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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #306566

    I use WordPress 5.2.1, BuddyPressa 4.3.0 with the BuddyBoss theme.
    Is it possible to put the selected widget above the stream of activity? I mean the widget added by the “BuddyPress Notifications Widget” which should be displayed above the activity stream but under the photo. So that on your mobile device notifications will be shown at the top of the page, not as it is at the bottom of the page. Initially, I even wanted some notifications to appear in the form of activity, but I could not do it. I am asking now and asking for help in how to do it


    I cannot duplicate your issue with a WP theme like 2019.

    Here are some basic questions to help you narrow down the issue:

    Did BuddyBoss do their tests on your site or theirs ?

    Are you trying to delete from the front-end or the back-end?
    What kind of group is it – public, private, hidden ?

    Which BP template are you using?

    Did you check your error logs ?

    Have you try deactivating other plugins?

    If you can list the steps to create the issue – be specific and include screenshots – you could open a ticket here. Be sure to reference this thread.


    I have not heard of that issue before.
    Did you try asking the BuddyBoss support team?
    afaik – they include BP templates in their theme and that is probably the source of your issue.


    Hi, I’m using the buddyboss theme which uses buddypress and the groups functionality is giving me some trouble. I can’t remove members from a group – I have to ban them then add them to another group. Is this a common problem?


    The results group title for a search on my site comes up as “Blog Posts” but I just want it to say “Search Results” or “Post Results” or the best option, “Thread Results” as the posts on my site are threads started by various logged in users. I didn’t create the site originally, someone else did who I don’t have access to, so trying to figure out how to do it on my own. I know it could be a simple matter of HTML but I can’t find the HTML to edit.


    I use WordPress 5.2.1 with the BuddyBoss and BuddyPressa 4.3.0 theme
    Is there any way to make the selected notifications appear as personal activity?
    I mean the notification generated by “Buddypress Who clicked at my Profile?” saying that the User visited my profile.
    Is there a way for this notification to be displayed in such a form as the buddypress shows that the user has accepted our friendship?
    I am asking for support. I will be grateful for response.


    I am using a BuddyBoss theme and the message subnav icons/notification bubbles are out of order. I can’t figure out how to fix this and buddyboss is of no help.

    For example it shows as follows. (I made [/] as the “compose message icon for this example).
    Inbox [/]
    Starred 2
    Sent 3
    Compose 1

    So basically it seems that the [/] compose message icon somehow is at the top of the list and shifted the count notifications down 1 row. I currently have 2 unread inbox messages, 3 starred, and 1 sent. I just need to move the [/] to the compose area and shift the other icons up.

    thanks for the help!


    I contacted BuddyBoss and they directed me to you.


    I’m working on my WordPress web site and I want to import groups (with groups type as possible) with a csv file or other I can create. The file will come from another database in which I have a lot of data, and I want to transform that data in groups.
    I’m working on the theme BuddyBoss with BuddyPress.
    Does someone know how to do that?
    Thanks in advance,


    I can’t get my activation emails to send.

    I’ve used WP SMTP, the test email will send and work. I’ve created support tickets with my host, my Sys Admin, with BuddyBoss theme, LearnDash, and now BuddyPress. Given the amount of forumns that focus on this issue, I believe it is stemming from BuddyPress.

    Please someone help me. I’ve built out an E Learning site for 6 months and I can’t have it all be for nothing, but this site is unusuable if people aren’t able to sign up and get the activation email.


    Some time ago I came across this ,but I dont know the costs involved.


