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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #44862


    I did what you suggested and cleared the error log. However, the registration problem is not creating any error in the error log.

    After some testing I realized that if I create a user with a @gmail address, the registration verification email gets delivered without any problems. However if I register using an email on another one of my domains (however the emails are still hosted on google apps), I don’t get the activation email. I checked the spam folders but its not their either.

    Please help.


    Jeff, That sounds like a good idea. I am still having the registration email not reaching problem for some activations. Can I just backup and remove all old records by editing the error log or would this break something?


    what if we wanted to collect all the active=0 (non activated emails/users) and resend an activation email?

    is there a way to easily resend the activation email to non activated users?


    Yes, they do. Even the register page loads and works fine, just does not send out the activation email. The website is



    I registered through buddypress so was not sure if it was an issue with its integration with WPMU. I guess Ill just wait for a few days for the emails to be available.


    why dont you just get a catch all email address its way better

    then you can make up email addresses on the spot and know where the mail is coming

    its so useful that everyone should do it – you have infinite addresses because it always appears in your inbox

    try it ,,


    This question is about wpmu and not buddypress. anyway, those nonactivated users are deleted after 3 days (as far as I remember). There’re also plugins to enable the same email address registrations.


    Also, I deleted the users that I registered through wp-signup (from the WPMU site admin->Users section). However, when I try to register those users again, it gives me an error that those email addresses are already taken.

    I dont have any email address to test anymore!


    Ok, the sign up form on the front page was directing to domain/register which does not work (the registration process shows success but does not send an activation email). I used domain/wp-signup.php instead and that worked fine (thanks TheEasyButton)


    I have the same problem. I am running 1.0 on a fresh install. The new user registration goes off successfully, but the activation email is never received. The buddypress install is at

    It sounds to me like a bot is hitting your registration hard, and keeps attempting to refresh a page or is getting stuck on the creation reload or activation email, and is overloading the server with requests.

    It’s kinda one of those situations now, where all those plugins start to muck up our ability to figure out if this is BP’s fault or not. Usually the recommended plan of attack is to disable all plugins now, try to create a test user yourself, and see what happens.

    Even if you upgrade to the most recent trunk, and a bot or an unruly plugin are to blame, rather than creating tons of new tables, you’re still getting the overload of requests which is causing all sorts of havoc.


    I only want real full names in my site. I want to eliminate the anonymous \”username\” as much as possible.

    This excellent plugin makes it possible to login with just email address and password, but you still get that stupid username in activation emails etc. At the moment I\’m struggling to find out how to replace it.

    Just my 2 cents. Please don’t make Buddypress entirely username centric. They’re childish…

    Dedy Sofyan

    Interesting mod. Thanks.

    The mod redirects the activation email to the admin’s email address then the admin clicks the activation URL to “approve” the request.

    Is there a way we can include the user’s info in the activation email (full name and other extended profile info) for the admin to decide whether to approve it or not?


    My challenges are as follows –

    1. Import the old data & other fields to corresponding WPMU database fields

    2. Convert their passwords to encrypted passwords.

    3. Send activation mail to all the users [handled by your plugin]

    how many users do you have?

    can you not simply enter them by hand and let WPMU generate a “new/temporary” password

    yourcurrentuser|theirfirstname theirlastname|

    that would

    – Hash/encrypt their password (they still have to login and change it)

    – import them into the DB

    – send activation email/username + password

    just a thought


    In reply to: Lost Password is crazy


    No site does this anymore. You sign up choose your password and then it sends that password in an email with a verify link. I have 153 member and 100 of them had to do the forgot password because they did not change the password and deleted the email. I changed the text in the sign up to tell them a temporary password will show and to change it asap. What file is the email text in? I want to put a reminder in that activation email to alert them to change password.



    hmmmm…I’m not using any other plugins other than buddypress and Dynamic Content Gallery in the regular plugins folder. This wasn’t an issue a few days ago, but suddenly it stopped working, and I haven’t done anything to the core.

    I’m using the latest trunk version, so it’s not a bug with RC-1.

    The weirdest thing about it is if I add a subdomain to the activation email…ie., the domain suddenly becomes activated, and the password is given. Can’t figure out why adding the subdomain to the URL would work, but I just tested it for the heck of it and it actually worked! Now I’m even more confused…maybe I’ll just hack the core and make it send emails out with the subdomain in the link ;) … but really, I’d love to know why that is happening…I know hacking the core isn’t the best idea :)

    To see what exactly I’m talking about…check out the two links below and take a look at the URL in each one…both have the exact same activation keys…but only the one with the “community” subdomain shows up correctly:

    Activation WITH “community” subdomain:

    Activation without “community” subdomain:

    Rich Spott

    I had this problem too, I found that it was a conflict with some of my plugins.

    First, take out any plugins in /mu-plugins and try to activate the email again.

    I found that wp-super-cache was causing some conflict in my blog, I took it out and it works perfectly now.

    Then, if your activation works, place the buddypress plugins back in /mu-plugins and try to activate.

    If these work, then one by one add the plugins that you had until you find the one that broke it.

    That’s what I had to do and now my site works fine.


    HAve this so far:

    <form method=”post” action=”<?php echo site_url(‘activate?key=$user_name’); ?>”>

    <input type=”submit” name=”activation” value=”Activate now” />


    This returns ‘incorrect activation key’ – great, on the right road.

    Now in place of $user_name, I need a function, but I can’t figure out how to get it in. I thought maybe putting this in there would do the trick:

    $key = @mysql_query(‘SELECT activation_key FROM wp_signups WHERE login_user=$user_name’);


    <form method=”post” action=”<?php echo site_url(‘activate?key=$key’); ?>”>

    <input type=”submit” name=”activation” value=”Activate now” />


    Don’t think the syntax is right above and neither is it in the form above, Nicolagreco or J can you lend your expertise?

    Thanks very much


    <form method=”post” action=”<?php echo ‘http://&#8217; . $current_site->domain . $current_site->path ?>wp-activate.php”>

    doesn’t work.. have you called the global $current_site first?


    J, thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately that just takes you back to the registration page.

    I’m thinking along the lines of using the predefined ‘user_name’ which identifies the user, then the activation key is ‘activation_key’ in the MySQL DB. I need to use the ‘user_name’ to call the equivalent activation key and I think ‘&_GET’ to the activation page by having the activation key placed into a url.

    Anyone have any idea how to do this or have any suggestions?

    Cheers all

    Try get_option('home') ;)


    Can any one tell me what function I might place into the ‘action’ field for the form that finds the key and takes you to the activation page?

    <form method=”post” action=”<?php echo ‘http://&#8217; . $current_site->domain . $current_site->path ?>wp-activate.php”>

    <input type=”submit” name=”activation” value=”Activate now” />


    This is completely wrong I know as it takes me to http://wp-activate.php!

    Thanks again


    I have reCAPTCHA installed and TOS with tick box, I also have the password plugin installed which seems to be working nicely so that the user can create their own password.

    Thanks for confirming, I shall give this a go and see what happens!

    Cheers J

    Well, if I understand correctly it certainly seems possible, considering its pretty much the way that WordPress installation goes.

    You install WordPress and are provided a login (“admin”) and a randomized password.

    If you’re looking for code to try to tap into, or an example of how to go about it, that would be where I would look first?

    The next step in your theory would be to consider how to handle spam registrations in the event that user never sees the pw and never logs in to your website. Maybe take a look at the Register Plus plugin for to get some ideas also?

    Adam W. Warner

    @ Burt,

    Not trying to derail this thread, but didn’t know how else to get your attention. I signed up for your site and haven’t received an activation email. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case something was awry…

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