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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • manucomanuco

    Hi, I have the social learner theme from buddyboss and i’m adding to the left menu (buddyboss panel) some pages, the problem is that when the menu is closed it appears 3 points next to the icon and it looks so bad


    I have the most recent version of WordPress and BuddyPress running, and on the Members List, the Friends tab shows ALL of the site’s members, not just the user’s friends. If I refresh the page while the Friends tab is active, it filters properly and just shows the user’s friends, but if I click off of that tab and back to it, it goes back to showing the entire user list on the Friends tab.

    I am using the Member Types Plugin from BuddyBoss, but deactivating that plugin doesn’t fix the issue.

    It is working properly inside of the User’s account area.



    These are the forums for BuddyPress.
    Please send your question to BuddyBoss – the creators of BuddyBoss Wall.


    Hi there,

    I was trouble shooting already hosted live website which is already setup buddy press wall.

    BuddyPress – Version 4.1.0
    BuddyBoss Wall – Version 1.3.2
    BuddyBoss Media – Version 3.2.2
    BuddyPress Activity Filter – Version 2.0.0
    Wordpress – Version 4.9.6

    And user can post on there friend profile and see the posted on user wall. But when mentioned user wall doesn’t display it. Any idea what will causing this issue.

    But the wall post will notify and notification will be redirect site-wide-activity page display posts on that page, not on their wall.


    I tried simply disabling the Friends feature from the settings, but I am using the BuddyBoss theme which requires the “friends” feature for messaging/writing on walls/ and several other functionalities. The best solution is to simply make everyone friends automatically. Does anyone know how to do this? Is there a plugin? Is there a code snippet I can insert?

    It is a small community where everyone knows each other. Any and all help is much appreciated.

    Wordpress 5.0.3
    Buddypress 4.1.0


    BuddyPress does not have a function called bb_notification_count

    Are you using a BuddyBoss plugin or theme?
    If so, that is where the issue is and you should contact BuddyBoss with your question.


    It’s doubtful anyone will sign up to see the error.

    Did you check your browser’s javascript console for errors while on that page?

    Did you ask the theme creators ( BuddyBoss ) about your issue ?

    Are you using some code or plugin that minifys javascript ?
    If so, try turning it off.


    In reply to: Video Hosting


    No I don’t. not tried BuddyBoss Media, MediaPres would probably replace it though in terms of fuctionality. The one area where there can be a conflict is if both plugins try to use the gallery page.


    In reply to: Video Hosting


    Thanks Venutius! Do you know if it will work with BuddyBoss Media plugin? I guess we could try it with the staging site, but wanted to ask?


    You can use any theme with BuddyPress.
    There are some themes that place an emphasis on BuddyPress, for example BuddyBoss.
    You can choose one of two template packs in wp-admin > Settings > BuddyPress > Options > Template Pack.
    And you can customize the BP templates – if you know how to write code.
    More info here.


    It depends what you need you can check buddyboss theme they are awesome and sale is going now


    Is there a way we could hide the plugin name from the export setting showing like export data of wordpress comment and evrything it shows i just want to hide it and simply show export data and i don’t want plugin name appearing in it i simply want how @buddyboss gdpr plugin have

    Prashant Singh


    The article has mentioned everything there. Please take a backup before doing so. The theme depends on your need, compare the features and buy one. Kleo, BuddyBoss is one of the best BuddyPress themes.



    I use BuddyPress (and BuddyBoss Social Learner Theme) to interact with my students who take courses on my WordPress / Learndash website.

    Q1) One thing that kind of drives me crazy is I can’t put line feeds in my messages without adding a character to space out the sentences.

    I use to type in   which worked, but the emailed copy of the message showed   in place of just a blank line.

    So that in mind, what am I missing?

    Is there any setting or stylesheet I can edit to allow a space between sentences in BuddyPress Messages?

    People really hate walls-of-text, and spaces between sentences make text more readable, just like you find here on the Buddypress website and in this post I’m making.

    Note that I don’t have this issue with BBPress forum posts.

    Q2) I’m imperfect, and whenever I create a notice to all users I always have a typo 🙁

    BUT, I just can’t find any way to edit these announcement messages?

    Just checked, and yes it is the 21st century and even Facebook now lets you edit announcements, so I figured it must be me, that I just don’t know how to edit them.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Thanks a million in advance!



    BuddyBoss claimed it was normal behavior for BuddyPress and I gave up…

    Prashant Singh
    Prashant Singh

    Ok, please check this:

    BuddyPress had introduced member type concept and using this you can create multiple directories.

