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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #80668
    rich! @ etiviti

    i don’t have the thread on hand but andy posted up a solution with filters/hooks to disable the email and change the user status


    Just subscribing because I’m also interested in a solution to this.

    Van Murray

    @zlamczyk: I think we are trying to work on the same thing.

    I am getting spammed (bad) and they are simply using the activation email to approve themselves. My thought was just do a manual approval to either “activate”, “send activation email” or “delete from wp-signup”.

    I have modified manual member approve for BuddyPress so I can see the signup table and manually approve members.

    I just need to stop the automatic sending of the activation email. Do you know how?

    I’ve simply tried commenting out the following line in wp-core-signup.php to test, but it’s not working.
    wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $message_headers );

    This is the function; but for some reason the activation email still goes out.


    This thread has the closest solution I’ve found: Still has a couple issues to workaround though.

    Van Murray

    @hnla and @boonebgorges: I found this plugin a while back and modified it to work with BuddyPress. Let me know if you need it still.

    Anyone know how to stop sending the activation email? I don’t want to disable the activation function; I just want to stop sending the email automatically. I want to selectively send it. I figure I would just add this function to the manual approve plugin so I could either:
    Manually Approve
    Manually Send Activation Email
    Delete the Signup

    I’m getting killed with spam users (that are easily identifiable)


    In reply to: Spam Blogs

    Van Murray

    Also; each “blast” of spam users/blogs appear to come from different IPs, but the username always has a 7 digit number pattern after a random name. They all appear to come from “.info” email registrations.

    These registrations are bypassing the public registration form requirements somehow, but I believe they are legitimately activating their account (since I’ve had delays after disabling the registration form). There are entries in both _users and _signups tables that match.

    Hope this helps if anyone else is having this issue. I’m open to any temporary solutions for this particular pattern, but more importantly is there a good way to solve this long term?

    Is there a way to manually approve members? Maybe some step in between that would allow a manual send of the account activation email?

    ok guys. figured it out. this killed me today. godamighty.

    needed somebody to send me link to this resource:

    anyway, there’s some kind of mail issue for ppl hosted at bluehost. you have to get the Mail From plugin:

    and then everything works fine.

    just heads up for ppl that have this issue in the future.

    any other suggestions?

    yes, receiving email from WP (comment notification).

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Disable BuddyPress. Do you get any emails from WordPress on itself? e.g. user registration, comment notification, etc.

    i just deleted the plugin. then reinstalled. tested with a different email account.

    is it possible that there’s something wrong with my server that’s preventing these emails from being sent?


    If you put it in functions.php you’ll probably need to do something like this:
    function auto_login_bp() {
    //Automatically log the user in
    $user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
    do_action(‘wp_signon’, $user_info->user_login);

    add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification’, ‘auto_login_bp’ );

    Although, even then it might not know the $user_id variable. So, you might have to add the code in my original post to the bp-auto-activate-user-and-blog plugin on line 170 or so. Although, that will cause the issues I mentioned above I think.


    @crashutah thanks a lot man for your responses and information. I’ve noticed that there is some differences indeed between single and MU handling the whole registration, activation, and log in processes.

    I tried this piece of code (in my functions.php after the disabling activation and email bits) however it game me some weird behavior and my backend became non functional. I probably missed something (used the code as is while I needed to modify) or maybe one of my other plugins is causing misbehavior? I have auto redirect to profile on login plugin, and branded login plugin activated.



    @mazen I just figured out the code to make it work on WP. I’ll add it to my plugin above soon. Here’s the code:
    //Automatically log the user in
    $user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
    do_action(‘wp_signon’, $user_info->user_login);

    I tried it a little with WPMU. It kind of works, but there’s some sequencing that needs to happen better. Cause it logs me in, but not before the login box appears in the sidebar. So, it looks like you’re not logged in, but you are. Which is weird, because it’s not happening to me on WP. Although, it’s likely cause on WP I’m hooking to bp_core_signup_user and in WPMU it hooks to wpmu_signup_user_notification.

    Who’s for a unified signup process (WPMU and WP) now that they’re one?