    Hi team,

    Is BuddyPress prepared to run properly on PHP Version 7.2.15?
    I’m getting next PHP Errors with those settings:

    WP Multisite 5.1.1
    BuddyPress: 4.3.0
    BuddyBoss Wall: 1.3.7
    BuddyPress Follow: 1.2.2

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    …..\wp-includes\plugin.php(465): WP_Hook->do_action(A [CRITICAL] : Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in …..\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-followers\_inc\bp-follow-notifications.php:308

    …..\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-followers\_inc\bp-follow-notifications.php(122): bp_follow_new_follow_email_notification(Array)

    …..\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(286): bp_follow_notifications_add_on_follow(Object(BP_Follow))
    …..\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
    …..\wp-includes\plugin.php(531): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    …..\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-followers\_inc\bp-follow-functions.php(43): do_action_ref_array(‘bp_follow_start…’, Array)
    …..\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-followers\_inc\bp-follow-actions.php(143): bp_follow_start_following(Array)
    …..\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(286): bp_follow_ajax_action_start(”)
    …..\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Ho [CRITICAL] : Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in …..\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-followers\_inc\bp-follow-notifications.php:308



    In reply to: Tag friends in a photo



    You can check out
    (not my site)


    Yeah.. WP/BP is a little weird like that.. i mean.. look at the twenty nineteen theme as a recent example..

    BUT im a fan of it regardless because it allows me to prototype really fast and understand what needs to happen next within a few hours.. anyway..

    you asked for an example/demo.. is pretty good.



    I’m using the Buddyboss Media plugin (I’m also contacting the plugin devs).
    Since the latest update of Buddypress on all uploaded images the file name is being displayed rather than the text written in the post by the user.

    Any suggestions?


    Topic: Greeting Message

    in group forum Third Party Plugins

    WordPress 5.1.1
    with the BuddyBoss theme
    and BuddyPress 4.2.0

    I’m sorry if this is not the place for this kind of question but how many times I had a problem I could always count on help.
    The question refers to BuddyPress Greeting Message.
    The last update was 3 years ago and the support is rather not active. Therefore, please help.
    How to make the message visible only in the profile of the logged-in user?
    I tried to do something about it, unfortunately, without success.
    Can I count on help in this matter?
    or maybe an alternative to this plugin?
    please help

    Rebecca Clark

    I was told by the developer of my theme that the default BP activity comment is displayed as:

    John Doe posted a new activity comment 3 hours ago

    I would love for it to show who the comment is for. Example:

    John Doe posted a new activity comment to Jane Doe 3 hours ago

    Anyone have the solution to this, or maybe how to hide the activity comments altogether? I tried the plugin to filter activity but Activity Comments wasn’t an option to hide. I’m using BuddyBoss with Social Learner. I’m not looking for a plugin, but where in the BP file structure this will be? Thanks!


    Hello all
    WordPress 5.1.1
    with the BuddyBoss theme
    and BuddyPress 4.2.0

    I am asking for support. When I enter @ in the stream of activity window to mark someone, a list of users appears as a suggestion. How can you turn it off? The list shows user logins, and I want logins to be kept secret. Is the way to disable the hint to the user or hide the login and replace it with a pseudonym?


    Hello all
    WordPress 5.1.1
    with the BuddyBoss theme
    and BuddyPress 4.2.0
    I have a problem with showing user login in messages. When I search for a user, his login is also shown and I would like the login to be hidden.
    When I enter a nickname and select a user in the “search for a friend” field, the nickname is changed into a login. this has a negative effect on safety. How to hide user login in messages?


    Is this not a question for BuddyBoss? The features you are talking about do not appear in vanilla BuddyPress as far as I’m aware.


    Hi, everyone.
    For some reason, disabling the connection component for friendship causes the profile editing front-end to lose functionality, including the Buddyboss theme, the one that loses the font (changing it to a more basic one) and the minimization features of the bubbypanel and the globalsearch. When I activate this component, everything returns to normal. The problem is that I need to disable that users can make friend requests.

    If someone has had this problem, please tell me how you solved it.
    Thank you.


    hi everyone
    WordPress 5.1.1
    with the BuddyBoss theme
    and BuddyPress 4.2.0
    I need help in set the default activity tab.
    I currently have personal activities and I need to set my friends’ activities. I tried the methods described before but it does not work.
    I tried:

    Set default landing tab for BuddyPress Activity directory

    please help. How to do it?


    Hi there, I’m sorry but this would seem to be a theme issue ( the theme is adding the menu? ), you should raise this with BuddyBoss.

Viewing 25 results - 276 through 300 (of 674 total)
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