    There is a paid plugin that you can check. But still, the payment and free level security need some sort of customization.



    I’ve been writing with a worker from BuddyBoss and he wasn’t to much help. He just linked the same as you did and then told me to make a forum here on BuddyPress to get the correct information..

    Prashant Singh

    If you can check once with this plugin once then it will be great.


    Jeff Hester

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running? 4.9.8

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install? As a directory

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory? At root.

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version? No.

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting. Yes.

    6. Which version of BP are you running? Previously 3.1.9. Problem began after updating to 3.2.0

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version? See above.

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones? WooCommerce, bbPress, Jetpack

    9. Are you using the standard WordPress theme or customized theme? BuddyBoss

    10. Which theme do you use? BuddyBoss

    11. Have you modified the core files in any way? No

    12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? No

    13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in? Yes, 2.5.14-6684

    14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Shea\BP_Security_Check\bp_get_admin_url()…

    15. Which company provides your hosting? LiquidWeb Managed WP

    16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else? nginx


    Recently I’ve noticed that links with avatars in My activity Buddyboss wall display incorrectly. See the screenshot

    The issue with bp_get_activity_action() in \plugins\buddypress\bp-activity\bp-activity-template.php
    If the reason of the issue is hard to define – I’m agree to deny from avatars in the activity posts. i’ve tried to do this this way:

    /* instead this */
    //		return apply_filters_ref_array( 'bp_get_activity_action', array(
    //			$action,
    //			&$activities_template->activity,
    //			$r
    //		) );
    /* put this */
                    return $activities_template->activity->action;

    But I don’t know how I can arerride this function in my child-theme.
    Could you help me?


    I use:
    WordPress Version: 4.9.8
    PHP Version: 7.2.8
    SocialLearner for LearnDash theme
    BuddyPress: 3.1.0
    BuddyPress for LearnDash: 1.2.5
    BuddyPress Global Search: 1.1.9
    BuddyPress Members only: 1.9.3
    BuddyPress Reorder Tabs: 2.0.1
    bbPress: 2.5.14
    Boss for LearnDash: 1.3.3
    BP Remove Profile Links: 1.2
    BuddyBoss Products Updater: 1.0.2
    BuddyBoss Wall: 1.3.5


    Hello, I’m using BuddyPress 3.1.0, bbPress 2.5.14 and the BuddyBoss theme 2.4.6 to create an online community/support forum site.

    I want to create a landing page and followed this guide by WPMUDEV but realized halfway through it is outdated! I couldn’t find any up-to-date forum threads, guides, or articles regarding this.

    I ran into trouble once I actually need to create my own register.php. I was able to locate the file in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php, but I’m not sure how I can best edit it to fit within my custom landing page seen here. The login form is a widget, to be replaced with the registration form. I want to place the login form in the green upper-right corner.

    Can anyone point me to the right direction as to how I can have the registration form and login form show up? Any help would be appreciated!


    Ok, I went in to update the template pack and it was using legacy, so I switched the option to Nouveau.

    Still nothing on my side. Blank areas under any plugin tab on the profile template.

    This includes, Event Manager, Invite Anyone, Buddypress Docs, BBpress, and Buddyboss Media plugins. Core buddypress profile components still load their content under their respective tabs.

    If you would like me to send you admin access to the site to see for yourself, let me know what email to register, and communicate the pw to you with.




    Two things:

    I’m using the newest wordpress, installed social learner from buddyboss, (and used their dummy data).

    I went in and set the forums (individually) to Closed > Hidden…

    but they still appear in the main admin panel (forums), AND it says “Public” in green, even though they are all closed/hidden.

    I’ve double and triple checked the settings (and yes, they do appear in the hidden link at the top).

    Is there any way to:

    1) update from appearing as public on the admin side (because they aren’t),
    2) hide them from appearing in the admin panel completely UNLESS I click on the hidden link?

    It’s annoying to see them taking up the space…


    I am just getting started on my site. I have not purchased a theme or plugins yet as I am trying to find out what modification I can do on my own or what I cannot / how long it might take. I have looked at some themes for purchase for BuddyPress and I have looked at Peepso but I feel it is impossible to tell in either situation if the demos people are showing are all done with settings to modify the look of pages or if it the display changes are being done by writing code. BuddyBoss premium theme demos look nice and so does Peepso but I have not figured out if the look they are both showing is just alot of setting options or just them writing code.

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