer taken to their user dashboard (which is what used to happen), now they are taken to a screen with a pre-populated box containing an activation link. This confuses them and I end up getting an email asking why they can’t access their account.

    As a user for the last 3 years I’d really appreciate some valuable feedback (and action!) on the above major issues.



    Dear Forum Members,

    I am trying to customize the standard buddypress activation email that is sent upon registration of a new user (I am using latest WordPress and Buddypress Versions).

    After following the suggestions on, I did manage to edit the subject line with following snippet in wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php:

    add_filter( 'bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_subject', 'custom_buddypress_activation_subject', 10, 2 );
    function custom_buddypress_activation_subject( $subject, $user_id ) {
        $user = get_userdata( $user_id );
        return $user->user_login . ' – Activate your ' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . ' account';

    This works fine.

    However, the following snippet for customizing the message of the email does not work:

    add_filter( 'bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message', 'custom_buddypress_activation_message', 10, 3 );
    function custom_buddypress_activation_message( $message, $user_id, $activate_url ) {
        $user = get_userdata( $user_id );
        return "Hi $user->user_login,
    Thanks for registering! To complete the activation of your account please click the following link:

    I have tried the approach, as outlined here, too. It did not work neither.

    I am not sure whether this hook (bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message) is still working or if there is a better way to hook into this message.

    Could anybody shed some light on this issue and help me with customizing the activation email content while still prodiving activation link and activation key?

    Thanks a lot and kind regards


    Hello, I’m coming back to you. My webhost has fixed IP blacklisting issue. Now I am able to send emails from my server to hotmail. But using buddypress, it is impossible. Activation Emails are not send.


    Unforunately I’m not familiar with woocommerce or the functionality it adds. BuddyPress does have the functionality you describe but it is not related to that field.
    You can test this by disabling woocommerce and creating a new account but not clicking the link in the activation email, it should then show as pending.
    Have you opened a request over on woocommerce support?


    that double opt in column is not part of buddypress.

    I thought the activation is part of WooCommerce and BuddyPress gives me the oportunity to manually activate accounts even if I haven’t the activation link that is send with the registration email.

    relating to newletters or similar

    The column is definitely for user activation I’ve set the value via phpMyAdmin from waiting to activated and it activates the user.


    Hi, manage signup takes you to the users who are pending on your site, so those who have filled in their details but have not followed the activation link they are emailed (assuming you haven’t turned this off). On my sites they don’t appear on the Dashboard Users page under all, there is a seperate pending option that should show you the same view as the manage signup link.

    I think Vaparuns suggested fix is related to the actual members page that is visable to all users on your site.

    Could you expand on your exact issue maybe with a screenshot? It is also useful if you could try some of the basic tests in and supply some of the additional details regarding plugins/themes.


    I have last version of wordpress and bbpress, i have also wpml. Email for activation is not sent. All other emails works. Thanks


    I’m setting up Buddypress and when I register a new account the activation email keeps bouncing back to the sender address. I get the following error:

    SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
    550 Messages should have one or no To headers, not 2.

    The “To” address IS in the “To” field TWICE but I can’t figure out why. I assume that’s why it’s bouncing back. I don’t have any other registration or membership plugins running right now. I am using WP SMTP MAIL to enable me to use Gmail as my sender. It DOES send the test email properly, and only to one address in the “To” field.

    Any advice on this?

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