    @mazen I’m planning to look at this as well. Just haven’t had time yet. My plan was to look at how this plugin does it: Hopefully that can be used to do the automatic login. I know there’s a paid plugin that does it so it’s possible.


    hey guys, this is all awesome, btw the code to disable activation email from being sent is not working, however I edited that into a welcome email instead and removed the link. My qustion is, how can we automatically sign in registered users? :)

    They are activated already so it is pointless to ask them to log in, really.

    Any ideas?



    Problem was a NOT-installed Mailserver on a v-server :-(


    I have had this issue as well and I am running WP MU 2.9.2 w/ BP 1.2.3. This also occurred in previous releases of BuddyPress.


    Hi, I’ve just created my first installation of buddypress and I’m having the same issue. Activation email hasn’t been received for 3 accounts I’ve set up with 3 different email addresses.

    any ideas? thanks!



    Is there anyway to disable activation emails so that people do not have to click to activate their membership? We are using the s2member plugin and 95% of our paid users miss the email or it gets filed in bulk email.

    Frank & Stein

    Hello Boone.
    Thank you for your kind help. I’m new to BP and i am still trying to understand in depth how it works. About your suggestions there are a few things that do not work exactly as you said (at least for me).
    1. Admin has to approve all new sign-ups and make the new Member part of 1 (and only one) Group. Only after this action by the Admin, an activation email is sent to the new Member. As an alternative to this process, a new Member could only sign-up after the Admin sends him an invite to a particular Group.
    I need the Admin to review the sign-up request, add the new member to a particular group and then send a confirmation to the new member. With the suggestion you made (wp-invites + bp-group-management) all works well, but the member gains access to the website as soon as he signs-up. When he logs in for the first time he is still not part of a group, because most probably the Admin didn’t have time to do this. For me it’s not important if the system is set in a way that it has to be the Admin to invite new members or if is up for the new members to ask to join. As long as the new member gains access exclusively after he has been added to a group by the Admin.

    2. If the Groups are set to private they still appear in the group directory. I changed them to hidden and now they can only be seen by it’s members, which is perfect for my needs. But since that now i’m left with one empty tab in the groups directory (all groups), is there a way of making it disappear by editing some file? If so, which one and where?

    3. Members can only see the list of the other Members of his Group
    For now, even with all groups set to hidden, the members can have access to a list of all members. Is there a way to make them have access to a list of only the members of his group?

    4. How can i prevent members to exit the group or groups they are part of? Maybe by editing some file?

    Again, i appreciate all the help that you can provide.
    Thank you.


    Hey All
    I am so glad I found this thread =)
    I have 2 seperate hosting accounts both with Bluehost I have pretty much the same WP and BP setup in subdomains on both accounts. 1 setup was working fine and the other would not send tha activation code so I am thinking that maybe this is a problem on SOME but not all bluehost accounts.

    anyhow … Thanks Ruthlessbookie for the find!

    Nick Watson

    @stwc and everyone else.

    I’ve been experiencing problems with spammers constantly, I would get about 11 a day, (at the minimum). I’ve tried several things, reCaptcha, email activation, email domain blocking, etc etc and nothing seemed to help with the bot spammers.

    All they were doing was creating users with a few profile fields filled out, so there was no big issue, it was just annoying seeing so many fake users on the site.

    So all I did out of the suggestions here was enter the code provided for the .htaccess file :

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POST
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .yourbpsignupslug*
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.*yourhomedomain.* [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$
    RewriteRule (.*) [R=301,L]

    And it seemed to have worked. For the signup slug, I used wp-signup.php. And so far, for about a day and a half now I’ve only found 1 bot spammer. Drastically reduced, but not quite fixed.

    But we’ll see. I’ll post back if there is any change, or after a few days of no spammers.


    @Hollosch I turned Andy’s code and my little addition to disable the email at activation into a plugin. I’ve posted it to my blog for now: I’m still waiting for the SVN access to be able to add it to the WP plugin repository.

    Also, right now the plugin only works for standard WP. I’m still working on disabling the activation email for WPMU, but have to figure out why it’s sending the email still.

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