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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #153061

    Has anyone come up with a solution for this with Yoast. I spent the whole day today searching the net for solutions and event tried some that really did not work especially the way they should.

    Lets think about this for a min. One of the strong points WordPress has always had is SEO. Clearly SEO is a big part of any serious website trying to grow. Buddpress is clearly the ICON in the social media building of sites for WP. So their has got to be a solution out there some plac as well as their needs to be long term fixes put into place so this is no longer an issue.

    I even tracked down this site today and observed many of their sites SEO and how well they were handling things at a member, group level and other areas of BP.

    Some you could tell don’t have a clue what I am talking about while others clearly found a way. I am also looking at contacting some of the sites that do to see if they could provide a solution.

    I did find this product today and even tested it. But to be honest while there has been a a lot of work that has went into it. Its not even in the same league as Yoast for SEO. There are so many other advanced features in Yoast that most people do not understand or use but add additional power for those that truly understand how to leverage SEO.



    I am also having this issue on the site I am constructing with Buddypress-Buddyboss. Validation emails are not going out as well as changed password emails. I need a fix before 2 weeks into January and hundres of ppl start logging in on 8 sites. We chose buddy press / buddy boss for its groups and forum features but this is a serious problem I can not move forward with out fixing and the launch date is coming soon. Thanks for any assistance.


    I found a way to make the default page for members to be the profile page.


    We have done the following to help our BuddyPress along:

    (1) Added this code to wp-config.php
    * source:

    define(‘ENABLE_CACHE’, true);`

    (2) Followed Michael Eisenwasser’s suggestions located at

    (3) installed and run “Optimize Database” plugin

    (4) installed and run “Hyper Cache” plugin

    (5) installed and run “Better Delete Revision” plugin


    Hi @mercime I changed to bp-default theme and see avatar if work but still same not work right. Same buddyboss theme, too. Any idea?

    screer recorded:

    Interesting comment @Asynaptic (although it should probably be in its own topic thread).

    We have been building an intranet site using BuddyPress over the past 3-4 months. We have 40+ members currently piloting it. We are a week or so away from opening it up to our entire organization of 200+ people.

    One of the major issues I have been focused on is site speed and performance. I have been wrestling over and over with it to understanding if it is inherent in BP or has something to do with our server. We host about 60-70 other sites on the server and none of them perform as slowly as BP does.

    I’ve done everything possible including all the recommendations at

    It runs better, but we still get feedback from the community every now and again on how slow it is loading some of our static pages as well and the dynamic ones.


    I am using BuddyBoss Theme which allows wall posting.


    @shanebp – a coincidence – I’m using the BuddyBoss theme! But, it doesn’t have a ‘Latest Photos’ or ‘Videos’ section on the Member Profile pages.

    @Henry – I actually already have the BP Activity Plus plugin installed and need to uninstall it because the BuddyBoss theme already handles that stuff pretty well (just paste the URL in). Unfortunately, uploading photos/videos doesn’t provide what my client needs. They want a site visitor to be able to go to a member’s profile page and see photos, videos, and music that the member specifically posted for this purpose. In a nutshell…this client wants MySpace : (


    The BuddyBoss theme has a ‘wall’ similar to facebook


    Look at the plugin called s2Member, that will help integrate a Paypal Membership payment to the signup process.
    Make sure though you read up first how to set this up – I think there was an article on the BuddyBoss site at one point.



    In reply to: Image Upload with post


    @gajananh999 It is possible. It’s rare to find something that’s not possible :) The real question is “how difficult?” :)

    The BuddyBoss commercial theme has implemented a feature that attaches an upload button to the activity updates post form – SEE:

    Theirs also afew plugins that adds photo uploading, such as BP Albums – SEE: but they are independent of the activity updates post form.


    WP/BP versions? Change to bp-default theme and see if issue is corrected. If so, you have to contact your buddyboss theme author for assistance.


    In reply to: BuddyBoss Theme Issue


    == Anybody in buddy boss support forum answered me about that. ==

    Not sure what you mean. But since BuddyBoss is a premium theme, you should be able to get free support from the theme developers at


    This is probably a problem with my theme (BuddyBoss). Within the li class=”load-more”, it’s missing the span class=”ajax-loader”.

    Where is this loaded? That should give me some clues as to where to find the problem.



    @DJPaul, BuddyBoss theme. Site is


    I figured it out… it was an issue with buddyboss theme… thanks for your help mercime!


    thanks Paul… yeah It’s buddyboss….


    This is because the dir-search class is set to position relative. Just take out the position:relative for div.dir-search in wp-content/plugins/buddyvents/css/events.css on line 1.


    Hey Guys,

    I am having trouble with the @gregfielding technique. I’ve tried the 3 steps of getting the form on the home page but i simply receive a: HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error). I am using the buddyboss template. Any ideas?

    Currenty I have copied the HTML from and I am using the form along with the form tag:

    <form action="” name=”signup_form” id=”signup_form” class=”standard-form” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data”>

    When the form is submitted I am taken to and I receive this error:

    “Are you sure you want to do this?
    Please try again.”

    With the ‘Please Try Again’ Linking back to the home page.

    Any idea how I can resolve either ?!


    In reply to: Privacy????

    Mary Jane

    and this pops up in my dash Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: Path “/home/hvhamco1/public_html/” failed realpath().


    In reply to: Privacy????

    Mary Jane

    ahhh i had on a buddyboss child theme and it wouldnt show up at all with that, thanks is there a way to place to code somewhere else to make it work with child theme? and last time it would disable html and i would have nothing but words and images. no style for my site about 10 mins after activiating code, with the bp_init will that fix it?


    @ad33lx This issue would be better addressed by the developers of the premium plugin and theme developers in their own fora..


    @mercime i’m using the buddyboss theme. I ifgured out the problem to my first question…it was just taking out the code in the archive.php file


    If I’m not mistaken BuddyBoss require you to click a join link. The box you refer to is the login form.


    You can add “Blog” page in BP-compatible themes much like how you can do this in a regular WP site –

    If that doesn’t work for you, contact BuddyBoss theme authors as they would know if there were any blocks to creating the “Blog” page per instructions above.

Viewing 25 results - 626 through 650 (of 671 total)
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